13.1 Introduction
Recently there has been much discussion about AI in all application domains, especially in the field of education.Footnote 1 Since the introduction of ChatGPT, a storm has swept through the educational landscape.Footnote 2 The awareness that AI will impact education has now reached the general public. For instance, teachers are confronted with AI in their daily practices when students, from late primary education to university, find their way to generative AI as an easy help to support homework, write essays, and make assessments.Footnote 3 In this way, generative AI comes into schools through the backdoor, and educational professionals struggle to respond meaningfully. This stands in stark contrast with the instructional design approach and responsible research and innovation trajectories, in which applications of technology and AI are carefully designed for use in education, relevant stakeholders are included in the development process, and diverse societal and ethical implications are assessed.Footnote 4 In this chapter, we argue that these recent developments further increased the need for ethical approaches that stimulate the responsible use of AI in education.
Although AI in education has been a scientific field for over 35 years,Footnote 5 policy-oriented developments and ethical approaches directly focused on AI and education are more recent. Following the development of general guidelines for developing and using AI,Footnote 6 the first international event on AI in education with a policy and ethics perspective was organized by UNESCO in 2019.Footnote 7 The resulting statement, the Beijing consensus,Footnote 8 was followed up by numerous NGO initiatives to support governments toward policy for responsible use of AI in education. Examples are the OECD Digital Education Outlook 2021: Pushing the frontiers with AI, Blockchain and robotsFootnote 9 and the European Commission’s Ethical guidelines on using artificial intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and learning for educators.Footnote 10
In this chapter, we discuss why AI in education is a special application domain and outline different perspectives on AI in education. We will provide examples of various specific-purpose AI applications used in the educational sector and generic-purpose AI solutions moving into schools (Section 13.2). Next, we will outline ethical guidelines and discuss the social impact of AI in education (Section 13.3), elaborating on initial steps taken in the Beijing consensus and ethical guidelines for AI and data use in education from the European Union. Finally, we describe concrete examples from the Netherlands, where the Dutch value compass for digital transformation and the National Education Lab AI (NOLAI) serve as an illustration of how a collaborative research-practice center can facilitate proactive ethical discussions and support the responsible use of AI in education (Section 13.4), and conclude (Section 13.5).
13.2 AI in Education: A Special Application Domain of AI
It has been argued that AI in education is a special application area of AI.Footnote 11 To explain why the use of AI in education is unique, we build on the distinction between the replacement and augmentation perspectives on the role of AI in education.Footnote 12 In many application areas of AI, the replacement perspective is most dominant and considered appropriate. This means that the focus is on replacing human behavior with AI systems. For example, the application of AI in the self-driving car explicitly aims to offload driving from humans to AI. In contrast, AI in education aims to optimize human learning and teaching.Footnote 13 It is important to note that humans and artificial intelligence have different strengths.Footnote 14 While AI systems are good at quickly analyzing and interpreting large amounts of data, humans excel at social interaction, creativity, and problem-solving. The augmentation perspective strives for a meaningful combination of human and artificial intelligence.
Current AI systems cannot make broad judgments and considerations as humans do: they merely recognize patterns and use those to optimize learning outcomes or mirror human behavior. In addition, the function of education is broader than the development of knowledge and skills; general development, socialization, and human functioning are critical aspects.Footnote 15 With a restricted focus on optimizing learning outcomes, there is a considerable risk that these broader education functions will be lost out of sight.Footnote 16 Consequently, it is important to ensure that critical processes for human learning and teaching are not offloaded to AI. For example, adaptive learning technologies (ALTs) can take over human regulation, that is, control and monitoring of learning, in optimizing the allocation of problems to learners.Footnote 17 Similarly, automated forms of feedback may reduce social interaction between learners and teachers.Footnote 18 Hence, it is important to understand how the application of AI in education offloads elements from human learning and teaching.Footnote 19
This notion of offloading can also help us understand the storm that the introduction of ChatGPT has created in educational institutions around the world. Students bypass the intended learning process when they use generative AI for homework. Homework is designed to help students engage in cognitive processing activities to integrate new knowledge into their mental models and develop a more elaborate understanding of the world.Footnote 20 Hence, students using generative AI for homework brings considerable risks of offloading and reduced learning. At the same time, combining generative AI with effective pedagogics may provide new education opportunities.Footnote 21 For example, dynamic assessment in combination with collaborative writing, where the students write a paragraph and generative AI writes the next paragraph, can help students develop new writing skills while still ensuring students’ conscious processing and engagement with the instructional materials offered and challenging them to make a cognitive effort to learn. Despite these good examples, many questions about implementing AI that augments human learning and teachers remain. Therefore, it is important to understand how AI offloads human learning and teaching. A careful analysis of the pedagogical and didactical arrangements can ensure that we do not offload critical processes for learning or teaching.
13.2.1 Understanding Offloading in Education
In order to better analyze how AI is offloading human learning and teaching, two different models can be used.Footnote 22 First, the Detect-Diagnose-Act Framework distinguishes three mechanisms underlying the functioning of AI in education (see Figure 13.1). In detect, the data that AI uses to understand student learning or teacher teaching are made explicit. The constructs AI analyses to understand the learning or teaching process are outlined in the diagnosis. Finally, act describes how the diagnostic information is translated into didactic pedagogical action. For example, an ALT for mathematical learning uses the learners’ answers to questions as input to diagnose a learner’s knowledge of a specific mathematical topic.Footnote 23 This insight is used to adjust the difficulty level of problems provided to the learner and to determine how a learner should continue to practice this topic. Below, we provide an example of how this can look like in practice under “Case 1.”

Figure 13.1 Detect-Diagnose-Act FrameworkFootnote 25
From the teaching perspective, the task of adjusting problems to students’ individual needs is offloaded to ALT. The technology and the teachers share the task of determining when a learner has reached sufficient mastery. Although these technologies support teachers,Footnote 24 it is important to ensure that teachers stay in control. From the learner’s perspective, the need to monitor and control learning is reduced as the technology supports learning by adjusting the problem’s difficulty, which decreases the need for learners to self-regulate their learning and may affect the development of these skills.Footnote 26
In this way, the Detect-Diagnose-Act Framework helps analyze offloading by AI, illustrating how particular AI solutions function in educational arrangements. At the same time, this model only describes the AI’s roles and largely ignores the roles of learners and teachers. Here the six levels of the automation model can be used to understand the division of control between AI, learners, and teachers in education. This model distinguishes six levels of automation in which the degree of control gradually transfers from the teacher to the AI system. The model starts with full teacher control and ends with full automation or AI control (see Figure 13.2). Hence the model goes from no offloading to AI to full offloading.

Figure 13.2 Six Levels of Automation ModelFootnote 27
This model includes elements from the detect-diagnose-act framework. The input lines at the bottom represent detection and data collection in intelligent technologies. The data forms the basis for the AI system to diagnose meaningful constructs for learning and teaching, as described earlier. Hence, more data and different data streams are required for further automation. The diagnostic information is consequently transformed into different pedagogical didactical actions that can be taken in response. The main focus of this model is to make explicit which actors, that is, teachers, learners, or the AI system, perform those actions. This largely determines the position of an educational arrangement with AI on the model.
This model has distinct levels of automation at which AI can execute actions.
First, the AI system can provide information and describe student behavior without taking over any control (teacher assistance level). The information provided is known to impact teacher behavior.Footnote 28 It can be communicated in different forms describing, guiding, and even recommending particular actions.Footnote 29 Second, the AI system can enact simple actions during learning. These actions typically are at three levels: the step level providing feedback within a problem, the task level adjusting the task to the student’s needs, or the curriculum level optimizing the order of learning topics. In this partial automation level, AI only takes over tasks at one particular level, either enacting step, task, or curriculum adaptivity in interaction with the learner. In Case 1, an example of task adaption is outlined. In conditional automation, multiple tasks are taken over by AI, which can be a combination of different levels of adaptivity. With the transition of tasks to the AI system, the importance of the interface between the system and the teacher increases. For teachers to orchestrate the learning scenarios in the classroom, AI must inform the teacher adequately about the actions taken. Hence coordination between AI and humans becomes more critical. In high automation, control transfers primarily to AI and teachers step in only for specific tasks. Teacher actions are needed in case AI does not oversee the learning context. Here AI steers learning to a large extent. Finally, in full automation, the system autonomously supports learning and teaching without human control.
This model is functional for describing the augmentation perspective of AI in education, positioning the current role of AI in education, and discussing the future development of the role of AI in education. It can also help foster the discussion about the envisioned role of AI in education, in which it should be made explicit that the goal is not to reach full automation. Successful augmentation requires an ongoing interaction between humans and AI, and the interface between humans and AI is critical.Footnote 30 The Detect-Diagnose-Act Framework and the Six Levels of Automation Model help to understand offloading by AI in specific educational arrangements and analyze the implications of AI in education more broadly. These insights can help teachers and educational professionals understand different applications of AI in the educational domain, allow scientists from different disciplines to compare use cases and discuss implications, and enable companies to position their products in the EdTech market.
Case 1 Adaptive Learning Technologies
Adaptive Learning Technologies (ALT) and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) have become increasingly prevalent in European primary and secondary schools. These technologies personalize learning for students in foundational mathematics, grammar, and spelling skills. Using tablets and computers allows rich data on student performance to be captured during practice sessions. For instance, the Snappet technology,Footnote 31 widely used in the Netherlands, is typically employed in combination with the pedagogical direct instruction model. In this approach, the teacher activates prior knowledge through examples and explains today’s learning goal to the students. Smartboard materials support this direct instruction phase, and students work on adaptively selected problems during the individual practice phase. This practice is tailored to the needs of each student, with the technology providing direct feedback during the process. Teacher-facing dashboards give educators the information they need to make informed decisions about providing feedback and additional instruction. They can also optimize the balance between digital and face-to-face lesson components.
The current generation of ALTs uses data on student performance to adapt problems to learners’ predicted knowledge levels and to provide additional information on their progress in teachers’ dashboards. These technologies enable more efficient teaching of foundational skills, and free time to focus on more complex problem-solving, self-regulation, and creativity. Adaptive learning technologies offer advantages, including advanced personalization of practice materials tailored to each student’s needs and the ability for teachers to devote more time to tasks beyond the reach of technology, such as providing elaborate feedback or helping students who need additional instruction. This case represents an example of partial automation, in which the teacher and the ALT work closely together. The functions of the ALT are to describe, diagnose, and advise the teacher through the dashboards based on ongoing student activities and, in specific cases, to select student problems. Teachers continue to control most organizational tasks in this learning scenario and remain responsible for monitoring the functioning of the technology, in which teacher dashboards play an important role. ALTs are one example of AI in education, below we provide an overview applications.
13.2.2 Applications of AI in Education
Generally, applications of AI in education can be divided into student-faced, teacher-faced, and administrative AI solutions, depending on the actor/stakeholder they support.Footnote 32 Below the most commonly used AI systems of each type are shortly outlined. Student-Facing AI in Education
AI for learners is directed at human learners to support learning and make it more efficient, effective, or enjoyable. A large range of ALTs and intelligent tutor systems (ITS) adjusts to the needs of individual learners.Footnote 33 These technologies mostly show three levels of adaptivity: step, task, and curriculum adaptivity. In step adaptivity, the learner receives feedback or support within a particular learning task, for example, elaborative feedback on a mistake made in solving math equations providing automatic formative assessment. Task adaptivity aims to give students a task that fits their progress or interest. For example, when a learner is making progress, the next problem selected can be more difficult than when a learner is not making progress. Finally, curriculum adaptivity is directed at supporting learners’ trajectories and selecting fitting next learning goals or topics to address. Intelligent Tutoring Systems often combine multiple levels of adaptivityFootnote 34 and have been shown to improve students’ learning.Footnote 35 Most adaptive technologies focus on analyzing students’ knowledge; these systems often do not measure other important learning constructs such as self-regulated learning, motivation, and emotion. Case 2 provides an example of how to develop systems that also consider these broader learning characteristics. New developments are chatbots for learning with a more dialogic character, dialogue-based tutoring systems, exploratory learning environments with games, learning network orchestrators, simulations, and virtual reality.Footnote 36 Teacher-Facing AI in Education
Teacher-facing AI applications are mostly systems that help teachers to optimize their instruction methods. The best-known solutions are teacher dashboards that have been shown to impact teacher feedback practices during lessons. Teachers provide different feedback,Footnote 37 allocate it to different students,Footnote 38 and reduce inequality.Footnote 39 Classroom orchestration can also help teachers when teaching classes to make changes based on how students respond to their teaching.Footnote 40 Automatic summative assessment systems directly assess students’ work. More recently, double-teaching solutions and teaching assistants have provided teachers with instructional support in their classrooms.Footnote 41 Finally, classroom monitoring systemsFootnote 42 and plagiarism detection are helping teachers ensure academic integrity and maintain a fair learning environment in their classrooms. Administrative AI in Education
Administrative AI solutions are directed at helping schools to enact education in an efficient matter. Here, AI is used for administrative purposes such as financial planning, course planning, and making schedules.Footnote 43 Quality control is another application that uses predictive analytics of how students develop, both for admission and to identify at-risk students.Footnote 44 Finally, e-proctoring monitors students during exams.Footnote 45
Case 2 Student-Facing Dashboards for Self-Regulated Learning
Recent advancements in learning technologies have expanded the focus of personalized education beyond learner knowledge and skills to include self-regulated learning, metacognitive skills, monitoring and controlling learning activities, motivation, and emotion. Research shows that self-regulated learning, motivation, and emotion play a vital role in learning. Incorporating self-regulated learning in personalized education can improve current and future learning outcomes.
The Learning Path AppFootnote 46 is an example of this development. The app uses ALT’s log data to detect self-regulated learning processes during learning. The moment-by-moment learning algorithm was developed to visualize the probability that a learner has learned a specific skill at a specific time. The algorithm provides insight to learners on how accurately they worked (monitoring) and when they need to adjust their approach (control). Personalized dashboards were developed for students to provide feedback, changing the role of learner-facing dashboards from discussing what learners learned to also incorporating how learners learned.
Results indicate that learners with access to dashboards improved control and monitoring of learning and achieved higher learning outcomes and monitoring accuracy. Widening the indicators that are tracked and increasing the scope of diagnosis can further personalize learning and advance our ability to accurately understand a learner’s current state and improve the prediction of future development. This supports better approaches toward the personalization of learning that incorporate more diverse learner characteristics and a better understanding of the learner’s environment.Footnote 47
The above-illustrated perspectives on the use of AI in education offers insights into how AI can offload human learning, how that affects the roles of teachers and learners and which different AI solutions exist. Still, many challenges and questions remain, and many initiatives have been taken to steer the development of AI in education in a desirable direction. The next section will reflect on those policy, governance, and ethical initiatives, starting with a cursory view of the AI ethics discourse developed over the past decade. We then concentrate on the specific realm of education, discussing major ethical frameworks chronologically. The section concludes with a closer look at the Netherlands’ pioneering role in addressing the ethical dimensions of digital applications in education.
13.3 Toward the Development of Responsible AI for Education
13.3.1 Overview of AI Ethics Frameworks
The mid-2010s saw a surge in AI ethics discussions, spurred by rapid advances in deep learning and growing controversies surrounding the technology’s implications. More specifically, the years between 2016 and 2019 have seen the proliferation of AI ethics guidelines issued by technology companies, NGOs, think tanks, international organizations, and research institutions.Footnote 48 Jobin et al.Footnote 49 analyzed 84 published sets of ethical principles for AI, which they concluded converged on five areas: transparency, justice and fairness, non-maleficence, responsibility, and privacy. Similarly, a comparative analysis by Fjeld et al.Footnote 50 identified an emerging normative core comprised of 8 key themes: privacy, accountability, safety and security, transparency and explainability, fairness and nondiscrimination, human control of technology, professional responsibility, and the promotion of human values. While this convergence may be seen as a sign of maturation and a key step for the development of binding rules and laws, a review by Blair Attard-Frost et al.Footnote 51 revealed a disproportionate emphasis on principles intended for the governance of algorithms and technologies and little attention to the ethics of business practices and the political economies within which AI technologies are embedded. These latter aspects are of key importance in the context of education, given that the adoption of AI in schools can accelerate the commodification of education and further embed large private tech companies into the provision of public goods.Footnote 52
In recent years the AI ethics discussion gradually moved from the enumeration of key values toward efforts to translate abstract principles into real-world practices. However, this is wrought with several difficulties, and the field is currently exploring various approaches.Footnote 53 For example, at the time of writing, the OECD’s Policy Observatory cataloguesFootnote 54 over 500 procedural, educational, and technical tools intended to support trustworthy and responsible AI development. However, there is currently little evidence about this uptake and impact. A 2021 review of AI impact assessments and audits concluded that most approaches suffered from a lack of stakeholder participation, failed to utilize the full range of possible techniques and that internal self-assessment methods exhibited scarce external verification or transparency mechanisms.Footnote 55
Finally, in addition to developments in AI ethics, there has been increasing regulatory attention in several jurisdictions, including the EU,Footnote 56 the UK,Footnote 57 the United States,Footnote 58 and China, along with calls for international harmonization. The European Union adopted the world’s first comprehensive regulation, the AI Act, in July 2024, which enshrines several previously voluntary ethical principles into law. As a result, schools will need to implement a comprehensive AI governance strategy to adequately deal with transparency, data protection and risk assessment requirements. The law also classifies certain uses of AI in education as high risk, including systems that determine access to educational institutions, determine the appropriate education level for students, evaluate learning outcomes, or monitor students for prohibited behaviour during tests. These use-cases are subject to additional regulatory requirements.Footnote 59
Still, AI represents a uniquely difficult technology for lawmakers to regulate.Footnote 60 Given the pace, potential scale, and complexity of AI’s societal impacts, ethical frameworks, guidelines, and tools for responsible technology development will likely continue to evolve alongside regulatory efforts.
13.3.2 Ethics of AI in Education
When AI is applied in the domain of education, it may substitute, augment, modify, or redefine existing educational practices.Footnote 61 Consequently, the ethics of AI in education should not just be based on an ethics of AI, but also based on an ethics of education.Footnote 62 Aiken and Epstein set the stage for ethics in AI education back in 2000. They advocated for focusing on human needs rather than letting technology dictate decisions.Footnote 63 They considered a multidimensional view of humans, looking at ethical, social, intellectual, and other aspects. This laid the groundwork for today’s human-centered AI ethos.Footnote 64 Aiken and Epstein’s guidelines emphasized positive, adaptive AI that supported diverse learning approaches and cultures, respected teachers and underscored the human role in education. However, principles we commonly see in AI ethics guidelines today, such as transparency, explainability, and avoiding bias, are notably absent, as these emerged later due to the rise of data-driven deep learning systems. Despite the changes in AI technologies, Aiken and Epstein’s principles still remind us to prioritize human-centered educational values in AI development and align well with the augmentation perspective on AI in education. Framework of the Institute for Ethical AI in Education
Discussions about the ethics of AI in education were further galvanized in the late 2010s as part of the broader engagement with the risks and opportunities of machine learning systems. The Institute for Ethical AI in Education in the UK developed a frameworkFootnote 65 iteratively based on extensive consultations with stakeholders, including policymakers, academics, philosophers and ethicists, industry experts, educators, and young people. The framework acknowledges the necessity of wider educational reform to ensure that AI can benefit all learners while expressing the hope that AI might help “combat many of the deep-rooted problems facing education systems and learners themselves: from a narrow and shallow curriculum to entrenched social immobility. AI could allow societies to move away from an outdated assessment system, and it could also enable high-quality, affordable lifelong learning to become universally available.” (The Institute for Ethical AI in Education, 2021: 4)Footnote 66
The framework recognized the power of public institutions in setting high-quality standards for product development and was therefore intended for those making procurement and application decisions related to AI systems in education. The framework advanced nine overall objectives that AI systems must adhere to: AI in education should focus on achieving well-defined educational goals beneficial to learners, support the assessment of a broader range of talents, and increase organizational capacity while respecting human relationships. It should promote equity and learner autonomy and uphold privacy. Human oversight and accountability must be maintained, educators and learners should understand AI implications, and ethical design principles should be followed by those creating AI resources. Many of these principles track broader values articulated in AI ethics guidelines – such as autonomy, privacy, and transparency – but we also find education-specific values. These high-level objectives were further specified into a list of criteria and a checklist of concrete questions to guide pre-procurement, procurement, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation phases.Footnote 67 The UNESCO 2019 Beijing Consensus
At a global level, UNESCO’s 2019 Beijing ConsensusFootnote 68, Footnote 69 was a major accomplishment toward defining the requirements for the sustainable development of educational AI technologies. The drafting committee consisted of selected members from the electoral world districts who were invited to focus on the 2030 agenda for sustainable development with specific attention to Sustainable Development Goal 4 to ensure high-quality education for all learners. In different sessions, a broad range of topics around AI and education were discussed: from AI for learning to learning in an AI era, as well as societal consequences and labor market impacts. It was also explicitly recognized that demands differ depending on the broader socioeconomic characteristics of member countries.
The Beijing Consensus emphasized the utilization and scaling of intelligent ALTs for foundational skills, such as math and language learning, while highlighting the need for developing unique human competencies such as problem-solving, creativity, and the regulation of learning processes in an AI era. Ensuring teacher professional development and using formative assessment was crucial for effective AI implementation, and governments were encouraged to harness AI for optimizing educational policies and understanding system effectiveness. The consensus accentuates the importance of lifelong learning, AI literacy skills, and inclusivity for all demographics. Ethical considerations were emphasized as important and included equitable and inclusive use of AI, addressing the needs of vulnerable groups such as minorities and students with learning impairments or disabilities. The consensus also highlighted the importance of ensuring gender equity and maintaining auditable transparency in data use. Finally, attention was also placed on evidence-based AI applications and establishing novel regulatory frameworks.
Overall, there was a strong agreement on the human-centred approach to AI in education, whereby teachers were considered the central focus, and AI in education should always be human-controlled. Following up on the Beijing Consensus, UNESCO issued guidance on AI and education intended for policymakers to support the achievement of SDG4 to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.Footnote 70 The document reaffirmed the principles of the Beijing Consensus. It emphasized that for AI to be best exploited for the common good, it should be used to reimagine teaching and learning rather than just automating often outmoded existing practices. This involves adopting a system-wide vision for AI in education that puts teachers and learners in the center. Importantly, the document recognized that getting AI right in the context of education requires an integrated approach that involves interdisciplinary planning, fostering ethical and inclusive AI use, developing a comprehensive plan for AI in educational management and teaching, conducting pilot testing and evaluations, and encouraging local AI innovations in the field of education.Footnote 71 European Commission’s Ethical Guidelines on the Use of AI and Data in Teaching and Learning for Educators
The European Union is one of the main actors in the discussion around AI ethics, governance, and regulation. This started with the European Commission’s establishment of a High-Level Expert Group on AI in 2018, which drafted a set of Ethics Guidelines with seven key requirements for trustworthy AI: human agency and oversight, transparency, diversity, nondiscrimination and fairness, societal and environmental well-being, privacy and data governance, technical robustness and safety, and accountability.Footnote 72 The European Commission’s Digital Education Action PlanFootnote 73 specifically describes the development of “ethical guidelines on the use of AI and data in teaching and learning for educators” (in priority 1, action 6). To achieve this action, it set up a European Expert Group for this specific purpose, resulting in guidelines on the use of AI and data in teaching and learning for educators, published in 2022.Footnote 74, Footnote 75
The guidelines consist of four main elements: a description of the EU policy and regulatory context, examples of AI and data use in education, ethical considerations and requirements, and guidance for teachers and school leaders. The background report specifically mentions how the ethics of AI and the ethics of education are deeply related and highlights the importance of interpreting the ethical dilemmas and challenges of AI in education in the context of educational practices.Footnote 76 The guidelines are based on Biesta’s three key objectives of education: qualification, socialization, and subjectification.Footnote 77 From an ethical perspective, the guidelines focus on four interrelated dimensions of ethics: human agency, fairness, humanity, and justified choice. These are seen as guiding the choices around using AI systems in education.Footnote 78
The guidelines also have a strong basis in the requirements set by the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AI, and rearticulate the abovementioned seven key requirements for trustworthy AI in the context of education. Using these requirements as a scaffolding, the document offers guiding questions for schools and educators as a starting point for reflection and constructive dialogue among various stakeholders about using AI systems in educational practices. In line with this, the guidelines describe the competencies necessary to successfully implement and use AI systems in education. The existing European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu)Footnote 79 provides a basis for developing the integral skills and capacities necessary within the educational system.
A critical note here would be to wonder whether educators and schools are equipped to ask and answer these questions, some of which require extensive technical understanding as well as access to elaborate system documentation; think of “Are the appropriate oversight mechanisms in place for data collection, storage, processing, minimisation and use?” and “Are there monitoring systems in place to prevent overconfidence in or overreliance on the AI system?”Footnote 80 Dealing with these questions around the application of AI in education is not an easy feat and requires extensive collaboration among educators, schools, and public institutions. This is why the guidelines proposed that schools adequately prepare for the effective use of AI and recommended raising awareness around the challenges. Such reflective action will require additional resources to be committed to supporting schools or new organizations to address these issues together with teachers and schools. Hence, NGOs have raised awareness of the need to implement ethical guidelines and have requested national governments to act accordingly. In the next section, we turn to the example of the Netherlands to show how this can be organized at a national level.
13.4 The Dutch Experience: A National Ambition Toward Value-Driven Educational Innovation
13.4.1 The Value Compass for the Digital Transformation of Education
Within the Netherlands, there has been an increasing discussion of the impact of digital technologies on education. This has been symbolized by a call for action in a national newspaper by the rector magnifici of all Dutch public universities,Footnote 81 warning about the influence of large tech corporations on the public educational system and calling for the higher education sector to take responsibility for its public values. This can be seen as the start of a national discussion on prioritizing educational values in public education, which was reflected in a subsequent advisory report on public values in education by the Dutch Association of Universities (UNL).Footnote 82 Public values are the values that ground and give meaning to our interactions, societal institutions and political structures.Footnote 83 Public values are not fixed, but are the result of continuous societal and political processes.Footnote 84 And the public interests they represent are of such importance that they need to be safeguarded within the public sector.Footnote 85 The underlying thought is that the digitalization of public services needs to be guided by “fundamental public values such as privacy, autonomy, equity and equality.”Footnote 86
As technologies become more pervasive in educational institutions, we see, on the one hand, how these technologies start to shape educational practices and, on the other hand, how the dependency on existing software providers can become problematic. AI applications in education only compound those challenges, raising questions about how the roles of students and teachers change and which new responsibilities emerge for educational institutions.Footnote 87 To facilitate navigating the influence of digital technologies in education, Kennisnet,Footnote 88 SURF,Footnote 89 and the Rathenau InstituteFootnote 90 developed a Value Compass as a reference framework for public values in education (see Figure 13.3).Footnote 91 This common language aims to elicit a discussion that transcends functionalities, costs and benefits toward formulating shared ambitions for a future of digital education.

Figure 13.3 The value compassFootnote 92
The value compass emphasizes three core values as central to educational practices: autonomy, justice, and humanity. These values are loosely defined as constellations of other values, such as privacy (autonomy), inclusivity (justice), and well-being (humanity). Here autonomy is seen as the ability “to live under your own laws” for diverse educational stakeholders, the students and teachers, and the institutions themselves.Footnote 93 Justice is defined as collected values that mainly describe the importance of treating others in terms of themselves and treating them equally in an inclusive manner.Footnote 94 The human aspect of education is central to the value of humanity, consisting of the meaningful contact, respect, safety, and well-being necessary to value the unique aspects of each student.Footnote 95 The framework was developed through deliberative engagement with sector stakeholders, including a published beta version for public consultation, as can be read in the Rathenau reportFootnote 96 which describes in more detail how this compass of values was developed. Working from a previous list of seven key themes and questions around the digital transformation of the public sector,Footnote 97 the value compass conceptualizes themes such as power relations and control over technology into values such as autonomy. The three main values of autonomy, justice, and humanity can be seen as equally important, with underlying instrumental values that allow the operationalization of these values.
