Social Work. Roger Fuller and Emanuelle Tulle-Winton. 1996. Specialism, genericism and others: does it make a difference? A study of social work services to elderly people, British Journal of Social Work, 26, 679–698. Julia Twigg. 1997. Deconstructing the ‘social bath’: help with bathing at home for older and disabled people, Journal of Social Policy, 26 (2), 211–233. Ada C. Mui. 1996. Depression among elderly Chinese immigrants: an exploratory study, Social Work, 41 (6), 633–639.
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- 01 September 1997, pp. 609-613
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Michael Sheppard, Care Management and the New Social Work: A Critical Analysis, Whiting & Birch, London, 1995, 318 pp., hbk no price, ISBN 1 871 17777 4, pbk no price, ISBN 1 871 17778 2.
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- 01 July 1997, pp. 467-487
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Arthur D. Fisk and Wendy A. Rogers (eds), Handbook of Human Factors and the Older Adult, Academic, San Diego, California, 1997, 419 pp., $65.00, ISBN 0 122 57680 2.
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- 01 November 1997, pp. 735-742
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Jacki Pritchard, Working with Elder Abuse: A Training Manual for Home Care, Residential and Day Care Staff, Jessica Kingsley, London, 1996, 183 pp., £19.95, ISBN 1 853 02418 X.
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Social Policy. Richard Hugman. 1995. The implications of the term ‘elder abuse’ for problem definition and response in health and social welfare. Journal of Social Policy, 24 4, 493–508. Simon Biggs. 1996. A family concern: elder abuse in British social policy. Critical Social Policy, 16 2, 63–88. Julia Johnson and John Adams. 1996. Self-neglect in later life. Health and Social Care in the Community, 4 4, 226–233.
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- 01 March 1997, pp. 215-226
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Learning in the Third Age. Malcolm L. Johnson, Lessons from The Open University: third-age learning. Educational Gerontology, 21 (5): (1995), 15–427. Clennell, S. (ed.) Training Opportunities for Older Adults: Selected Case Studies from Four European Countries in Voluntary Work and Employment. Regional Academic Services and School of Health and Social Welfare, The Open University, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, 1995.
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- 01 January 1997, pp. 93-99
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Population Ageing and Retirement Income in Australia. Paul Johnson. 1996. Grey horizons: who pays for old age in the 21st century? Australian Economic Review, 3, 261–271. David Knox. 1996. Contemporary issues in the ongoing reform of the Australian retirement income system. Australian Economic Review, 2, 199–210. Diana Olsberg. 1994. Still missing out: women, superannuation and retirement income. Just Policy, 1, November, 45–49.
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- 01 May 1997, pp. 349-352
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Subjective Well-being in Later Life. Susan M. Heidrich and Carol Ryff. 1995. Health, social comparisons and psychological well-being: their cross-time relationships, Journal of Adult Development, 2 (3), 173–186. Karen I. Vander Zee and Bram P. Buunk. 1995. Social comparison as a mediator between health problems and subjective health evaluation, British Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 53–65.
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Amanda J. Squires (ed.), Rehabilitation of Older People: A Handbook for the Multi-disciplinary Team. Second edition, Chapman & Hall, London, 1996, 295 pp., £18.99, ISBN 0 412 71930 4.
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- 01 September 1997, pp. 615-626
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Books Received, April–June 1996
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- 01 January 1997, pp. 121-122
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Suzanne Gordon, Patricia Benner, and Nel Noddings (eds), Caregiving: Readings in Knowledge, Practice, Ethics and Politics, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1996, 305 pp., £21.95, ISBN 0 812 21582 6.
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Michael Young and Lesley Cullen, A Good Death: Conversations with East Londoners, Routledge, London, 1996, 249 pp., hbk £45.00, ISBN 0 415 13797 7.
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- 01 May 1997, pp. 353-371
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David Thomson, Selfish Generations? White Horse, Cambridge, second edition, 1996, 240 pp., hbk £29.95, ISBN 1 874 26707 5, pbk £11.95, ISBN 1 874 26706 3.
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- 01 March 1997, pp. 227-246
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Susan Lanspery and Joan Hyde (eds), Staying Put: Adapting the Place Instead of the People, Baywood, Amityville, New York, 1997, 283 pp., no price, ISBN 0 895 03133 7.
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Elaine Murphy and George Alexopoulos (eds), Geriatric Psychiatry: Key Research Topics for Clinicians, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, Sussex, 1995, 313 pp., £39.95, ISBN 0 471 95168 4.
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- 01 May 1997, pp. 353-371
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Maggie Pearson, Experience, Skill and Competitiveness: The Implications of an Ageing Population for the Workplace, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, 1996, 66 pp., ECU 8.50, ISBN 9 282 76033 2. Judith E. Phillips, Working and Caring: Developments at the Workplace for Family Carers of Disabled and Older People, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, 1996, 51 pp., ECU 11.50, ISBN 9 282 76028 6.
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Peter P. Mayer, Edward J. Dickinson and Martin Sandler (eds), Quality Care for Elderly People, Chapman and Hall, London, 1997, 297 pp., £55.00, ISBN 0 412 61830 3.
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Robert Adams, The Personal Social Services: Clients, Consumers or Citizens? Longman, Harlow, Essex, 1996, 290 pp., £13.99, ISBN 0 582 25875 8.
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- 01 September 1997, pp. 615-626
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K. Warner Schaie, Intellectual Development in Adulthood: The Seattle Longitudinal Study, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 396 pp., hbk £35.00, ISBN 0 521 43014 3.
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- 01 March 1997, pp. 227-246
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Anne Opie, Beyond Good Intentions: Support Work with Older People, Institute of Policy Studies, Wellington, New Zealand, 1995, 253 pp., NZ $30, ISBN 0 908 93598 6.
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