1 Introduction
Let G be a finite group, and write
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Irr}}(G)$
to denote the set of irreducible complex characters of G. The concept of character codegree, originally defined as
$|G|/\chi (1)$
for any nonlinear irreducible character
$\chi $
of G, was introduced in [Reference Chillag and Herzog1] to characterise the structure of finite groups. However, a nonlinear character
$\chi \in \mathrm {Irr}(G/N)$
, where N is a nontrivial normal subgroup of G, will have two different codegrees when it is considered as a character of G and of
. To eliminate this inconvenience, Qian et al. in [Reference Qian, Wang and Wei9] redefined the codegree of an arbitrary character
$\chi $
of G as

Many properties of codegrees have been studied, including variations on Huppert’s
$\rho $
$\sigma $
conjecture, the relationship between codegrees and element orders, groups with few codegrees, and recognising simple groups using the codegree set.
The authors believe that among the above-mentioned results, the most interesting is the relation between codegrees and element orders (see [Reference Isaacs4, Reference Qian7, Reference Qian8]). Here we mention a result of Qian [Reference Qian7, Theorem 1.1] which says that if a finite solvable group G has an element g of square-free order, then G must have an irreducible character of codegree divisible by the order
of g. Isaacs [Reference Isaacs4] established the same result for an arbitrary finite group. Recently, Qian [Reference Qian8] strengthened his earlier result, showing that for every element g of a finite solvable group G, there necessarily exists some
$\chi \in \text {Irr}(G)$
such that
$\chi ^{c}(1)$
Motivated by the results in [Reference Isaacs4, Reference Qian7, Reference Qian8], Moretó considered the converse relation of codegrees and element orders and proposed an interesting question [Reference Moretó6, Question B]. He also mentioned that counterexamples, if they exist, seem to be rare.
Question 1.1. Let G be a finite solvable group and let
$\chi \in \operatorname {\mathrm {Irr}}(G)$
. Does there exist
$g\in G$
such that
$\pi (\,\chi ^{c}(1))\subseteq \pi (o(g))$
? Here,
$\pi (n)$
denotes the set of prime divisors of a positive integer n.
In this note, we will construct a family of examples to show that this question has a negative answer in general. For notation and terminology of character theory, we refer to [Reference Isaacs3].
2 Counterexamples
We begin with some facts about automorphisms of extra-special p-groups, which are more or less well-known but we give a complete proof for the reader’s convenience.
Theorem 2.1. For any distinct primes
, choose an extra-special p-group P of order
, such that P has exponent p if
, and P is the central product of
dihedral groups of order
and a quaternion group if
(1) There exists a prime q dividing
$p^{r}+1$ but not
$p^{2}-1$ . In particular, r divides
$q-1$ , so that the semi-direct product
$C_{q}\rtimes C_{r}$ makes sense.
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Aut}}(P)$ contains a subgroup A, which acts trivially on
$Z(P)$ and is isomorphic to
$C_{q}\rtimes C_{r}$ .
Proof (1)By Zsigmondy’s prime theorem (see [Reference Huppert and Blackburn2, Theorem IX.8.3]) and the condition that
, there exists a prime q dividing
but not
for all
${i=1,\ldots , 2r-1}$
. It follows that
is the order of p modulo q, establishing (1).
(2) Write
$S=\operatorname {\mathrm {Sp}}(2r,p)$
$S=\text {O}_{-}(2r,2)$
. Let
$\Lambda $
denote the subgroup of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Aut}}(P)$
consisting of those automorphisms of P acting trivially on
. By the construction of P, it is well known that
$\Lambda /\kern-1.5pt\operatorname{\mathrm {Inn}}(P)$
is isomorphic to S (see, for example, [Reference Winter10, Theorem 1]). Since the orders of
$C_{q}\rtimes C_{r}$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Inn}}(P)$
are relatively prime (as p does not divide
), it suffices to show that S contains a subgroup isomorphic to
$C_{q}\rtimes C_{r}$
by the Schur–Zassenhaus theorem.
To do this, we consider the finite field
${\mathbb {F}}_{p^{2r}}$
elements and let
$V={\mathbb {F}}_{p^{2r}}$
be the vector space over
${\mathbb {F}}_{p}$
of dimension
. We need to construct a nonsingular symplectic form
$\langle \;, \rangle $
on V for
and a nonsingular quadratic form Q on V for
Fix an element
$a\in {\mathbb {F}}_{p^{2}}-{\mathbb {F}}_{p}$
. Then
$a\not \in {\mathbb {F}}_{p^{r}}$
since r is odd. Let
$\operatorname {\mathrm {tr}}:{\mathbb {F}}_{p^{r}}\to {\mathbb {F}}_{p}$
be the trace map. It is easy to see that

defines a nonsingular symplectic form on V and the corresponding symplectic group is S for
(see [Reference Manz and Wolf5, Example 8.5]). When

