Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Beskow, Laura M.
O'Rourke, P. Pearl
Return of Genetic Research Results to Participants and Families: IRB Perspectives and Roles.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics,
Vol. 43,
Issue. 3,
Green, Robert C.
Goddard, Katrina A.B.
Jarvik, Gail P.
Amendola, Laura M.
Appelbaum, Paul S.
Berg, Jonathan S.
Bernhardt, Barbara A.
Biesecker, Leslie G.
Biswas, Sawona
Blout, Carrie L.
Bowling, Kevin M.
Brothers, Kyle B.
Burke, Wylie
Caga-anan, Charlisse F.
Chinnaiyan, Arul M.
Chung, Wendy K.
Clayton, Ellen W.
Cooper, Gregory M.
East, Kelly
Evans, James P.
Fullerton, Stephanie M.
Garraway, Levi A.
Garrett, Jeremy R.
Gray, Stacy W.
Henderson, Gail E.
Hindorff, Lucia A.
Holm, Ingrid A.
Lewis, Michelle Huckaby
Hutter, Carolyn M.
Janne, Pasi A.
Joffe, Steven
Kaufman, David
Knoppers, Bartha M.
Koenig, Barbara A.
Krantz, Ian D.
Manolio, Teri A.
McCullough, Laurence
McEwen, Jean
McGuire, Amy
Muzny, Donna
Myers, Richard M.
Nickerson, Deborah A.
Ou, Jeffrey
Parsons, Donald W.
Petersen, Gloria M.
Plon, Sharon E.
Rehm, Heidi L.
Roberts, J. Scott
Robinson, Dan
Salama, Joseph S.
Scollon, Sarah
Sharp, Richard R.
Shirts, Brian
Spinner, Nancy B.
Tabor, Holly K.
Tarczy-Hornoch, Peter
Veenstra, David L.
Wagle, Nikhil
Weck, Karen
Wilfond, Benjamin S.
Wilhelmsen, Kirk
Wolf, Susan M.
Wynn, Julia
Yu, Joon-Ho
Amaral, Michelle
Amendola, Laura
Appelbaum, Paul S.
Aronson, Samuel J.
Arora, Shubhangi
Azzariti, Danielle R.
Barsh, Greg S.
Bebin, E.M.
Biesecker, Barbara B.
Biesecker, Leslie G.
Biswas, Sawona
Blout, Carrie L.
Bowling, Kevin M.
Brothers, Kyle B.
Brown, Brian L.
Burt, Amber A.
Byers, Peter H.
Caga-anan, Charlisse F.
Calikoglu, Muge G.
Carlson, Sara J.
Chahin, Nizar
Chinnaiyan, Arul M.
Christensen, Kurt D.
Chung, Wendy
Cirino, Allison L.
Clayton, Ellen
Conlin, Laura K.
Cooper, Greg M.
Crosslin, David R.
Davis, James V.
Davis, Kelly
Deardorff, Matthew A.
Devkota, Batsal
De Vries, Raymond
Diamond, Pamela
Dorschner, Michael O.
Dugan, Noreen P.
Dukhovny, Dmitry
Dulik, Matthew C.
East, Kelly M.
Rivera-Munoz, Edgar A.
Evans, Barbara
Evans, James P.
Everett, Jessica
Exe, Nicole
Fan, Zheng
Feuerman, Lindsay Z.
Filipski, Kelly
Finnila, Candice R.
Fishler, Kristen
Fullerton, Stephanie M.
Ghrundmeier, Bob
Giles, Karen
Gilmore, Marian J.
Girnary, Zahra S.
Goddard, Katrina
Gonsalves, Steven
Gordon, Adam S.
Gornick, Michele C.
Grady, William M.
Gray, David E.
Gray, Stacy W.
Green, Robert
Greenwood, Robert S.
Gutierrez, Amanda M.
Han, Paul
Hart, Ragan
Heagerty, Patrick
Henderson, Gail E.
Hensman, Naomi
Hiatt, Susan M.
Himes, Patricia
Hindorff, Lucia A.
Hisama, Fuki M.
Ho, Carolyn Y.
Hoffman-Andrews, Lily B.
Holm, Ingrid A.
Hong, Celine
Horike-Pyne, Martha J.
Hull, Sara
Hutter, Carolyn M.
Jamal, Seema
Jarvik, Gail P.
Jensen, Brian C.
Joffe, Steve
Johnston, Jennifer
Karavite, Dean
Kauffman, Tia L.
Kaufman, Dave
Kelley, Whitley
Kim, Jerry H.
Kirby, Christine
Klein, William
Knoppers, Bartha
Koenig, Barbara A.
Kong, Sek Won
Krantz, Ian
Krier, Joel B.
Lamb, Neil E.
