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Pictland - George Henderson & Isabel Henderson. The Art of the Picts: Sculpture and Metalwork in Early Medieval Scotland. 256 pages, 332 figures. 2004. London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-23807-3 hardback. - Sally M. Foster & Morag Cross (ed.). Able Minds and Practised Hands: Scotland’s Early Medieval Sculpture in the 21st Century (Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 23). xii+436 pages, 155 illustrations. 2005. London: Society for Medieval Archaeology; 1-904350-74-7 hardback £44. - Nick Aitchison. Forteviot: a Pictish and Scottish Royal Centre. 288 pages, 89 illustrations, 27 colour plates. 2006. Stroud: Tempus; 0-7524-3599-X paperback £19.99. - Ian Keillar. Romans in Moray. 136 pages, 16 figures, 10 plates. 2005. Elgin: Moray New Horizons; 0-9551137-0-9 paperback £11.99.
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Andrew Sherratt Remembered
A small bouncy figure in a duffle coat
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General - Daniel M. Gross The Secret History of Emotion: From Aristotle’s Rhetoric to Modern Brain Science. x+194 pages, 1 figure. 2006. Chicago (IL): The University of Chicago Press; 0-226-30979-7 hardback $35 & £22.50. - Melinda A. Zeder, Daniel G. Bradley, Eve Emshwiller & Bruce D. Smith (ed.). Documenting Domestication: New Genetic and Archaeological Paradigms. xiv+362 pages, 136 Illustrations, 56 tables. 2006. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press; 0-520-24638-1 hardback £45. - Rebecca Gowland & Christopher Knüsel (ed.). Social Archaeology of Funerary Remains. xiv+312 pages, numerous tables & illustrations. 2006. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-211-5 hardback £60. - Andrew Chamberlain. Demography in Archaeology. xx+236 pages, 45 illustrations, 19 tables. 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-59651-3 paperback £17.99 & $29.99; 0-521-59367-0 hardback £45 & $85. - Douglas J. Kennett & Bruce Winterhalder (ed.). Behavioural Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture. xiv+394 pages, 55 illustrations, 28 tables. 2006. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press; 0-520-24647-0 hardback £38.95. - Glenn M. Schwartz & John J. Nichols (ed.). After Collapse: The Regeneration of Complex Societies. vi+290 pages, 21 illustrations. 2006. Tucson (AZ):University of Arizona Press; 0-8165-2509-9 hardback $50. - Gary Lock & Brian Leigh Molyneaux (ed.). Confronting Scale in Archaeology: Issues of Theory and Practice. xiv+280 pages, 66 illustrations, 9 tables. 2006. New York: Springer; 0-387-32772-X hardback $99. - Laurajane smith. Uses of Heritage. xiv+354 pages, 13 illustrations, 24 tables. 2006. Abingdon& New York: Routledge; 978-0-415-31831-0 paperback £17.99. - John Boardman. The World of Ancient Art. 406 pages, over 700 illustrations. 2006. London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-238278 hardback £40. - Griselda Pollock (ed.). Psychoanalysis and the Image. xvi+248 pages, 26 illustrations. 2006. Oxford, Malden (MA) & Victoria: Blackwell; 1-4051-3461-5 paperback £19.99 & $34.95 & AUS$59.95.
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European prehistory and protohistory - David W. Frayer The Krapina Neandertals: A Comprehensive, Centennial, Illustrated Bibliography. 220 pages, CD-ROM. 2006. Zagreb: Croatian Natural History Museum; 953-6645-30-0; hardback. - Pál Patay. Kupferzeitliche Siedlung von Tiszalúc (Inventaria Praehistorica Hungriae XI). 208 pages, 84 figures, 55 plates, tables. 2005. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum; 96-3706-1150 paperback. - Patrick Sims-Williams. Ancient Celtic Place-Names in Europe and Asia Minor. xiv+406 pages, 69 maps, numerous tables. 2006. Oxford & Malden (MA): Blackwell; 1-4051-4570-6 paperback £22.99 & $39.95.
