The fixed points of the generalized Ricci flow are the Bismut Ricci flat (BRF) metrics, i.e., a generalized metric (g, H) on a manifold M, where g is a Riemannian metric and H a closed 3-form, such that H is g-harmonic and
$\operatorname{Rc}(g)=\tfrac{1}{4} H_g^2$. Given two standard Einstein homogeneous spaces
$G_i/K$, where each Gi is a compact simple Lie group and K is a closed subgroup of them holding some extra assumption, we consider
$M=G_1\times G_2/\Delta K$. Recently, Lauret and Will proved the existence of a BRF metric on any of these spaces. We proved that this metric is always asymptotically stable for the generalized Ricci flow on M among a subset of G-invariant metrics and, if
$G_1=G_2$, then it is globally stable.