The Value Compass is not a normative framework for digital transformation but a basis for considering educational values in decision-making.Footnote 98 The value compass is used for deliberative workshops, for example, a workshop of SURF with the national student bodies ISO and LSVB on the ethics of using online proctoring in examinations.Footnote 99 Here the values in the value compass helped guide the discussion through all relevant perspectives. A more normative approach can be achieved through value hierarchies, where one conceptualizes values into norms and design requirements to guide choices in digital transformation.Footnote 100 For example, Kennisnet conceptualized the value of inclusivity for a digital learning system into the norm “accessible for all students,” which led to the design requirement of “meets web accessibility requirements.” These requirements can then be taken into account within the development or procurement processes. Through a lens of public values, educational institutions can proactively structure the digital transformation by “weighing values,” using them as a guide in shaping considerations and priorities.Footnote 101 By looking at the design, procurement, and use of new technologies through the lens of these values, the education sector can become an active participant in the digitalization of education.Footnote 102
13.4.2 The NOLAI as an Approach to Drive Responsible Use of AI in Education
To finalize this chapter, we introduce the example of the National Education Lab AI (NOLAI)Footnote 103 in the Netherlands, which pursues an embedded ethics approach to iteratively develop, prototype, implement, evaluate and scale responsible AI technologies for primary and secondary education.
NOLAI is an innovative research initiative at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Radboud University in the Netherlands in collaboration with several strategic partnersFootnote 104 and the Dutch Growth Fund.Footnote 105 NOLAI’s main goal is to develop intelligent technologies that improve the quality of primary and secondary education. The institute aims to achieve this goal by developing innovative prototypes that use AI and promoting the responsible use of AI in education. This is done in two programs: the co-creation program and the scientific program. The co-creation program develops innovative prototypes and applications of AI in co-creation with schools, scientists, and businesses. The scientific program develops knowledge in five focus areas: teacher professionalization, technology for AI in education, sustainable data, pedagogy & didactics and embedded ethics.
NOLAI’s main activities are developing state-of-the-art applications of AI in education and investigating their use NOLAI’s activities start with dialogues with schools to explore their needs for using AI to improve education and literature reviews that, map current knowledge. After, NOLAI brings scientists and educational practitioners together to develop AI prototypes, explore current applications of AI technologies and ambitions for the future with businesses. An example of a co-creation project by NOLAI is the visualization of student data collected across different learning management, ALTs, and summative assessment systems. This project is a collaboration between three schools, an ALT company, an assessment company, and pedagogical and AI scientists. The collaborative and interdisciplinary approach ensures the connection between educational practice, science, and business development.
NOLAI stimulates the responsible development of AI in education. NOLAI has a dedicated Data and Privacy Officer who helps the co-creation projects comply with relevant privacy and data protection regulations. Also, all projects need approval from institutional ethical committees that monitor the ethical conduct of the research being conducted. In addition, as there are many open questions about the ethical issues that will emerge throughout the development and implementation of AI in education, NOLAI strives to further the discussions around the responsible use of AI in education in the Netherlands with its embedded ethics approach.
Embedded ethics approaches have most famously been developed in computer science education, where it is referred to as an approach for teaching ethics in computer science curricula and aims to incorporate ethics into the entire engineering process in an integrated, interdisciplinary, and collaborative way.Footnote 106 As such, embedded ethics is aptly seen as an ongoing process of anticipating, identifying, and addressing ethical features of technological innovations by helping developers to integrate ethical awareness and critical reasoning in their technical projects, thereby benefitting individuals and society at large.Footnote 107
The embedded ethics approach developed within NOLAI complements such existing approaches with for example, insights from the “ethics parallel research” approach that has been developed to provide ethical guidance parallel to the development process of emerging biomedical innovations.Footnote 108 This last approach has many similarities with the embedded ethics approaches as it can also be characterized by focusing on bottom-up, inductive ethical dilemmas and stimulating ethical reflexivity and awareness. An important difference is that the ethics parallel research approach argues for the inclusion of a wider variety of stakeholders in the deliberation process (beyond engineers and ethicists) and is less focused on the design of technology but also its broader sociopolitical implications.
This means that for the embedded ethics approach within NOLAI, ethicists will closely collaborate with various stakeholders in co-creation projects, including technologists, company representatives, scientists, and educational professionals. As the co-creation projects develop and mature, the ethicists aim to provide ethical support and develop sustainable processes to advance responsible innovation, navigating the “messy” reality of the co-creation projects and the ethical questions, complex dilemmas, and practices that emerge. This means they will advise stakeholders and support them with anticipating, identifying, and addressing moral dilemmas iteratively and continuously.
In addition to ethical literature and theory, ethicists within NOLAI will conduct empirical research within the co-creation projects to inform and advance their ethical support. Through various qualitative research studies, including participant observations, focus groups, and surveys, the ethicists will study the effects and implications of introducing AI systems in education. For example, they will study students’ and teachers’ moral beliefs, intuitions, and reasoning using AI systems within NOLAI. These findings can help align the AI systems with students’ and teachers’ needs and wishes. In another study, ethicists will use qualitative research methods to explore value conflicts that emerge when AI systems are introduced in classrooms and how these conflicting values are balanced in practice. The findings help formulate “best practices” regarding implementing AI systems in education.
As a last step, the ethicists within NOLAI will use the insights gained from their participation in the co-creation projects and the results of their empirical studies to inform more abstract ethical debates about AI in education. The diversity and large amounts of co-creation within NOLAI provide an exceptional opportunity to help answer complex ethics questions outlined in this chapter.
13.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, we explained that education is a special application domain of AI that optimizes human learning and teaching. The replacement and augmentation perspectives were contrasted, and we emphasized the importance of human learners and teachers staying in control over AI. We outlined a variety of AI applications used in education, covering student-faced, teacher-faced, and administrative-oriented systems. AI in education is about carefully designing learning and teaching in a way that technologies augment human learning. As we have recently witnessed the increasing presence of generative AI, developments outside educators’ control raise questions and impact the educational system.Footnote 109
Subsequently, we discussed the ethical and social impacts of AI in education. We outlined how ethics in AI and education developed, describing general AI ethics developments, the Beijing consensus based on UNESCO’s conference on AI in Education in 2019, and the recent European Commission’s ethical guidelines on the use of AI and data in teaching and learning for educators. Finally, we outlined the example of the Netherlands with the Dutch value compass and the embedded ethics approach of NOLAI, as concrete illustrations of how AI ethics can be embedded in the educational context.
One of the central distinguishing features of ethical frameworks for AI in education has been to prioritize decision-making aligned with ethical values and sound pedagogical objectives. This call has been echoed in numerous frameworks ever since Aiken and EpsteinFootnote 110 first put AI and education on the agenda, and has been reaffirmed by UNESCO’s and the EU’s guidelines. Efforts to combine pedagogical and didactical values with generic ethical values in a way that ensures a sound approach to ethics in education are still in their infancy. This also requires the understanding and navigation of potential misalignments in interests between stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, schools, companies, and policymakers.Footnote 111 As SelwynFootnote 112 notes, the ethics of AI is not a clear-cut case of solving technological challenges or doing the right thing intuitively but requires an ongoing, morally reflective process.Footnote 113
14.1 Introduction
Media companies can benefit from artificial intelligence (AI)Footnote 1 technologies to increase productivity and explore new possibilities for producing, distributing, and reusing content. This chapter demonstrates the potential of the use of AI in media.Footnote 2 It takes a selective approach to showcase a variety of applications in the following areas: Can ChatGPT write news articles? How can media organizations use AI to recommend public interest content? Can AI spot disinformation and instead promote trustworthy news? These are just a few opportunities offered by AI at the different stages of news content production, distribution, and reuse (Section 14.2). However, the use of AI in media also brings societal and ethical risks, as well as legal challenges. The right to freedom of expression, media pluralism and media freedom, the right to nondiscrimination, and the right to data protection are among the affected rights. This chapter will therefore also show how the EU legal framework (e.g., the Digital Services Act,Footnote 3 the AI Act,Footnote 4 and the European Media Freedom ActFootnote 5) tries to mitigate some of the risks to fundamental rights posed by the development and the use of AI in media (Section 14.3). Section 14.4 offers conclusions.
14.2 Opportunities of AI Applications in MediaFootnote 6
14.2.1 AI in Media Content Gathering and Production
Beckett’s survey of journalism and AI presents an impressive list of possible AI uses in day-to-day journalistic practice.Footnote 7 At the beginning of the news-creating process, AI can help gather material, sift through social media, recognize genders and ages in images, or automatically add tags for newspaper articles with topics or keywords.Footnote 8
AI is also used in story discovery to identify trends or spot stories that could otherwise be hard to grasp by the human eye and to discover new angles, voices, and content. To illustrate, already in 2014, Reuters News Tracer project used natural language processing techniques to decide which topics are newsworthy.Footnote 9 It detected the bombing of hospitals in Aleppo and the terror attacks in Nice and Brussels before they were reported by other media.Footnote 10 Another tool, the Topics Compass, developed under EU-funded Horizon 2020 ReTV project, allows an editorial team to track media discourse about a given topic coming from news agencies, blogs, and social media platforms and to visualize its popularity.Footnote 11
AI has also been proven useful in investigative journalism to assist journalists in tasks that could not be done by humans alone or would have taken a considerable amount of time. To illustrate, in a cross-border Panama Papers investigation, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists used an open-source data mining tool to sift through 11.5 million whistleblowers’ documents.Footnote 12
Once journalists have gathered information on potential stories, they can use AI for the production of news items: text, images, and videos. Media companies such as the Associated Press, Forbes, and The New York Times have started to automate news content.Footnote 13 Terms like robot journalism, automated journalism, and algorithmic journalism have been used interchangeably to describe this phenomenon.Footnote 14 In addition, generative AI tools such as ChatGPT,Footnote 15 Midjourney,Footnote 16 or DALL-EFootnote 17 are being used to illustrate news stories, simplify text for different audiences, summarize documents, or writing potential headlines.Footnote 18
14.2.2 AI in Media Content DistributionFootnote 19
Media organizations can also use AI for providing personalized recommendations. Simply put, “recommendation systems are tools designed to sift through the vast quantities of data available online and use algorithms to guide users toward a narrower selection of material, according to a set of criteria chosen by their developers.”Footnote 20
In recent years, online news media (e.g., online newspapers’ websites and apps) started engaging in news recommendation practices.Footnote 21 Recommendation systems curate users’ news feed by automatically (de)prioritizing items to be displayed in user interfaces, thus deciding which ones are visible (to whom) and in what order.Footnote 22
The 2022 Ada Lovelace reportFootnote 23 provides an informative in-depth snapshot of the BBC’s development and use of recommendation systems, which gives insights into the role of recommendations in public service media (PSM).Footnote 24 As pointed out by the authors, developing recommendation systems for PSM requires an interrogation of the organizations’ role in democratic societies in the digital age, that is, how to translate the public service valuesFootnote 25 into the objectives for the use of recommendation systems that serve the public interest. The report concludes that the PSM had internalized a set of normative values around recommendation systems: Rather than maximizing engagement, they want to broaden their reach to a more diverse set of audiences.Footnote 26 This is a considerable difference between the public and private sectors. Many user-generated content platforms rank information based on how likely a user is to interact with a post (comment on it, like it, reshare it) or to spend more time using the service.Footnote 27
Research shows that social media platforms are using a mix of commercial criteria, but also vague public interest considerations in their content prioritization measures.Footnote 28 Importantly, prioritization of some content demotes other.Footnote 29 As a way of example, Facebook explicitly says it will not recommend content that is associated with low-quality publishing, including news that it is unclear about its provenance.Footnote 30 In fact, online platforms use a whole arsenal of techniques to (de)amplify the visibility or reach of some content.Footnote 31 To illustrate, in an aftermath of Russian aggression on Ukraine, platforms announced they would restrict access to RT and Sputnik media outlets.Footnote 32 Others have also been adding labels and started reducing the visibility of content from Russian state-affiliated media websites even before the EU-imposed sanctions.Footnote 33
Overall, by selecting and (de)prioritizing news content and deciding on its visibility, online platforms take on some of the functions so far reserved to traditional media.Footnote 34 Ranking functions and optimization metrics in recommendation systems have become powerful determinants of access to media and news content.Footnote 35 This has consequences for both the fundamental right to freedom of expression and media freedom (see Section 14.3).
14.2.3 AI in Fact-Checking
Another important AI potential in media is fact-checking. The main elements of automated fact-checking are: (1) identification of false or questionable claims circulating online; (2) verification of such claims, and (3) (real-time) correction (e.g., flagging).Footnote 36
To illustrate, platforms such as DALIL help fact-checkers spot questionable claims which then require subsequent verification.Footnote 37 Then, to verify the identified content, the AI(-enhanced) tools can perform a reverse image search, detect bot accounts and deep fakes, assess source credibility, check nonfactual statements (claims) made on social media or analyze the relationships between accounts.Footnote 38 WeVerify plug-in is a highly successful tool which offers a variety of verification and analysis features in one platform to fact-check and analyze images, video, and text.Footnote 39 Some advanced processing and analytics methods can also be used to analyze different types of content and apply a trustworthiness scoring to online articles.Footnote 40
The verified mis- or disinformation can then be flagged to the end user by adding warnings and providing more context to content rated by fact-checkers. Some platforms have also been labeling content containing synthetic and manipulated media.Footnote 41
Countering disinformation with the use of AI is a growing research area. The future solutions based on natural language processing, machine learning, or knowledge representation are expected to deal with different content types (audio, video, images, and text) across different languages.Footnote 42 Collaborative tools that enable users to work together to find, organize, and verify user-generated content are also on the rise.Footnote 43
14.2.4 AI in Content Moderation
AI in content moderation is a broad topic. Algorithmic (commercial) content moderation can be defined as “systems that classify user-generated content based on either matching or prediction, leading to a decision and governance outcome (e.g., removal, geoblocking, and account takedown).”Footnote 44 This section focuses on the instances where AI is used either by media organizations to moderate the discussion on their own sites (i.e., in the comments section) or by social media platforms to moderate posts of media organizations and journalists. Comment Moderation
For both editorial and commercial reasons, many online news websites have a dedicated space under their articles (a comment section), which provides a forum for public discourse and aims to engage readers with the content. Empirical research shows that a significant proportion of online comments are uncivil (featuring a disrespectful tone, mean-spirited, disparaging remarks and profanity),Footnote 45 and encompass stereotypes, homophobic, racist, sexist, and xenophobic terms that may amount to hate speech.Footnote 46 The rise of incivility in online news comments negatively affects people’s perceptions of news article quality and increases hostility.Footnote 47 “Don’t read the comments” has become a mantra throughout the media.Footnote 48 The amount of hateful and racist comments, together with high costs – both economic and psychological – of human moderators, has prompted news sites to change their practices.
Some introduced AI systems to support their moderation processes. To illustrate, both the New York TimesFootnote 49 and the Washington PostFootnote 50 use machine learning to prioritize comments which are then evaluated by human moderators or to automatically approve or delete abusive comments. Similarly, STANDARD Community (part of the Austrian newspaper DerSTANDARD) has developed an automated system to prefilter problematic content, as well as a set of preemptive moderation techniques, including forum design changes to prevent problematic content from being posted in the first place.Footnote 51
Others, like Reuters or CNN, have removed their comment sections completely.Footnote 52 Apart from abusive and hateful language, the reason was that many users were increasingly commenting on media organizations’ social media profiles (e.g., on Facebook), and not on media organizations’ websites.Footnote 53 This, however, did not remove the problem of hateful speech. To the contrary, it amplified it.Footnote 54 Content Moderation
Online intermediary services (e.g., online platforms such as social media) can, and sometimes have to, moderate content which users post on their platforms. In the EU, to avoid liability for illegal content hosted on their platforms, online intermediaries must remove or disable access to such content when the illegal character of the content becomes known. Other content moderation decisions are performed by platforms voluntarily, based on platforms’ community standards, that is, private rules drafted and enforced by the platforms (referred to as private ordering).Footnote 55 Platforms can therefore remove users’ content which they do not want to host according to their terms and conditions, even if the content is not illegal. This includes legal editorial content of media organizations (see Section 14.3.4).
Given the amounts of content uploaded on the Internet every day, it has become impossible to identify and remove illegal or unwanted content using only traditional human moderation.Footnote 56 Many platforms have therefore turned to AI-based content moderation. Such automation can be used as proactive detection of potentially problematic content prior to its publication or as a reactive moderation after it has been flagged by other users or automated processes.Footnote 57 Besides deleting content and suspending users, platforms use a whole arsenal of tools to reduce the visibility or reach of some content, such as age barriers, geo-blocking, labeling content as fact-checked or adding a graphic content label to problematic content before or as users encounter it.Footnote 58
Algorithmic moderation systems help classify user-generated content based on either matching or prediction techniques.Footnote 59 These techniques present a number of technical limitations.Footnote 60 Moreover, speech evaluation is highly context dependent, requiring an understanding of cultural, linguistic, and political nuances as well underlying facts. As a result, AI is frequently inaccurate; there is growing empirical evidence of platforms’ over-removal of content coming from individuals and media organizations (see Section 14.3.4).Footnote 61
14.3 Legal and Ethical Challenges of AI Applications in Media
This section identifies the legal and ethical challenges of AI in media across various stages of the media value chain described earlier. The section also shows how these challenges may be mitigated by the EU legal framework.Footnote 62
14.3.1 Lack of Data Availability
Lack of data availability is a cross-cutting theme, with serious consequences for the media sector. Datasets are often inaccessible or expensive to gather and data journalists rely on private actors, such as data brokers which have already collected such data.Footnote 63 This concentrated control over the data influences how editorial decision-making is automated (see Section 14.3.6).
Data availability is also of paramount importance for news verification and fact-checking activities. Access to social media data is vital to analyze and mitigate the harms resulting from disinformation, political microtargeting, or the effect of social media on elections or children’s well-being.Footnote 64 This is because it enables journalists and researchers to hold platforms accountable for the working of their AI systems. Equally, access to, for example, social media data is important for media organizations that are developing their own AI solutions – particularly in countries where it can be difficult to gain access to large quantities of data in the local language.Footnote 65
Access to platforms’ data for researchers is currently mainly governed by contractual agreements, platforms’ own terms of service, and public application programming interfaces (APIs). Application programming interfaces access can be restricted or eliminated at any time and for any reason.Footnote 66 The UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression stressed a lack of transparency and access to data as “the major failings of companies across almost all the concerns in relation to disinformation and misinformation.”Footnote 67
A key challenge for research access frameworks is to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).Footnote 68 Despite a specific derogation for scientific research purposes (art. 89), the GDPR lacks clarity regarding how platforms might share data with researchers (e.g., on what legal grounds).Footnote 69 To mitigate this uncertainty, various policy and regulatory initiatives aim to clarify how platforms may provide access to data to researchers in a GDPR-compliant manner.Footnote 70 In addition, there have been calls for a legally binding mechanism that provides independent researchers with access to different types of platform data.Footnote 71
The Digital Services Act (DSA) requires providers of very large online platforms (VLOPs) and very large online search engines (VLOSEs) to grant vetted researchers access to data, subject to certain conditions.Footnote 72 Data can be provided “for the sole purpose” of conducting research that contributes to the detection, identification and understanding of systemic risks and to the assessment of the adequacy, efficiency and impacts of the risk mitigation measures (art. 40(4)). Vetted researchers must meet certain criteria and procedural requirements in the application process. Importantly, they must be affiliated to a research organization or a not-for-profit body, organization or association (art. 40(12)). Arguably, this excludes unaffiliated media practitioners, such as freelance journalists or bloggers. Many details about researchers’ access to data through the DSA will be decided in delegated acts that have yet to be adopted (art. 14(13)).
Moreover, under the Digital Markets Act,Footnote 73 the so-called gatekeepers will have to provide advertisers and publishers with access to the advertising data and allow business users to access the data generated in the context of the use of the core platform service (art. 6(1) and art. 6(8)).
Furthermore, the European strategy for dataFootnote 74 aims at creating a single market for data by establishing common European data spaces to make more data available for use in the economy and society. The Data Governance ActFootnote 75 and the Data Act proposalFootnote 76 seek to strengthen mechanisms to increase data availability and harness the potential of industrial data, respectively. Lastly, the European Commission announced the creation of a dedicated media data space.Footnote 77 The media data space initiative, financed through the Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programmes,Footnote 78 aims to support both PSM and commercial media operators to pool their content and customer data to develop innovative solutions.
14.3.2 Data Quality and Bias in Training Datasets
Another, closely related, consideration is data quality. There is a growing literature on the quality and representation issues with training, testing, and validation data, especially those in publicly available datasets and databases.Footnote 79 Moreover, generative AI raises controversies regarding the GDPR compliance of the training dataFootnote 80 and brings a broader question of extraction fairness, defined as “legal and moral concerns regarding the large-scale exploitation of training data without the knowledge, authorization, acknowledgement or compensation of their creators.”Footnote 81
The quality of training data and data annotation is crucial, for example, for hate speech and abusive language detection in comments. A 2022 report by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights shows how tools that automatically detect or predict potential online hatred can produce biased results.Footnote 82 The predictions frequently overreact to various identity terms (i.e., words indicating group identities like ethnic origin or religion), flagging text that is not actually offensive.Footnote 83 Research shows that social media content moderation algorithms have difficulty differentiating hate speech from discussion about race and often silence marginalized groups such as racial and ethnic minorities.Footnote 84 At the same time, underrepresentation of certain groups in a training dataset may result in them experiencing more abusive language than other groups.
There are blurred lines between what constitutes hateful, harmful, and offensive speech, and these notions are context dependent and culturally specific. Many instances of hate speech cannot be identified and distinguished from innocent messages by looking at single words or combinations of them.Footnote 85 Such contextual differentiation, between, for example, satirical and offensive uses of a word proves challenging for an AI system. This is an important technical limitation that may lead to over- and under-removal of content. Both can interfere with a range of fundamental rights such as the right to freedom of expressionFootnote 86 (see Section 14.3.4), the right to data protection, as well as the right to nondiscrimination.
The consequence of using unreliable data could be the spread of misinformationFootnote 87 as illustrated by inaccurate responses to news queries from search engines using generative AI. Research into Bing’s generative AI accuracy for news queries shows that there are detail errors and attribution errors, and the system also sometimes asserts the opposite of the truth.Footnote 88 This, together with the lack of media literacy, may cause an automation bias, that is, the uncritical trust in information provided by the automated system despite the information being actually incorrect.
14.3.3 Transparency
Transparency can mean many different things. Broadly speaking, it should enable people to understand how an AI system is developed, is trained, how it operates, and how it is deployed so that they can make more informed choices.Footnote 89 This section focuses on three aspects of transparency of AI in media.Footnote 90
The first aspect relates to internal transparency, which describes the need for journalists and other non-technical groups inside media organizations to have sufficient knowledge around the AI systems they use.Footnote 91 The importance of closing the intelligibility gap around AI within a media organization is necessary for an understanding of how AI systems work to use them responsibly.Footnote 92 The AI Act requires providers and deployers of AI systems including media organizations to ensure, to their best extent, a sufficient level of AI literacy of their staff and other persons dealing with the operations and use of AI systems on their behalf (art. 4).Footnote 93
The second aspect concerns external transparency, which refers to transparency practices directed toward the audience to make them aware of the use of AI. The AI Act requires providers of AI systems, such as OpenAI, to make it clear to users that they are interacting with an AI system, unless this is obvious from the circumstances and the context of use (art. 50(1)).Footnote 94 As a rule, they must also mark generative AI outputs (synthetic audio, image, video or text content) as AI-generated or manipulated (art. 50(2)). For now it remains unclear what forms of transparency will be sufficient and whether they will be meaningful to the audience. Transparency requirements also apply to those who use AI systems that generate or manipulate images, audio or video content constituting a deep fake (art. 50(4) para 1). However, if the content is part of an evidently artistic, creative or satirical work, the disclosure should not hamper the display or enjoyment of the work. Moreover, deployers of an AI-generated or manipulated text which is published with the purpose of informing the public on matters of public interest shall disclose that the text has been artificially generated or manipulated. There is an important exception for the media sector. If the AI-generated text has undergone a process of human review or editorial control within an organisation that holds editorial responsibility for the content (such as a publisher), disclosure is no longer necessary. This provision raises questions as to what will count as a human review or editorial control and who can be said to hold editorial responsibility.Footnote 95 Moreover, research shows that audiences want media organisations to be transparent and provide labels when using AI.Footnote 96
In addition to the AI Act, the DSA presents multiple layers of transparency obligations for the benefit of users that differ depending on the type of service concerned.Footnote 97 In particular, it requires transparency on whether AI is used in content moderation. All intermediary services must publish in their terms and conditions, in a “clear and unambiguous language,” a description of the tools used for content moderation, including AI systems that either automate or support content moderation practices (art. 14). In practice, this means that users must know why, when, and how online content is being moderated, including with the use of AI, and when human review is in place.
The DSA also regulates recommender system transparency. As mentioned earlier, recommender systems can have a significant impact on the ability of recipients to retrieve and interact with information online. Consequently, providers of online platforms are expected to set out in their terms and conditions in plain and intelligible language the main parameters used in their recommender systems and the options for users to modify or influence them (art. 27). The main parameters shall explain why certain information is suggested, and include, at least, the criteria that are most significant in determining the information suggested, and the reasons for the relative importance of those parameters. There are additional requirements imposed on the providers of VLOPs and VLOSEs to provide at least one option for their recommendation systems which is not based on profiling.
There are also further obligations for VLOPs and VLOSEs to perform an assessment of any systemic risks stemming from the design, functioning, or use of their services, including algorithmic systems (art. 34(1)). This risk assessment shall include the assessment of any actual or foreseeable negative effects on the exercise of fundamental rights, including the right to freedom of expression and the freedom and pluralism of the media (art. 34(1)(b)). When conducting risk assessments, VLOPs and VLOSEs shall consider, in particular, whether the design of their recommender systems and their content moderation systems influence any of the systemic risks. If so, they must put in place mitigation measures, such as testing and adapting their algorithms (art. 35).
Lastly, intermediary services (excluding micro and small enterprises) must publish, at least once a year, transparency reports on their content moderation activities, including a qualitative description, a specification of the precise purposes, indicators of the accuracy and the possible rate of error of the automated means (art. 15). Extra transparency reporting obligations apply to VLOPs (art. 42).
The third aspect concerns third-party transparency, which refers to the importance of having insights into how AI systems provided by third-party providers have been trained on and how they work.Footnote 98
In both the DSA and the AI Act, there are no explicit provisions that make such information widely available.Footnote 99
14.3.4 Risks for the Right to Freedom of Expression
Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), as well as Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR),Footnote 100 guarantees the right to freedom of expression to everyone. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has interpreted the scope of Article 10 ECHR through an extensive body of case law. The right to freedom of expression includes the right to impart information, as well as the right to receive it. It protects the rights of individuals, companies, and organizations, with a special role reserved for media organizations and journalists. It is their task to inform the public about matters of public interest and current events and to play the role of the public watchdog.Footnote 101 The right applies offline and on the Internet.Footnote 102
One of the main risks for freedom of expression associated with algorithmic content moderation is over-blocking, meaning the unjustified removal or blocking of content or the suspension or termination of user accounts. In 2012, the Court of Justice of the EU held that a filtering system for copyright violations could undermine freedom of information since it might not distinguish adequately between lawful and unlawful content, which could lead to the blocking of lawful communications.Footnote 103 This concern is equally valid outside the copyright context. The technical limitations of AI systems, together with regulatory pressure from States who increasingly request intermediaries to take down certain categories of content, often based on vague definitions, incentivize platforms to follow a “if in doubt, take it down” approach.Footnote 104 There is, indeed, growing empirical evidence of platforms’ over-removal of content.Footnote 105 To illustrate, social media platforms have deleted hundreds of posts condemning the eviction of Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of JerusalemFootnote 106 or restricted access to information about abortion.Footnote 107 Both examples are a consequence of the algorithmic content moderation systems either not being able to recognize context or not knowing underlying facts and legal nuances. Such automated removals, even if unintentional and subsequently revoked, potentially limit both the right to impart information (of users who post content online) and the right to receive information (of third parties who do not get to see the deleted content).
On the other hand, the under-blocking of certain online content may also have a negative impact on the right to freedom of expression. Not acting against illegal content and some forms of legal but harmful content (i.e., hate speech) may lead people (especially marginalized communities) to express themselves less freely or withdraw from participating in the online discourse.
In addition, in the context of fact-checking, AI cannot yet analyze entire, complex disinformation narratives and detect all uses of synthetic media manipulation.Footnote 108 Thus, an overreliance on AI systems to verify the trustworthiness of the news may prove detrimental to the right to freedom of expression.
