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Markin V. Russia
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017

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- International Decisions
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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 2012
1 Markin v. Russia, App. No. 30078/06 (Eur. Ct. H.R. Mar. 22, 2012). Judgments and decisions of the Court are available online at
2 Quoting Letter from head of military unit No. 41480 to applicant (Nov. 9, 2006).
3 Quoting Judgment of the Russian Federal Constitutional Court of Jan. 15, 2009, Case No. 187-0-0, para. 2.2, at (in Russian).
4 Markin v. Russia, App. No. 30078/06, para. 67 (Eur. Ct. H.R. Oct. 7, 2010).
5 Id. (diss. op. Kovler, J.).
6 See, e.g., Danilenko, Gennady M., The New Russian Constitution and International Law, 88 AJIL 451 (1994)Google Scholar.
7 See, e.g., Bogdan Zimnenko, Mezhdunarodnoe Pravo I Pravovaya Sistema Rossiiskoi Federatsii. Obshaya Chast. Kurs Lektsii [International Law and the Legal System of the Russian Federation. General Part. Course of Lectures] (2010); Sergei Marochkin, Deistvie I Realizatsia Norm Mezhduna-Rodnogo Prava V Pravovoi Sisteme Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Impact and Application of the Norms of International Law in the Legal System of the Russian Federation] (2011); Nikolai Lygin & Valentin Tkatchev, Mezhdunarodno-Pravovye Standarty I Konstitutsionnaia ZÁKonnost’ V Rossiiskoi Sudebnoi Praktike [International Legal Standards and Constitutional Legality in Russia’s Court Practice] (2012).
8 See, e.g., Symposium, Russia and European Human Rights Law. Progress, Tensions, and Perspectives, 37 Rev. Cent. & E. Eur. L. 155–375 (Nos. 2 & 3, 2012)Google Scholar.
9 See generally Alexei Trochev, Judging Russia: the Role of the Constitutional Court in Rus Sian Politics, 1990-2006 (2008).
10 See Anton Burkov, Konventsia O Zashchite Prav Cheloveka V Sudakh Rossii [Convention on the Protection of Human Rights in Russian Courts] (2010).
11 V. Zorkin, Predel ustupchivosti [The Margin of Giving In], Rossiiskaia Gazeta, Oct. 29, 2010, at Translations below of quotations from this article are by the present author.
12 Smith v. United Kingdom, App. Nos. 33985/96, 33986/96, 1999-Vi Eur. Ct. H.R. 45.
13 Zorkin, supra note 11.
14 Id.
15 Bundesverfassungsgericht [BverfG] [Federal Constitutional Court], Oct. 14, 2004, 111 BverfGE 289, para. 35, Eng. trans, at
16 Zorkin, supra note 11.
17 Id.
18 Sukhova, Svetlana, V PASE protiv popravok Torshina [In the PACE Against the Amendments of Torshin], Nezavisimaia Gazeta, June 24, 2011 Google Scholar, available at
19 Nataliia Gorodetskaia & Anna Pushkarskaia, Stat’ia prem’era nashla svoego chitatel’ia [The Article of the Premier Found Its Reader], Kommersant, Oct. 6, 2011, available at
20 Shevtsova, Lilia & Wood, Andrew, Change Or Decay: Russia’s Dilemma and the West’s Response 69 (2011)Google ScholarPubMed.
21 Anna Pushkarskaia, Gostainyostalis’ nevyezdnymi. Konstitutsionnyi sud otkazalsya otkryt’ granitsu dlya polkovnik Genshtaba [State Secrets May Not Travel Abroad: The Constitutional Court Refused to Open the Border to a Colonel in the General Headquarters], Kommersant, June 8, 2012, available at
22 Pushkarskaia, Anna & Zanina, Anna, Dekhratsia o sudebnom suverenitete. Anton Ivanov predlozhil Dmitriu Medvedevu spôsob zashchititsya ot davlenia inostrannykhpravovykh sistem [Declaration on Court Sovereignty: Anton Ivanov Suggested to Dmitry Medvedev Means to Defend the Country Against the Impact of Foreign Legal Systems], Kommersant, May 18, 2012 Google Scholar, available at
23 Kirill’s articles, speeches, and interviews, originally published in Russian daily newspapers, were recently translated and published in the Estonian language. See Kirill, Vabadus Ja Vastutus. Harmoonia otsigul. Inimõigused ja isiksuse väärikus [Freedom and Responsibility. In Search of Harmony. Human Rights and Dignity of the Person] (Tallinn, Estonian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate 2012).
24 Lotman, Yuri M., Kul’tura i vzryv [Culture and Explosion], reprinted in Semiosfera 11, 142 (2000)Google Scholar.
25 Id. at 143.
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