Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Irish, Madeleine
Dalton, Bethan
Potts, Laura
McCombie, Catherine
Shearer, James
Au, Katie
Kern, Nikola
Clark-Stone, Sam
Connan, Frances
Johnston, A. Louise
Lazarova, Stanimira
Macdonald, Shiona
Newell, Ciarán
Pathan, Tayeem
Wales, Jackie
Cashmore, Rebecca
Marshall, Sandra
Arcelus, Jon
Robinson, Paul
Himmerich, Hubertus
Lawrence, Vanessa C.
Treasure, Janet
Byford, Sarah
Landau, Sabine
Schmidt, Ulrike
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a ‘stepping into day treatment’ approach versus inpatient treatment as usual for anorexia nervosa in adult specialist eating disorder services (DAISIES trial): a study protocol of a randomised controlled multi-centre open-label parallel group non-inferiority trial.
Vol. 23,
Issue. 1,
de Boer, Kathleen
Johnson, Catherine
Wade, Tracey D.
Radunz, Marcela
Fernando, Anne Nileshni
Babb, Jennifer
Stafrace, Simon
Sharp, Gemma
A systematic review and meta-analysis of intensive treatment options for adults with eating disorders.
Clinical Psychology Review,
Vol. 106,
Issue. ,