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The Mediterranean, Greece, Crete, Cyprus - A.M. Snodgrass Archaeology and the Emergence of Greece. x+486 pages, 54 illustrations. 2006. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 0-7486-2333-7 hardback £60. - François Briois, Catherine Petit-Aupert & Pierre-Yves Péchoux. Études Chypriotes: Histoire des Campagnes d’Amathonte I. L’occuptation du sol au Néolithique. 260 pages, 109 colour & b&w illustrations. 2005. Paris: De Boccard; 2-86958-194-7 paperback. - David Frankel & Jennifer M. Webb Marki Alonia: an Early and Middle Bronze Age settlement in Cyprus, excavations 1995-2000 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 123:2). xl+366 pages, 416 figures, 68 plates, 129 tables, 10 plans inside jacket, CDROM. 2006. Sävedalen: Paul Åström; 91-7081-218-7 hardback. - Pavlos Flourentzos. Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the Year 2003. 148 pages, 78 illustrations. 2005. Nicosia: Department of Antiquities; 1010-1136 paperback. - Michael Wedde (ed.). Celebrations: Sanctuaries and the vestiges of cult activity. Selected papers and discussions from the Tenth Anniversary Symposion of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 12-16 May 1999 (Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens 6). 304 pages, 59 figures. 2004. Athens/Bergen: Norwegian Institute at Athens/Grieg Medialog; 82-91626-23-5 paperback. - Lucia Nixon. Making a Landscape Sacred: Outlying Churches and Icon Stands in Sphakia, Southwestern Crete. xii+196 pages, 25 colour & b&w illustrations, 13 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-206-9 paperback. - Tamar Hodos. Local Responses to Colonization in the Iron Age Mediterranean. x+272 pages, 97 illustrations. 2006. Abingdon: Routledge; 0-415-37836-2 hardback £65. - Daniel Käch. Studia Ietina IX: Die Öllampen vom Monte Iato. Grabungskampagnen 1971-1992. 370 pages, numerous illustrations. 2006. Lausanne: Payot; 2-601-03216-2 hardback CHF150. - Beth Cohen. The Colors of Clay: Special Techniques in Athenian Vases. xii+375 pages, 235 b&w & colour illustrations. 2006. Los Angeles (CA): Getty Publications; 0-89236-571-4 hardback £55. - T. Mannack Haspels Addenda. xxvi+84 pages. 2006. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press; 0-19-726315-1 hardback £20.
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The Classical world - Martin M. Winkler (ed.). Troy: From Homer’s Iliad to Hollywood Epic. xi+236 pages, 20 plates. 2007. Oxford, Malden (MA) & Victoria: Blackwell; 1-4051-3182-9 hardback £55 & $74.95 & AUS$165; 1-4051-3183-7 paperback £19.99 & $29.95 & AUS$48.95. - Charles Martindale & Richard F. Thomas (ed.). Classics and the Uses of Reception. xiii+336 pages, 20 plates. 2006. Oxford, Malden (MA) & Victoria: Blackwell; 1-4051-3146-2 hardback £60 & $89.95 & AUS$231; 1-4051-3145-4 paperback £19.99 & $36.95 & AUS$58.95. - Roslyn Weiss. The Socratic Paradox and its Enemies. xii+236 pages. 2006. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 0-226-89172-0 hardback $35 & £22.50. - Mark Munn. The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the Tyranny of Asia. xviii+458 pages. 2006. Los Angeles (CA): University of California Press; 0-520-24349-1 hardback £32.50. - Waldemar Heckel. Who’s Who in the Age of Alexander the Great. xxii+392 pages. 2006. Oxford, Malden (MA) & Victoria: Blackwell; 1-4051-1210-7 hardback £50 & $79.95 & AUS$193. - Nicholas J. Saunders Alexander’s Tomb: The Two Thousand Year Obsession to Find the Lost Conqueror. xiii+292 pages, 23 illustrations. 2006. New York: Basic Books; 0-465-07202-6 hardback US$26 & CAN$34.95.