To mitigate these risks, the DSA provides certain procedural safeguards. It does not force intermediary services to moderate content, but requires that any restrictions imposed on users’ content based on terms and conditions are applied and enforced “in a diligent, objective and proportionate manner,” with “due regard to the rights and legitimate interests of all parties involved” (art. 14(4)). Not only do they have to take due regard to fundamental rights in cases of content removal, but also when restricting the availability, visibility, and accessibility of information. What due regard means in this context will be defined in courts. Moreover, the DSA requires intermediary services to balance their freedom to conduct a business with other rights such as users’ freedom of expression. Online platforms also have to provide a statement of reasons as to why the content has been removed or the account has been blocked and implement an internal complaint-handling system that enables users to lodge complaints (art. 21). Another procedural option is the out-of-court dispute settlement or a judicial remedy.Footnote 109
A novelty foreseen by the DSA is an obligation for VLOPs and VLOSEs to mitigate systemic risks such as actual or foreseeable negative effects for the exercise of fundamental rights, in particular freedom of expression and information, including the freedom and pluralism of the media, enshrined in Article 11 of the CFR, and foreseeable negative effects on civic discourse (art. 34).
News personalization from the freedom of expression perspective looks paradoxical at first glance. As Eskens points out, “news personalisation may enhance the right to receive information, but it may also hinder or downplay the right to receive information and the autonomy with which news users exercise their right to receive information.”Footnote 110 Given that content prioritization practices have a potential for promoting trustworthy and reliable news, it can be argued that platforms should be required to ensure online access to content of general public interest. The Council of Europe, for instance, suggested that States should act to make public interest content more prominent, including by introducing new obligations for platforms and intermediaries, and also impose minimum standards such as transparency.Footnote 111 Legal scholars have proposed exposure diversity as a design principle for recommender systemsFootnote 112 or the development of “diversity-enhancing public service algorithms.”Footnote 113 But who should decide what content is trustworthy or authoritative, and based on what criteria? Are algorithmic systems of private platforms equipped enough to quantify normative values such as newsworthiness? What safeguards would prevent States from forcing platforms to prioritize State-approved-only information or government propaganda? Besides, many of the problems with content diversity are at least to some extent user-driven – users themselves, under their right to freedom of expression, determine what kind of content they upload and share.Footnote 114 Legally imposed public interest content recommendations could limit users’ autonomy in their news selection by paternalistically censoring the range of information that is available to them. While there are no such obligations in the DSA, some legislative proposals at the national level are currently reviewing such options.Footnote 115
14.3.5 Threats to Media Freedom and Pluralism Online
Freedom and pluralism of the media are pillars of liberal democracies. They are also covered by Art. 10 ECHR and Art. 11 CFR. The ECtHR found that new electronic media, such as an online news outlet, are also entitled to the protection of the right to media freedom.Footnote 116 Moreover, the so-called positive obligations doctrine imposes an obligation on States to protect editorial independence from private parties, such as social media.Footnote 117
Social media platforms have on multiple occasions erased content coming from media organizations, including public broadcasters, and journalists. This is often illustrated by the controversy that arose around Facebook’s decision to delete a post by a Norwegian journalist, which featured the well-known Vietnam War photo of a nude young girl fleeing a napalm attack.Footnote 118 Similarly, users sharing an article from The Guardian showing Aboriginal men in chains were banned from Facebook on the grounds of posting nudity.Footnote 119 Other examples include videos of activists and local news outlets that documented the war crimes of the regime of Bashar al-Assad in SyriaFootnote 120 or a Swedish journalist’s material reporting sexual violence against minors.Footnote 121 This is due to technical limitations of the algorithmic content moderation tools and their inability to distinguish educational, awareness raising or journalistic material from other content.
In order to prevent removals of content coming from media organizations, a so-called media exemptionFootnote 122 was proposed during the discussions of the DSA proposal, aiming to ensure that the media would be informed and have the possibility to challenge any content moderation measure before its implementation. The amendments were not included in the final text of the DSA. There is no special protection or any obligation of prior notice to media organizations in the DSA. Media organizations and journalists can invoke the same procedural rights that apply to all users of online platforms. One can also imagine that mass-scale algorithmic takedowns of media content, suspension or termination of journalists’ accounts by VLOPs could amount to a systemic risk in a form of a negative effect on the exercise of the freedom and pluralism of the media.Footnote 123 However, what qualifies as systemic, and when a threshold of systemic risk to freedom and pluralism of the media is reached, remains undefined.
Recognizing media service providers’ role in the distribution of information and in the exercise of the right to receive and impart information online, the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) grants media service providers special procedural rights vis-à-vis VLOPs. Where a VLOP considers that content provided by recognized media service providersFootnote 124 is incompatible with its terms and conditions, it should “duly consider media freedom and media pluralism” in accordance with the DSA and provide, as early as possible, the necessary explanations to media service providers in a statement of reasons as referred to in the DSA and the P2B Regulation (recital 50, art. 18). In what has been coined as a non-interference principleFootnote 125, VLOPs should provide the media service provider concerned, prior to the suspension or restriction of visibility taking effect, with an opportunity to reply to the statement of reasons within 24 hours of receiving it.Footnote 126 Where, following or in the absence of a reply, a VLOP takes the decision to suspend or restrict visibility, it shall inform the media service provider concerned without undue delay. Moreover, media service providers’ complaints under the DSA and the P2B Regulation shall be processed and decided upon with priority and without undue delay. Importantly, EMFA’s Article 18 does not apply where VLOPs suspend or restrict the visibility of content in compliance with their obligations to protect minors, to take measures against illegal content or in order to assess and mitigate systemic risks.Footnote 127
Next to media freedom, media pluralism and diversity of media content are equally essential for the functioning of a democratic society and are the corollaries of the fundamental right to freedom of expression and information.Footnote 128 Media pluralism is recognized as one of the core values of the European Union.Footnote 129
In recent years, concerns over the decline of media diversity and pluralism have increased.Footnote 130 Online platforms “have acquired increasing control over the flow, availability, findability and accessibility of information and other content online.”Footnote 131 Considering platforms’ advertising-driven business model based on a profit maximization, they have more incentives to increase the visibility of content that would keep users more engaged. It can be argued that not only does this fail to promote diversity, but it strongly reduces it.Footnote 132 The reduction of plurality and diversity of news content resulting from platforms’ content curation policies may limit users’ access to information. It also negatively affects society as a whole, since the availability and accessibility of diverse information is a prerequisite for citizens to form and express their opinions and participate in the democratic discourse in an informed way.Footnote 133
14.3.6 Threats to Media Independence
The growing dependence on automation in news production and distribution has a profound impact on editorial independence as well as on the organizational and business choices of media organizations. One way in which automation could potentially challenge editorial independence is media reliance on non-media actors such as engineers, data providers, and technology companies that develop or fund the development of the datasets or algorithms used to automate editorial decision-making.Footnote 134
(News) media organizations depend more and more on platforms to distribute their content. The phenomena of platformed publishing refers to the situation where news organizations have no or little control over the distribution mechanisms decided by the platforms.Footnote 135 Moreover, media organizations optimize news content to make it algorithm ready, for example, by producing popular content which is attractive for the platforms’ recommender systems.Footnote 136 The entire news cycle, from production, distribution, to consumption of news “is (re)organized around platforms, their rules and logic and thus influenced and mediated by them.”Footnote 137 Individuals and newsrooms, therefore, depend structurally on platforms, which affects the functioning and power allocation within the media ecosystem.Footnote 138
Moreover, platforms provide essential technical infrastructure (e.g., cloud computing and storage), access to AI models, or stand-alone software.Footnote 139 This increases the potential for so-called infrastructure captureFootnote 140 and risks shifting even more control to platform companies, at the expense of the media organizations autonomy and independence.
The relationship between AI, media, and platforms, raises broader questions about the underlying political, economic, and technological power structures and platforms’ opinion power.Footnote 141 To answer these challenges, legal scholars have called for rethinking media concentration rulesFootnote 142 and media law in general.Footnote 143 However, the considerations about opinion power of platforms, values, and media independence are somehow missing from the current EU regulatory initiatives. The EMFA rightly points out that providers of video-sharing platforms and VLOPs “play a key role in the organisation of content, including by automated means or by means of algorithms,” and some “have started to exercise editorial control over a section or sections of their services” (recital 11). While it does mention “the formation of public opinion” as relevant parameter in the assessment of media market concentrations (art. 21), it does not provide a solution to address the concerns about the dependency between platforms’ AI capacities and media organizations.Footnote 144
14.4 Conclusions
AI will continue to transform media in ways we can only imagine. Will news articles be written by fully automated systems? Will the proliferation of synthetic media content dramatically change the way we perceive information? Or will virtual reality experiences and new forms of interactive storytelling replace traditional (public interest) media content? As AI technology continues to advance, it is essential that the EU legal framework keeps pace with these developments to ensure that the use of AI in media is responsible, ethical, and beneficial to society as a whole. After all, information is a public good and media companies cannot be treated as any other businesses.Footnote 145
The DSA takes an important step in providing procedural safeguards to mitigate risks for the right to freedom of expression and freedom of the media posed by online platforms’ content moderation practices. It recognizes that the way VLOPs and VLOSEs moderate content may cause systemic risks to the freedom and pluralism of the media and negatively affect civic discourse. The EMFA also aims to strengthen the position of media organizations vis-à-vis online platforms. However, it remains to be seen how effective a 24-hour non-interference rule will be given the high threshold of who counts as a media service provider and which content falls within the scope of Art. 18 EMFA.
Many of the AI applications in (social) media, such as recommender systems, news bots, or the use of AI to generate or manipulate content are likely to be covered by the AI Act. A strong focus on external transparency both in the AI Act and in the DSA can be seen as a positive step to ensure that users become more aware of the extensive use of AI in (social) media.
However, many aspects of the use of AI in and by media such as the intelligibility gap, societal risks raised by AI (including worker displacement and environmental costs), as well as reliance of tech companies for access to high-quality media content to develop AI systems,Footnote 146 remain only limitedly addressed. Media organizations’ dependency on social media platforms recommender systems and algorithmic content moderation as well as power imbalances in access to AI infrastructure should also be tackled by the European legal framework.
It is equally important to facilitate and stimulate responsible research and development of AI in the media sector, particularly in local and small media organizations, to avoid the AI divide. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on Increasing Resilience of the Media adopted Guidelines on the responsible implementation of AI systems in journalism.Footnote 147 The Guidelines offer practical guidance to news media organizations, States, tech providers and platforms that disseminate news, on how AI systems should be used to support the production of journalism. The Guidelines also include a checklist for media organizations to guide the procurement process of AI systems by offering questions that could help in scrutinizing the fairness of a procurement contract with an external provider (Annex 1).
Now the time has come to see how these regulations are enforced and whether they will enable a digital level playing field. To this end, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and legal professionals must work together to address the legal and ethical implications of AI in media and promote a fair and transparent use of AI.
15.1 Introduction
A strict regulatory trajectory must be followed to introduce artificial intelligence in healthcare. Each stage in the development and improvement of AI for healthcare is characterized by its own regulatory framework. Let us consider AI-assisted cancer detection in medical images. Typically, the development and testing of the algorithms indicating suspicious zones requires setting up one or more clinical trials. During the clinical research stage, regulations such as the Clinical Trials Regulation apply.Footnote 1 When the results are good, the AI-assisted cancer detection software may be deployed in products such as MRI scanners. At that moment, the use of AI-assisted cancer detection software becomes standard-of-care and (national) regulatory frameworks on patients’ rights must be considered. However, after the introduction of the AI-assisted cancer detection software to the market, post-market rules will require further follow-up of product safety. These regulatory instruments are just a few examples. Other identified risks, such as violations of medical secrecy or fundamental rights to the protection of private life and personal data, have led regulators to include specific rights and obligations in regulatory initiatives on the processing of personal data (such as the General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter “GDPR”),Footnote 2 trustworthy artificial intelligence (such as the AI Act),Footnote 3 fair governance of personal and nonpersonal data (such as the Data Governance Act)Footnote 4 and the proposal for a Regulation on a European Health Data Space (hereinafter “EHDS”).Footnote 5
The safety of therapies, medical devices, and software is a concern everyone shares, whether or not they include AI. After all, people’s lives may be at stake. Previously, incidents with more classic types of medical devices, such as metal-on-metal hip replacementsFootnote 6 and PIP breast implants,Footnote 7 have led regulators to adapt the safety monitoring processes and adopt the Medical Devices Regulation and In Vitro Medical Devices Regulation.Footnote 8 When updated in 2017, these regulatory frameworks not only considered “physical” medical devices but clarified the requirements also for software as a medical device.Footnote 9 Following the increased uptake of machine learning methods and the introduction of decision-supporting and automated decision-making software in healthcare, regulators deemed it necessary to act more firmly and sharpen regulatory oversight also with respect to software as a medical device.
Throughout the development and deployment of AI in healthcare, the collection and use of data is a connecting theme. The availability of data is a condition for the development of AI. It should arrest our attention that data availability is also a regulatory requirement, especially in the healthcare sector. The collection of data to establish sufficient evidence, for example, on product safety, is not only a requirement for the development of AI but also for the permanent availability of AI-driven products on the market. Initiatives such as the Medical Devices Regulation and the AI Act have indeed enacted obligations to collect data for the purpose of establishing (evidence of) the safety of therapies, devices, and procedures.
Even though the collection of data is imposed as a legal obligation, the processing of personal data must be compliant with the GDPR. Especially in healthcare applications, AI typically requires the processing of special-category data. The GDPR considers personal data as special-category data when, due to their nature, the processing may present a higher risk to the data subject. In principle, the processing of special-category data is prohibited, while exemptions to that prohibition are specified.Footnote 10 Data concerning the health of a natural person is qualified as special-category data. Often health-related data are collected in the real world from individual data subjects.Footnote 11 Regulatory instruments such as the AI Act or the proposal for a Regulation on the EHDS explicitly mention that they shall be without prejudice to other Union legal acts, including the GDPR.Footnote 12
Since the (re-)use of personal health-related data is key to the functioning and development of artificial intelligence for healthcare, this chapter focuses on the role of data custodians in the healthcare context. After a brief introduction to real-world data, the chapter first discusses how law distinguishes data ownership from data custodianship. How is patient autonomy embedded in the GDPR and when do patients have the right to agree or disagree via opt-in or opt-out mechanisms? Next, the chapter discusses the reuse of health-related data and more specifically how they can be shared for AI in healthcare. Federated learning is discussed as an example of a technical measure that can be adopted to enhance privacy. Transparency is discussed as an example of an organizational measure. Anonymization and pseudonymization are introduced as minimum measures to always consider before sharing health-related data for reuse.
15.2 Pre-AI: The Request for Health-Related Data
Whether private or public, hospitals and other healthcare organizations experience increasing requests to share the health-related data they collected in the “real world.” “Real-world data” are relied on to produce “real-world evidence,” which is subsequently relied on to support the development and evaluation of drugs, medical devices, healthcare protocols, machine learning, and AI.
Real-world data (hereinafter RWD) are collected through routine healthcare provision. Corrigan-Curay, Sacks, and Woodcock define RWD as “data relating to patient health status or the delivery of health care routinely collected from a variety of sources, such as the [Electronic Health Record] and administrative data.”Footnote 13 The data are, in other words, collected while healthcare organizations interact with their patients following a request from the patient. RWD result from anamneses, medicinal and non-medicinal therapies, medical imaging, laboratory tests, applied research taking place in the hospital, medical devices monitoring patient parameters, and, for example, claims and billing data. Real-world evidence (hereinafter RWE) is evidence generated through the use of RWD to complement existing knowledge regarding the usage and potential benefits or risks of a therapy, medicinal product, or device.Footnote 14
Typically healthcare providers use an electronic health record (hereinafter EHR) to collect health-related data per patient. The EHR allows healthcare providers, working solo or in a team, to access data about their patients to follow up on patient care. However, an EHR is typically not set up to satisfy data-sharing requests for a purpose other than providing healthcare. The EHR’s functionalities are chosen and developed to allow a high-quality level of care, on a continuous basis, for an individual patient. These functionalities are not necessarily the same functionalities that are needed to create reliable and trustworthy AI.
First of all, AI needs structured data. Today, most EHRs contain structured data to a certain level, but apart from structured data, most EHRs also contain a high level of natural language text. This text needs interpretation before it can be translated to structured databases suitable to feed AI applications. Even today existing AI-supported tools for deciphering natural language text were once fed with structured data on, for example, medical diagnoses, medication therapies, medication components,… as well as street names, and first and second names, for instance. The need for universal coding languages, such as the standards developed by HL7, has been long-expressed in medical informatics.Footnote 15
Secondly, AI does, in general, not need patient names. Inevitably, an EHR, however, must allow direct identification of patients. When considering safety risks in healthcare, the misidentification of a patient would be regarded as a severe failure. Therefore, internationally recognized accreditation schemes for healthcare organizations will oblige healthcare practitioners to check multiple identifiers to uniquely identify the patient before any intervention. When EHR data are used for secondary purposes, such as the development of AI, data protection requirements will encourage the removal of patient identifiers (entirely or to the extent possible).Footnote 16
Therefore, data holders increasingly prepare the datasets they primarily collected for the provision of healthcare to allow secondary use. While doing so, data holders will “process” personal health-related data in the sense of Article 4 (2) of the GDPR. Consequently, they must consider the principles, rights, and obligations imposed by the GDPR. They must do so when preparing data for secondary purposes they define themselves and when preparing data following instructions of a third party requesting data. In the following paragraphs, it will be explained that data holders must consider technical and organizational measures to protect personal data at that moment.
15.3 Data Owner- or Custodianship?
Especially in discussions with laypeople, it is sometimes suggested that patients own their data. However, in the legal debate on personal and nonpersonal data, the idea of regulating the value of data in terms of ownership has been abandoned largely.Footnote 17
First, while it is correct that individual-level health-related data are available only after patients have presented themselves, it is incorrect to assume that only patients contribute to the emergence of health-related data. Many others contribute knowledge and interpretations. Physicians, for example, build on the anamneses and add their knowledge to order tests, conclude about the diagnosis, and suggest prescriptions. Nurses observe the patient while at the hospital and while they register measurements, frequencies, and amounts. Lab technicians receive samples, run tests, and return inferred information about the sample. All of those actions generate relevant data too.
Second, from a legal perspective, it should be stressed that ownership is a right in rem.Footnote 18 Considering data ownership would imply that an exclusive right would rest on the data. If we were to consider the patient as the owner of their health-related data, we would have to acknowledge an exclusive right to decide who can have, hold, modify, or destroy the data (and who cannot). EU law does not support such a legal status for data. On the contrary, when considering personal data, it should be stressed that a salient characteristic of the GDPR is the balance it seeks between the individual’s rights and society’s interests. The fundamental right to the protection of personal data is not and has never been an absolute right. Ducuing indicates that more recent regulatory initiatives (such as the Data Governance Act) present “traces” of data ownership to organize the commodification and the economic value of data as a resource. The “traces,” Ducuing concludes, seem to suggest a somewhat functional approach in which, through a mixture of legal sources, including ownership and the GDPR, one aims to regulate data as an economic resource.Footnote 19
Instead, it is essential to consider data custodianship. The custodian must demonstrate a high level of knowledge and awareness about potential risks for data subjects, especially when they are in a vulnerable position, such as patients. Data custodians should be aware of and accept the responsibility connected to their role as a guardian of personal data. In healthcare organizations, the pressure is high to see to the protection of health-related data kept in an EHR and to ensure attention for the patient as the data subject behind valuable datasets, and rightfully so. Not more than patients, data custodians should consider EHR data as “their” data in terms of ownership. They are expected to consider the conditions for data sharing carefully, but they should not hinder sharing when the request is legitimate and lawful.
15.3.1 Custodianship and Patient Autonomy
When considering patient autonomy as a concept reflecting individuality,Footnote 20 the question arises how the GDPR allows the data subject to decide autonomously about the reuse of personal data for the development or functioning of AI. While, as explained earlier, data protection is not enacted as an absolute right, patients can decide autonomously about the processing of their data unless the law provides otherwise. In general terms, Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 52 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union provide that limitations to the fundamental rights to the respect for private life and the protection of personal data shall be allowed only when necessary in a democratic society and meeting the objectives of general interest or the protection of rights and freedoms of others. A cumulative reading of Articles 6 and 9 of the GDPR can establish a more concrete interpretation of this general principle. Together, Articles 6 and 9 of the GDPR provide the limitative list of situations in which the (secondary) use of personal health-related data is allowed without the patient’s consent.Footnote 21 In these situations, the data subject’s wish is considered to not necessarily prevail over the interests of other parties or society. Examples include the collection of health-related data for the treatment of a patient. Depending on specifications in Member State law, the collection can be based on Article 6, 1. (b) “performance of a contract to which the data subject is party” or 6, 1. (c) “legal obligation to which the data controller is subject” on the one hand, and Article 9, 2. (h) “necessary for the provision of health” on the other hand.Footnote 22 A national cancer screening program is another example. In this case, the data collection is typically enacted in Member State law, causing Article 6, 1. (e) “performance of a task in the public interest” to apply in combination with Article 9, 2. (h) “necessary for purposes of preventive medicine.”
Another situation in which the data subject’s individual wishes do not prevail over society’s interest concerns scientific research. By default, data can be reused for scientific research. The data subject’s consent (opt-in) is not required, and when in the public interest, the data subject does not even enjoy a right to opt out.Footnote 23 First of all, Article 5, 1. (b) of the GDPR provides a specification of the purpose limitation principle indicating that “further processing for […] scientific […] research purposes […] shall, in accordance with article 89 (1), not be considered to be incompatible with the initial purpose.” Additionally, Article 9, 2. (j) provides that contrary to the general prohibition to process health-related data, the processing is allowed when necessary for the purpose of scientific research. The application of Article 6.4 of the GDPR to the secondary use of personal data has raised some discussions, but not in a research context. Read together with Recital 50, Article 6.4. of the GDPR indicates that a new legal basis is not required when the secondary processing can be compatible with the primary processing. A combined reading of Article 6.4. and Article 5, 1. (b) has convinced manyFootnote 24 that a new legal basis is indeed not required when the purpose of the secondary processing is scientific research.Footnote 25
It should, however, be noted that notwithstanding the intention of the GDPR to achieve a higher level of harmonization, one specific provision should not be overlooked when discussing patient autonomy in relation to health-related data. Article 9, 4. of the GDPR foresees that Member States may introduce further restrictions on the processing of health-related, genetic, and biometric data.Footnote 26 Building on this provision, some Member States have introduced the obligation to obtain informed consent from the individual as an additional measure to empower patients.Footnote 27
15.3.2 Informed Consent for Data Processing
When the purpose for which data are shared cannot be covered by a legal basis available in Article 6 and an additional safeguard as laid down in Article 9 of the GDPR, the (valid) informed consent of the patient should be sought prior to the secondary processing. In that case, the requested informed consent should reflect patient autonomy. The conditions for valid informed consent, as laid down in Articles 4 (11) and 7 of the GDPR, indicate that the concept of informed consent was developed as an instrument for individuals to express their wishes and be empowered. These articles stress that consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and reflect an unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes. The controller shall be able to demonstrate that the data subject has consented and shall respect the fact that consent can be withdrawn at any time, with no motivation required.
These requirements may sound obvious, but they are challenging to fulfill in practice. In particular, the fact that for informed consent to be freely given a valid alternative for not providing consent for the processing of personal data should be available is often an issue.Footnote 28 Typically, data processing is a consequence of a service, product, or project,… especially in the context of AI. I cannot agree to participate in a data-driven research project to develop AI for medical imaging without allowing my MRI scan to be processed. I cannot use an AI-supported meal app that provides personalized dietary suggestions while not allowing data about my eating habits to be shared. I cannot use an AI-driven screening app for skin cancer without allowing a picture of my skin to be uploaded. In this case, it should be questioned whether data can be reused or shared for secondary purposes based on informed consent.
15.4 Sharing Data for AI in Healthcare
“Data have evolved from being a scarce resource, difficult to gather, managed in a centralized way and costly to store, transmit and process, to becoming an abundant resource created in a decentralized way (by individuals or sensors) easy to replicate, and to communicate or broadcast on a global scale.”Footnote 29 This is how the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) introduces her report on how to ensure privacy-preserving data sharing. The quote is illustrative not only for the naturalness with which we think about keeping data for secondary use but also for the seemingly infinite number of initiatives that can benefit from the reuse of data, including personal data. In that sense, sharing health-related data differs significantly from sharing human bodily material. While the number of projects that can benefit from one sample of bodily material is, per definition, limited to, for example, the number of cuts that can be made, the reuse of data only ends when the data itself have become irrelevant.
It is essential to stress that facilitating data sharing is also a specific intent of regulators. Policy documents on FAIR data,Footnote 30 open science initiatives, and the proposal for a European Health Data Space are just a few examples hereof. “Sharing data is already starting to become the norm and not the exception in data processing,” ENISA continues.Footnote 31 Even in the GDPR itself, it is stated that: “The free movement of personal data within the Union shall be neither restricted nor prohibited for reasons connected with the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.”Footnote 32 Although frustrations over the rigidity of the GDPR sometimes seem to gain the upper hand, also in discussions on the secondary use of data, the goal of the Regulation is thus not to hamper but to facilitate the processing of personal data.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, several authors stressed this fundamental assumption also in relation to health-related data. Albeit specific requirements must be met, the processing of personal health-related data is not necessarily not allowed.Footnote 33 Two weeks after the outbreak, the European Data Protection Board, for example, issued a statement indicating that “data protection rules (such as the GDPR) do not hinder measures taken in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.”Footnote 34 Several possible exemptions that would allow the processing of health-related data in the fight against COVID-19 were stressed and explained. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) pointed at the purpose limitation and transparency principle and the importance of adopting security measures and confidentiality policies as core principles that should be considered, even in an international emergency.
To meet these principles, so-called data protection- or privacy-enhancing measures must be considered. Different privacy-enhancing techniques can be applied to the data flows and infrastructures. At the operational level of a healthcare organization, suggestions for privacy-preserving techniques profiles such as data protection officers, compliance officers, or the chief information security officer typically suggest the implementation of measures. “It used to be the case that if you did nothing at all, you would have privacy […]. Now, you need to take conscious, deliberate, intentional actions to attain any level of privacy. […] This is why Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) exist,” writes Adams referring to technical measures that can be implemented to better protect data about individuals.Footnote 35 Examples of such PETs include pseudonymization through polymorphic encryptionFootnote 36 and federated learning, but next to technical measures, organizational measures such as transparency must also be considered.
The following sections illustrate the impact and necessity of privacy-enhancing measures in health-related scenarios. Anonymization and pseudonymization are discussed first. They are considered minimum measures to consider before reusing personal data. However, because anonymous data are considered out of the material scope of the GDPR while pseudonymous data are considered in scope, it is essential to understand the difference between them. Next, by discussing two other examples of privacy-enhancing techniques, one technical and one organizational, it is illustrated how anticipating the technical and the organizational aspects of a data flow help to ensure the robust protection of personal data as an “abundant resource.”
15.4.1 Anonymization and Pseudonymization
In the GDPR, a preference for the use of anonymized data over pseudonymized and non-pseudonymized data is expressed, for example, in the data minimization principle, as a security measure and in relation to scientific research.Footnote 37 The use of anonymized data is considered to present a sufficiently low risk for the data subject’s fundamental rights to allow the processing without any further measures, and is hence excluded from the GDPR’s requirements.Footnote 38 Pseudonymized data, however, fall under the GDPR because the data can still be attributed to an individual data subject.Footnote 39
In healthcare and other data-intensive sectors, for data not to fall under the definition of personal data, as provided in Article 4(1) of the GDPR, is increasingly difficult due to enhanced data availability and data linkability.Footnote 40 Data availability relates to the number of data kept about individuals. Data are not only kept in EHRs but spread over many other datasets held by public and private organizations. Data linkability relates to the ease with which data from different datasets can be combined. Machine learning and other types of AI have a distinct impact in this sense as they facilitate this process.
Requirements on open science,Footnote 41 explainability,Footnote 42 and citizen empowermentFootnote 43 stimulate data holders to increase the level of data availability and linkability. To create innovations this is a great assumption, but there is another side to the coin. A higher level of data availability and linkability requires data holders, such as healthcare organizations, to increasingly qualify data as pseudonymous rather than anonymous.
Influential studies continue to show limitations in anonymization techniques in relation to patient data. Schwarz et al., for example, reidentified patients based on de-identified MRI head scans, which were released for research purposes. Schwarz’s research team showed that in 83% of the cases, face-recognition software matched an MRI with a publicly available picture. In 95% of the cases, the image of the actual patient was amongst the five selected public profiles.Footnote 44 Studies such as Schwarz’s led to the development of “defacing techniques,” a privacy-enhancing measure to hinder the reidentification of head scans.Footnote 45 However, is the hindrance caused by the defacing technique sufficient for the scan to qualify as nonpersonal data?
