The Journal of Roman Studies (JRS) has appeared annually for over a century, and is recognised internationally as one of the premier journals in its field. The Journal publishes papers in the wide field which the Roman Society was established to promote, namely ‘the study of the history, archaeology, literature, and art of Italy and the Roman Empire, from the earliest times down to about A.D. 700’. JRS welcomes submissions from across the full range of that field, including interdisciplinary approaches and reception. The key criterion for publication is that papers make a fresh and significant contribution to the understanding of the Roman world, and have the potential to stimulate further discussion. JRS also publishes Review Articles, surveying recent developments, and reviews of a wide selection of important new books in all scholarly languages.
SUBMISSION: Review Articles and reviews are commissioned by the Reviews Editor. Papers primarily concerned with the archaeology of Roman Britain should be sent in the first place to Britannia, those concerned with the archaeology of the Roman Empire at large are equally welcomed by JRS. The Editor will consider research papers of up to 15,000 words in length, including notes. Longer papers are accepted only in exceptional circumstances, and should only be submitted after discussion with the Editor. There is no minimum length: authors are expected to write concisely and the Journal welcomes papers of 10,000 words or less, so long as they address issues of general importance. All papers should be carefully thought through, with clear statement of the argument and of its broader significance, and adequate signposting to the reader of the steps in the argument. Papers should so far as possible be accessible to non-specialists. The language of publication is English, and we expect the English of submitted articles to be reasonably fluent. Please note that the Journal does not reprint material substantially published elsewhere (including online and/or in other languages, whether in original form or revised); nor will it accept papers under consideration elsewhere. Given the expectations of rigour and significance, we will not normally accept more than one submission from a given author in any twelve-month period. Submission is by e-mail to the Editor. Documents should be submitted in Word. All intending contributors must read the detailed instructions on format and style available online on Cambridge Core at The print volume is scheduled to appear in November each year. Individual articles appear earlier on FirstView.
Article Types
The Journal of Roman Studies publishes:
- Article*
- Proceedings of the Society
- Review Article*
- Reviews
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.