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Rome and the Roman empire - Simon Keay, Martin Millett, Lidia Paroli & Kristian Strutt. Portus: An Archaeological Survey of the Port of Imperial Rome (Archaeological Monograph 15). xviii+360 pages, 235 illustrations. 2005. London: The British School at Rome; 0-904152-47-2 paperback £49.50. - David S. Potter (ed.). The Companion to the Roman Empire. xxx+698 pages. 2006. Oxford,Malden (MA) & Victoria: Blackwell; 0-631-22644-3 hardback £95 & $149.95 AUS$314. - Christopher Kelly. The Roman Empire: A Very Short Introduction. x+158 pages, 25 illustrations. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-280391-3 paperback £6.99 & $9.95. - Maria Wyke (ed.). Julius Caesar in Western Culture. xviii+366 pages, 24 figures. 2006. Oxford, Malden (MA) & Victoria: Blackwell; 1-4051-2598-5 hardback £60 & US$89.95 & AUS$198; 1-4051-2599-3 paperback £22.99 & $34.95 & AUS$88.95. - James B. Rivers Religion in the Roman Empire. xiv+ 238 pages, 15 illustrations. 2006. Oxford, Malden (MA) & Victoria: Blackwell; 1-4051-0655-7 hardback £50 & US$81.95 & AUS$198; 1-4051-0656-5 paperback £17.99 & $32.95 & AUS$58.95. - Frank Sear. Roman Theatres: An Architectural Study. xl+466 pages, 492 figures,144 plates, 25 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-814469-5 hardback £195. - Sheila Dillon & Katherine E. Welch (ed.). Representations of War in Ancient Rome. xiv+366 pages, 106 illustrations. 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-84817-2 hardback £55 and $90. - Shadi Bartsch. The Mirror of the Self: Sexuality, Self-Knowledge, and the Gaze in the Early Roman Empire. viii+326 pages, 8 illustrations. 2006. Chicago (IL): University of Chicago Press; 0-226-03835-1 hardback $45 & £28.50. - Walter Goffart. Barbarian Tides: The Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire. x+372 pages. 2006. Philadelphia (PA): University of Pennsylvania Press; 0-8122-3939-3 hardback $69.95 & £45.50.
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Anatolia, Levant, Middle East - Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman. David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible’s Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition. viii 344 pages, 16 figures, tables. 2006. New York: Free Press/Simon & Schuster; 0-7432-4362-5 hardback £17.99. - Mark W. Chavalas (ed.). The Ancient Near East. xxii+450 pages, 2 illustrations. 2006. Malden (MA), Oxford & Victoria, Australia: Blackwell; 0-631-23580-9 hardback £60, $89.95 & AUS$198; 0-631-23581-7 paperback £19.99 & $44.95 & AUS$54.95. - Mario Liverani. Uruk: The First City. xii+100 pages, 15 illustrations. 2006. London & Oakville: equinox; 1-84553-193-0 paperback £13.99 & $20; 1-84553-191-4 hardback £25 & $39.95. - Andrea Seri. Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia. xvi+246 pages, 5 tables & 2 figures. 2005. London & Oakville: equinox; 1-84553-010-1 hardback £55 & $95. - Dirk Paul Mielke, Ulf-Dietrich Schoop & Jürgen Seeher (Hrsg.). Structuring and Dating in Hittite Archaeology. viii+368 pages, 152 illustrations. 2006. Istanbul: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut – Istanbul; 975-807-125-4 paperback. - Wolfgang Radt. (Hrsg.) Stadtgrabungen und Stadtforschung im Westlichen Kleinasien: Geplantes und Erreichtes. viii+398 pages, 248 illustrations. 2006. Istanbul: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut – Istanbul; 975-807-124-6 paperback. - Seth L. Sanders (ed.). Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures (Oriental Institute Seminars).xi+300 pages, 9 illustrations. 2006. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago; 1-885923-39-2 paperback £22. - CNRS. Paléorient 31.2: Revue pluridisciplinaire de préhistorie et protohistoire de l’Asie du Sud-Ouest et de l’Asie centrale. 192 pages, 93 illustrations & 24 tables. 2005. Paris: CNRS; 2-271-06439-2 paperback €49.
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Egypt and Africa - René T.J. Cappers Roman Foodprints at Berenike: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Subsistence and Trade in the Eastern Desert of Egypt (Berenike Report 6). xvi+232 pages, 135 illustrations & 10 tables. 2006. Los Angeles (CA): Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA; 1-931745-27-7 hardback $65; 1-931745-26-9 paperback $35.
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Asia - Gautam Sengupta, Suchira Roychoudhury & Sujit Som (ed.). Past and Present: Ethnoarchaeology in India. xxviii+416 pages, 36 b& w & colour plates. 2006. New Delhi & Kolkata: Pragati/Centre for Archaeological Studies and Training Eastern India; 81-7307-103-9 hardback. - Nayanjot Lahiri. Finding Forgotten Cities: How the Indus Civilization was discovered. xiii+363 pages, 45 illustrations. 2006. Oxford, New York & Calcutta: Seagull; 190542218-0 hardback £29.99 & $45. - Koji Mizoguchi. Archaeology, Society and Identity in Modern Japan. xv+186 pages, 33 illustrations & 1 table. 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-84953-5 hardback £45 & $80. - Li Feng. Landscape and Power in Early China: The Crisis and Fall of the Western Zhou 1045-771 BC. xviii+408 pages, 64 illustrations. 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-85272-2 hardback. - Elisabeth A. Bacus, Ian C. Glover & Vincent C. Pigott (ed.). Uncovering Southeast Asia’s Past: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. xxiii+424 pages, 46 tables & 454 illustrations. 2006. Singapore: Singapore University Press; 9971-69-351-8 paperback.
