TOUCESTRE Compotus Johannis Byrwode balliui ibidem de anno regni regis Edwardi quarti septimo.
Decasus redditus.
Fryst in the aloweaunse of the rente of a tenemente, late John Blondell, the wheche that my lord hath geve to John Holte and to Elizabet hys weyf, terme of there lyves, be yere 40s. Also the aloweanse of the workes of a ten’, late John Deyfte, in Toucestre, for they benot leveabu[11], be yere 14d. Also for 1 a goose & half (aic) I hen & di’ with the rent (ofi) them in Apthorp’ 11¼d. Also in the loweanse of the rente of a cotage, late in tenour of Mawde Hawkyn’, the whych ys grauntyd here terme of here lyef, 4s. Also in the decaye of the rente of a shoppe in Toust’, late in the tenour of William Wexschaundeler, for hyt leyth in mylordes hond, 14s. Also in the loweaunse of the rente of a shope, late in the tenour of William Scote, cause aboueseyd, 3s 4d. (Et inde also ac) Also another ten’, late in tenour of Bole, for the same cause, be yere 8s. Also a nothere shope, late in the tenour of Robard Broune, be the same cause, 5s. Also in the distres of the rent of a shop’, later in tenour of Aleys Hony, weche yald be yere 6s 8d, and nowe hyt payit but 2s be yere, 4s 8d alovid. Also in the decay of 4 akers of lond in Apthorp’, late in the tenour of John Ward, leyth in mylordys handys, 2s. Also in the caye of the motehyll in Toucestre, be the same cause, 16d. Also a parcell of londoun callyd Writhehaches, be the same cause, 16d. Also 6 acr’ of lond lyinge in Wegenhale, (bei) cause aboueseyd, 16d. Also in the aloweaunse of the rente, late Thomas Vane, for the (howec) house ys nat well repariud this yere, 16d. Also in the alowaunse of the rente of 9 shoppis, for they benat ad the full rent thys yere, 17s 4d.
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- The Grey of Ruthin ValorThe Valor of the English Lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, Drawn up from the Ministers' Accounts of 1467-8, pp. 66 - 78Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023