To answer that question, it is important to stress that the scope of the GDPR is not delineated based on the presence of certain specific identifiers in a particular dataset. Contrary to, for example, the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),Footnote 46 which provides that individually identifiable information can be de-identified by removing the listed identifiers (exhaustive account) from the dataset, the GDPR requires a more complex assessment. The possibility for the controller or another person to single out a data subject building on the information in the dataset and any additional information that can be obtained using all the means reasonably likely must be evaluated. When considering the MRI image, this means that account must be taken of the MRI image with defacing techniques applied, pictures available on the internet, and the original MRI available in the EHR even when this image is not available to the data controller.Footnote 47
15.4.2 Federated Learning, an Example of a Privacy-Enhancing Technical Measure
Federated analysis allows for building knowledge from data kept in different local sources (such as various EHRs in hospitals, public health databases in countries, or potentially even individual health “pods” kept by citizensFootnote 48) while avoiding the transfer of individual-level data.Footnote 49 Hence, federated analysis is presented as a solution to avoid the centralization of (personal) health-related data for secondary use.
Imagine building an AI model for cancer detection through MRI images: In a nonfederated scenario, the MRI images are requested through multiple participating hospitals, pseudonymized, and subsequently collected in a central, project-specific database. The algorithm is trained on the central database. In a federated scenario, however, the MRI images are not pooled in a central database. Instead, they remain with the local hospital. The algorithmic model, carrying out analytical tasks, visits the local databases (“nodes”) and executes tasks on the locally stored MRI images.Footnote 50 Subsequently, aggregated results (the conclusions) are shared with a central node for merging and meta-analysis. On the condition of a small cell risk analysis,Footnote 51 these results can often be considered nonpersonal data because individual patients can no longer be singled out.
Avoiding centralization is particularly interesting because it can reduce the risk of illicit data usage. The control on the secondary use remains with the data holder: A data custodian (such as a hospital), the individual (such as a patient), or perhaps, as suggested in Article 17 et seq of the Data Governance Act, a recognized data altruism organization.Footnote 52 Unlike organizational measures, such as contractual arrangements on the purpose of the processing, federated learning thus allows the data holder to manage the processing independently.
The implementation of federated learning should, however, not trigger the assumption that the processing operations are not covered by the material scope of the GDPR. Federated learning does not avoid the processing of personal data for a secondary purpose. It merely avoids the transfer of personal data. In other words: the processing takes place locally, but data are reused for a purpose different from the purpose for which they were initially collected. Consequently, GDPR requirements must be complied with, including the need for a legal basis.
Following Article 4 (7) of the GDPR, the party defining the purpose and (at least the essential) means of the secondary use should be considered the data controller. Generally, the requestor, not the requestee, defines the purpose and means of the secondary processing. Therefore the requestor is considered the data controller.Footnote 53 The location of the data processing (locally or centrally) is irrelevant. Who has access to the data is equally irrelevant.Footnote 54 Consequently, although a data transfer agreement may be avoided when sharing merely anonymous data with the central node, a data processing agreement (or joined controller agreement) must be in place before reusing the data.Footnote 55
15.4.3 Transparency, an Example of a Privacy-Enhancing Organizational Measure
The importance of transparency cannot be overestimated. As indicated by the EDPB in the adopted Article 29 Working Party Guidelines on transparency under the GDPR: “transparency is a long established feature […] engendering trust in the processes which affect the citizen by enabling them to understand, and if necessary, challenge those processed.”Footnote 56 The transparency principle entails an overarching obligation to ensure fairness and accountability. Therefore, data controllers must provide clear information that allows data subjects to have correct expectations.
The transparency obligation is a general obligation isolated from any information obligations that may follow from informed consent as a legal basis. Whichever legal basis is most suitable and whether it concerns primary or secondary use, the data controller is responsible for providing transparent information actively (following Articles 13 and 14 GDPR) and passively (following a data subject access request under Article 15 GDPR). This includes the obligation to inform about (intentions to) reuse.Footnote 57
Today data controllers often focus on the availability of general information on websites, in brochures, and in privacy notices, to comply with their transparency obligation. Unfortunately, these general information channels often prove insufficient to enable data subjects to really understand for which purposes and by whom data about them is used. They feel insufficiently empowered to hold the data controller accountable or to exercise control over their personal data. If other patients’ rights such as the right not to know, can be respected, wouldn’t it make sense to create personalized overviews of secondary data processing operations in an era where personalization is a buzzword? These overviews could be provided through consumer interfaces such as client accounts, personalized profiles, or billing platforms. In healthcare, it is no longer uncommon for healthcare providers to provide patients with a direct view of their medical records through an app or website. A patient-tailored overview of secondary use could be included in this patient viewer.
As a side note, it must be mentioned that the EDPB announced further clarifications on the scope of the exceptions to the obligation to actively inform data subjects individually.Footnote 58 Article 14, 5. (b) of the GDPR acknowledges that when data were not obtained directly from the data subject, it may occur that “the provision of information proves impossible or would involve a disproportionate effort.”Footnote 59 In earlier interpretations, the limitations of this exception were stressed explaining It that the data controller must demonstrate either impossibility or a disproportionate effort. In demonstrating why Article 14, 5. (b) should apply, data controllers must mention the factors that prevent them from providing the information and illustrate the impact and effects for the data subject when not provided with the information in the case of disproportionate effort.Footnote 60
15.5 Conclusions
In Belgium, the seven university hospitals developed a methodology to see to their responsibility as the guardian of health-related data. While not exclusively intended to address the requests for the reuse of data for AI, it was noted that requests for secondary use have an “increasing variability in purpose, scope and nature” and include “the support of evidence-based medicine and value-driven healthcare strategies, the development of medical devices, including those relying on machine learning and artificial intelligence.”Footnote 61 The initiative of the Belgian university hospitals is just one illustration of the need for legal and ethical guidelines on the use of health-related data for AI. As indicated by the Belgian hospitals, the goal is “to keep hospitals and healthcare practitioners from accepting illegitimate proposals [for the secondary use of real-world data].”Footnote 62 The same intention can also be found in regulatory initiatives such as the Act on AI and the Proposal for a Regulation on the European Health Data Space.
Any initiative for future regulations or guidelines will build on the provisions already included in Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation. Even with the need to clarify specific provisions and harmonize various interpretations of these provisions, the GDPR lays down the principles that must be considered when collecting data for AI.
Within the healthcare domain, the data necessary for the development and use of AI are unlikely to be qualified as anonymous data. Most likely, they will fall under the definition of pseudonymized data as provided in Article 4 (5) of the GDPR. Notwithstanding the general prohibition to process health-related data pursuant to Article 9, 1. of the GDPR, the processing of health-related data can be justified when the interests of society or other parties prevail over the interests of the individual data subject or when informed consent reflects the data subject’s wish. Additionally, all other data protection principles, such as transparency, must be respected.
Despite the numerous current and future challenges arising from regulatory instruments applicable to data custodians and data users and ongoing ethical discussions, the key message should not be that we should refrain from using health-related data for AI. Rather, we should never forget that behind the data are flesh-and-blood people who deserve protection through the implementation of organizational and technical measures.
16.1 Introduction
“Information processing,” “decision-making,” and “achievement of specific goals.” These are among the key elements defining artificial intelligence (AI) in a JRC Technical Report of the European Commission.Footnote 1 Information processing is understood as “collecting and interpreting inputs (in the form of data),” decision-making as “taking actions, performance of tasks (…) with certain level of autonomy,” and achievement of specific goals as “the ultimate reason of AI systems.”Footnote 2 All these elements play a key role in financial services. Against this background, it is unsurprising that AI has started to fundamentally change many aspects of finance.
The actors that are active in the financial world process vast amounts of information, starting from customer data and account movements over market trading data to credit underwriting or money-laundering checks. As the earlier definition suggests, it is one thing to collect and store these data, and yet another challenge to interpret and make sense of them. Artificial intelligence helps with both, for example by checking databases or crawling the internet in search of relevant information, by sorting it according to predefined categories, or by finding its own sorting parameter. In this way, AI provides input to decision-making of financial institutions, of financial intermediaries such as a broker or investment adviser, and of regulatory agencies, monitoring financial institutions and markets such as the US SEC or the European Central Bank.
Today, decision-making based on AI preparatory work often involves human actors. However, the spectrum of tasks that can be wholly or partly performed by AI is growing. Some of these tasks are repetitive chores such as a chatbot used in customer communication or a robo-advisor suggesting how to best invest. Others require enormous speed, for instance, high-frequency algorithmic trading of financial instruments, reacting in split seconds to new market information.Footnote 3
AI involves a goal or a “definition of success”Footnote 4 which it is trained to optimize. A regulatory agency tasked with monitoring insider trading might employ an AI system to search market data for suspicious trades. The agency predefines what it understands as suspicious, for instance, large sales right before bad news is released to the market, and supervises what the AI system finds, to make sure it gets it right. With more sophisticated AI, regulators train the AI system to learn what a suspicious trade is. The Italian Consob, together with a group of researchers, has explored unsupervised machine learning of this type, allowing it to “provide an indication on whether the trading behavior of an investor or a group of investors is anomalous or not, thus supporting the monitoring and surveillance processes by the competent Authority and the assessment of the conduct.”Footnote 5
There is a broad range of ethical issues when employing AI in financial services. Many of these are not entirely novel concerns, but AI might make the risks they entail more likely to happen. As the OECD has noted in a report on AI, a tactic called “tacit collusion” to the detriment of market competition might become easier.Footnote 6
In a tacitly collusive context, the non-competitive outcome is achieved by each participant deciding its own profit-maximizing strategy independently of its competitors. (…) The dynamic adaptive capacity of self-learning and deep learning AI models can therefore raise the risk that the model recognizes the mutual interdependencies and adapts to their behavior and actions of other market participants or other AI models, possibly reaching a collusive outcome without any human intervention and perhaps without even being aware of it.Footnote 7
Cyber security threats count among these risks:
While the deployment of AI does not open up possibilities of new cyber breaches, it could exacerbate pre-existing ones by, inter alia, linking falsified data and cyber breaches, creating new attacks which can alter the functioning of the algorithm through the introduction of falsified data into models or the alteration of existing ones.Footnote 8
The same goes for data protection. This has long been identified as a core policy concern in the digitalized world.Footnote 9 Black box algorithms compound the problem when consumers are not only uncertain that data are collected but do not know what an AI system will make of the information it processes:
These systems run historical data through an algorithm, which then comes up with a prediction or course of action. Yet often we don’t know how such a system reaches its conclusion. It might work correctly, or it might have a technical error inside of it. It might even reproduce some form of bias, like racism, without the designers even realising it.Footnote 10
For financial services, the complicated interplay between data protection, biases of AI models, and big data available to be processed at low cost is of particular concern. The EU has selected credit scoring and creditworthiness assessments of natural persons as a “high-risk AI system,” facing strict compliance requirements.Footnote 11 Additionally, the (reformed) Consumer Credit DirectiveFootnote 12 engages with consumer rights whenever an AI system produces a score.
In what follows, this chapter takes AI scoring and creditworthiness assessments as an example of how AI is employed in financial services (Section 16.2), for the ethical challenges this raises (Section 16.3), and for the legal tools that attempt to adequately balance advantages and challenges of this technique (Section 16.4). It closes with a look at scoring beyond the credit situation (Section 16.5).
16.2 An Illustration: AI-Based Creditworthiness Evaluations and Credit ScoringFootnote 13
A financial institution that hands out a loan and prices interest rates must first conduct an assessment of the borrower’s credit risk. This is an evident business rationale and is required by several laws. Some of these have the overall stability of the financial system in mind. To reduce risk, they attempt to ensure that financial institutions have clearly established procedures to hand out credit and monitor credit portfolios.Footnote 14 Other laws focus on both, financial stability, and the creditor. Following the financial crisis of 2008, irresponsible lending practices on mortgage markets had been identified as a potential source of the crisis.Footnote 15 Reacting to this concern, EU legislators aimed at restoring consumer confidence.Footnote 16 After the pandemic, and fueled by concerns about increasing digitalization, the Proposal for a Consumer Credit Directive explicitly stresses that the assessment of the creditworthiness of the borrower will be done “in the interest of the consumer, to prevent irresponsible lending practices and overindebtedness.”Footnote 17
16.2.1 Traditional Methods to Predict Credit Default Risk
When going about an evaluation, the lender faces uncertainty about an applicant’s credit default risk. In the parlance of economics, he must rely on observable variables to reconstruct hidden fundamental information.Footnote 18 Sociologists add the role of trust in social relations to explain the denial or success of a loan application.Footnote 19 The potential borrower will provide some information himself, for instance on existing obligations, income, or assets. To reduce uncertainty, the lender will often require additional input. Historically, a variable as qualitative and vague as “character” was “considered the foundation of consumer creditworthiness.”Footnote 20 Starting in the 1930s, lenders profited from advances in statistics which allowed to correlate attributes of individual loan applicants with high or low credit default risk.Footnote 21 Depending on the country, the relevant characteristics “can include a wide variety of socioeconomic, demographic, and other attributes or only those related to credit histories.”Footnote 22 Being a white, middle-aged man with a stable job and living in wholly owned property usually predicted a lower credit-default risk than being a young man living in a shared flat, an unmarried woman, or a person of color without a stable job.
The exercise requires two main ingredients: mathematical tools and access to data. The former serves to form statistical buckets of similarly situated persons and to correlate individual attributes of loan applicants with attributes that were in the past found to be relevant predictors of credit default risk. The latter was initially provided by lenders compiling their own data, for instance on credit history with the bank, loan amounts, or in- and outgoing payments. Later, credit registries spawned that are, until today, a key source of data.Footnote 23 The type of data a credit registry collects is highly standardized, but varies across countries. Examples are utilities data, late payments, number of credit cards used, collection procedures, or insolvency proceedings.Footnote 24 Using the available input data, the probability of credit default risk is often expressed in a standardized credit score.Footnote 25
16.2.2 AI-Based Methods to Predict Credit Default Risk
Over the last decade, both ingredients,Footnote 26 mathematical tools and access to data, have changed radically. Digitization across many areas of life leaves digital footprints of consumers. Collecting and processing these “big data” allows us to refine statistical output that can now work with large amounts of information, far beyond what traditional credit registries hold. Artificial intelligence in the form of machine learning helps to correlate variables, interprets results, sometimes learns from these, and, in that way, finds ever more complex patterns across input data.Footnote 27
“All data is credit data”Footnote 28 is an often-quoted remark, hinting at the potential to use unanticipated attributes and characteristics toward a prediction of credit default risk. This starts with an applicant’s online payment history or performance on a lending platform but does not stop there.Footnote 29 Age or sex, job or college education, ZIP code, income, or ethnic background can all be relevant predictors. Depending on a jurisdiction’s privacy laws, more variables can be scrutinized. Such “alternative data” include, for instance, preferred shopping places, social media friends, political party affiliation, number of typos in text messages, brand of smartphone, speed in clicking through a captcha exercise, daily work-out time, or performance in a psychometric assessment. All these are potential sources for correlations, the AI system will detect between individual data points, and the goal it is optimizing. An example of an optimization goal (which is also called “definition of success”Footnote 30) is credit default. An AI system working with this definition of success is useful for a lender who wishes to price his loan according to the probability of default. The system will find various correlations between the big data input variables and the optimization goal. Some correlations might be unsurprising, such as a high steady income and low default. Others will be more unexpected. The German company Kreditech illustrates this. It learned that an important variable its AI system found was a specific type of font on an applicant’s electronic devices.Footnote 31 A research study provides another illustration by concluding that:
customers without a financial application installed on their phones are about 25% more likely to default than those with such an app installed. (…) In contrast, those with a mobile loan application are 26% more likely to default.Footnote 32
16.2.3 Inclusion Through AI-Based Methods
A score that an AI model develops based on alternative data can provide access to finance for persons who have found this difficult in the past, due to their unusual profile. A recent immigrant will often not be able to provide a utility payment or a credit history in his new country of residence. However, this “thin-file applicant” might have relevant alternative data of the type described earlier to support his creditworthiness assessment.
Several empirical studies have found that AI-based credit scoring broadens financial access for some thin-file applicants.Footnote 33 One important source of data are mobile phones. “The type of apps installed or information from call log patterns,” so the authors of one study find, “outperforms a traditional model that relies on credit score.”Footnote 34 Another study, working with an e-commerce company, produced good predictions using only ten digital footprint variables.Footnote 35 The authors find, for example, that the difference in default rates between customers using an Apple and customers using an Android device is equivalent to the difference in default rates between a median credit score and the 80th percentile of the credit score.Footnote 36 Yet another illustration is provided by the US online lending company Upstart.Footnote 37 Upstart claims to outperform traditional scoring as to all borrowers, specifically as to those with traditionally low credit scores. A study on this company shows that:
more than 30% of borrowers with credit scores of less than 680 funded by Upstart over our sample period would have been rejected by the traditional model. We further find that this fraction declines as credit score increases, that is the mismatch between the traditional and the Upstart model is magnified among low-credit score borrower.Footnote 38
A US regulatory agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, investigated Upstart’s business model and confirmed that, in the aggregate, applicants with low credit scores were approved twice as frequently by Upstart if compared with a hypothetical lender.Footnote 39
16.3 Ethical Concerns around AI-Based Methods to Predict Credit Default Risk
16.3.1 Algorithmic Discrimination
The US lender Upstart illustrates not only how AI can further inclusion. Additionally, it provides an example of AI models producing unequal output across groups of loan applicants. Among those who profit, persons facing historical or current discrimination are underrepresented. A well-documented example concerns a report from a US NGO which ran a mystery shopping exercise with Upstart.Footnote 40 It involved three loan applicants that were identical to college degree, job, and yearly income, but had attended different colleges: New York University, Howard University, which is a historically Black college, and New Mexico State University, a Hispanic-serving institution. Holding all other inputs constant, the authors of the study found that a hypothetical applicant who attended Howard or New Mexico State University would pay significantly higher origination fees and interest rates over the life of their loans than an applicant who attended NYU.
One explanation for these findings points to the AI system predicting credit default in a world of (past and current) discrimination where Black and Hispanic applicants face thresholds that otherwise similarly situated borrowers do not. Along those lines, the unequal output reflects real differences in credit default risk.
Alternatively (or additionally), the AI system’s result might be skewed by a variety of algorithmic biases.Footnote 41 In this case, its credit score or creditworthiness assessment paints a picture that does not correctly reflect actual differences. Historical bias provides one example. A machine-learning system is trained based on past data, involving borrowers, their characteristics, behavior, and payment history.Footnote 42 Based on such data, the AI system learns which individual attributes (or bundles of attributes) are good predictors of credit default. If certain groups, for example unmarried women, have in the past faced cultural or legal obstacles in certain countries, the AI system learns that being an unmarried woman is a negative signal. It will weigh this input variable accordingly. In this way, an attribute that would have lowered a credit score in the past will lower it today, even if the underlying discriminatory situation has been overcome (as is partly the case for unmarried women). Majority bias is another example.Footnote 43 The AI system builds its model by attributing weight to input variables. What it finds for most candidates that were successful in the past will be accorded considerable weight, for instance, stability as to place of residence. Candidates who score badly in that respect because their job requires them to move often will face a risk premium. It is important to understand that the machine-learning system finds correlations only and does not attempt to establish causation. An individual might have very good reasons for moving houses often, he might even hold a high-paying job that requires him to do so. The AI system will still count this as a negative attribute if the majority of past candidates did not move often.
Another empirical study suggests that there can be yet further factors at play. Researchers explored data on the US Government Sponsored Enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.Footnote 44 These offer mortgage-backed lenders a guarantee against credit risk, charging a fee that depends only on the borrower’s credit score and the loan-to-value ratio. Against that background, one would assume that for candidates with identical scores and LTV ratios, interest rates must be identical. This was not what the study found. Hispanic and Black borrowers faced markups of 7.9 basis points for purchase mortgages and 3.6 basis points for refinance mortgages. The “morally neutral” AI system might have understood this as a promising strategy to meet the goal of maximizing profit for the lender. Instead, the lender might have himself formulated the AI’s definition of success as identifying applicants who were open to predatory pricing, for instance because they urgently needed a loan or were financially less literate than other borrowers.Footnote 45
16.3.2 Opaque Surveillance
Let us revisit the lender who faced uncertainty as to potential borrowers. Today, he uses credit scores and creditworthiness assessments that rely on a limited list of input variables. Usually, their relevance for credit default risk is obvious, and advanced statistics allows for good predictions. For the applicant, this entails the upside that he will typically know which attributes are important to be considered a good credit risk.Footnote 46 Against that background, one would expect that an unobservable and hardly quantifiable variable such as “character”Footnote 47 loses significance. With AI-based scoring, this might change, if the seemingly objective machine lends new credibility to such concepts. The researchers who used mobile phone data for credit scoring interpreted their findings as a strategy to access “aspects of individuals behavior” that “has implications for the likelihood of default.”Footnote 48 The authors of the e-commerce studyFootnote 49 explicitly suggest that the variables they investigated provide a “proxy for income, character and reputation.”Footnote 50
A borrower whose credit application is assessed by an algorithm might feel compelled to give access to his personal data unless he is prepared to accept a lower credit rating. At the same time, he does not necessarily know which elements of the data he hands over will be relevant. Credit applicants today often know what is important for obtaining credit and have legal rights to be informed about a denial.Footnote 51 Under an AI black box model, not even the lender is necessarily aware of what drives the credit score his AI system produces.Footnote 52 If he does, his incentives to inform the applicant are often small. This is especially likely if the lender feels he found a variable that is a powerful predictor but at the same can be manipulated by the applicant. Consider, for instance, a finance or a dating app on his phone, one helping, the other hurting his credit score, while both apps are easily installed/uninstalled.
AI scoring of this type places consumers in a difficult spot. They are likely to worry about a “world of conformity”Footnote 53 where they “fear to express their individual personality online” and “constantly consider their digital footprints.”Footnote 54 They might feel that they are exposed to arbitrary decisions that they do not understand and that are sometimes unexplainable even to the person using the algorithm.Footnote 55 Economists have predicted that consumers might try to randomly change their online behavior in the hope for a better score.Footnote 56 Manipulation along those lines will work better for some variables (such as regularly charging a mobile device) than for others (such as changing mobile phone brand or refraining from impulse shopping).Footnote 57 One strategy is to mimic the profile of an attractive borrower. This suggests side effects to the overall usefulness of AI scoring. If it is costless to mimic an attractive borrower, an uninformative pooling equilibrium evolves: All senders choose the same signals.Footnote 58 Firm behavior might adapt as well.Footnote 59 A firm whose products signal low creditworthiness could try to conceal its products’ digital footprint. Commercial services may develop, offering such services or making consumers’ digital footprint look better. Along similar lines, the US CFPB fears that the chances to change credit standing through behavior may become a random exercise.Footnote 60 While the applicant today receives meaningful information about (many of) the variables which are relevant for his score, with opaque AI modelling, this is not guaranteed any more.
16.4 Legal Tools Regulating Discrimination and Surveillance for AI-Based Credit Scoring and Creditworthiness Evaluation
Using AI for scoring and underwriting decisions does not raise entirely novel concerns. However, it compounds some of the well-known risks or shines an unanticipated light on existing strategies to deal with these challenges.
16.4.1 Anti-Discrimination Laws Faced with AI
Is unequal output across groups of applicants, for instance as to sex or race, necessarily a cause for concern? Arguably, the answer depends on the context and the goal pursued by the lender.
Under the assumption that the AI model presents an unbiased picture of reality, an economist would find nothing wrong with unequal output if it tracked features that are relevant to the lender’s business strategy. Any creditor must distinguish between applicants for a loan,Footnote 61 and score and rank them, usually according to credit default risk. This produces statistical discrimination that reflects the state of the world. Prohibiting unequal output entirely would force the lender to underwrite credit default risk he does not wish to take on.Footnote 62
By contrast, if the assumption of the AI system reflecting an unbiased picture of the world does not hold, the unequal output can be a signal for potential inefficiencies. An AI model’s flawed output, for example due to historical or majority bias,Footnote 63 leads to opportunity cost if it produces too many false negatives: Candidates that would be a good credit risk but are flagged as a bad credit risk. In this case, the lender should have granted a loan, but he refused, based on the flawed AI system. If, by contrast, the model triggers too many false positives, it can skew the lender’s portfolio risk. The lender has underwritten more contracts than his business model would have suggested to.
A lawyer has a more complicated answer to the question mentioned earlier.Footnote 64 Depending on the situation, unequal output can violate anti-discrimination laws. A clear case is presented by a lender who denies a loan because of a specific attribute – sex, race, religion, ethnicity, or similar protected characteristics. If this is the case (and the plaintiff can prove it), the lender is liable for damages.Footnote 65 The test prong because of is met, if the protected characteristic was one reason toward the decision.
Direct discriminationFootnote 66 in this form is not a risk that is unique to AI-based decision-making. Quite to the contrary, many point out that a well-trained, objective AI system will overcome human biases and discriminatory intentions.Footnote 67 However, if a lender pursues discriminatory motives or intentionally seeks members of protected communities because they are more vulnerable to predatory pricing, AI systems compound the risks plaintiffs face. This has to do with the AI system’s potential to help the lender “mask” his true preferences.Footnote 68 Masking behavior can be successful because anti-discrimination law needs a hook, as it were, in the lender’s decision-making process. The plaintiff must establish that he was discriminated against because of a protected characteristic, such as race or sex. A discriminatory lender can try to circumvent this legal rule by training its AI system to find variables that correlate narrowly with a protected characteristic. Eventually, circumventing the law will not be a valid strategy for the lender. However, the applicant might find it very hard to prove that this was the lender’s motive, especially in jurisdictions that do not offer pre-trial discovery.Footnote 69
The disproportionate output of an AI system does not always go back to business strategies that imply direct discrimination.Footnote 70 One of the most characteristic features of algorithm-based credit risk assessments is to find unanticipated correlations between big data variables and the optimization goal.Footnote 71 What happens if it turns out that a neutral attribute, for instance the installation of a finance app on a smartphone, triggers disproportionate results across sex? Unless a lender intentionally circumvents the rule to not discriminate against women, this is not a case of direct discrimination.Footnote 72 Instead, we potentially face indirect discrimination.Footnote 73 Under this doctrine, a facially neutral attribute that consistently leads to less favorable output for protected communities becomes “suspicious,” as it were. Plaintiffs must establish a correlation between the suspicious attribute and the unequal output. Defendants will be asked to provide justificatory reasons for using the attribute, in spite of the troubling correlation.Footnote 74 In a credit underwriting context, the business rationale of the lender is a paradigm justificatory reason. The plaintiff might counter that there are equally powerful predictors with less or no discriminatory potential. However, the plaintiff will often fail to even establish the very first test prong, namely to identify the suspicious attribute. The more sophisticated the AI system and the larger the big data pool, the more likely it is that the AI system will deliver the same result without access to the suspicious variable. The reason for this is redundant encoding: The information encoded in the suspicious variable can be found in many other variables.Footnote 75
16.4.2 AI Biases and Quality Control in the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
The EU AI ActFootnote 76 starts from the assumption that AI credit underwriting can lead to discriminatory output:
In addition, AI systems used to evaluate the credit score or creditworthiness of natural persons (…) may lead to discrimination of persons or groups and perpetuate historical patterns of discrimination, such as that based on racial or ethnic origins, gender, disabilities, age or sexual orientation, or create new forms of discriminatory impacts.Footnote 77
However, the remedy the AI Act proposes is not to adjust anti-discrimination law. Instead, it proposes a strategy of product regulation. Artificial intelligence systems employed in the loan context “should be classified as high-risk AI systems, since they determine those persons’ access to financial resources or essential services such as housing, electricity, and telecommunication services.”Footnote 78
Employing a high-risk AI system entails mandatory compliance checks as to monitoring, testing, and documentation with an eye on both software and data.Footnote 79 Article 9 of the Act has the software part in mind. It requires identifying risks to fundamental rights and developing appropriate risk management measures. Ideally, the design or development of the high-risk AI system eliminates or reduces these risks. If they cannot be eliminated, they must be mitigated and controlled.Footnote 80 Article 10 addresses training data which might lead to the biases mentioned earlier.Footnote 81 According to Article 14 of the proposal, high-risk AI systems must be “designed and developed in such a way (…) that they can be effectively overseen by natural persons.”Footnote 82 Supervisory agencies are in charge of enforcing compliance with the AI Act. For credit institutions, the competent banking regulator is entrusted with this task. Nonbank entities, for instance credit scoring agencies, will be supervised by a different body in charge of AI.Footnote 83 Both supervisors must deal with the challenge of quantifying a fundamental rights violation (which includes balancing borrower’s rights against competing rights) to produce a workable benchmark for risk management.
