The original publication contained an incorrect version of Figure 1. The correct version is reproduced below.

Fig. 1. Cambroraster sp. nov. A (YKLP 11420) from the Yu’anshan Member of the Chiungchussu Formation (Chengjiang biota), Cambrian Stage 3 (Eoredlichia–Wutingaspis Zone), Ercaicun Village, Haikou town, Kunming, Yunnan, South China. Images (a) and (c) are photographs of the specimen dry taken using cross-polarized light, (b) is a 3D reconstruction from CT data using the transfer function of Drishti (Limaye, 2012), (d) and (f) are photographs in non-polarized light, and (e) is a photograph taken using fluorescence microscopy under blue light. (a–c) General views (a, b) and detail of the ocular notch area (c) of YKLP 11420a (part). (d–f) General views (d, e) and detail of the putative oral cone (c) of YKLP 11420b (counterpart). Note the putative oral cone (arrowheads). Abbreviations: cw, compaction wrinkles; m?, putative position of the mouth; nr, nuchal region; ns, nuchal spine; on, ocular notch; ple, posterolateral extension; sm, smooth margin. Scale bars = 1 mm for (a), (b), (d), (e), 500 μm for (c), (f).