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The Many Lives of Täsfa Ṣeyon

An Ethiopian Intellectual in Early Modern Rome

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  12 December 2024

Matteo Salvadore
American University of Sharjah
James De Lorenzi
City University of New York
Deresse Ayenachew Woldetsadik
Aix-Marseille Université


This Element examines the life and legacy of the sixteenth-century Ethiopian intellectual Täsfa Ṣeyon. It reconstructs his formative years in the Horn of Africa and his diasporic life in the Holy Land and Italian peninsula, where he emerged as a prominent intermediary figure at Santo Stefano degli Abissini, an Ethiopian monastery within the Vatican. He became a librarian, copyist, teacher, translator, author, and community leader, as well as a prominent advisor to European humanist scholars and Tridentine Church authorities concerned with the emerging field of philologia sacra as it pertained to Ethiopian Orthodox (täwaḥedo) Christianity. The Element reconstructs his wide-ranging contacts with the Roman Curia and emerging orientalist academy, and then scrutinizes his editio princeps of the Ge'ez Gospels. A final section traces his modern influence, erasure, and rediscovery by later generations of European, Ethiopian, and Eritrean intellectuals.
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Online ISBN: 9781009595681
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication: 16 January 2025

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