16.4.3 Privacy and Retail-Borrower Protection Laws Faced with AI
Private enforcement via litigation is not included in the AI Act.Footnote 84 Against this background, the following section looks at privacy and retail-borrower protection laws that provide such tools. Privacy law aims at keeping personal data private and subjecting its use by third parties to certain requirements. Retail-borrower protection laws cover many aspects of a transaction between borrower and lender. These include rights that are especially useful in the context of algorithmic credit evaluations, for example a right to be informed about a denial of credit. Credit Reporting and Data Privacy
Big data access is a key ingredient of algorithm-based credit underwriting.Footnote 85 At the same time, data collected from online sources are often unreliable and prone to misunderstandings. If an AI model is trained on flawed or misleading data, its output will likely not fully reflect actual credit default risk. However, this might not be immediately visible to the lender who uses the model. Even worse, automation bias, the tendency to over-rely on what was produced by automated models and disregard conflicting human judgments,Footnote 86 might induce the lender to go ahead with the decision prepared by the algorithm.
In many countries, credit reporting bureaus have traditionally filled the role of collecting data, some run by private companies, some by the government.Footnote 87 Those bureaus have their proprietary procedures to verify information. Additionally, there are legal rights for borrowers to correct false entries in credit registries. Illustrative for such rights is the US Fair Credit Reporting Act. It entitles credit applicants to access information a credit reporting agency holds on them and provides rights to rectify incorrect information.Footnote 88 However, one requirement is that the entity collecting big data qualifies as a credit reporting agency under the Act.Footnote 89 While some big data aggregators have stepped forward to embrace this responsibility, others claim they are mere “conduits,” performing mechanical tasks when sending the data to FinTech platforms.Footnote 90
EU law does not face this doctrinal difficulty. The prime EU data protection law is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that covers any processing of personal data under Article 2 of GDPR. For processing to be lawful, it must qualify for a justificatory reason under Article 6 GDPR. The data controller must provide information, inter alia on the purpose of data collection and processing pursuant to Article 13 GDPR. If sensitive data are concerned, additional requirements follow Article 9. However, in practice, GDPR requirements are often met by a standard tick-the-box-exercise whenever data are collected. Arguably, this entails rationally apathetic, rather than well-informed consumers.Footnote 91 When a data aggregator furnishes data he lawfully collected to the lender or to a scoring bureau, there is no additional notice required.Footnote 92 This foregoes the potential to incentivize consumers to react in the face of a particularly salient use of their data. Credit Scoring, Creditworthiness Evaluation, and Retail Borrower Rights
If collecting big data is the first important element of AI-based credit underwriting,Footnote 93 the way in which an algorithm assesses the applicant is the second cornerstone. The uneasy feeling of facing unknown variables, which drive scores and evaluations in opaque ways, might be mitigated if applicants receive meaningful explanations about which data were used and how the algorithm arrived at the output it generated.
US law provides two legal tools to that end. One rule was mentioned in the previous section.Footnote 94 It requires the lender to disclose that he used a credit report. In that way, it allows the applicant to verify the information in the credit report. In the old world of traditional credit reporting and scoring, based on a short list of input variables, this is an appropriate tool. It remains to be seen how this right to access information will perform if the input data are collected across a vast amount of big data sources. The second rule gives consumers a right to a statement of specific reasons for adverse action on a credit application.Footnote 95 The underlying rationale is to enable the applicant to make sure no discriminatory reasons underlie the denial of credit. In the current environment, US regulators have already struggled to incentivize lenders to provide more than highly standardized information.Footnote 96 With algorithmic scoring, this information is even harder to provide if the algorithm moves from a simple machine-learning device to more sophisticated black box or neural network models.
The EU GDPR includes no rule to specifically target the scoring or underwriting situation. General rules concern “decisions based solely on automated processing” and vest the consumer with a right to get “meaningful information about the logic involved” and “to obtain human intervention, to express his or her point of view and to contest the decision.”Footnote 97 At the time of writing, a case was pending before the European Court of Justice to assess what these rules entail as to credit scoring.Footnote 98
In contrast with the GDPR, the EU Consumer Credit Directive directly engages with algorithmic decision-making in the underwriting context.Footnote 99 It includes a right to inform the consumer whose credit application is denied if the “application is rejected on the basis of a consultation of a database.”Footnote 100 However, it refrains from requiring specific reasons for the lender’s decision. Art. 18 includes more detailed access, namely a right to “request a clear and comprehensible explanation of the assessment of creditworthiness, including on the logic and risks involved in the automated processing of personal data as well as its significance and effects on the decision.”Footnote 101 What such information would look like in practice, and whether it could be produced for more sophisticated algorithms, remains to be seen. The same concern applies to a different strategy proposed by the Directive. It entirely prohibits the use of alternative data gathered from social networks and certain types of sensitive data.Footnote 102 Arguably, redundant encodingFootnote 103 can make this a toothless rule if the same information is stored in a variety of different variables.
16.5 Looking Ahead – from Credit Scoring to Social Scoring
Scoring consumers to assess their creditworthiness is an enormously important use of the novel combination that big data and AI bring about. Chances are that scoring will not stop there but extend to more areas of social life, involving novel forms of social control.Footnote 104 When considering high-risk areas, the EU AI Act not only has “access to essential private and public services and benefits”Footnote 105 in mind. The lawmakers have set their eyes on social scoring as well, which they understand as an “evaluation or classification of natural persons or groups of persons over a certain period of time based on their social behavior or known, inferred or predicted personal or personality characteristics.”Footnote 106 Social scoring of this type is prohibited if it occurs out of the context in which the data were collected or leads to unjustified treatment.Footnote 107 However, the success of a substantive rule depends on efficient means of enforcement. Faced with the velocity of digital innovation, it is doubtful that either public or private enforcement tools can keep pace.
17.1 Introduction
Technological systems are crucial elements in every organization and sector of the economy. With digitalization being a Megatrend, and the “platformization” of business models becoming more prevalent, workplaces are being transformed at the source, from the way a business is first conceived, to how work is organized and how individual workers perform their jobs. These transformations, which are often driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, impact work relations, work organization, working conditions, and – more generally – jobs and workers at all levels.
The agreements that employers and workers achieve can shape technological change in an organization. The connection between technological change and innovation on the one hand, and labor law on the other, needs to be addressed beyond possible conflictual considerations. Labor law is composed of a set of legal rules applicable to individual and collective relations that arise between (private) employers and those who work under their instruction in exchange for a certain remuneration.
The objective of this chapter is to shed light on the intersection between the role of AI in the work sphere and labor law, and to signal several issues that require a legal response. After Section 17.1, Section 17.2 of this chapter provides a general overview of the goal and function of labor law. Section 17.3 illustrates some of the main applications of AI systems in workplaces and addresses the ethical and legal concerns they raise. Section 17.4 discusses some essential labor law rights and concepts, including the role of Social Partners. Section 17.5 focuses on AI-related legislation that also applies to the context of employment, and assesses the extent to which it addresses the identified concerns. Finally, with a foresight perspective in mind, Section 17.6 reflects on a number of issues that require further attention by lawmakers.
17.2 Scope and Goals of Labor Law
The application of AI systems in workplaces brings many legal questions and challenges for the relationship between employers and workers. For this reason, it is necessary to first understand the characteristics of this relationship from a legal point of view. Considering that the regulation of employment relationships belongs to the domain of labor law, it is also pivotal to comprehend the meaning of this legal domain and the purposes it aims to achieve.
There are many different types of work relationships, each of which can be covered by various types of contractual agreements. Therefore, in legal terms, it can be rather complicated to define the “typical” employment relationship between an employer and workers. Considering this difficulty, an employment relationship is hence often assessed by its characteristics or indicators, which will determine whether or not a genuine employment relationship exists. This is demonstrated by Recommendation no. 198 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) regarding the employment relationship, published in 2006. The Recommendation suggests specific indicators to identify the existence of such relationship, including:
(a) the fact that the work: is carried out according to the instructions and under the control of another party; involves the integration of the worker in the organization of the enterprise; is performed solely or mainly for the benefit of another person; must be carried out personally by the worker; is carried out within specific working hours or at a workplace specified or agreed by the party requesting the work; is of a particular duration and has a certain continuity; requires the worker’s availability; or involves the provision of tools, materials and machinery by the party requesting the work;
(b) periodic payment of remuneration to the worker; the fact that such remuneration constitutes the worker’s sole or principal source of income; provision of payment in kind, such as food, lodging or transport; recognition of entitlements such as weekly rest and annual holidays; payment by the party requesting the work for travel undertaken by the worker in order to carry out the work; or absence of financial risk for the worker (emphasis added).Footnote 1
These indicators emphasize that the employment relationship is predominantly characterized by work that is carried out under the control of another person in return for remuneration. These characteristics of the employment relationship also come forth in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). In its famous case Lawrie Blum, the Court explicitly states that “the essential feature of an employment relationship, however, is that for a certain period of time a person performs services for and under the direction of another person in return for which he receives remuneration.”Footnote 2 Although national legislation may apply different criteria to establish these elements, the employment relationship is mainly characterized by work, subordination of the worker to the employer and remuneration.
In other words, this perspective on the employment relationship implies an imbalance between the subordinate worker and the authority of the employer. Based on this authority, the employer has the right to direct or give instructions to workers, to control or monitor their performance in the workplace and to discipline or, in case of misconduct, impose sanctions on them.
Considering this power asymmetry, one of the goals of labor law is to address the unequal bargaining position between the parties to the employment relationship.Footnote 3 This means that labor law aims to strike a balance between the interests of employers and workers,Footnote 4 both at the individual and at the collective level.
At the collective level, labor law aims to create a framework for social dialogue between workers’ representatives, employers, and governments. This framework promotes democracy in workplaces, the redistribution of resources and economic efficiency.Footnote 5 Therefore, labor law includes workers’ right to organize, to bargain collectively, and to strike.Footnote 6 In this regard, labor law also enables activities that are a form of economic cooperation.Footnote 7 For this reason, it provides information and consultation rights to workers’ representatives and acknowledges the right to negotiate collective bargaining agreements regarding economic and social policy or working conditions (see Section 17.4). These collective agreements may be considered as a set of rules that are able to limit the arbitrariness of being subjected to the complete control of the employer and, therefore, as a means to balance the interests of workers and employers.Footnote 8
At the individual level, labor law not only establishes minimal standards for working conditions but also encompasses provisions that protect the personal integrity and self-development of workers.Footnote 9 This implies that labor law includes on the one hand regulation about working conditions (such as working times, occupational safety and health and remuneration). On the other hand, it addresses the human dignity of workers and protects their human rights in the workplaces, such as the protection of their private life. More generally, labor law also pursues the protection and promotion of human autonomy and social justice.Footnote 10
17.3 Major Uses of AI in the Employment Context
AI is increasingly introduced in workplaces, for an increasing number of tasks. It is found in almost every sector of the economy, from agriculture to education, healthcare, manufacturing, public services, retail and services, or transport – all of which have implications for the underlying employment relationships in those sectors. Initially, AI adoption primarily affected low- and middle-skilled workers, whose tasks tend to be routine. However, it is extending to high-skilled workers who perform cognitive tasks.Footnote 11 AI find applications in many different work contexts, including automation and robotics, especially of repetitive tasks; but also predictive analytics; virtual assistant systems for scheduling or handling customer enquiries; human resources management, screening and recruitment processes; quality control of products and services; predictive maintenance and monitoring of workers.Footnote 12 Moreover, emerging applications of AI, such as generative AI, are gaining traction. Research forecasts that two-thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI systems.Footnote 13 Labor law is especially concerned with the use of AI applications that assist in decision-making about workers and their working conditions. This particular use of AI is referred to as the phenomenon of algorithmic management, which deserves to be addressed more in-depth.
17.3.1 The Specific Case of Algorithmic Management: Automated Decision-Making and Monitoring Systems
One of the most prominent uses of AI systems in the context of employment concerns the management of workers. It can be broadly understood as the use of data-driven tools that collect and analyze an extensive amount of data on workers in order to allocate tasks to them, to evaluate their performance, or to discipline them.Footnote 14 Taking a more granular view, algorithmic management can be defined as
automated or semi-automated computing processes that perform one or more of the following functions: (1) workforce planning and work task allocation, (2) dynamic piece rate pay setting per task, (3) controlling workers by monitoring, steering, surveilling or rating their work and the time they need to perform specific tasks, nudging their behavior, (4) measuring actual worker performance against predicted time and/or effort required to complete task and providing recommendations on how to improve worker performance and (5) penalizing workers, for example, through termination or suspension of their accounts. Metrics might include estimated time, customer rating or worker’s rating of customer.Footnote 15
There is a genuine risk that the deployment of such tools occurs to the detriment of workers’ social protection, allowing discrimination and the worsening of their working conditions.
Algorithmic management is a concept that has first been used in the mid-2000s, mainly in the context of delivery platforms in the USA. It started as a relatively “unseen” practice, but its wider adoption is happening incrementally and has now spread to many sectors of the economy.Footnote 16 Even though most algorithmic management tools are commercialized outside the European Union (EU), they are often also implemented in companies and organizations established within the EU or elsewhere in the world.
Algorithmic management can take different forms, with many examples found in recruitment processes to screen or analyze the CVs of job candidates, or to “assess” facial expressions during video interviews. It is however also used to assess the job performance of workers, by tracking and analyzing their physical work.Footnote 17 For instance, wearable devices are now used in warehouses, call centers, and other workplaces to produce metrics on productivity and create rankings of workers’ performance.Footnote 18 Other wearables used for safety purposes integrate sensors to measure physical distancing, to detect a potential harmful environment on a specific site, or to measure physiological parameters of individual workers and observe their health conditions and well-being.Footnote 19 Algorithmic systems also exist that direct workers by specifying the tasks they have to carry out, including the order and timeframe in which this needs to be done.Footnote 20 Other tools can track and evaluate teams at individual levels, collecting metrics to measure their level of interactionFootnote 21 or to nudge workers’ behavior. This algorithmic management practice already permeates sectors such as transport and logistics, with the objective of optimizing delivery services, but other sectors are following suit.
Finally, algorithmic management is at the heart of digital labor platforms, where it is used to process customer feedback or to analyze and evaluate workers. This is especially the case for transport-oriented platforms, which use algorithmic systems to manage drivers.Footnote 22 These workers receive their assignments based on, among others, their location and profile, and they are then provided with directions to pick up customers or deliver orders.
17.3.2 Challenges of Algorithmic Management
These examples demonstrate that AI systems are already present in workplaces and raise numerous questions for labor law.Footnote 23 Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this section offers a non-exhaustive mapping of the most relevant issues that require attention, touching upon elements that relate not only to labor law provisions, but also privacy and data protection rules, fundamental rights, and computer science practices.
Large processing of data. The first issue to point out, is that algorithmic management relies on the complex processing of large amounts of personal data, which allows for the “quantification of workers.”Footnote 24 Two important questions that need to be addressed in this context are: Why are personal (and potentially also sensitive) data collected? And for what purposes are such data used? After all, someone must explicitly take the decision of collecting and using data, and such decisions needs to be accounted for. As noted earlier, when algorithmic management systems are used to assess workers’ performance, this can enable the analysis or monitoring of processes that would go beyond the supervision of a human manager. In other words, algorithmic management not only leads to monitoring workers to extents unthinkable in the past, but also to the collection and processing of data to analyze and make decisions about workers’ jobs and their working conditions in a far more intrusive manner. Although algorithms themselves are used to implement certain rules,Footnote 25 the actual decision-making is not yet fully in the hands these systems. Indeed, behind AI systems, there are human beings who set rules and parameters for data collection and for decision-making. Accordingly, before such systems are implemented in workplaces, important concerns about responsibility and accountability for these systems and their impact on workers need to be addressed.
Transparency of AI systems. A second issue relates to the transparency of the systems’ architecture, operations, and opacity around the purpose of the systems. To determine whether algorithmic management systems process personal data lawfully, it is important that their operations can be verified. This is also important to assess whether they are affected by certain biases – which can lead to the discrimination of vulnerable groups of workers – or whether they showcase other failures due to poor data quality, inaccuracy or errors. Some cases have already evidenced that bias in learning systems resulted in discriminatory outcomes. For example, Amazon introduced a recruiting Machine Learning based algorithm to sort out and select talented applicants on the basis of selected features of their CV. However, the algorithm considered male candidates as more talented, because it had been trained on the basis of data that reflected the male dominance across the tech industry.Footnote 26 Therefore, besides risks of privacy violations, the lack of transparency about how data is collected and processed may, among others, put workers in a position where they will not be treated equally and, hence, be deprived of job opportunities on the basis of discriminatory criteria.
Privacy and data protection rights. A third issue relates to the effective protection of workers’ right to privacy and data protection when working alongside AI systems. Article 22 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Footnote 27 gives data subjects “the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her or similarly significantly affects him or her.” However, the scope of application of this article seems to be interpreted rather restrictively.
Three legal proceedings were brought before the District Court of Amsterdam by the App Drivers and Couriers Union, a platform workers union, claiming violations of the EU GDPR: a first case, Uber drivers v. Uber, on transparency requests and access to personal dataFootnote 28; a second case, Uber drivers v. Uber, on deactivation of drivers accounts and termination of their contractFootnote 29; and a third case, Ola drivers v. Ola Cabs, on transparency requests by drivers and access to their data.Footnote 30
The App Drivers and Couriers Union relied inter alia on Articles 15 of the GDPR to gain access to all their personal data processed by the platforms, including the use of drivers’ monitoring systems such as Uber’s Real Time ID and Ola’s Guardian system. On the basis of Article 22 of the GDPR, the drivers also asked to receive information on the platforms’ algorithmic systems that make decisions about them, including the deactivation of their accounts, known as “robo-firing.”
However, in judgments pronounced on March 11, 2021, the Amsterdam District Court rejected most of the drivers’ claims, as it found that Article 22 did not apply to these algorithmic systems. The platforms had demonstrated that staff members intervened during the decision-making process and that the decisions did not significantly affect the drivers, thus rendering the protection of Article 22 inapplicable.
Moreover, the App Drivers and Couriers Union appealed to receive access to their personal data and to receive explanation about how automated decisions were made. The Court of Appeal in Amsterdam on April 4, 2023Footnote 31 decided positively in their favour. The court ruled that Uber had to provide access to the personal data related to profile, tags, reports per journey, individual ratings, upfront pricing-system, information regarding recipients of personal data, a category from the Guidance note, and information about automated individual decision-making. It also ruled that profiling and management assessments are personal data and they must be disclosed. Regarding the (automated) decisions, the court found that they were taken fully automatically, and that there was insufficient evidence of human intervention which affected drivers significantly, partly because they affect their income without the access to the App. The court rejected Uber’s argument of drivers taking collective action to seek access to their data, amounted to an abuse of data protection rights. It confirmed the right of third parties, including trade unions, to establish a gig workers data trust.Footnote 32 On the third judgment related to Ola Cars, the court ruled that data access requests fell within the scope of Article 15 of the GDPR. It ordered Ola Cars to disclose information to workers on automated decision-making relating to work allocation and fares.
Despite the more successful appeal, these cases demonstrate that the provisions and principles of the GDPR may be difficult to exercise vis-à-vis employers, in concrete to access request to data, transparency of the operation and logic of algorithmic management systems or other AI tools. In the context of employment, it is important to note that the employer, as a controller, must fulfill their obligations. These obligations include ensuring the protection of the data subject and being accountable for all personal data processed related to workers. It sheds light into how is crucial to provide additional information regarding the intended or future processing, on how automated decision-making may impact workers and on the limits of profiling. It is hence fair to question whether the workers’ fundamental right to privacy is sufficiently safeguarded when their behavior and performance in the workplace is reduced or transformed to mere numbers and digits on the parameters or criteria applied in AI tools or algorithmic systems. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has given a broad interpretation to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, whereby the right to respect for private and family life also includes the right “to develop one’s physical and social identity”Footnote 33 and “to establish and develop relationships with other human beings.”Footnote 34 Therefore, it would be paramount to provide further clarification on how these rights can actually be protected when AI applications are used at work.
Technostress. A fourth issue is the use of algorithmic management to influence (nudge) and control workers’ behavior,Footnote 35 which may have consequences to occupational safety, health or well-being. The primary promise of AI in this domain is its ability to ability to enhance the accurate prediction of potential accidents. AI applications are increasingly integrated into equipment, industrial machines, drones, robots or self-driving vehicles. They can also be embedded in systems associated with personal protective equipment, such as bracelets, wearables, exoskeletons, sensors, and other hardware.
However, it is important to recognize that these systems rely on personal and sensitive data and on an increasingly digitized working environment, thereby posing risk significantly impacting workers’ occupational health, safety and well-being. Additionally, complications may arise from other factors, such as when operators or managers have incomplete understanding of the data and its analysis. In broad terms, the key concerns arising within this context can be categorized into two dimensions: physical and psychosocial.
When it comes to workers’ physical safety, there can occur various types of risks, for example, a risk that the AI-driven machine, robot or partly automated vehicle can wrongly process or analyze the data it collects, thereby leading to an erroneous output or acting unexpectedly, resulting in an injury or accident. Similar risks exist when there are errors or inaccuracies in the dataset, when the system’s parameters are not properly tuned or optimized, or when the system’s accuracy – and hence the accuracy of its predictions – is faulty.Footnote 36 Risk assessment is crucial to identify the possible sources, mitigate or eliminate possible harms.
In relation to the psychosocial and well-being aspects, workers may experience high stress levels when they are aware that their behavior, location, performance, and even emotions, are being monitored and analyzed. In this context, the issue of technostress becomes relevant. The term was coined in 1984 and scholars describe this phenomenon as “any negative impact on attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, or body physiology that is caused either directly or indirectly by technology.”Footnote 37 It combines five common technostressors: techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity, and techno-uncertainty. Technostress has become increasingly significant in the workplace, particularly when workers have to rely on information and communication technologies (ICTs) and AI-driven applications to carry out their tasks.Footnote 38
Technostress may impact workers’ psychophysical health and work-life, the consequences can be seen on the short- and long-term on somatic, cognitive–emotional, and behavioural levels,Footnote 39 for example, causing psychophysical distress and depleting both emotional and cognitive resources in the individual directly or indirectly.Footnote 40 These consequences can extend beyond the individual level, affecting the organizational and societal environments, because of the “always-on” culture and nature of work-related to ICT arrangements, that “create an unbridgeable gap between how an individual is expected to behave during family time and job requests as mediated through ICTs.”Footnote 41
Finally, algorithmic management can also be used to reward and discipline workers, to elicit cooperation or to enforce compliance.Footnote 42 The automated deactivation of riders’ accounts, whether temporarily or permanently, has for instance become a common practice. Some digital labor platforms reward high rated drivers by enabling them access to rides that are financially more attractive, and by giving them priority in queues at popular places (such as airports).Footnote 43 In this way, digital platforms “enforce” compliance by providing workers access to higher remuneration when they show certain behavior. There are also examples regarding algorithmic disciplining processes that lead to the discipline of workers. For instance, there is some evidence that in the hospitality sector algorithmic evaluations based on online reviews may result in dismissing staff members, when they do not meet the expected targets.Footnote 44 These uses contribute to precarious working conditions.
Considering the earlier mentioned concerns, one can raise the question how they should best be managed and how the risks should be prevented and mitigated? As companies have a legal responsibility to improve workers health by preventing excessive work-related technostress, it is recommended to apply specific prevention policies and other appropriate measures to remove risk factors and mitigate the potential negative effects associated with this practice.Footnote 45 Policies and strategies can be centered on the user, the technological environment, organizational environment, and social environment.Footnote 46
More concretely, this involves establishing an ICT environment that meets job-specific requirements to reduce the frequency, duration, and/or intensity of technostressors; tailoring the use of ICTs to the needs of workers; providing transparency over how work-related data collected by technology is processed and used; providing transparency regarding which technologies are used for which purpose; and conducting impact assessments on the possible risks and consequences of AI systems prior to their implementation.Footnote 47 Further, a robust legislative framework is essential to address the identified issues of concern and to respond in a preventive and adequate manner. This may include the prohibition of some of these practices to the extent they are not compatible with workers’ fundamental rights. Overall, given the goals of labor law, it may well be required that a new balance between workers’ and employers’ interests must be sought in light of the increasing application of AI in workplaces. Yet before turning to new legislative initiatives on AI that are relevant for the sphere of work, we discuss some of the key rights and concepts of labor law.
17.4 Essential Rights and Concepts in Labor Law
17.4.1 Information, Consultation, and Participation
Both international and European law recognize the rights to information, consultation, and participation as three essential rights of labor law. At the international level, reference can be made to Convention 158 of the ILO, which states that workers’ representatives must be consulted “on measures to be taken to avert or to minimize the terminations and measures to mitigate the adverse effects of any terminations on the workers concerned such as finding alternative employment.”Footnote 48
ILO Recommendation 166 also refers to consultations on major changes in the undertaking:
When the employer contemplates the introduction of major changes in production, programme, organisation, structure or technology that are likely to entail terminations, the employer should consult the workers’ representatives concerned as early as possible on, inter alia, the introduction of such changes, the effects they are likely to have and the measures for averting or mitigating the adverse effects of such changes.Footnote 49
Whereas the provisions of the earlier mentioned Convention must be implemented in the national legislation upon (voluntary) ratification by ILO Member States, the provisions of the Recommendation are not obligatory but rather contain reference standards for Member States on which they are encouraged to base their labor policies and legislation.Footnote 50
In the EU, these labor law rights are enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR). Article 27 of the CFR states that “workers or their representatives must, at the appropriate levels, be guaranteed information and consultation in good time in the cases and under the conditions provided for by Community law and national laws and practices.”
Moreover, there are more than fifteen EU directives dealing with the right to information and consultation. The most important directives in this regard are: (1) the Directive on European Works CouncilsFootnote 51; (2) the Directive on Employee Involvement in the European Company,Footnote 52 (3) the European Framework Directive on Information and Consultation, which sets the minimum requirement for workers’ right to information, consultation, and participationFootnote 53 and the (4) Directive relating to collective redundanciesFootnote 54.
Whenever technological changes are introduced in European multinational companies, the Directive on European Works Councils applies. Point 1(a) of Annex I of the Directive states that “the information and consultation of the European Works Council shall relate in particular to […] substantial changes concerning organisation, introduction of new working methods or production processes to negotiate about the impact of the introduction of new processes […].” European Works Councils (EWC) are the information and consultation bodies that bring together both management and workers representatives from the European countries in which a given multinational company has operations. In the EWC, the representatives of central management inform and consult the workers’ delegation, and they can negotiate a variety of topics and company decisions that have an impact at a transnational level.Footnote 55 Collectively, this body of legislation aims at providing workers and employers with strong social protection, in order to improve living and working conditions and to protect social cohesion.Footnote 56 It should also be added that various of these rights are protected through national legislation too.
17.4.2 Social Dialogue
Another essential component of the labor law acquis concerns Social Dialogue. This refers to the specific role of social partners, meaning the recognized organizations representing the two sides of the industry, the employers and employees. The social partners usually comprise employers’ organizations and trade unions respectively.
Social Dialogue is a unique instrument of governance and cooperation. At international level, the ILO is the only tripartite United Nations agency that brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member States. The ILO defines Social Dialogue as “all types of negotiation, consultation or simply exchange of information between, or among, representatives of governments, employers and workers, on issues of common interest relating to economic and social policy.” Social Dialogue can take numerous forms and the ILO recognizes the followingFootnote 57:
“Negotiation, consultation and information exchange between and among governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations;
Collective bargaining between employers/employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations;
Dispute prevention and resolution; and
Other approaches such as workplace cooperation, international framework agreements and social dialogue in the context of regional economic communities.”
In Europe, social dialogue encompasses bi-partite dialogue between employer organizations and trade unions. Importantly, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) recognizes and promotes the role of the social partners in the EU, who can contribute to policy-making and design and implement national reforms in the social and employment areas, both at national and European level. Their involvement in policymaking has been acknowledged in Guideline 7 of Council Decision 2018/1215 for the employment policies of the Member States, as well as in Principle 8 of the European Pillar of Social Rights.Footnote 58 Some recent examples of social dialogue themes are education, skills and training, the circular economy, climate change, telework, and the right to disconnect.Footnote 59
The European Social Dialogue can also be tripartite and involve public authorities. It then refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving European Social Partners, who are organizations working at EU level and taking part in consultations and negotiating agreements.Footnote 60 Tripartite social dialogue contributes to the construction of EU economic and social policies, and has a role in strengthening democracy, social justice and a productive and competitive economy. The association of employers, workers organizations and governments, in the design and implementation of economic and social policies, allows for a balanced consensus in such policies and the taking into account of the interests of all the parties involved.Footnote 61
17.4.3 The Autonomous Framework Agreement on Digitalization
Social partners conduct bi-partite negotiations at inter-sectoral, sectoral or company level, which can result in autonomous agreements. Articles 154 and 155 of the TFEU provide a legal basis to negotiate Framework Agreements, which are contractually binding on social partners and their members.
