We explore the limiting spectral distribution of large-dimensional random permutation matrices, assuming the underlying population distribution possesses a general dependence structure. Let
\textbf X = (\textbf x_1,\ldots,\textbf x_n)
\in \mathbb{C} ^{m \times n} be an
m \times n data matrix after self-normalization (n samples and m features), where
\textbf x_j = (x_{1j}^{*},\ldots, x_{mj}^{*} )^{*}. Specifically, we generate a permutation matrix
\textbf X_\pi by permuting the entries of
\textbf x_j
(j=1,\ldots,n) and demonstrate that the empirical spectral distribution of
\textbf {B}_n = ({m}/{n})\textbf{U} _{n} \textbf{X} _\pi \textbf{X} _\pi^{*} \textbf{U} _{n}^{*} weakly converges to the generalized Marčenko–Pastur distribution with probability 1, where
\textbf{U} _n is a sequence of
p \times m non-random complex matrices. The conditions we require are
p/n \to c >0 and
m/n \to \gamma > 0.