We develop techniques to construct isomorphisms between simple affine W-algebras and affine vertex algebras at admissible levels. We then apply these techniques to obtain many new, and conjecturally all, admissible collapsing levels for affine W-algebras. In short, if a simple affine W-algebra at a given level is equal to its affine vertex subalgebra generated by the centraliser of an
${\mathfrak {sl}}_2$-triple associated with the underlying nilpotent orbit, then that level is said to be collapsing. Collapsing levels are important both in representation theory and in theoretical physics. Our approach relies on two fundamental invariants of vertex algebras. The first one is the associated variety, which, in the context of admissible level simple affine W-algebras, leads to the Poisson varieties known as nilpotent Slodowy slices. We exploit the singularities of these varieties to detect possible collapsing levels. The second invariant is the asymptotic datum. We prove a general result asserting that, under appropriate hypotheses, equality of asymptotic data implies isomorphism at the level of vertex algebras. Then we use this to give a sufficient criterion, of combinatorial nature, for an admissible level to be collapsing. Our methods also allow us to study isomorphisms between quotients of W-algebras and extensions of simple affine vertex algebras at admissible levels. Based on such examples, we are led to formulate a general conjecture: for any finite extension of vertex algebras, the induced morphism between associated Poisson varieties is dominant.