Roderici Ximenii de Rada. Breviarium historie catholice. By J. Fernández Valverde. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Medievalis Lxxii A–B. Roderici Ximenii de Rada Opera omnia, ii.) 2 vols. Pp. xxxviii + 320; 321–683. Turnhout: Brepols, 1992. B. Fr. 9,858 (paper). 2 503 03724 0; 2 503 03726 7; 2 503 03000 9.
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 143-146
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Living and dying in England, 1100–1540. The monastic experience. By Barbara Harvey. (The Ford Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in Hilary Term 1989.) Pp. xviii + 291 incl. figs, maps and tables. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. £30. 0 19 820161 3
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 509-511
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The Jews in the history of England 1485–1850. By David S. Katz. Pp. xv + 447. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. £40. 0 19 822912 7
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- 13 January 2016, pp. 722-724
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William Tyndale and the law. Edited by A. R. John Dick and Anne Richardson. (Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, 25.) Pp. xii+135 incl. 7 ills. Kirksville, Mo: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1994. £35. 0 940474 26 3
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 334-335
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The revelations of Margery Kempe. Paramystical practices in late medieval England. By John C. Hirsh.(Medieval and Renaissance Authors, 10.) Pp. x + 127. Leiden: Brill, 1989. Gld. 65. 90 04 08963 2; 0169 9059
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 146-147
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The Hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world. By Anthony Luttrell. (Collected Studies, 360). Pp. ix + 324. Aldershot: Variorum, 1992. £47.50. 0 86078 307 3 - Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic knights. Images of the military orders 1128–1291. By Helen Nicholson. Pp. xvi + 207 incl. 8 figs. Leicester-London-New York: Leicester University Press, 1993. £35. 0 7185 1411 4
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 511-513
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Printing, propaganda, and Martin Luther. By Mark U Edwards, Jr. Pp. xiii + 225 incl. 2 figs, 6 plates and 10 tables. Berkeley–Los Angeles–London: University of California Press, 1994. £32 ($40). 0 520 08462 4
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- 13 January 2016, pp. 724-726
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Tra stato e papato. Concili provinciali post-tridentini (1564–1648). By Pietro Caiazza. (Italia Sacra, 49.) Pp. xxix + 332. Rome: Herder, 1992. L. 85,000. 88 85876 20 X - Clero, seminario, e società. Aspetti della restaurazione religiosa a Torino. By Aldo Giraudo. (Centro studi Don Bosco, 13.) Pp. 501. Rome: LAS, 1993. L. 50,000. 88 213 0245 8
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 335-337
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Ulster 1641. Aspects of the rising. Edited by Brian Mac Cuarta sj. Pp. xiv + 238 incl. ills. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen's University, 1993. £15. 0 85389 49 14
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Pensée, image & communication en Europe médiévale. À; propos des stalles de Saint-Claude. By Pierre Lacroix and others. Pp. x + 293 incl. ills and endpapers. Besançon: Asprodic, 1993. Fr. 370. 2 950 74360 9
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 147-148
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Olivi's peaceable kingdom. A reading of the Apocalypse commentary. By David Burr. (Middle Ages series.) Pp. xiii + 280. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993. £37.95. 0 8122 3227 5
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 513-515
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Marriage and the English Reformation. By Eric Josef Carlson. (Family, Sexuality and Social Relations in Past Times.) Pp. xi + 276. Cambridge, Mass.–Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1994. £45. 0 631 16864 8
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- 13 January 2016, pp. 726-727
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Secrets of the kingdom. British radicals from the Popish Plot to the Revolution of 1688–89. By Richard L. Greaves. Pp. xviii + 465. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1992. $49.50. 0 8047 2052 5
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 339-340
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Calvin and the consolidation of the Genevan Reformation. By William G. Naphy. Pp. x + 272 incl. 4 figs, 27 tables and 11 appendixes. Manchester–New York: Manchester University Press, 1994. £40. 0 7190 4141 4
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- 13 January 2016, pp. 727-728
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War, culture and society in Renaissance Venice. Essays in honour of John Hale. Edited by David S. Chambers, Cecil H. Clough and Michael E. Mallett. Pp. xxviii + 248 incl. ills. London-Rio Grande: The Hambledon Press, 1993. £37.50. 1 85285 090 6
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 515-516
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Jean Morély (ca 1524–ca.1594) et l'utopie d'une démocratie ecclésiastique. By Philippe Denis and Jean Rott. (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, CCLXXVIII). Pp. 405 incl. 13 figs. Geneva: Droz, 1993. Sw.Fr. 132
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 148-150
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Religion, culture and society in early modern Britain. Essays in honour of Patrick Collinson. Edited by Anthony Fletcher and Peter Roberts. Pp. xx + 372 incl. frontispiece and 9 ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. £37.50. 0 521 41821 6
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- 13 January 2016, pp. 728-730
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Humanity and divinity in Renaissance and Reformation. Essays in honour of Charles Trinkaus. Edited by J. W. O'Malley. (Studies in the History of Christian Thought, 51.) Pp. ix + 325 incl. frontispiece. Leiden–New York–Cologne: Brill, 1993. Nig. 160. $91.50. 90 04 09804 6; 0081 8607
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 516-518
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Revival and religion since 1700. Essays for John Walsh. Edited by Jane Garnett and Colin Matthew. Pp. xi + 330 incl. 5 ills. London–Rio Grande: Hambledon Press, 1993. £37.50. 1 85285 093 0
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 340-342
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The radical Reformation. 3rd revised edn. By George Huntston Williams. (Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies, xv.) Pp. xlvi + 1513. Kirkville, MO: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1992. $125. 0 940474 27 1
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 150-151
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