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Merger Control Worldwide
- Second Supplement to the First Edition
- Published online:
- 30 July 2009
- Print publication:
- 29 May 2008
Within the field of competition law, merger control has emerged as a growing area of law over the last decade. Merger operations can impact on a number of jurisdictions, and regulatory notification and approval may need to be sought in more than one country. This comprehensive, multi-contributor collection sets out the details of every jurisdiction where a mechanism for merger control is in place. A concise, practical account is given of the relevant law in each jurisdiction, presented with the aid of flowcharts and diagrams. Merger Control Worldwide aims to provide the legal community, in particular law firms and policy-makers, with a clear point of reference which will prove invaluable when making decisions and delivering sound and accurate advice in merger cases. The original 2 volume set will be updated by an annual supplement outlining changes to the law in each jurisdiction.