BRYKHULL MAGNA Compotus Ricardi Benteley, balliui, & Thome Comptoun, parcarij ibidem, de anno regni regis Edwardi quarti septimo.
Decays of rent.
Fryst for the aloweaunse of the rente of a mede callyd Stapulford Mede for yt ys wyth ynne the ferme of the manere, be yere 10s. Also in the decay of the rent of a mes’ & certeyn lond, late John Hogoun, lyth in the lordys handys, be yere 8d. Also in the distres of the rent of a tenement & 15 acr’ of lond, late in the tenour of Thomas Marys, the whych payd be yere 10s, & nowe yt paytt but 8s.be yere, 2s. Also for amede callyd Dole Mede, the whyche payd be yere 4s, ad nowe yt ys lete but for 3s 4d be yere, 8d. Also for a croft of lond collyd Cokkescroft, the whyche payd be yere 14d, and nowe yt ys lete bu’t for 10d be yere, 4d. Also for 1 akere of lond, late Hweis Ward, for yt ys lete to ferme with the manere, be yere 8d. Also in the distres of the rent (ofi) 4 akerys lond, late in the tenour of John Bayly, the whych payd be yere 2s 4d, and nowe yt ys lete (toi) the same John but for 2s be yere, 4d. Also in the distres of the rente of a mede callyd Millemed, the whych payd be yere 13s 4d, & nowe yt payth but 10s be yere, 3s 4d.
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- The Grey of Ruthin ValorThe Valor of the English Lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, Drawn up from the Ministers' Accounts of 1467-8, pp. 111 - 121Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023