1 results in Global Film Studios

Finnish Film Studios
- Published by:
- Edinburgh University Press
- Published online:
- 13 April 2023
- Print publication:
- 31 December 2022
Global Film Studios is a series of books devoted to examining international film studios and their global influence. Each volume addresses several studios representing an era, a regional intersection of production, a national cinema, a genre or a style. The series offers interdisciplinary interpretations of international film studios. Particular attention is paid to the signature features of these studios, such as their distinctive style, look, design, and genres, as well as principal figures who created and sustained those definable studio elements. Technological advancements and innovations associated with or promoted by studios are also examined. Additionally, these volumes address studios’ market strategies, their core competencies and core rigidities, and their reliance upon and shifts from film cycles in terms of re-evaluating box office and audience appeal. Detailed analyses of specific film productions that transformed studios conclude each volume. Due to its multifaceted analysis and international scope, this series intends to open up the field of global studiography.