Book notes
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The Archaeology of Wetlands. John Coles. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1984. iii + 111 pp., figures, references, index. $13.00 (cloth); $10.00 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 669
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Les maya. Jacques Soustelle. L'Odyssee, Flammarion, 1982. 253 pp., illus., biblio. Cloth.
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- 20 January 2017, p. 882
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The East St. Louis Quarry Site Cemetery (ll-S-468). George R. Milner, American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 1, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1983. x + 182 pp., illus., references, maps, appendices. $8.95 (paper). - The Florence Street Site (ll-S-458).. Thomas E. Emerson, George R. Milner and Douglas K. Jackson. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 2, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1983. xii + 353 pp., illus., references, appendices, map. $8.95 (paper). - The Missouri Pacific #2 Site (ll-S-46). Dale L. McElrath and Andrew C. Fortier. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 3, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1983. xii + 255 pp., illus., references, appendices, map. $8.95 (paper). - The Turner and DeMange Sites (ll-S-50 and 11-S- 447). George R. Milner, American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 4, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1983. xi + 243 pp., illus., references, appendices. $10.95 (paper). - The Mund Site (ll-S-435). Andrew C. Fortier, Fred A. Finney and Richard B. Lacampagne. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 5, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1983. xii + 431 pp., figures, tables, appendices, references, map. $13.95 (paper). - The BBB Motor Site (ll-Ms-595). Thomas E. Emerson and Douglas K. Jackson. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 6, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1984. ix + 413 pp., figures, tables, appendices, references. $ 13.95 (paper). - American Bottom Archaeology: A Summary of the FAI- 270 Project. Charles J. Bareis and James W. Porter, editors. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1984. xviii + 286 pp., plates, figures, tables, appendices, references. $22.50 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 430-432
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The Hood Site: A Historic Neutral Town of 1640 A.D. The Bogle I and Bogle II Sites: Historic Neutral Hamlets of the Northern Tier. Paul A. Lennox. National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of Canada, Paper No. 121, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, xii + 290 pp., figures, tables, appendices, references cited. Free upon request (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 193-194
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The Fish Lake Site. Andrew C. Fortier, Richard B. Lacampagne, and Fred A. Finney. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 8, University of Illinois Press, Chicago, 1984. xi + 242 pp., figures, tables, references, appendices. $10.95 (paper). - The Mien Site. George Milner assisted by Joyce A. Williams. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 7, University of Illinois Press, Chicago, 1984. xi + 281 pp., figures, tables, references, appendices. $11.95 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 432-433
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The Settlement Survey of Tikal. Dennis E. Puleston. Tikal Report No. 13, University Museum Monograph 48, William Haviland, volume editor. University of Pennsylvania, 1983. xiii + 50 pp., illustrations, biblio., appendices. $27.00 (cloth). - The Graffiti of Tikal. Helen Trik and Michael E. Kampen. Tikal Report No. 31, University Museum Monograph 57, William R. Coe, volume editor. University of Pennsylvania, 1983. v + 11 pp., illustrations, biblio., appendix. $26.00 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 882
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Cannon's Point Plantation 1794—1860: Living Conditions and Status Patterns in the Old South. John Solomon Otto. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1984. xiii + 217 pp., figures, tables, appendix, bibliography, index. $42.00 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 194-195
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Human Variation: 613 C in Adult Bone Collagen and the Relation to Diet in an Isochronous C4 (Maize) Archaeological Population. Mary Pamela Bumsted. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, 1984. vii + 188 pp., tables, figures, notes, bibho. $17.50 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 669
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The Go-Kart North Site (ll-Mo-522N). Andrew C. Fortier with contributions by Sissel Johannessen and Richard B. Lacampagne. And The Dyrqff (ll-S-463) and Levin Sites (ll-S-462). Thomas E. Emerson with a contribution by Sissel Johannessen. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports, Vol. 9, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1984. xii + 362 pp., figures, tables, references, appendices. $12.95 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 882
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Perspectives on Gulf Coast Prehistory. Dave D. Davis, editor. Ripley P. Bullen Monographs in Anthropology and History, Jerald T. Milanich, general editor. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, 1984. xi + 379 pp., figures, references, index. $24.50 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 433-434
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Recent Excavations at the Harness Mound Liberty Works, Ross County, Ohio. N'Omi Greber. Kirtlandia No. 39. MCJA Special Paper, No. 5, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Kent State University Press, Kent, 1983. 93 pp., figures, tables, appendices, references. $9.95 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 195
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Archaeological Sediments in Context. Julie K. Stein and William R. Farrand, editors. Peopling of the Americas, Vol. 1, Center for the Study of Early Man, Institute for Quaternary Studies, University of Maine, Orono, 1985. xi + 147 pp., tables, figures, references cited, index. $19.00 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 669
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Lithic Resource Procurement: Proceedings from the Second Conference on Prehistoric Chert Exploitation. Susan C. Vehik, editor. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper No. 4, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1985. xv + 266 pp., figures, tables, plates, appendices, references. $11.50 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 669-670
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Prehistory of Oklahoma. Robert E. Bell, editor. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1984. xx + 432 pp., figures, tables, biblio., index. $48.50 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 195-196
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Investigations at Edzna, Campeche, Mexico, Volume 1; Parts 1 and 2: The Hydraulic System. Ray T. Matheny, D. Gurr, D. Forsyth, and F. R. Hauck. Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, No. 46, Brigham Young University, Provo, 1983. xviii + 239 pp., figures, tables, charts, appendices, references, boxed maps. $25.00 (cloth) (sold as set only). - Investigations at Edzna, Campeche, Mexico, Volume 2: Ceramics. Donald Forsyth, Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, No. 46, Brigham Young University, Provo, 1983. xiii + 249 pp., figures, table, references. $25.00 (cloth) (sold as set only).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 434-435
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The Hill Creek Homestead: And the Late Mississippian Settlement in the Lower Illinois Valley. Michael D. Conner, editor. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville Archeological Center Research Series, Vol. 1, Kampsville, 1985. xvi + 239 pp., tables, figures, references. $9.95 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 883
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The Stucco Decoration and Architectural Assemblage of Structure 1-sub, Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico. Clemency Coggins, Middle American Research Institute Publication 49, Tulane University, New Orleans, 1983. vii + 70 pp., illus., appendix, references. $15.00 (paper)
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 435-436
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Analysis of Historical Ceramics from the Central Salt River Valley of Northeast Missouri. Teresita Majewski and Michael J. O’Brien. Publications in Archaeology No. 2, American Archaeology Division, Department of Anthropology, University University of Missouri, Columbia, 1984. vii + 121 pp., figures, tables, appendices, biblio. $15.00 (paper). - Euro-American Pioneer Settlement Systems in the Central Salt River Valley of Northeast Missouri. Roger D. Mason. Publications in Archaeology No. 2, American Archaeology Division, Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1984. xi + 99 pp., figures, tables, references. $10.00 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 883
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Bison Kills and Bone Counts: Decision Making by Ancient Hunters. John D. Speth University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1983. xxi + 237 pp., illus., biblio., index. $20.00 (cloth); $8.00 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 196-197
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Bone, Antler, Ivory and Horn: The Technology of Skeletal Materials Since the Roman Period. Arthur Macgregor. Barnes and Noble Books, Totowa, New Jersey, 1985. viii + 245 pp., figures, biblio., index. $49.50 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 670
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