1 results in Political Cinemas

Tracking Loach
- Politics, Practices, Production
- Published by:
- Edinburgh University Press
- Published online:
- 05 March 2024
- Print publication:
- 31 December 2022
Political Cinemas is a book series with two strands. The first strand focuses on the rich history of politically-engaged filmmakers working across and within activist circles, arthouse cinemas and industrial studio systems. It offers fresh insights into how filmmakers, past and present, have sought to utilise cinema as a vehicle for social change. The second strand in the series offers new analyses of all aspects of film and film culture, written from an overtly political lens. As unprecedented emergencies beget the planet - pandemics, economic crises, climate change - the series publishes books which offer new insights into how film and film culture have both shaped and responded to the crises through which we have lived, and how they might positively influence the ones we are moving into.