defines a nonsingular quadratic form on V and the corresponding orthogonal group is
$S=\text {O}_{-}(2r,2)$
Now, let
$\Gamma _{0}(V)=\{v\mapsto av\ |\ 0\neq a\in V\}$
, consisting of multiplications, and let
$\sigma :v\mapsto v^{p}$
be the Frobenius field automorphism of
${\mathbb {F}}_{p^{2r}}$
. Then
$\sigma $
acts naturally on
$\Gamma _{0}(V)$
, and we consider the corresponding semi-direct product
$\Gamma _{0}(V)\rtimes \langle \sigma \rangle $
. Observe that
$\Gamma _{0}(V)$
is cyclic of order
and the order of
$\sigma $
. Recall that the prime q divides
and let C be the unique subgroup of order q in
$\Gamma _{0}(V)$
. It is clear that C is invariant under
$\sigma $
, and furthermore, by elementary Galois theory, the fixed point of
$\sigma ^{2}$
in C is trivial since q does not divide
. So we can form the semi-direct product
$C\rtimes \langle \sigma ^{2}\rangle $
, which is clearly isomorphic to
$C_{q}\rtimes C_{r}$
. What remains is to show that
$C\rtimes \langle \sigma ^{2}\rangle \le S$
A simple calculation shows that both the symplectic form
$\langle \; ,\;\rangle $
and the quadratic form Q defined above are preserved by the map on V induced by multiplication by an element of order
, and thus the unique cyclic subgroup of
$\Gamma _{0}(V)$
of order
must be contained in S. In particular, we have
$C\le S$
. To prove
$\sigma ^{2}\in S$
, we distinguish two cases. For
, since the Galois group of
${\mathbb {F}}_{p^{r}}/{\mathbb {F}}_{p}$
can be identified with
$\langle \sigma ^{2}\rangle $
(as r is odd), we conclude that
$\sigma ^{2}$
must preserve the trace map from
${\mathbb {F}}_{p^{r}}$
${\mathbb {F}}_{p}$
and hence lies in S. For
, we need to establish that
$\langle v^{\sigma ^{2}},w^{\sigma ^{2}}\rangle =\langle v,w\rangle $
for all
$v,w\in V$
. Let
. It suffices to prove
$\operatorname {\mathrm {tr}}(bx^{\sigma ^{2}})=\operatorname {\mathrm {tr}}(bx)$
. Since
, we have
$bx\in {\mathbb {F}}_{p^{r}}$
. It follows that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {tr}}((bx)^{\sigma ^{2}})=\operatorname {\mathrm {tr}}(bx)$
. By the choice of a, we know that
$b\in {\mathbb {F}}_{p^{2}}$
and hence b is fixed by
$\sigma ^{2}$
. Thus,
$\operatorname {\mathrm {tr}}(bx^{\sigma ^{2}})=\operatorname {\mathrm {tr}}(bx)$
$\sigma ^{2}\in S$
, as required.
As an application of Theorem 2.1, we can now construct a family of counterexamples to Moretó’s question.
Example 2.2. In the notation of Theorem 2.1, let
$G=P\rtimes A$
be the corresponding semi-direct product, so that G is solvable. Then there exists an irreducible character
$\chi $
of G such that
$\chi ^{c}(1)=p^{r+1}qr$
but G contains no element of order divisible by
Proof. Note that
is cyclic of order p, and thus we can choose a faithful linear character
$\lambda $
. Then it is well known that
$\lambda ^{P}=p^{r}\theta $
for some
$\theta \in \operatorname {\mathrm {Irr}}(P)$
. Since A acts trivially on
, it fixes
$\lambda $
and hence
$\theta $
is A-invariant. It follows that
$\theta $
extends to some
$\chi \in \operatorname {\mathrm {Irr}}(G)$
by Gallagher’s theorem (see [Reference Isaacs3, Corollary 6.28]), so that
$\chi (1)=\theta (1)=p^{r}$
. Also, let B be the unique subgroup of A of order q. Then
is irreducible as an
${\mathbb {F}}_{p}[B]$
-module because
and the order of p modulo q is exactly
. From this, we conclude that
is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G, and since
$\theta $
is faithful, we have
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Ker}}\chi \cap P=\operatorname {\mathrm {Ker}}\theta =1$
. Obviously, P is the Fitting subgroup of the solvable group G, and thus
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Ker}}\chi $
contains no minimal normal subgroup of G, which forces
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Ker}}\chi =1$
. Therefore, we have
$\chi ^{c}(1)=|G|/\chi (1)=p^{r+1}qr$
Finally, if G has an element of order divisible by all the primes
$p, q, r$
, then A contains an element of order
and thus A is cyclic, which is not the case by the choice of primes
$q, r$
. The proof is now complete.
The authors are grateful to the referee for the valuable suggestions which greatly improved the manuscript.