Maximization of non-coking coal in coal blend is eloquent interest among researchers incoke making throughout the world. To maximize the non-coking coals in coal blend with thescarce and expensive coking coals is an essential practice in the iron and steel industry.The fundamental aspect of the coal blending theory of low value coals to produce goodquality of metallurgical coke in non-recovery coke making process was investigated in thisstudy by using the composite coking potential technique. The implementation of thetechnique has yielded use of up to 25% pulverized coal injection, 20% raw petroleum cokeas a component of coal blend. Results show that the coal blend having composite cokingpotential value of \hbox{$\geqslant $}
⩾4.8 is desired to achieve the targeted coke strengthafter reaction of \hbox{$\geqslant $}