6 results
Chapter 1 - The Inner Child in Frances Hodgson Burnett’s Little Lord Fauntleroy and Sara Crewe
- Book:
- Children's Literature and the Rise of ‘Mind Cure'
- Published online:
- 10 December 2020
- Print publication:
- 17 December 2020, pp 24-53
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- Book:
- Children's Literature and the Rise of ‘Mind Cure'
- Published online:
- 10 December 2020
- Print publication:
- 17 December 2020, pp 1-23
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Chapter 2 - Fauntleroy’s Ghost
- Book:
- Children's Literature and the Rise of ‘Mind Cure'
- Published online:
- 10 December 2020
- Print publication:
- 17 December 2020, pp 54-82
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Chapter 3 - Rewriting the Rest Cure in Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden
- Book:
- Children's Literature and the Rise of ‘Mind Cure'
- Published online:
- 10 December 2020
- Print publication:
- 17 December 2020, pp 83-114
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Chapter 5 - New Women, New Thoughts
- Book:
- Children's Literature and the Rise of ‘Mind Cure'
- Published online:
- 10 December 2020
- Print publication:
- 17 December 2020, pp 155-186
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Children's Literature and the Rise of ‘Mind Cure'
- Positive Thinking and Pseudo-Science at the Fin de Siècle
- Published online:
- 10 December 2020
- Print publication:
- 17 December 2020