In the field of digitalization, one of the core agreements that European social partners have negotiated and signed in 2000 concerns the “Autonomous Framework Agreement on Digitalization.”Footnote 62 This agreement is the result of challenging negotiations between the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), BusinessEurope, the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest (CEEP) and the Association of Crafts and SMEs in Europe (SMEunited). It represents a shared commitment of the European cross-sectoral social partners to optimize the benefits and deal with the challenges of digitalization in the world of work.
The rationale of the Agreement is that digital technologies impact four interrelated dimensions: work content (skills), work organization (employment terms and conditions, work-life balance), working conditions (work environment, health and safety, physical and mental demands, well-being, climate, comfort, work equipment) and work relations (relations or interpersonal relations that can impact the performance and the well-being of the workers). To manage the interrelationship of these dimensions, the Agreement specifies that in addition, four issues need to be considered:
a) digital skills and securing employment: The challenge is to determine which digital skills and process changes are necessary, thereby allowing adequate training measures to be organized, and to foster digital transformation strategies in support of employment;
b) modalities of connecting and disconnecting from technology applications;
c) artificial intelligence, including the guarantee of the human-in-control principle; and
d) respect of human dignity and worker surveillance.Footnote 63
European Social Partners recognize that AI systems have a valuable potential to increase the productivity of the enterprise, the well-being of the workforce and a better allocation of tasks between humans, between different parts of the enterprise, and between machines and humans. However, they also indicate that it is “important to make sure that AI systems and solutions do not jeopardize but augment human involvement and capacities at work.”Footnote 64 They also stress that AI systems should be designed and operated in order to comply with legislation (including the GDPR), guarantee privacy rights and ensure the dignity of the individual worker.
In the Agreement, the European Social Partners also referred to the concept of “Trustworthy AI” which they aspire to implement, and defined it – based on the Ethics Guidelines of the Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AIFootnote 65 – as a concept that should meet three criteria:
–it should be lawful, fair, transparent, safe, and secure, complying with all applicable laws and regulations as well as fundamental rights and non-discrimination rules,
–it should follow agreed ethical standards, ensuring adherence to EU Fundamental/human rights, equality and other ethical principles and,
–it should be robust and sustainable, both from a technical and social perspective since, even with good intentions, AI systems can cause unintentional harmFootnote 66
These criteria should be met throughout the AI system’s entire life cycle and must be respected whenever AI systems are deployed in the world of work. The Agreement also acknowledges that there can be tensions between different principles, such as respect for human autonomy, prevention of harm, fairness and explicability of decision-making, and states that these tensions should be addressed. However, it does not provide mechanisms to do so.
By virtue of the Framework Agreement, social partners have taken the responsibility to implement the measures described therein at the national, sectoral, and enterprise level in all EU Member States. While, during the first year of the Agreement, their commitment focused on translating and disseminating its content, the second year is dedicated to the actual implementation of its measures.
17.5 Legislative Initiatives on AI that are Pivotal for Labor Law
The rule of law, democratic participation in policymaking and the respect of fundamental and social rights are essential in the labor context. With the increased presence of AI systems in workplaces and the risks they create, laws are needed that are up to the task of protecting these values. It is argued that relying on a multiplicity of ethical guidelines, codes of conduct or other similar voluntary initiatives to govern AI systems cannot sufficiently guarantee adequate workers’ protection. Instead, enforceable rules are necessary, that also establish compensation mechanisms in case workers’ rights are infringed. It is worth exploring the EU’s AI package in relation to the employment context.
17.5.1 The AI Act
In April 2021, the European Commission put forward a regulatory package on AI,Footnote 67 with at its core the Regulation laying down harmonized rules on AI, hereafter referred to as the AI Act, published in the Official Journal of the EU on July 12, 2024.Footnote 68 According to the European Commission, a legal framework on AI was needed “to foster the development, use and uptake of AI in the internal market that at the same time meets a high level of protection of public interests, such as health and safety and the protection of fundamental rights, including democracy, the rule of law and environmental protection.” The claim to be putting fundamental rights at the heart of its approach, has been the object of criticism.Footnote 69
It should be noted that the AI Act is modeled after product market regulation, typically used for technical safety standards. Therefore it is not specifically designed to address social issues and does not provide workers with specific rights. To address social issues, another legal basis could have been added to the text. However, whichever legal basis, Recital 9 recognizes that it “should be without prejudice to existing Union law, in particular on data protection, consumer protection, fundamental rights, employment, and protection of workers,” and should not affect Union law on social policy and national labor law. Similarly, Article 2(11) emphasizes that the AI Act does not preclude the Union or Member States from maintaining or introducing laws, regulations, administrative provisions or collective agreements more favourable to workers. However, the disregard for labor-related issues may in fact diminish the legal protection currently afforded by labor law, posing a significant risk to be addressed.Footnote 70
The EU Commission has recognized that the use of discriminatory AI systems in employment might violate many fundamental rights and lead to broader “societal consequences, reinforcing existing or creating new forms of structural discrimination and exclusion.”Footnote 71 Therefore, Annex III of the AI Act lists high-risks AI systems related to the employment sphere. Point 3 refers to systems relating to education and vocational training, Point 4 refers to systems that relate to employment, workers management, and access to self-employment. Are mentioned in particular: “AI systems intended to be used for the recruitment or selection of natural persons, in particular to place targeted job advertisements, to analyse and filter job applications, and to evaluate candidates” and “AI systems intended to be used to make decisions affecting terms of work-related relationships, the promotion or termination of work-related contractual relationships, to allocate tasks based on individual behaviour or personal traits or characteristics or to monitor and evaluate the performance and behaviour of persons in such relationships.” As discussed in Chapter 12 of this book, high-risk AI systems are subjected to certain mandatory requirements.
In addition to regulating high-risks systems, the AI Act prohibits certain practices. In the context of work, Article 5(f) prohibits the use of AI systems “to infer emotions of a natural person in the areas of workplace and education institutions, except where the use of the AI system is intended to be put in place or into the market for medical or safety reasons.” Recital 44 states that such systems can “lead to discriminatory outcomes” and “be intrusive to the rights and freedoms of the concerned persons,” particularly considering the imbalance of power in the context of work or education combined with the intrusive nature of these systems. However, the prohibition does not apply to AI systems placed on the market strictly for medical or safety reasons, such as systems intended for therapeutical use. This exception allows the use of AI systems under the guise of medical or safety reasons, while the actual motive may be different.
Connected to this, it should be noted that the notion of “emotion recognition system” “does not include physical states, such as pain or fatigue, including, for example, systems used in detecting the state of fatigue of professional pilots or drivers for the purpose of preventing accidents” (Recital 18). Fatigue or pain are not considered as emotions and thus not subject to the prohibition established by Article 5(f).
Most of the burden to comply with the AI Act falls on providers. However, from a workplace perspective, very few employers are providers; the majority are deployers. It is therefore key for workers and their representatives to keep a close eye on how deployers comply, notably with their ex ante obligation to inform (or to inform and consult) workers or their representatives, under Union or national law, before putting into service or using a high-risk AI system at the workplace (Article 26(7)). If the conditions for those obligations in other legal instruments are not fulfilled, it still remains necessary to ensure that workers and their representatives are informed on the planned deployment of high-risk AI systems at the workplace (Recital 92).
Pursuant to Article 26 (and Annex VIII), deployers also have to comply with other specific obligations when deploying high-risk systems. These include transparency and information obligations to enable appropriate human oversight of high-risk systems (Articles 13 and 14), as well as disclosure obligations for the use of certain systems (Article 50). To secure that the provision of information (and consultation) occurs effectively, the AI Act encourages providers and deployers to ensure a sufficient level of AI literacy of their staff and other persons dealing with the operation and use of AI systems on their behalf (Article 4).
Finally, the AI Act addresses the role of trade unions in the context of stakeholder involvement and training. It emphasizes their involvement in the development and deployment of AI systems and voluntary codes of conduct (Recital 165). As social partners, they are not involved in the AI Office (Article 64), but they do have a role in the Advisory Forum established to advise and provide technical expertise to the European Artificial Intelligence Board and the Commission (Recital 150 and Article 67(2)).
17.5.2 The AI Liability Directive
The rules on AI could not have been complete without a liability regime. The EC’s AI Liability DirectiveFootnote 72 proposes a strict liability regime for non-contractual fault-based civil claims for damages arising from random events or incidents caused by an AI system, between entities not bound by a contract. The proposed directive is complementary to the AI Act and hence, focuses on high-risk AI systems considered products, whereby an injured person has to prove that an AI system caused damage. The key liable economic operator is the provider or user. The burden of proof for the injured person can be eased if certain conditions are met, in order to obtain compensation under national law. However, it is uncertain whether and how the AI liability directive applies to labor law. Three situations could arise. First, in cases where an AI system is involved in firing workers, the AI Liability Directive does not apply most likely due to the existence of an employment contract. Second, in cases where AI systems are used for recruitment services, the proposed directive does not apply because the AI system “only provided information or advice which was taken into account by the relevant human actor,” as Recital 15 states. Finally, in cases where a worker has suffered harm involving an AI system, the directive will probably not apply due to the contractual nature of these damages. However, other (safety) obligations in labor law may apply and the employer could be held liable on the basis of these obligations.
Finally, the AI liability directive is welcome as a first attempt to provide a harmonized regime to liability challenges that arise in an AI-context. It includes novel provisions, one of them being the disclosure of information, which could be potentially useful for deployers of AI systems. However, it remains unclear whether and how individuals can utilize the information disclosed effectively.Footnote 73 The proposed directive also provides a rebuttable presumption of a causal link between the fault of the user of a high-risk AI system and the output of this AI system, when this user does not comply its obligations to use or monitor the AI system in accordance with the accompanying instructions.Footnote 74 Despite its potential to substantially facilitate the proof of damages for workers, this presumption will not apply for many applications of work-related AI systems due to the contractual nature of the claims for these damages.
17.5.3 The New Machinery Regulation
Another piece of the “AI Package” concerns the new Regulation on Machinery 2023/1230, replacing Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.Footnote 75 This directive was based on the principles of the so-called “New Approach to Technical Harmonization and Standards.”Footnote 76 It set a range of minimum health and safety requirements that machinery must fulfill to be placed on the market and the conformity assessment through which it can be demonstrated that the machine indeed fulfils them. Machines that meet these requirements are said to have a “presumption of conformity.” Given the role that machinery plays in many work environments, the directive was key to ensure workers’ safety, mainly in the industrial and manufacturing sectors.
An evaluation study conducted by the European Commission in 2018 identified a number of issues with the directive, and found that it required more efficiency. The study concluded that a new version of the legislation was needed, ideally in the form of a regulation, to facilitate the homogenous application of and alignment with horizontal rules on essential health and safety requirements to guarantee that all pieces of industrial machinery (interchangeable equipment, safety components or lifting accessories) are safe to use at work.
Beyond an update of the directive’s provisions, the new Machinery Regulation also proposes Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) listed in Annex III that address the latest developments in digital technology, including the integration of AI systems and Internet of Things (IoT) into machinery equipment and the collaboration between human and robots. The EU Commission’s underlying rationale is that although the risks of AI systems are regulated by the AI Act, the entire machinery needs to be safe, considering the interactions between the machinery components, including AI systems. The EU Commission states that “machines are becoming more powerful, autonomous and some look almost like humans, which requires adapting the EHSRs related to the contact between the human and the machinery.”Footnote 77 The regulation provides specifically that:
(a) For evolving machines: in the risk assessments, manufacturers will need to include those risks appearing after the machinery is placed on the market due to its evolving and autonomous behaviour;
(b) On ergonomics: under the intended conditions of use, the discomfort, fatigue and physical and psychological stress faced by the operator shall be reduced to the minimum possible, taking into account ergonomic principles;
(c) Regarding risks related to moving parts and psychological stress: the prevention of risks “shall be adapted to human-machine coexistence, in a shared space without direct collaboration, and human-machine interaction.”
The new Regulation also addresses “the risks related to ‘moving parts’ (accidents in human-robot collaboration), cyber-safety aspects in the connected machinery, and software updates after the placing on the market of the machinery product which might change functionality.”Footnote 78 The Regulation was published in the Official Journal of the EU on June 29, 2023, but it will only become applicable from January 2027 onwards.
17.5.4 The Directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work
A third important EU legislative initiative concerns the directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work.Footnote 79 This directive is the first piece of EU labor law that regulates automated monitoring and decision-making systems. In the European Commission’s view, platform work is developing rapidly, raising new challenges relating to working conditions, algorithmic management, access to social protection and benefits, and collective representation and bargaining. These concerns were more visible during the pandemic, given the increased reliance on platform work in this period.
The work that led to the directive was a two-phase consultation of the European Social Partners, through which the European Commission identified four specific challenges: (1) the employment status of platform workers, (2) the algorithm-based business model of the platforms, (3) the cross-border nature of platform work, and (4) the existence of regulatory gaps at EU level. Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, made an important statement referring to the role of social partners in this field: “We cannot lose sight of the basic principles of our European social model (…) and social partners’ views on this will be key in finding a balanced initiative for platform work in the EU.”Footnote 80 Therefore, the Commission decided to propose a new directive that could help address these concerns.
The directive has two main goals: (1) to improve the working conditions of platform workers by facilitating the correct determination of their employment status through a rebuttable legal presumption, (2) to improve the protection of the personal data of platform workers by improving transparency and accountability in the use of automated monitoring and decision-making systems. The directive includes an innovative chapter on algorithmic management, with hybrid labor and data protection provisions. Article 7, in particular, limits the processing of personal data, notably biometrics data, or data related to the emotional or psychological state of workers. Article 7 not only applies to automated monitoring systems and automated decision-making systems, but also to automated systems supporting or taking decisions that affect persons performing platform work in any manner.
As the processing of workers’ data by automated monitoring and decision-making systems is likely to result in a high risk to workers’ rights, platforms must carry out a Data Protection Impact Assessment, following GDPR requirements (Article 8). They also must respect transparency and information obligations, in relation to the systems they use to take or support decisions that affect workers and their working conditions (Article 9). They must ensure human oversight (Article 10), with the involvement of workers’ representatives, of the impact of individual decisions taken or supported by their systems. Finally, workers have the right to obtain an explanation from the platform for any decision taken or supported by their systems, as well as the right to review it (Article 11). In relation to health and safety, platforms must evaluate the risks of automated monitoring or decision-making systems, in particular possible work-related accidents, as well as psychosocial and ergonomic risks. They may not use automated monitoring or decision-making systems in any manner that puts undue pressure on workers or puts at risk their safety and their physical and mental health (Article 12).
17.5.5 International Initiatives
The EU is not the only jurisdiction that is taking legislative action on AI. Several international organizations worked simultaneously in this sphere, and their outcomes will impact the labor law context. In 2024, the OECD revised the “Principles for responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI.” Initially adopted in 2019,Footnote 81 the Principle related to “transparency and explainability” mentions the need for AI actors “to commit to transparency and responsible disclosure regarding AI systems,” and “to make stakeholders aware of their interactions with AI systems, including in the workplace.”Footnote 82 At the same time, the Council of Europe, through its ad hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI), and its successor the Committee on AI (CAI), adopted an international legally binding convention. The “Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Democracy and the rule of law” aims to set “minimum standards for AI development” based on the Council of Europe’s standards of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.Footnote 83 Similarly to the AI Act, the Council of Europe’s convention deals with AI systems according to a risk-based assessment, and imposes new obligations based on the level of risk posed by the systems. It does not make reference to labour issues. At the United Nations, the ILO has the intention to develop a Policy Observatory on AI and Work in the Digital Economy, and to analyse the implications of shifts in AI regulation for decent work.Footnote 84 These are but a few of the initiatives that international organizations are establishing in this context.
Table 17.1 maps the key legal sources that are relevant for the use of AI systems in the workplace.
Table 17.1 Key legislative instruments on AI for labor
International level | EU level | National level |
ILO Convention 153 ILO Convention 158 ILO Convention 166 European Convention on Human Rights | Treaty on the Functioning of the EU EU social acquis relating to employment and industrial relations:
European Framework Agreements European Court of Justice case law | National law Collective agreements |
AI-related initiatives that can impact work and employment | ||
OECD AI Principles Council of Europe on AI and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law | AI Act Upcoming AI Liability Directive Data Act Digital Services Act Digital Markets Act GDPR Regulation on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services (Platform to Business Regulation) Directive on improving working conditions in platform work | National AI strategies |
17.6 Foresight Perspective: Labor-Related AI Issues that Remain to be Addressed
Aside from the fact that the AI Act takes a product safety approach, its list of high-risk systems does not comprehensibly address the full spectrum of problematic uses of AI systems in the context of employment. Likewise, the protection that will be afforded by the Platform Work Directive only applies to workers in digital labor platforms, even though automated monitoring and decision-making systems can pose threats to workers also in non-platform contexts. Many legal gaps hence remain. Increasingly confronted with the use of AI systems, the world of work faces a multitude of open questions. These are reinforced by the relationship of subordination and the power imbalance that is typical of the employment context. The broader effect of AI systems on the world of work hence remains to be seen. Here below, we discuss a few aspects that require a further and multidisciplinary analysis, and provide some recommendations.
a) Preserving autonomy in human–machine interactions: Many AI systems converge in a diversity of forms and layers in workplaces. Worker autonomy entails ensuring that workers are “in the loop,” in fully or semi-automated decision-making. This is particularly important when joint (human–machine) problem-solving takes place. To ensure that workers’ autonomy is maintained, employers must ensure that the use of AI systems respects workers’ agency. The tacit knowledge that each individual worker develops, through years of experience and learning, should not be taken away from them and transferred to the machine – whether it be a cooperative robot or a piece of software. Rather than using digital technologies to streamline and rationalize work processes, as has been the trend in recent years, with the corresponding reduction in worker agency, new technologies should be used to support the active involvement of workers, thereby promoting and strengthening their autonomy and agency.
b) Informing about the purpose of AI systems at work: In an occupational setting, having access to the code behind an algorithm is not useful per se. What matters to workers is understanding the overall architecture of the AI model, the intended purpose; the context of use, how they are embedded in a system or layers of systems in the workplace; how they are exposed to or which personal data is collected from them. The GDPR covers these aspects to some extent in relation to the transparency of processing of data, data access, and the right to explanation in automated decision-making. Article 11 of the AI Act provides that technical documentation of high-risk AI systems should be drawn up containing comprehensive information, related to the intended purpose, how the system interacts with other systems, the forms of the AI systems, a basic description of the user interface, among other listed in the Annex IV of the AI Act. Workers representatives need to have access to this documentation. Further action is needed to make sure their involvement in the oversight or evaluation, and in providing the guidance of how to exercise workers’ rights. Consultation rights should be exercised when AI systems process workers personal data.
c) Ensuring the exercise of the right to explanation for automated decisions: As demonstrated by the example in Section 17.3.2, automated decision-making systems can impact workers in various ways: incorrect performance assessment, the allocation of tasks based on the analysis of reputational data, or profiling. Additionally, these systems can exhibit biases in multiple aspects (e.g., in the design, data, infrastructure, or model misuse), all of which influence the outcomes. In such situations, the right to explanation becomes indispensable for workers. Drawing upon Articles 13–15 and Recital 71 of the GDPR and on Chapter III on algorithmic management the Platform Work Directive, it is imperative to establish legal provisions that enable workers from all sectors to exercise this right, while ensuring that employers establish adequate accountability measures. In practical terms, this entails provisions that clarify when automated decisions should be prohibited or restricted, as well as provisions related to obtaining information about the categories of such decisions. Also, legal clarifications should be introduced to facilitate: (a) understanding the significance and consequences of an automated decision in a given work context, that is simultaneously understandable, meaningful, and actionable (GDPR Art 12); and (b) mechanisms to challenge the decision with the employer or competent authority
d) Developing AI risk assessments together with workers’ representatives: AI systems are often invisible due to their virtual nature. This means that identifying AI-related risks is not always an easy task. The possible risks are related to security and safety issues, physical and ergonomic hazards; errors, misuse of AI systems, or unintended or unanticipated harmful outcomes; bias, discrimination and loss of autonomy. These risks can impact various dimensions of workforce their fundamental rights, health, privacy and safety, encompassing both physical, well-being and psychosocial aspects. They can further exacerbate discrimination, manipulation, inequalities, and labor market disparities. The magnitude and severity of these risks depend on the affected population. Beyond their obligations to comply with occupational health and safety provisions, employers are also required to conduct both data and technology risk assessments, and a proportionality assessment, before the deployment of AI systems. This requires a workplace assessment of possible hazards that should address issues about health, cybersecurity, psychosocial, privacy and safety, as well as specific associated threats. The development of such risk assessment frameworks should build upon the long-standing tradition of occupational safety and health risk assessments. Workers’ representatives should be systematically involved in the development of such frameworks, and have a role in characterizing the types and level of risk arising from the use of AI systems. They should also help identify proportionate mitigation measures, throughout the AI systems’ life cycle.
e) Setting limits to worker surveillance: The ever-increasing market offer of data-driven technologies and AI solutions tends to encourage companies to use these tools to exercise power over workers beyond the employment relation. Traditional workplace monitoring is being surpassed by more intrusive forms of surveillance, using data related to workers’ physiology, behavior, biometrics and emotions, or political opinions. Consequently, companies can deploy tools that process workers’ data for various purposes, some of which may infringe GDPR. As a result, workers face significant risks to their privacy and data protection rights. As noted earlier, the provisions of the GDPR are particularly relevant for the context of employment where the worker is in an unbalanced relationship vis a vis the employer and where sensitive data should not be processed and where “informed consent” in the employment context is not be a lawful legal ground for data processing. Therefore, given the power asymmetry, intrusive AI-based surveillance practices need to be clearly prohibited and only be allowed highly exceptionally, while ensuring the right of workers to exercise the control of their personal data. Moreover, general prevention policies should prevail over automated forms of prevention.
f) Ensuring that workers become AI literate: Acquiring technical skills and using them “at work,” although necessary, is not enough and mostly serves the interests of one’s employer. Becoming “AI literate” means being able to understand critically the role of AI systems and their impact on one’s work and occupation, and being able to anticipate how it will transform one’s career and role. There is scope here for a new role for workers’ representatives expanding their responsibilities to include the role of “data representatives.” This would involve identifying and highlighting digitally related risks and interactions, assessing the possible impacts of largely invisible technologies, and developing methods to preserve tacit knowledge and agency when working alongside AI systems. Workers’ representatives, along with social partners more generally, should also play a role in making workers more AI literate. This can be achieved through an increased exercise of information and consultation rights, and through other educational activities.
17.7 Conclusion
Labor law deals with the relationship between workers and employers, and tries to address the imbalance between the parties involved in this relationship. Artificial Intelligence, one of the most disruptive technologies of our time, is increasingly used by companies, at all levels and in all sectors, with an impact on the employment relationship. As discussed in this chapter, AI applications impact workers, collectively and individually, in unprecedented ways. This creates new realities and new risks, from workers’ surveillance to problematic algorithmic management practices, which can increase the imbalance in the employment relationship and further tip it in favor of employers.
In such an uncertain and changing reality, labor law can help to address some of the risks, such as the erosion of workers autonomy and agency, possible discriminatory practices, and the opacity of algorithmic decisions. Labor law experts should also maintain an inter-disciplinary focus, draw on insights from other disciplines in order to address other connected aspects: Workers’ data protection and privacy, human rights impact assessments, the increased reliance on standards and technical specifications, and so on. With the addition of a foresight perspective, labor law will not only be in a better position to address the impact of AI systems on labor, it will also better anticipate the impact on the world of work of other technologies that will emerge in the future.
18.1 Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI)Footnote 1 increasingly plays a role within law enforcement. According to Hartzog et al., “[w]e are entering a new era when large portions of the law enforcement process may be automated … with little to no human oversight or intervention.”Footnote 2 The expansion of law enforcement use of AI in recent years can be related to three societal developments: austerity measures and a push toward using more cost-effective means; a growing perception that law enforcement should adopt a preventive or preemptive stance, with an emphasis on anticipating harm; and, finally an increase in the volume and complexity of available data, requiring sophisticated processing tools, also referred to as Big Data.Footnote 3
AI is seen as providing innumerable opportunities for law enforcement. According to the European Parliament, AI will contribute “to the improvement of the working methods of police and judicial authorities, as well as to a more effective fight against certain forms of crime, in particular financial crime, money laundering and terrorist financing, sexual abuse and the exploitation of children online, as well as certain types of cybercrime, and thus to the safety and security of EU citizens.”Footnote 4 Some of the main current applications include predictive policing (see further), traffic control (automated license plate detection and vehicle identification),Footnote 5 cybercrime detection (analysis of money flows via the dark web/ detection of online child abuse),Footnote 6 and smart camera surveillance (facial recognition and anomaly detection).Footnote 7
The goal of this chapter is to introduce one type of AI used for law enforcement: predictive policing and discuss the main concerns this raises. I first examine how predictive policing emerged in Europe and discuss its (perceived) effectiveness (Section 18.2). Next, I unpack, respectively, the legal, ethical, and social issues raised by predictive policing, covering aspects relating to its efficacy, governance, and organizational use and the impact on citizens and society (Section 18.3). Finally, I provide some concluding remarks (Section 18.4).
18.2 Predictive Policing in Europe
18.2.1 The Emergence of Predictive Policing in Europe
The origins of predictive policing can be found in the police strategy “Intelligence-led policing”, which emerged in the 1990s in Europe.Footnote 8 Intelligence-led policing can be seen as “a business model and managerial philosophy where data analysis and crime intelligence are pivotal to an objective, decision-making framework that facilitates crime and problem reduction, disruption and prevention through both strategic management and effective enforcement strategies that target prolific and serious offenders.”Footnote 9 One of the developments within intelligence-led policing was prospective hotspot policing, which focused on developing prospective maps. Using knowledge of crime events, recorded crime data can be analyzed to generate an ever-changing prospective risk surface.Footnote 10 This then led to the development of one of the first predictive policing applications in the United Kingdom, known as ProMap.Footnote 11 Early in the twenty-first century, the rise of the use of predictive machine learning led to what is now known as predictive policing.
Predictive policing refers to “any policing strategy or tactic that develops and uses information and advanced analysis to inform forward-thinking crime prevention.”Footnote 12 It is a strategy that can be situated in a broader preemptive policing model. Preemptive policing is specifically geared to gather knowledge about what will happen in the future with the goal to intervene before it is too late.Footnote 13 The idea behind predictive policing is that crime is predictable and that societal phenomena are, in one way or another, statistically and algorithmically calculable.Footnote 14
Although already being implemented since the beginning of the twenty-first century in the United States (US), Law Enforcement Agencies in Europe are increasingly experimenting with and applying predictive policing applications. Two types can be identified: predictive mapping and predictive identification.Footnote 15 According to Ratcliffe, predictive mapping refers to “the use of historical data to create a spatiotemporal forecast of areas of criminality or crime hot spots that will be the basis for police resource allocation decisions with the expectation that having officers at the proposed place and time will deter or detect criminal activity.”Footnote 16 Some law enforcement agencies use or have used software developed by (American) technology companies such as PredPol in the UK and Palantir in Denmark, while in other countries, law enforcers have been developing their own software. Examples are the Criminality Awareness System (CAS) in the Netherlands, PRECOBS in Germany, and a predictive policing algorithm developed in Belgium by criminology researchers in cooperation with the police.Footnote 17 Predictive mapping applications have in most cases focused on predicting the likelihood that a certain area is more prone to burglaries and adjusting patrol management according to the predictions.