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Oceania - Robert G. Bednarik Australian Apocalypse:The story of Australia’s greatest cultural monument. iv+64 pages, 143 illustrations. 2006. Melbourne: Australian Rock Art Research Association; 0-9586802-2-1 paperback AUS$20.
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Americas - David J. Meltzer Folsom: New Archaeological Investigations of a Classic Paleoindian Bison Kill. xiv+374 pages, 122 illustrations, 68 tables. 2006. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press; 0-520-24644-6 hardback £35.95. - John H. Hann The Native American World Beyond Apalachee: West Florida and the Chattahoochee Valley. viii+253 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables. 2006. Gainesville (FL): University Press of Florida, 0-8130-2982-1 hardback $55. - William H. Isbell & Helaine Silverman. Andean Archaeology III: North and South. xii+523 pages, 155 illustrations, 16 colour plates, 14 tables. 2006. New York: Springer; 0-387-28939-9 hardback $159.
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Britain and Ireland - Chantal Conneller & Graeme Warren (ed.). Mesolithic Britain and Ireland: New Approaches. 224 pages, 37 illustrations. 2006. Stroud: Tempus; 0-7524-3734-8 paperback £19.99. - Dale Serjeantson & David Field (ed.). Animals in the Neolithic of Britain and Europe: (Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 7). xii+178 pages, 47 figures, 19 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-214-X paperback £28. - Gordon Noble. Neolithic Scotland: Timber, Stone, Earth and Fire. x+262 pages, 143 illustrations. 2006. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 0-7486-2338-8 paperback £22.99. - Jacqueline Ingalls Garnett. Newgrange Speaks for Itself: Forty Carved Motifs. 257 pages, 43 illustrations. 2005. Victoria (Canada) & Oxford: Trafford; 1-41205717-5 paperback $18.86. - David Mattingly. An Imperial Possession: Britain in the Roman Empire. xvi+622 pages, 17 illustrations, 12 tables. London: Allen Lane; 0-713-99063-5 hardback £30. - Lloyd Laing. The Archaeology of Celtic Britain and Ireland c. AD 400-1200. xiv+406 pages, 127 illustrations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-54740-7 paperback £27.99.
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Early medieval and medieval - Susan Ashbrook Harvey. Scenting Salvation: Ancient Christianity and the Olfactory Imagination. xviii+421pages. 2006. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press; 0-520-24147-9 hardback £29.95. - Sam Turner. Making a Christian Landscape: the countryside in early medieval Cornwall, Devon and Wessex. xviii+222 pages, 71 illustrations & 10 tables. 2006. Exeter: University of Exeter Press; 0-85989-785-0 paperback £20; 0-85989-774-5 hardback £55. - Howard Williams. Death and Memory in Early Medieval Britain. xiv+260 pages, 73 illustrations. 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-84019-8 hardback £55 & $100. - Rosemary Cramp. Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture Volume VII: South-West England. xviii+448 pages, 28 illustrations & 3 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-726334-8 hardback £65. - Michael Thompson. Ruins Reused: changing attitudes to ruins since the late eighteenth century. x+113 pages, 39 illustrations. 2006. King’s Lynn: Heritage 1-905223-04-8 hardback £ 14.95. - C.M. Woolgar, D. Serjeantson & T. Waldron (ed.). Food in Medieval England: Diet and Nutrition. xvi+348 pages, 39 figures, 19 plates, 25 tables. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-927349-9 hardback £55. - Tim Ayers & Tim Tatton-Brown (ed.). Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology at Rochester (British Archaeological Association Transactions 28). xvi+321 pages, 201 illustrations, 7 tables. 2006. Leeds: Maney; 1-904350-77-1 paperback £24.50&$45; 1-904350-76-3 hardback £65 & $117. - John R. Kenyon & Diane M. Williams (ed.). Cardiff Architecture and Archaeology in the Medieval Diocese of Llandaff (British Archaeological Association Transactions 29). xxiv+216 pages, 136 figures. 2006. Leeds: Maney; 978-1-904350-81-1 paperback £24.50 & $45; 978-1-904350-80-4 hardback £58 & $104.
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