1.2Different perspectives on the role of FDI in less developed countries
2.2Basic approaches in economic geography to FDI in peripheral regions
3.1Spatial zones in core-based automotive industry macro-regional production networks
3.2Passenger car production in integrated peripheries, 1990–2015
3.3Structure of procured supplies of surveyed automotive firms in Slovakia
3.4Percentage share of surveyed automotive firms in Slovakia by ownership according to what share of their supplies they source from domestic firms, foreign subsidiaries and abroad
3.5The share of the total value of supplies sourced by interviewed foreign subsidiaries in Slovakia
3.6The classification of linkages of the interviewed foreign subsidiaries and domestic firms
4.1The basic elements of the spatiotemporal fix and conjoining organizational, technological and institutional fixes in the automotive industry of integrated peripheries
4.2Job creation and job loss in the European Union plus Norway automotive industry by country, 2005–2016
4.3Reasons for investment by foreign-owned automotive firms in Czechia and Slovakia
4.4Reasons for the location choice of foreign-owned automotive firms in Czechia and Slovakia
4.5Job creation and job loss by the nationality of the firm and by country, 2005–2016
4.6Job creation by foreign and domestic firms in the European Union plus Norway automotive industry by country, 2005–2016
4.7Summary of main restructuring events in the European Union plus Norway automotive industry, 2005–2016
5.1Contemporary approaches to the automotive industry in economic geography
5.2Positional power of countries in the European automotive industry, 2000–2018
5.3Values of automotive industry power in the European automotive industry by country, 2003–2017
5.4Classification of countries into spatial zones in the European automotive industry system delimited by cluster analysis based on the natural logarithm of average values of automotive industry power during 2003–2007, 2008–2012, 2013–2017 and 2003–2017
5.5Change in the relative position of European Union countries between 2003–2007 and 2013–2017 according to automotive industry power
5.6Change in the relative trade position of European Union countries between 2003–2007 and 2013–2017 according to positional power
5.7Index of foreign control in the European automotive industry by country, 2003–2017
5.8Index of innovation in the European automotive industry by country, 2003–2017
6.1Firm-level indicators for measuring value creation and value capture
6.2Shares of individual supplier tiers on selected indicators of the total Czech automotive industry, 2008–2010
6.3Descriptive statistics for different tiers of Czech-based automotive firms (mean values for 2006, 2007 and 2008) (value creation and value capture)
6.4Change in the share of value added (value creation), wages and corporate tax revenues (value capture) of the total value of production by supplier tier
6.5The development of labor productivity (value creation), annual wages and corporate tax revenues per employee (value capture) by supplier tier, 1998–2009/2010
6.6The percentage share of components sourced from Czechia in 2009 by supplier tier (value capture)
6.7The percentage of automotive firms conducting selected high-value-added functions in Czechia by supplier tier, 2009
6.8The percentage of automotive firms conducting selected high-value-added functions in Czechia by ownership and supplier tier, 2009
7.1Labor cost per employee full-time equivalent in thousands of EUR (at exchange rate parity) in the European automotive industry (NACE 29) by country, 2020
7.2The index of foreign control in the European automotive industry, 2019
7.3The share of business R&D expenditures of the total value of production in the automotive industry (NACE 29) of selected European countries, 2020
7.4The share of R&D personnel and researchers of total persons employed in the automotive industry (NACE 29) of selected European countries, 2020
7.5Battery gigafactories in Eastern Europe, including announced projects
7.6Selected FDI into the battery industry in Eastern Europe, including the announced future investments
7.7Production of electric vehicles in Eastern Europe in 2022, including the announced future production and investments as of 2023