Predictive identification has the goal to predict who is a potential offender, the identity of offenders, criminal behavior, and who will be a victim of crime.Footnote 18 These types of technologies build upon a long history of using risk assessments in criminal justice settings.Footnote 19 The difference is that the risk profiles are now often generated from patterns in the data instead of coming from scientific research.Footnote 20 This type of predictive policing has been mainly applied in Europe in the context of predicting the likelihood of future crime (recidivism). However, other examples can be found in the use of video surveillance that deploys behavior and gait recognition. There are also developments in lie and emotion detection,Footnote 21 the prediction of radicalization on social media,Footnote 22 passenger profiling, and the detection of money laundering.Footnote 23 A recent example can be found in the Netherlands where Amsterdam police uses what is known as the Top400. The Top400 targets 400 young “high potentials” in Amsterdam between twelve and twenty-four years old “that have not committed serious offences but whose behavior is considered a nuisance to the city.”Footnote 24 In the context of the Top400, the ProKid+ algorithm has been used to detect children up to sixteen years old that could become “a risk” and might cause future crime related problems. When on the list, youngsters receive intensive counseling and they and their families are under constant police surveillance.Footnote 25
18.2.2 Effectiveness of Predictive Policing
Evaluations of the effectiveness of predictive policing in preventing crime have, so far, been inconclusive due to a lack of evidence.Footnote 26 In addition, not all evaluations have been conducted in a reliable way, and with general falling crime rates, it is hard to show that fall in crime is the result of the technology. Moreover, it is difficult to evaluate the technology’s effectiveness in preventing crime as algorithms identify correlations, not causality.
For instance, the Dutch Police Academy concluded in their evaluation of the CAS system that it does seem to prevent crime but that it does have a positive effect on management.Footnote 27 The evaluation study conducted by the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg of a PRECOBS pilot-project in Baden-Württemberg concluded that it remains difficult to judge whether the PRECOBS software is able to contribute toward a reduction in home burglaries and a turnaround in case development. The criminality-reducing effects were only moderate and crime rates could not be clearly minimized by predictive policing on its own.Footnote 28 In Italy, reliability of 70 percent was found for the predictive algorithm of KEYCRIME which predicted which specific areas in Milan would become a crime hotspot.Footnote 29 In their overview of recent challenges and developments, Hardyns and Rummens did not find significant effects of predictive policing and argue that more research is needed to assess the effectiveness of current methods.Footnote 30
Apart from inconclusive evaluations, several police forces stopped using the software altogether. For instance, the use of PredPol by Kent Police was discontinued in 2019 and the German police forces of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart decided to stop using PRECOBS software because there was insufficient crime data to make reliable predictions.Footnote 31 Furthermore, amid public outcry about the use of PredPol, the Los Angeles Police Department in the US stopped using the software, yet at the same time it launched a new initiative: “data-informed community-focused policing (DICFP).”Footnote 32 The goal of this initiative is to establish a deeper relationship between community members and police, and to address some of the concerns the public had with previous policing programs. However, critics have raised questions about the initiative’s similarities with the use of PredPol.Footnote 33 Similar to PredPol, the data that is fed into the system is biased and often generated through feedback loops. Feedback loops refers to a phenomenon identified in research that police are repeatedly sent back to the same neighborhoods regardless of the true crime rate.Footnote 34
Regarding predictive identification, almost no official evaluations have been conducted. Increasingly, investigative journalists and human rights organizations are showing that there is significant bias in these systems.Footnote 35 Moreover, issues that have been raised with the effectiveness of actuarial risk assessment methods before it was digitalized, such as the (un)reliability of the risk factor research that underscores the applied theories of crime, are not solved by implementing algorithmic decision-making.Footnote 36 As to the use of predictive analytics in this area, the effectiveness of these systems likewise remains unclear. An assessment of a predictive model used by Los Angeles’ children’s services, which was promoted as highly effective in practice, “produced a false alarm 96 percent of the time.”Footnote 37
In general, the effectiveness concerns that were already identified for (prospective) hot-spot policing on the one hand and traditional risk assessments on the other, prior to the implementation of AI systems, did not disappear. With regards to predictive mapping spatial displacement, which is when crime moves to a different area after implementing a control measure such as CCTV or increased police presence is but one example.Footnote 38 It should also be noted that the long-term impacts of predictive policing on individuals and society are unclear and longitudinal research assessing this is not conducted. Finally, as demonstrated by the earlier overview, it is unclear if the adoption of predictive mapping will reduce overall crime, and whether it will be able to do so for different types of crime.Footnote 39
18.3 A Legal, Ethical, and Policy Analysis of Predictive Policing
18.3.1 Legal Issues
The European Union regulation on AI, published by the European Commission in 2024, provides numerous safeguards depending on how much risk a certain AI application poses to fundamental rights.Footnote 40 As Chapter 12 of this book more extensively explains, the AI Act classifies AI systems into several categories, including low or limited risk (not subject to further rules), medium/opacity risk (with new transparency obligations), high risk (with a broad set of conformity assessment requirements), and unacceptable risk (which are prohibited).
In its amendments published in June 2023, the European Parliament clearly opted for stricter safeguards by removing exceptions for law enforcement’s use of real-time remote biometric identification systems, and prohibiting some applications that the Commission had previously classified as high risk, such as predictive policing, and more specifically predictive identification applications used in criminal justice.Footnote 41 However, ultimately, the final text provides extensive exceptions for law enforcement when it comes to real-time remote biometric identification systemsFootnote 42 and does not prohibit place-based predictive policing. It does prohibit predictive identification in so far the risk assessments are solely based on the “profiling of a natural person or on assessing their personality traits and characteristics.”Footnote 43 It remains to be seen to what extent the interpretation, implementation, and enforcement of the regulation will provide sufficient democratic safeguards to protect the fundamental rights of citizens.
In addition to the AI regulation, the use of AI for law enforcement purposes is also regulated by the transposition into national laws of member states of the Law Enforcement Directive (LED).Footnote 44 The application of this directive concerns the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the prevention, investigation, detection, and prosecution of criminal offenses or the execution of criminal penalties.Footnote 45 It does not apply in the context of national security, to EU institutions, agencies, or bodies such as Europol, and it only applies to processing of personal data wholly or partly by automated means. The directive came about primarily out of the need felt by law enforcement agencies, including in response to terrorist attacks in the US and Europe in the first decades of the twenty-first century, to exchange data between member states. The directive, therefore, aims to strike a balance between law enforcement needs and the protection of fundamental rights.Footnote 46
The focus of the directive is on “personal data.” This is defined as “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’).”Footnote 47 An identifiable natural person is one who can be “identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.”Footnote 48 Already in 2007 the European advisory body, the Data Protection Working Party Article 29 (WP29),Footnote 49 proposed a very broad interpretation of personal data: “any information” includes not only objective and subjective information, but even false information. It does not just concern private or sensitive information.Footnote 50 Information can be associated with an individual in three ways: (1) content (when it is about a particular person); (2) purpose (when data is used to evaluate, treat, or influence an individual’s status or behavior in a certain way) and (3) result (when it is likely to have an impact on the rights and interests of a particular person taking into account all the circumstances of a particular case).Footnote 51
It is often questioned, especially by law enforcement agencies themselves, if predictive mapping applications process “personal data.” Lynskey argues that based on the advice of WG 29 and case law, it is possible to conclude that data processing in predictive mapping involves the processing of personal data.Footnote 52 The data processed are potentially linked to the data subject because of the purpose (to treat people in a certain way) or the effect (impact on those identified in the hotspots). Regarding predictive identification, it is clearer that personal data are processed, both when it comes to the input data (as the content concerns the data subject) and the output data (as the purpose and effect of the data are used to influence the prospects of an identified individual). In practice, however, interpretations diverge. For instance, in the case of the CAS system in the Netherlands, the Dutch law enforcement authority nevertheless concluded that it is not processing personal data and, therefore, that the data protection regulation does not apply to the system’s use.Footnote 53 This example shows that lack of clear guidance and specific regulation when it comes to the use of AI by law enforcement raises questions about the effectiveness of the current legislative safeguards for these applications.
18.3.2 Ethical and Social Issues
Predictive policing raises several ethical and social issues. These issues are dependent on what type of technology is implemented and the way the technologies are governed.Footnote 54 They can not only impact the effectiveness and efficacy of the technology, but they can also cause harm.Footnote 55 Below, I respectively discuss concerns pertaining to efficacy, governance, organization, and individual and social harms. Efficacy
Several issues can be identified as regards the efficacy of predictive policing and of the use of AI by law enforcement more generally. Efficacy refers to the capacity to produce a desired result (in the case of predictive policing, a reduction in crime). First, law enforcement and technology companies often claim that the accuracy of the system’s prediction is high. However, these claims of “predictive accuracy” are often mistaken for efficacy, whereas the level of accuracy does not say anything about the system’s impact on crime reduction, making it difficult for a police force to assess a tool’s real-world benefits.Footnote 56 Second, the way the AI system is designed and purposed is largely driven by data science and technology companies, with comparatively little focus on the underlying conceptual framework, criminological theory, or legal requirements.Footnote 57 Third, specifically with regards to predictive policing, runaway feedback loops are a significant issue (see previous text).Footnote 58 Fourth, lack of transparency in the way algorithms are designed and implemented, the exact data, formulas, and procedures carried out by the software developers and the way the AI system works (“the black box”Footnote 59) makes it harder to evaluate its operation. It also makes it more difficult for independent researchers to replicate methods using different data.Footnote 60 Fifth, the role of technology companies can also have an impact on efficacy.
A first example arises when law enforcement authorities work with software developed by (non-EU) technology companies. Such companies often foresee a vendor lock in the software, which implies that law enforcement is not able to adjust or tweak the software themselves and are dependent on the companies for any changes. A second example is that cultural differences and/or translation issues can arise when buying software from other countries. For instance, in Denmark, a hospital invested in a digital hospital management system, EPIC, developed by an American company.Footnote 61 The software was translated into Danish using Google Translate and this led to significant errors. This was not merely a translation issue. In fact, the “design of the system was so hard-coded in U.S. medical culture that it couldn’t be disentangled,” hence making it problematic for use in a Danish context.Footnote 62 A third example is that technology companies can also have an impact on how predictive policing is regulated. To provide another example from Denmark: The Danish government recently adjusted its police law to enable the use of an intelligence-led policing platform developed by Palantir.Footnote 63 Finally, a lack of academic rigor can be identified in this field. Since there are not many publications by researchers evaluating and testing predictive policing applications, there is still little reliable evidence on whether it works.Footnote 64 The lack of scientific evidence raises questions about the legitimacy and proportionality of the application of predictive policing. When law enforcement deploys technology that poses an intrusion of fundamental rights law, law enforcement needs to demonstrate the necessity for the application in a democratic society and proportionality. However, considering the earlier discussion, that there is insufficient proof to show the efficacy and effectiveness of the technology the question arises if the fundamental rights test can be conducted in a reliable way and if the implementation of such technologies is justifiable. Social Issues
There is increasing scientific evidence that AI applications and the poor-quality data the algorithms are trained on are riddled with error and bias.Footnote 65 They raise social and ethical concerns beyond undermining privacy and causing individual harm such as discrimination, stigmatization and social harms,Footnote 66 but they also can have an impact on society.Footnote 67 Predictive policing is a form of surveillance. Research in surveillance studies has shown that digital (police) surveillance potentially leads to several unintended consequences that go beyond a violation of individual privacy. For instance, surveillance can lead to social sorting cumulative disadvantage, discrimination, and chilling effects, but also fear, humiliation, and trauma.Footnote 68 Importantly, the harms raised by AI-driven predictive policing are also increasingly becoming cumulative through the significant increase of the more general implementation of surveillance in society.Footnote 69
More specifically, in the United Kingdom, a recent study concluded that national guidance is urgently needed to oversee the use of data-driven technology by law enforcement amid concerns that it could lead to discrimination.Footnote 70 In the US an example of harms of predictive policing can be found in a lawsuit that has been filed against Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) in Florida.Footnote 71 This concerns a predictive policing application which, without notice to parents and guardians, places hundreds of students on a secret list, created using an algorithmic risk assessment identifying those who they believe are most likely to commit future crimes. When children are on the list, they are subject to persistent and intrusive monitoring. The criteria used to target children for the program are believed to have a greater impact on Black and Brown children.Footnote 72 Similarly, in the Netherlands a mother of a teenage boy, who was taken up in the Top400 list (see earlier content), states that as the result of police harassment she feels “like a prisoner, watched and monitored at every turn, and I broke down mentally and physically, ending up on cardiac monitoring.”Footnote 73
When law enforcement’s use of AI systems leads to these harms, this will also have an impact on police legitimacy. As was already mentioned when discussing hot-spot policing, intensive police interventions may erode citizen trust in the police and lead to fear through over-policing, and thus lead to the opposite result of what the technology is intended for.Footnote 74 Governance
AI has been heralded as a disruptive technology. It puts current governance frameworks under pressure and is believed to transform society in the same way as electricity.Footnote 75 It is therefore no surprise that several concerns arise around the governance structure of this disruptive technology when it is used to drive predictive policing. First, there is a lack of clear guidance and codes of practice outlining appropriate constraints on how law enforcement should trial predictive algorithmic toolsFootnote 76 and implement them in practice.Footnote 77 Second, there is a lack of quality standards for evaluations of these systems.Footnote 78 Whenever evaluations do take place, there is still a lack of attention to data protection and social justice issues, which also impact evidence-based policy that is based on such evaluations.Footnote 79 Third, there is a lack of expertise within law enforcement and oversight bodies,Footnote 80 which raises issues about how effective the oversight over these systems really is.
Finally, even when predictive machine learning does not process personal data or where it is compliant with the LED, there are still other concerns as we discussed earlier. These social and ethical concerns need to be addressed through innovative oversight mechanisms that go beyond judicial oversight.Footnote 81 Current oversight mechanisms are geared to compliance with data protection law, they do not address ethical or social issues discussed earlier (Van Brakel, 2021a).
New types of oversight bodies could be inspired by adding a relational ethics perspective to the current rational perspective. Governance structures must also involve citizens, and they should specifically engage with targeted and vulnerable communities when making policy decisions about implementing AI.Footnote 82 An example of a step in the right direction is the establishment of the Ethics Committee by the Westmidlands Police.Footnote 83 The committee evaluates pilot projects and implementation of new technologies by the police. What is positive about the committee is that it works in a transparent way publishing the reports fully on the website of the committee and the members of the committee are diverse. Members include representatives from the police, civil society, and community and academic experts in law, criminology, social science, and data science. However, to be successful and sustainable, such initiatives should also ensure that people are sufficiently compensated for their time and work, and this they not merely rely on volunteers and goodwill of the members.Footnote 84 Organizational Issues
The implementation of AI in policing by law enforcement also raises several organizational issues. The LED foresees a right to obtain human intervention when an impactful decision is taken solely by automated means.Footnote 85 This has been referred to as a “human in the loop,”Footnote 86 which is a safeguard to protect the data subject against “a decision evaluating personal aspects relating to him or her which is based solely on automated processing and which produces harm.”Footnote 87 However, in practice, this legal provision raises several challenges.
First, the directive does not specify what this “human in the loop” should look like or in what way the human should engage with the loop (on the loop, in the loop, or outside of the loop).Footnote 88 According to advice of the Article 29 Working Party, it is necessary to make sure that “the human intervention must be carried out by someone who has the appropriate authority and capability to change the decision and who will review all the relevant data including the additional elements provided by the data subject.”Footnote 89
According to Methani et al., meaningful human control refers to control frameworks in which humans, not machines, remain in control of critical decisions.Footnote 90 This means that, when it comes to AI, the notion of human oversight should extend beyond mere technical human control over a deployed system: It also includes the responsibility that lays in the development and deployment process, which entirely consists of human decisions and is therefore part of human control. The concept of meaningful human control should, in addition to mere oversight, also include design and governance layers into what it means to have effective control. However, these aspects are currently insufficiently taken into consideration, and guidance on how law enforcement must deal with this is lacking. Questions remain, therefore, how law enforcement officers need to be in the loop to make sure this safeguard is effective.
Second, not everybody is enthusiastic about new technologies. Resistance against surveillance is hence important to consider when implementing AI in law enforcement and evaluating its effectiveness. Research by Sandhu and Fussey on predictive policing has shown that many police officers have a skeptical attitude toward and reluctance to use predictive technologies.Footnote 91 A third implementation issue concerns automation bias, whereby a person will favor automatically generated decisions over a manually generated decision.Footnote 92 This is what Fussey et al. have called deference to the algorithm, when evaluating Live Facial Recognition Technology piloted by the London Metropolitan Police.Footnote 93 It also involves potential de-skilling, which implies that by relying on automated processes, people loose certain types of skills and/or expertise.Footnote 94 Of course, not everyone will respond to the use of such systems in the same way. However, this risk is something that needs to be taken seriously by both law enforcement agencies and by policymakers. At the same time, Terpstra et al. have suggested that as policing is becoming more dependent on abstract police information systems, professional knowledge, and discretion are becoming devalued, which may have negative impacts on officers’ sense of organizational justice and self-legitimacy.Footnote 95
18.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, I discussed predictive policing in Europe and its main legal, ethical, and social issues. Law enforcement will become increasingly dependent on AI in the coming years, especially if it is considered to be superior to traditional policing methods, and cheaper than hiring more officers. Current models of regulating, organizing, and explaining policing are based on models of human decision-making. However, as more policing will be performed by machines, we will urgently need changes to those assumptions and rules.Footnote 96 Hence, the challenge lies not only in rethinking regulation but also in rethinking policy and soft law, and exploring what role other modalities can play. Consideration must be given to how the technology is designed, how its users and those affected by it can be made more aware of its impact and be involved in its design, and how the political economy affects this impact. Current policy tools and judicial oversight mechanisms are not sufficient to address the broad range of concerns that were identified in this chapter. Because the harm that AI can cause can be individual, collective, and social, and often stems from an interaction of an existing practice with technology, an individualistic approach with a narrow technological focus, is not adequate.Footnote 97
While some of the earlier mentioned issues and challenges are dealt with by the upcoming AI regulation, as shown, it remains to be seen to which extent these safeguards will be taken up and be duly applicable in the context of law enforcement. Like the way regulation of data processing by law enforcement is always striving to find a balance between law enforcement goals and fundamental rights, the proposed AI regulation aims to find a balance between on the one hand corporate and law enforcement needs and on the other protecting fundamental rights. However, to address the social and ethical issues of AI, it is necessary to shift the focus in governance from the compulsion to show “balance” by always referring to AI’s alleged potential for good by acknowledging that the social benefits are still speculative while the harms have been empirically demonstrated.Footnote 98
Considering, on the one hand, the minimal evidence of the impact of predictive policing on crime reduction, and on the other hand, significant risks for social justice and human rights, should we not rethink the way AI is being used by law enforcement? Can it at all be used in a way that is legitimate, does not raise the identified social and ethical issues and is useful for police forces and society? Simultaneously, the question arises if the money that is invested in predictive policing applications should not be invested instead in tackling causes of crime and in problem-oriented responses, such as mentor programs, youth sports programs, and community policing, as they can be a more effective way to prevent crime.Footnote 99
As Virginia Dignum nicely puts it: “AI is not a magic wand that gives their users omniscience or the ability to accomplish anything.”Footnote 100 To implement AI for law enforcement purposes in a responsible and democratic way, it will hence be essential that law enforcement officials and officers take a more nuanced and critical view about using AI for their work.
19.1 Introduction
Public administrations play a unique role in our societies. As an instrument of the state, they are responsible for the execution of laws, the implementation of public policies, and the management of public programs – both at the national and the local level. A large part of their tasks consists of taking administrative acts, which can have an individual or a general scope.Footnote 1 These decisions affect individual, collective and societal interests, and can have a significant impact on the everyday lives of natural and legal persons.Footnote 2 Increasingly, public administrations rely on algorithmic systems – including artificial intelligence (AI) systems – in their decision-making processes.Footnote 3 This practice has also been referred to as “algorithmic regulation,” since it essentially comes down to regulatingFootnote 4 natural and legal persons through algorithmic applications.Footnote 5 Today, most of these applications are still primarily used to inform rather than to adopt administrative acts. This is, however, rapidly changing, as ever more acts – as well as sub-decisions that underpin those acts – are being outsourced to algorithmic systems.
Algorithmic regulation can offer numerous advantages to public administrations,Footnote 6 many of which center around faster information retrieval and data processing, which in turn can lead to efficiency gains and better service provision. For this reason, algorithmic regulation is sometimes also heralded as a tool to enhance human rights, democracy and the rule of law, as it could help ensure that the execution and implementation of legal rules occurs in a more efficient manner, and that the rights of natural and legal persons are better protected. At the same time, the proclaimed benefits of algorithmic regulation do not always materialize in practice, and even when they do, they are rarely evenly distributed. Numerous examples exist of algorithmic regulation deployed by public administrations in a way that – often unintendedly – ran counter to the values of liberal democracy.Footnote 7 These values should however also be protected when the state decides to rely on algorithmic systems. In this chapter, I will therefore focus on the deployment of algorithmic regulation by public administrations, and explore some of the ethical and legal challenges that may arise in this context.
I start by setting out a brief history of public administrations’ reliance on automation and algorithmic systems (Section 19.2). Subsequently, I explore some applications of algorithmic regulation that have been implemented by public administrations across several public sector domains (Section 19.3). I then respectively discuss some of the horizontal and sectoral challenges that reliance on algorithmic regulation brings forth, which require being addressed to ensure that core liberal democratic values remain protected (Section 19.4). Finally, I move toward an analysis of the legal framework that governs the use algorithmic regulation by public administrations, with a particular focus on the European Union (Section 19.5), before concluding (Section 19.6).
19.2 Algorithmic Regulation in Context
Public administrations have existed since antiquity, yet in many jurisdictions, the nineteenth century brought a significant transformation both in terms of their size and their professionalization. The expansion of their competences and tasks – which was also propelled by the growth of welfare programs – was accompanied by a demand for more specialized expertise, as well as a process of rationalization and streamlining of public decision-making processes. This, in turn, also required more data collection and analysis based on which administrative acts could subsequently be taken.Footnote 8 In this regard, Peeters and Widlak pointed out that: “as state tasks expanded, especially in welfare states, so did the number of registrations and their importance. Knowing your citizens has never been more important as when you try to decide who is eligible to student grants, social security, health care, social housing, or pensions.”Footnote 9 The increase in the number of decisions to be taken also necessitated a rethinking of organizational information processes in order to secure the continued efficiency of public administrations. Unsurprisingly, the adoption of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) was strongly aligned with this purpose.Footnote 10
Public administrations’ embrace of ICT technologies is hence nothing new, and algorithmic regulation is an inherent part of this development. From the 1980s onwards, the uptake of such tools was further spurred by the New Public Management (NPM) movement, “a collection of ideas that have as their main focus the importation of private sector tools, such as efficiency, private sector approaches, privatization and outsourcing, market-based mechanisms, and performance indicator into the public service.”Footnote 11 While these ideas have not been immune from criticism and were found outdated already by the early 2000s,Footnote 12 they were quite influential and further entrenched the belief that public administrations could rely on (commercial) digital applications to attain their goals more efficiently – thereby, however, problematically elevating “efficiency” to a prime consideration, sometimes to the detriment of other important (public) interests and values.Footnote 13 Gradually, the uptake of ICT technologies also transformed the administrative apparatus from “street-level” to “system-level” bureaucracies, as pointed out by Bovens and Zouridis.Footnote 14 They note that:
Insofar as the implementing officials are directly in contact with citizens, these contacts always run through or in the presence of a computer screen. Public servants can no longer freely take to the streets, they are always connected to the organization by the computer. Client data must be filled in with the help of fixed templates in electronic forms. Knowledge-management systems and digital decision trees have strongly reduced the scope of administrative discretion. Many decisions are no longer made at the street level by the worker handling the case; rather, they have been programmed into the computer in the design of the software.Footnote 15
Over time, the trend of informatization and automatization persisted, while the technologies used for this purpose became ever more sophisticated. Rather than relying primarily on rule-based systems and decision-trees, in the last few years, public administrations also increasingly started turning to data-driven automated analysis, often in a way that likewise seems to “mimic or borrow from the success of commercial techniques,” a trend that Karen Yeung conceptualized as New Public Analytics (NPA), to highlight its (dis)continuity with NPM.Footnote 16 These data-driven technologies are typically based on advanced statistics and machine learning, and can be used to make probabilistic inferences and predictions.
Today, a large number of countries in the world adopted an “AI strategy,” which virtually always includes a section with policy initiatives to bolster the uptake of AI systems in the public sector. Often, these strategies focus on maximizing AI’s benefits, which in public administrations translates to a more efficient provision of citizen services, a speedier allocation of rights and benefits, and a reduction of backlogs and waiting times – or more generally: doing more with less.
This aspiration should not be seen separate from the difficult economic situation in which many countries found themselves after respectively the global financial crisis of 2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic which broke out in 2020. These developments, along with a more political tendency to limit public spending, forced many public administrations to cut costs. Indeed, as noted by Yeung, “the pursuit of austerity policies that have seriously reduced public sector budgets has prompted growing interest in automation to reduce labour costs while increasing efficiency and productivity.”Footnote 17 Unfortunately, as the next section will show, this eagerness has sometimes also led to problematic implementations of algorithmic regulation, with significant adverse consequences to those who were subjected to such systems, and without generating the benefits that were promised by the system’s developers.
19.3 Algorithmic Regulation in Practice
Public administrations take a wide array of administrative acts on a daily basis. These acts or decisions are as diverse as allocating social welfare benefits, identifying tax fraud, imposing administrative fines, collecting taxes, granting travel visas, procuring goods and services, and handing out licenses and permits. Algorithmic regulation is gradually being deployed in all of these areas, in ever more creative and far-reaching ways. Evidently, the uptake of such applications significantly differs from one country to the other, and even from one ministry or municipality to the other – also in the European Union. While some are rolling out fancy facial recognition systems, others are still struggling with putting in place basic infrastructures that will enable digital technologies to operate in the first place. To concretize the variety of applications for which algorithmic regulation is deployed, and especially some of the risks they entail, let me offer a few examples.
Under French tax laws, properties with a pool must be declared to the government, as they increase a property’s value and are hence subjected to higher taxes.Footnote 18 Many property owners however do not declare their pools, in contravention with the law. Therefore, in October 2021, nine French regions trialed an AI application developed by Capgemini (a French IT and consulting company) and Google, which analyzes areal images of properties and applies object recognition technology to assess whether the properties showcase non-declared pools.Footnote 19 The application’s development was said to cost around €26 million.Footnote 20 According to several media outlets in 2022, more than 20,000 “hidden pools” were discovered by the tax authorities, contributing to about €10 million in revenues.Footnote 21 Later that year, the French authorities decided to roll out the application across the country, hoping this would lead to €40 million additional tax earnings. By 2024, it was reported that more than 120,000 undeclared pools had been identified, thus allegedly reaching this target.Footnote 22
That said, claims have also been made that the application has a margin of error of 30%, “mistaking solar panels for swimming pools” and “failing to pick up taxable extensions hidden under trees or in the shadows of a property.”Footnote 23 Furthermore, in addition to questions that arose around the right to privacy, in November 2023, the French Court of Audit (“Cour des Comptes”) published a report in which it found that the application’s use constitutes a form of unequal treatment of French citizens, as it is not deployed in France’s overseas territories and in Corsica, but only in the mainland. Accordingly, not all French taxpayers are subjected to the same scrutiny, which constitutes an inequality.Footnote 24 Interestingly, in the same report, the Court of Audit also questioned the deployment of automated tax evasion detection techniques more generally, stating that insufficient evidence of their effectiveness existsFootnote 25 – a recurring theme in the context of algorithmic regulation.
For another example, let me turn to the Netherlands, where the government was forced to resign in 2021 following the so-called “childcare benefits scandal.”Footnote 26 Since the early 2010s, the Dutch tax authorities have been deploying an algorithmic system to help determine the risk of fraud by recipients of childcare benefits. Due to the unduly harsh legal rules of the Dutch system at the time, even a suspicion of fraud or involuntary error could lead to a penalty, whereby all the received benefits were retroactively claimed back by the government, leading thousands of families to accumulate (at times wrongfully attributed) debts they could not afford to pay off.Footnote 27 This not only caused depressions and suicides, but – due to ensuing poverty and a risk of neglect – some children were subsequently also taken away from their parents into foster care.Footnote 28 Only years later, the system was found to be in breach with privacy legislation, as well as reliant on discriminatory risk indicators.Footnote 29 People with a second nationality and single mothers were, for instance, more likely to be identified as potential fraudsters, and hence subjected to higher scrutiny. However, by the time this breach was established, the damage was done, often irreparably so.Footnote 30
Algorithmic regulation is also finding its way into other public sector domains. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the UK, for instance, decided to deploy an algorithmic system to allocate students’ A-level grades after exams had been canceled in schools.Footnote 31 One potential solution was to rely on teachers’ predictions of what the final grade would have been had the exam gone through. Yet given the observation that teachers tend to inflate grades and that this should hence not be the only factor to consider, the government suggested using an algorithmic system instead, claiming it would provide a “fairer” result. It decided to outsource students’ grading to an algorithmic tool that determined its output not only based on teachers’ predictions but also based on previous exam results and the overall grade distribution of a school over the last three years. When almost 40% of the students ultimately received lower grades than they anticipated, this led to a public outcry, as well as public scrutiny of the system.Footnote 32 In addition to concerns around the system’s low accuracy and the way it penalized students in schools with a historically lower performance, the system was also deployed in a biased manner. If a school had fifteen students or less for a particular subject, more weight was given to the teacher’s estimate – which the government already acknowledged was likely “too high.” This policy choice ended up benefitting students attending private schools in particular, as they typically have fewer students per subject, thus also raising concerns of discrimination.
