BURBACHE Compotus Johannis Veyse, prepositi, et Johannis Hunt’ [balliui ibidem], de anno regni regis (Edwc) Edwardi quarti septimo.
Decasus redditus.
Frist alouaunse of the reues rente, 9s 3¼d for hys fee. Item ys (thc) to the clerk’ of Seynt Ionis Fraris 2d. Also in the [alo]-uauns of the rente of a cotage, late Sebill Bussell, 8d. Also in the destres of the rente of a tenement with acroft, [late] Richard Bret, (forc) and 9 acr’ of derlond that was wont to yeld be yere 15s 6d and nowe payth but 10s, 5s 6d. Also distresse of t … / re … emmete with a croft & 9 acr’ of derlond, late John Symond’, t … were wont to yeld be yere 15s 1 ½d and now (by …c) the … d but 10s, 5s 1½d in d[e]cres. Also there ys aloweyd the ren[t] of the comyn’ fine nat leveabull be yere 3s 3d. Also in the distres of the rent of 6 yerdelondys in Scatesclyf, (quonc) sumtyme Gylmynes, be yere 6s. Also in the distres of the rente of the comm’ ovenne there be yere 4s 10d. Also in the dekay of the rente of 1 acre of derlond lyinge atte the Storke, for hyt lyius in the londys hande, 6d (& the weche ys late for the yere folwegngei). Also in the decay of a tenemente 1 yerdelond with serteyn’ derlond, late in the handys of William Ballard, the cause that they lye in the lordeshand, 12s 4d. Also anothere ten’ (ai) yerdelonde with acroft & certynge derlond, late in the tenour of John Pywale, the cause abouesyd, 12s 2½d. Also a ten’ (lc) a yerdelond with acroft and certeyn’ derlond, late in the tenour of Thomas Blakeslee, the seyd cause, 15s 4d. Also a (cotagei tenementec) in the tenour of John Govdeby, the same cause, 3s 10½d. Also in the decay of the rente of a mese and half’ ayerdelond, late Thomas Marchall, the same cause, 7s 6d.
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- The Grey of Ruthin ValorThe Valor of the English Lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, Drawn up from the Ministers' Accounts of 1467-8, pp. 63 - 65Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023