Lambert, Michele P.
Le, Lan Q.
Lebo, Matthew S.
Lee, Alexander
Lee, Kaitlyn B.
Lennon, Niall
Leo, Michael C.
Leppig, Kathleen A.
Lewis, Katie
Lewis, Michelle
Lindeman, Neal I.
Lockhart, Nicole
Lonigro, Bob
Lose, Edward J.
Lupo, Philip J.
Rodriguez, Laura Lyman
Lynch, Frances
Machini, Kalotina
MacRae, Calum
Manolio, Teri A.
Marchuk, Daniel S.
Martinez, Josue N.
Masino, Aaron
McCullough, Laurence
McEwen, Jean
McGuire, Amy
McLaughlin, Heather M.
McMullen, Carmit
Mieczkowski, Piotr A.
Miller, Jeff
Miller, Victoria A.
Mody, Rajen
Mooney, Sean D.
Moore, Elizabeth G.
Morris, Elissa
Murray, Michael
Muzny, Donna
Myers, Richard M.
Ng, David
Nickerson, Deborah A.
Oliver, Nelly M.
Ou, Jeffrey
Parsons, Will
Patrick, Donald L.
Pennington, Jeffrey
Perry, Denise L.
Petersen, Gloria
Plon, Sharon
Porter, Katie
Powell, Bradford C.
Punj, Sumit
Breitkopf, Carmen Radecki
Raesz-Martinez, Robin A.
Raskind, Wendy H.
Rehm, Heidi L.
Reigar, Dean A.
Reiss, Jacob A.
Rich, Carla A.
Richards, Carolyn Sue
Rini, Christine
Roberts, Scott
Robertson, Peggy D.
Robinson, Dan
Robinson, Jill O.
Robinson, Marguerite E.
Roche, Myra I.
Romasko, Edward J.
Rosenthal, Elisabeth A.
Salama, Joseph
Scarano, Maria I.
Schneider, Jennifer
Scollon, Sarah
Seidman, Christine E.
Seifert, Bryce A.
Sharp, Richard R.
Shirts, Brian H.
Sholl, Lynette M.
Siddiqui, Javed
Silverman, Elian
Simmons, Shirley
Simons, Janae V.
Skinner, Debra
Spinner, Nancy B.
Stoffel, Elena
Strande, Natasha T.
Sunyaev, Shamil
Sybert, Virginia P.
Taber, Jennifer
Tabor, Holly K.
Tarczy-Hornoch, Peter
Taylor, Deanne M.
Tilley, Christian R.
Tomlinson, Ashley
Trinidad, Susan
Tsai, Ellen
Ubel, Peter
Van Allen, Eliezer M.
Vassy, Jason L.
Vats, Pankaj
Veenstra, David L.
Vetter, Victoria L.
Vries, Raymond D.
Wagle, Nikhil
Walser, Sarah A.
Walsh, Rebecca C.
Weck, Karen
Werner-Lin, Allison
Whittle, Jana
Wilfond, Ben
Wilhelmsen, Kirk C.
Wolf, Susan M.
Wynn, Julia
Yang, Yaping
Young, Carol
Yu, Joon-Ho
Zikmund-Fisher, Brian J.
Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium: Accelerating Evidence-Based Practice of Genomic Medicine.
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The Year In Genetic Anthropology: New Lands, New Technologies, New Questions.
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Manolio, Teri A.
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Brooks, Shelise Y.
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Ho, Shi-ling
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Maduro, Quino L.
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Young, Alice C.
Evaluation of Recipients of Positive and Negative Secondary Findings Evaluations in a Hybrid CLIA-Research Sequencing Pilot.
The American Journal of Human Genetics,
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West, Kathleen M.
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Clinician‐Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Using Patient Portals to Return Lynch Syndrome Screening Results.
Journal of Genetic Counseling,
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Methods and Biostatistics in Oncology.
Yu, Joon-Ho
Appelbaum, Paul S
Brothers, Kyle B
Joffe, Steven
Kauffman, Tia L
Koenig, Barbara A
Prince, Anya ER
Scollon, Sarah
Wolf, Susan M
Bernhardt, Barbara A
Wilfond, Benjamin S
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Yu, Joon‐Ho
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Brothers, Kyle B.
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McGuire, Amy L.
Penny, Michelle A.
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Robinson, Jill O.
Outram, Simon M.
Smith, Hadley S.
Kraft, Stephanie A.
Donohue, Katherine E.
Biesecker, Barbara B.
Brothers, Kyle B.
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Hindorff, Lucia A.
Hoban, Hannah
Hsu, Rebecca L.
Knight, Sara J.
Koenig, Barbara A.
Lewis, Katie L.
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Vol. 5,
Issue. 1,