The obvious reason for writing an Editorial at the start of this particular issue is to celebrate 150 years since the first publication of Geological Magazine. This is a long and continuous record of service to the scientific community and contribution to the geosciences. All those people who have been associated with the publication of the journal can be proud of it. I would especially like to acknowledge the efforts of the production teams over the years: behind the academic work of authors, referees and the editors stands a dedicated group of publishing staff, who ensure that the high publication standards of the journal are maintained. Thanks are also due to the authors who have contributed to papers in Geological Magazine to date. It is a daunting prospect to think of exactly how many different scientists have co-authored papers in the journal since 1864, and what combinations of evolution and revolution our science has seen in that time.
It is also timely to celebrate the future. Geological Magazine has recently appointed 12 new Editorial Board members. It is somewhat of a coincidence that they start at the same time as the 150th anniversary, but entirely a happy one. Their ideas and enthusiasm have already generated new developments in the form of special issues in the pipeline, and the journal will surely gain strength from their contributions. The existing Editors and Editorial Board members remain in place, and will ensure the continuity of the journal.
Finally, let me thank everyone who uses the journal, and builds on the results and conclusions in its papers to take the geosciences forward.
Here is the full Editorial team:
Dr Mark B. Allen
Durham University, UK
Executive Editors
Dr Graham E. Budd
University of Uppsala, Sweden
Dr Philip T. Leat
British Antarctic Survey
Cambridge, UK
Dr Andrew G. Whitham
Cambridge, UK
Editorial Board
Professor Nicholas Arndt
Joseph Fourier University, France
Dr Paul M. Barrett
Natural History Museum, London, UK
Professor Roger Gibson
University of Witwatersrand, Republic of South Africa
Professor John Grotzinger
Caltech, USA
Dr Jon Imber
Durham University, UK
Dr Hugh Jenkyns
University of Oxford, UK
Professor Olivier Lacombe
University Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Professor Xian-Hua Li
Institute of Geology and Geophysics CAS, China
Professor David I. M. Macdonald
University of Aberdeen, UK
Dr K. J. McNamara
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr Guido Meinhold
University of Göttingen, Germany
Professor R. J. Norris
University of Otago, New Zealand
Professor Mark Patzkowsky
Penn State University, USA
Professor Victoria Pease
Stockholm University, Sweden
Professor Francisco Sierro
University of Salamanca, Spain
Professor M. P. Smith
University of Oxford, UK
Dr Holly Stein
Colorado State University, USA
Dr Hans-Dieter Sues
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, USA
Dr Bas van de Schootbrugge
Utrecht University, Netherlands
Professor Ben A. van der Pluijm
University of Michigan, USA
Dr Paul B. Wignall
University of Leeds, UK
Dr Robert S. Yeats
Oregon State University, USA
Dr Zhaochong Zhang
China University of Geosciences, China
Book Review Editor
Please contact the Editorial Office at [email protected]
Mark Allen
Editor, Geological Magazine
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Durham

Artwork created by Vlado Rimbala