The abstract will go to the invited referees, to help them decide whether to participate in reviewing your article. Nothing with your name on it will go to the referees, however, and referees' names will also be kept confidential. We will strive to have three referees' reports on each manuscript we send out for review, and we expect to provide you referees' assessments within 90 days after our requests for evaluations.
For more specific information per article type please see the following information.
- Articles
Double blind peer review. Typically three reviewers are used at the first round. Fewer may be used at subsequent. Peer review is critical to editorial decision making. - Symposia
Double blind peer review. The number of reviewers used varies but all reviewers review all components of the symposium. The review process is intended to be primarily developmental and is not central to editorial decision making. - Review Essays
No peer review - Presidential Addresses
No peer review - The Krooss Prize Dissertation Summaries
No peer review - In Memoriam
No peer review - Editorials/Introductions
No peer review