Finally, let me provide an example from the United States, where the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare decided to roll out an algorithmic system in 2011 in the context of a Medicaid program for persons with a disability. Such persons were eligible for a personalized benefits budget depending on their needs, and the system was used to calculate this budget with the aim of enhancing the program’s efficiency. However, it turned out to have several flaws: Some people who had developed more substantial needs contradictorily saw their budget shrinking, without any sound explanation or justification.Footnote 33 As a consequence, highly vulnerable individuals were wrongfully denied the help they required. Similar systems were also deployed in other states, which in the worst case even led to the death of disabled persons who did not receive the care they depended on.Footnote 34 Since the problematic decisions of Idaho’s algorithmic system were not reversed and the people concerned felt unheard, they were forced to span a class action before Idaho’s District Court, thus bringing to the surface a number of the system’s deficiencies, which were tied to its lack of transparency and model and data validation.Footnote 35 Ultimately, the Court found that the tool’s use amounted to a breach of due process rights and was hence unconstitutional.Footnote 36
These examples, while taken from various public sector areas, show at least two similarities. First, the implementation of algorithmic regulation in each of these cases started from the desire to enhance public services’ efficiency, whether it concerns detecting tax evasion, uncovering benefits fraud, or allocating healthcare benefits. Second, they also showcase the adverse consequences that can ensue when such systems are used to implement (problematic) policies at scale, without consideration for the risks they entail when developed and deployed irresponsibly. In what follows, drawing on these examples, let me unpack in more detail some of the challenges that public administrations must consider when relying on algorithmic regulation.
19.4 Challenges for the Responsible Use of Algorithmic Regulation
Over the past decade, a rich academic literature developed around the ethical, legal and societal concerns associated with algorithmic systems, and particularly with AI. Many of AI’s risks manifest themselves horizontally, in virtually all domains in which the technology is used. Others are more sector-specific and depend on the particular context or domain. As noted earlier, public authorities play a different role in society than private actors do, as they are tasked with upholding and promoting the public interest. Since public administrations are responsible for the fulfilment of numerous rights that are essential for people’s well-being, the automation of problematic government policies can have vast adverse consequences. In what follows, I respectively discuss how algorithmic regulation can affect fundamental rights like privacy and non-discrimination (Section 19.4.1), the rule of law (Section 19.4.2), a sense of responsibility (Section 19.4.3), and the exercise of public power (Section 19.4.4).
19.4.1 Impacting Fundamental Rights
One of the most common challenges arising from use of algorithmic regulation is its impact on fundamental rights, and most notably the right to privacy and data protection.Footnote 37 The performance of algorithmic systems hinges on the availability, collection and processing of high volumes of (personal) data, especially when used to enable scaled decision-making about individuals. Such data collection can have vastly intrusive effects on people’s lives and can potentially be used in ways that undermine their agency.Footnote 38
In the worst case, the irresponsible implementation of algorithmic regulation not only breaches privacy legislation (such as in the Dutch case discussed earlier), but can also lead to the mass-surveillance of citizens, in the name of efficiency. Unjustified intrusions into people’s private lives can also affect the value of democracy, especially when data is gathered about potential individuals or groups that are not favored by the government. Moreover, privacy is often instrumental to secure other fundamental rights, such as the right to free speech and the right to human dignity, which are hence also at stake.Footnote 39 Yet given the financial investments that public administrations undertake when they decide to develop, procure or implement algorithmic regulation, and given the path dependencies this brings along, administrations are only incentivized to gather ever more data. A balance must hence be found between the government’s desire to exercise its tasks with more efficiency, and the protection of people’s private lives.
Another important concern relates to the way in which algorithmic systems can affect the right to non-discrimination.Footnote 40 Human beings have a range of biases and prejudices, which can at times be unjust or discriminatory, for instance when they echo societal stereotypes, historical inequalities, or other (often unconscious) problematic influences. Since algorithmic systems are designed and developed by human beings, their output can reproduce these unjust human biases, thus mirroring and potentially even exacerbating discriminatory practices.Footnote 41 The earlier illustrations of algorithmic regulation have shown that this risk is not hypothetical. In the Dutch example, inequalities found their way into the system’s parameters and dataset during the development phase, thus adversely affecting certain groups of the population. In France and in the UK, the algorithmic system was deployed in an unequal manner and hence exposed individuals to its impact in an uneven way.
At a much more banal level, it is also possible that flaws or errors seep into the development and deployment process of algorithmic regulation – whether through erroneous human input or invalid correlations and inferences drawn by the system. This risk, and the problematic consequences ensuing therefrom, was illustrated by the benefits-allocation system deployed in the US, yet many other examples exist.Footnote 42 More generally, the fact that public administrations are responsible for the allocation of basic socio-economic rights also renders these rights vulnerable when their implementation is wholly or partly outsourced to a flawed or biased system.
Evidently, public administrations can also adversely affect people’s rights without the use of algorithmic systems. Yet their reliance on powerful tools that enable data processing at a much wider scale and higher speed, coupled with the opacity of the internal processes of these systems and the recurrent lack of transparency about their deployment not only aggravate these risks, but also makes it more difficult to discover them. Adding a layer of digitalization to public services can certainly provide benefits of scale, but it is also precisely this scale-element that renders it so risky when implemented without considering these concerns.
19.4.2 Eroding the Rule of Law
Algorithmic regulation also raises a number of challenges to the rule of law. In essence, the rule of law comes down to the idea that nobody stands above the law, and that citizens and government officials alike are subjected to legal rules.Footnote 43 It embodies the notion that, rather than being governed by the arbitrary whims of “men” (who, as Aristotle already pointed out, are susceptible to arbitrary passions that undermine rational thinking),Footnote 44 people should be governed by “laws,” which are based on reason and offer predictability. The rule of law is a broad term that has been defined in countless ways,Footnote 45 yet the Council of Europe’s Venice CommissionFootnote 46 provided a helpful conceptualization for the European legal order by breaking it down into several principles (which were subsequently taken over by the European Union).Footnote 47 Under this conceptualization, the rule of law encompasses six principles: (1) the principle of legality; (2) the principle legal certainty; (3) the prohibition of arbitrariness of executive power; (4) equality before the law; (5) effective judicial protection, with access to justice and a review of government action by independent and impartial courts, also as regards human rights; and (6) the separation of powers.Footnote 48 Under this conceptualization, the rule of law is hence understood not only as requiring procedural safeguards, but also substantive ones.Footnote 49 Indeed, it is not enough to merely apply the law in an efficient and procedurally agreed upon manner. Otherwise, the law could simply be used as a (powerful) instrument to enforce illiberal and authoritarian policies – a practice that has been denoted as rule by law instead.Footnote 50 Rather, the law and its application should also protect and comply with substantive values, and particularly respect for human rights and democracy. Accordingly, whenever public administrations want to exercise their powers, they are constrained by these rule of law-principles, which ensure that the law plays a protective role in society.Footnote 51
At first glance, algorithmic regulation seems rather innocuous from a rule of law-perspective, and could even be seen as potentially advancing its principles to a greater extent. By eliminating civil servants’ discretion from the picture, along with their potentially inconsistent or arbitrary decision-making, algorithmic regulation could arguably catalyze Aristotle’s aspiration of being ruled by law instead of men. However, on closer inspection, this unqualified relationship between the rule of law and the rule of men is too simplistic: just like laws are created, applied and interpreted by human beings, so are algorithmic systems inherently dependent on the human beings that design, develop and deploy them.Footnote 52 There are hence several distinctive challenges to the ideal of the rule of law when public administrations rely on algorithmic systems,Footnote 53 of which an important one relates to the very act of implementing the law in an automated manner.
Automating the law’s application through algorithmic regulation requires a “translation process” from text-based laws and policies to digital code. To a greater or lesser extent, text-based provisions are inevitably open to different (and contestable) interpretations, sometimes inadvertently, sometimes purposely. It is often precisely this very openness of the law that enables it to play its protective role, by facilitating its tailored interpretation to the specific situation at hand. Indeed, laws typically consists of (overly) general rules set forth by the legislator, which must subsequently be interpreted and applied to concrete cases. However, once automated, the law becomes more rigid, as a particular interpretation must be codified or optimized for. There is thus a risk that this translation process changes the nature of the law in a problematic manner. The translation may, for instance, occur in a way that is too legalistic, that incorporates biases and inequalities, that deviates from the intent of the legislator and unwarrantedly bolsters the power of the executive, that undermines the predictability and congruence of the law’s application, that erodes essential rights and liberties or limits their scope, or that leaves individuals unable to contest the chosen interpretation and subject it to judicial review.
This risk not only undermines the rule of law’s principles, but also erodes the constraints they place on government power, to the detriment of other liberal democratic values. In other words, algorithmic regulation could turn into a powerful tool to enforce rule by law. While this risk is not limited to the algorithmic context, the automated application of the law could be a highly efficient tool to erode the very protection the law is meant to afford, on a broader scale than ever before – a threat I conceptualized as algorithmic rule by law.Footnote 54 Bearing in mind the inherent malleability of software, and the additional level of opacity it introduces, it is thus essential to remain vigilant and put the necessary safeguards in place to ensure public administrations do not sacrifice efficiency over human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
19.4.3 Delegating Responsibility
Despite the push of the NPM movement to reconceptualize public administrations as “service providers” toward “customers,” citizens are more than just customers. A far more inherent power imbalance is at play between governments and individuals as, unlike in private settings, the latter cannot easily “shop” at another service provider when for example, their social welfare benefits are wrongfully denied. As Sofia Ranchordas and Luisa Scarcella pointed out, this power asymmetry can also exacerbate citizens vulnerabilities, and even instigate dehumanizing effects.Footnote 55 This risk can be spurred by the datafication process that accompanies the use of algorithmic regulation,Footnote 56 as it inevitably reduces individuals to numbers in a quite literal sense, thus diminishing their individuality and potentially even their human dignity. Yet it is far easier to overlook one’s responsibility for the well-being of a number than for the well-being of an individual human being.
One of the distinctive elements of algorithmic regulation concerns the elimination of the need for direct personal interactions between individuals and civil servants, as such interactions can instead be mediated through algorithmic systems. At the same time, this time-saving feature can also make it more difficult for citizens to interact with another human being that understands their needs and concerns, and that can rectify any erroneous information that public administrations may have (which is a common difficulty with networked databases).Footnote 57 It can also render it more challenging for individuals to receive a clear explanation of the decisions affecting them, or to voice their concerns when problematic administrative acts are taken about them. In other words: it might be far more difficult for them to be heard, and to be acknowledged in their human individuality.Footnote 58
In this regard, it is also important to consider the role of discretion, “a power which leaves an administrative authority some degree of latitude as regards the decision to be taken, enabling it to choose from among several legally admissible decisions the one which it finds to be the most appropriate.”Footnote 59 Civil servants use this discretion when they decide how to apply general rules to specific cases in the most appropriate way, in line with the rule of law. However, when public administrations rely on algorithmic regulation, this typically reduces discretion at the level of individual officials. Instead of officials exercising their judgment in specific cases, it is the system that will “apply” the law to a given case and take or suggest a decision.Footnote 60 Even when the system merely offers a suggestion, officials will often be strongly incentivized to follow it for reasons of efficiency and the system’s perceived authority. Indeed, if they would want to deviate from the system’s suggestion, they typically need to provide a justification for this deviation, which not only requires time but also space for critical judgment to go against the system’s centralized and allegedly more commanding suggestion.Footnote 61
Civil servants might also feel that, by relying on the system’s outcomes, they can delegate or at least share responsibility for the decision they take.Footnote 62 Especially when they do not see or talk with the individual concerned, the distance often renders it easier and more convenient to delegate a decision to an algorithmic system, though that could also lead to an (at least psychological) delegation of responsibility for that decision, and thus for the potential adverse consequences in case it is wrong or unjust. This can, in turn, increase the likelihood of negligence, nurture a lack of concern for citizens’ interests and how they are impacted, and more generally diminish the procedural legitimacy of decisions taken by public administrations. Prior to the implementation of algorithmic regulation, it is hence important to anticipate and mitigate this challenge.
19.4.4 Delegating Public Power
At the same time, it must be pointed out that administrative discretion does not disappear when algorithmic regulation is deployed. While it is significantly reduced at the level of individual civil servants, it is instead transferred to the level of the designers and developers of the algorithmic systems, who through their seemingly technical choices in fact shape the system’s highly normative outcomes.Footnote 63 A related problem is the fact that these designers and developers are typically not the civil servants who have the necessary experience and training to adopt administrative acts, who have expertise on how a specific law should be applied, and who must abide by the public sector’s deontological standards. Rather, these algorithmic systems are often developed by data scientists and engineers working for private companies. This raises questions about the influence of the private sector on public decision-making, given the normative relevance of the systems they develop for this purpose. The less a public administration can count on in-house infrastructure and knowledge about how algorithmic systems work and what their capabilities and limitations are, the more this can lead to a problematic dependency on actors that are driven by nonpublic values.Footnote 64 The use of algorithmic regulation should however never lead to the unwarranted delegation of public powers to private actors.
The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, made many public administrations aware of the fact that they were utterly dependent on private actors to set up and use digital infrastructures for their day-to-day operations (many of which had to move entirely to the digital realm) and for their management of the pandemic itself (for instance through contact tracing apps).Footnote 65 This also contributed to concerns around “digital sovereignty,” or a nation’s ability to autonomously decide on its relationship with (providers of) digital technology.Footnote 66 As discussed elsewhere, digital sovereignty implies the exercise of control over two entwined elements, namely: (1) the normative values that underly the technology, and (2) the physical and socio-technical digital infrastructure that enables the technology.Footnote 67 Sovereignty over both of these elements is essential to ensure that the core values which public administrations ought to protect – including human rights, democracy and the rule of law – are safeguarded also when they deploy algorithmic regulation.
19.5 Governing Algorithmic Regulation
This brings me to the penultimate section of this chapter: how is algorithmic regulation governed to ensure that these challenges are tackled and that the necessary safeguards are in place? Let me start by jettisoning the misconception that no regulation currently applies to the use of these new technologies. Over the centuries, a rich body of law was developed to oblige public administrations and civil servants to act in line with a set of rules that limit their power, thus seeking to rebalance the inherent power asymmetry between governments and individuals. These rules did not seize applying once public administrations started relying on algorithmic regulation. Rather, they offer protection independently of how governments take administrative decisions, and thus play an important role in digital contexts too.
19.5.1 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
The most primary of these rules are enshrined in national constitutions and set out the competences that governments have when exercising their powers, as well as the limitations of such powers. Fundamental rights and freedoms – such as the right to equality and nondiscrimination, freedom of speech and association, the right to privacy, and the right to a fair trial – are typically part of constitution-level norms, either directly or through (international) human rights treaties. This enables (constitutional) courts to review public administrations’ actions in light of these limitations and safeguards. To carry out judicial review, it should not matter whether the administration’s actions were taken solely by human civil servants or with the help of algorithmic systems.
A more detailed set of rules can be found in the realm of administrative law. While this area of law emerged as a scientific study in Europe around the nineteenth century, as a body of law its was already established prior to that time in several countries.Footnote 68 In essence, administrative law sets out the contours of the space of action of public administrations, drawing on constitutional norms and principles. It can thus be seen as limiting but also legitimizing and empowering administrations and the discretion they exercise when implementing the rules established by the legislative branch of power.Footnote 69 While each country has its own administrative law rules, some commonalities can be identified, as these rules are closely associated with the rule of law principles mentioned earlier.Footnote 70 They have sometimes also been conceptualized under the concept of “good governance” or “good administration.”Footnote 71 In what follows, let me discuss some of the principles that the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers laid down in its “Code of Good Administration” (“the Code”).Footnote 72
The first concerns the principle of lawfulness, which broadly corresponds to the concept of “legality.”Footnote 73 It states that public authorities must act in accordance with the law (including domestic, supranational and international law), and cannot take any arbitrary measures, also when exercising discretion. This means they must have a legal basis to act, in accordance with the rules that define their powers and procedures, and they can only use the powers conferred upon them for the purpose delimited in those rules. The interpretation of how this principle must be complied with in practice differs from state to state, but given the intrusiveness of algorithmic systems, many countries in Europe provide that outsourcing certain tasks to such systems requires a specific legal basis. Accordingly, the legislative branch will typically need to set out the conditions under which public administrations can rely on algorithmic regulation. Additionally, public administrations have the obligations to ensure that – when they deploy algorithmic regulation – this occurs in full compliance with existing legislation, including the protection of human rights.
The principle of equality is likewise mentioned in the Code and provides that public administrations must treat persons who are in the same situation in the same way.Footnote 74 Any difference in treatment must be objectively justified – and merely claiming that an algorithmic system makes unintended discriminatory distinctions would not be a sufficient justification. Linked thereto is the principle of impartiality, which the Code conceptualizes as ensuring that public administrations act objectively, having regard only to “relevant matters” when they adopt administrative acts, and that they should not act in a “biased manner.”Footnote 75 Individual public officials, too, must carry out their duties in an impartial manner, irrespective of their personal beliefs and interests. Applied to the context of algorithmic regulation, these principles hence require public administrations to ensure preemptively that the tools they deploy do not provide biased outcomes, and do not take into account elements that are not relevant for the administrative act in question. The latter point is especially interesting, since data-driven systems typically function by correlating different information points that may not necessarily have a causal link with the matter at hand. Importantly, respect for these principles must also be ensured when administrations procure algorithmic applications; they cannot escape this obligation by outsourcing the system’s development, but remain responsible to respect these principles also when they make use of (privately developed) systems.Footnote 76 Public administrations must hence exercise a certain standard of care before they take specific actions, which arguably also extends to the action of implementing algorithmic regulation.
The Code’s principle of proportionality is also of relevance: measures affecting the rights or interests of individuals should only be taken where necessary “and to the extent required to achieve the aim pursued.”Footnote 77 This principle is particularly important whenever civil servants exercise discretion, as it also states they must maintain “a proper balance between any adverse effects which their decision has on the rights or interests of private persons and the purpose they pursue,” without these measures being excessive.Footnote 78 Given the problematic examples of algorithmic regulation discussed earlier, the proportionality principle plays an important role in the algorithmic context, especially when discretion is shifted away from individual civil servants who are able to balance different rights and interests, toward (designers of) algorithmic systems that rely primarily on pre-codified rules or optimization functions.
The Code also includes the principle of participation, which emerged more recently.Footnote 79 This principle is closely connected to the notion of (deliberative) democracy and embodies the idea that public administrations should offer individuals the opportunity to participate in the preparation and implementation of administrative decisions which affect their rights or interests. As I argued elsewhere, one could claim that participation should not only extend to administrations’ decision-making processes based on algorithmic regulation, but also to the very choice taken by public administrations to implement algorithmic regulation in the first place.Footnote 80
Finally, I should point out the principle of transparency, which states that public administrations must ensure that individuals are informed, by appropriate means, of their actions and decisions.Footnote 81 This may also include the publication of official documents and should in any case encompass respect for the rights of access to official documents according to the rules relating to personal data protection. A debate exists about the extent to which this principle applies to algorithmic systems used by public administrations, in so far as the source code of these algorithms (or at least their parameters) can be said to constitute information that falls under such access rights.Footnote 82
This brings me to the observation that existing administrative law rules undoubtedly apply when public administrations use algorithmic systems, yet the enforcement of such rules is often rendered more difficult in this context precisely due to the nature and features of such systems, and civil servants’ unfamiliarity with the particular challenges they pose. Partly for this reason, more specific legal rules have been developed to protect individuals when their personal data is processed in an automated way, and when they are subjected to AI systems – two domains I will discuss next.
19.5.2 Data Protection Law
In the EU legal order, the right to privacy and personal data protection is enshrined respectively in Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (CFR) and in Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. These fundamental rights were further concretized in other legal instruments. At the level of the Council of Europe, Convention 108 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data was already opened for signatures in 1981, being the first legally binding international instrument in the field of data protection (later modernized through Convention 108+ in 2018).Footnote 83 Unsurprisingly, the Council of Europe’s 2007 Code of Good Administration also included the principle of respect for privacy.Footnote 84 At the level of the European Union, the most well-known legal instrument in this field is the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR,Footnote 85 which was largely inspired by Convention 108 and on which I will focus in what follows in a very succinct way, as it establishes directly invokable rights and obligations in EU Member States.Footnote 86
The GDPR imposes obligations on private and public entities alike, and hence also applies to all personal data processing activities of public administrations (though a separate regime exists for the processing of data by law enforcement authorities in the context of criminal investigations).Footnote 87 Its protective provisions are especially relevant in the context of algorithmic regulation, which almost by definition implies the processing of personal data.Footnote 88 Public administrations must, pursuant to Article 6 of the GDPR, be able to justify each data processing activity through a legal basis that confers them such power, whether this be the data subject’s consent, the protection of the vital interests of a person, or the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the data controller.Footnote 89 In case a public administration seeks to rely on the latter ground, the legal basis must be laid down further in Union law or in domestic law which sets out the processing’s purpose, meets an objective of public interest and is proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.Footnote 90
The GDPR also mandates that administrations processing personal data do so in line with several principles, including the need to process data in a lawful, fair and transparent manner; to ensure it is collected only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to such purposes; to ensure the data is accurate, kept up to date, and not stored for longer than necessary; and to ensure the data is processed with appropriate security measures, including protection against unlawful processing, accidental loss or damage.Footnote 91 Finally, administrations are not only responsible to make sure these principles are respected, but they must also be able to demonstrate compliance with them to foster accountability.Footnote 92
In addition to these obligations, data subjects also have certain rights regarding their personal data, including the right to information about which data is being processed and in what way, as well as the right to rectify or erase such data.Footnote 93 Moreover, at any time, Article 21 of the GDPR grants data subjects a right to object to the automated processing of their personal data based on “the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority” on grounds relating to their particular situation. Administrations must demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the data processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject (or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims). Pursuant to Article 22 of the GDPR, data subjects also have a right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing if it produces legal effects concerning them or similarly significantly affects them – which comes down to a general prohibition on such decision-making, subject to the exceptions listed in the article.Footnote 94
The question of how much human intervention is needed to disqualify as “solely” automated processing is still not satisfactorily answered, though the European Data Protection Board (formerly the “Article 29 Data Protection Working Party”)Footnote 95 issued interpretative guidelines in this respect.Footnote 96 The Guidelines for instance clarify that this provision cannot be avoided “by fabricating human involvement. For example, if someone routinely applies automatically generated profiles to individuals without any actual influence on the result, this would still be a decision based solely on automated processing.”Footnote 97 Indeed, to qualify as human involvement, the public administration should ensure that “any oversight of the decision is meaningful, rather than just a token gesture. It should be carried out by someone who has the authority and competence to change the decision. As part of the analysis, they should consider all the relevant data.”Footnote 98 Of course, to meaningfully exercise their right to object to automated decision-making, individuals must first be made aware of the fact that a public administration is taking an automated decision which concerns them (though administrations would have an information obligation in this respect under the GDPR).Footnote 99
19.5.3 AI Law
While data protection law provides important safeguards to counter the risks of algorithmic regulation,Footnote 100 the GDPR’s entry into force also revealed that many legal gaps still remain. From 2020 onwards, these gaps were also more explicitly recognized by policymakers in Europe,Footnote 101 such as the Council of Europe’s Ad Hoc Committee on AI (in its Feasibility Study on a legal framework on AI),Footnote 102 and the European Commission (in its White Paper on Artificial IntelligenceFootnote 103 and the work of its High-Level Expert Group on Artificial IntelligenceFootnote 104). The realization that existing legal rules were insufficient to protect people’s rights against AI’s risks, and that the promulgation of nonbinding AI ethics guidelines did not provide a satisfactory solution either, prompted new legislative initiatives. At the level of the Council of Europe, in Spring 2022, negotiations were launched to adopt a new international “Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law,” finalized in Spring 2024.Footnote 105 At the level of the EU, the Commission proposed a new regulation laying down harmonized rules on AI in Spring 2021 – referred to as “the AI Act” – which after lengthy negotiations was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in Spring 2024 as well.Footnote 106 Since the former is very succinct and abstract, and still needs to be converted into national legislation by the States who wish to sign it, I will briefly focus on the latter.
As discussed more extensively in Chapter 12 of this book, the AI Act establishes mandatory requirements for AI systems that pose risks to people’s “health, safety and fundamental rights” and introduces prohibitions for several AI practices that are deemed incompatible with EU values.Footnote 107 Being a regulation rather than a directive, the AI Act has binding legal force in every EU Member State without the need for any national transposition rules. Yet a first question to ask is whether algorithmic regulation by public administration falls under the scope of the AI Act. Rather than focusing on algorithmic systems, the AI Act applies to “AI,” which it defines as a “machine-based system designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments.”Footnote 108 In the recitals, the EU legislator made it clear that this does not encompass “simpler traditional software systems or programming approaches” or “systems that are based on the rules defined solely by natural persons to automatically execute operations.” This means that some applications of algorithmic regulation might not be captured by the AI Act, despite their potentially harmful consequences, merely because they are considered too “traditional” – which would be an unfortunate gap.Footnote 109 That said, public administrations are increasingly jumping on the machine learning hype (often without a proper assessment of whether this is also more useful for the purpose they envisage), so it can be expected that ever more applications of algorithmic regulation will fall under the AI Act’s scope.
It is, however, not enough to merely fall under the scope of the regulation to also be subjected to its restrictive provisions. Taking a risk-based approach, the AI Act sets out five categories: (1) prohibited systems; (2) high-risk systems; (3) general purpose AI models; (4) systems requiring transparency measures; and (5) low-risk systems. The most relevant categories for the purpose of this chapter are the first two, since they pertain most frequently to the public sector.
The first category contains a list of several AI practices that are considered to pose an unacceptable level of risk to fundamental rights, and that are hence prohibited. For instance, AI systems cannot be used to deduce or infer people’s race, political opinions, trade union membership, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life or sexual orientation based on their biometric data (so-called biometric categorization).Footnote 110 Public and private organizations are also banned from engaging in social scoring of individuals or groups based on their social behavior or based on known, inferred or predicted personality characteristics, if this scoring leads to their unfavorable treatment in unrelated contexts, or to a disproportionate detrimental treatment.Footnote 111 Fully automated risk assessments of natural persons to predict the risk they commit a criminal offence based solely on their profiling is also prohibited,Footnote 112 as is law enforcement’s use of real time facial recognition in public places, unless one of three exceptions apply and safeguards are foreseen.Footnote 113
The second category encompasses AI systems that are considered to pose a high risk to the health, safety and fundamental rights of individuals. Either they are already covered by existing product safety legislation (listed in Annex I) or they fall under the list of stand-alone high-risk systems (listed in Annex III). Many algorithmic regulation applications used by public administrations (to the extent they fall under the regulation’s “AI” definition) are included in Annex III, such as the use of AI systems to “evaluate the eligibility of natural persons for essential public assistance benefits and services, including healthcare services, as well as to grant, reduce, revoke, or reclaim such benefits and services.”Footnote 114 Annex III also lists several applications used by law enforcement and by migration and border control administrations, including the use of AI to assist in asylum application decisions, to profile individuals in the detection of criminal offenses, or to serve as a polygraph.
Before being put into service, high-risk systems must undergo a conformity assessment to ensure they respect the requirements listed in Articles 9–15 of the AI Act, taking into account the systems’ “intended purpose” and the “generally acknowledged state of the art on AI.”Footnote 115 That said, for virtually all high-risk AI systems public administrations can carry out this assessment themselves,Footnote 116 meaning there is no prior licensing or approval scheme before these systems are used.Footnote 117 Concretely, high-risk systems must be subjected to a risk-management process (“understood as a continuous iterative process planned and run throughout the entire lifecycle of a high-risk AI system”) that allows the identification of reasonably foreseeable risks the system can pose to “health, safety or fundamental rights when the high-risk AI system is used in accordance with its intended purpose,” on the basis of which “appropriate and targeted risk management measures” must be taken.Footnote 118 High-risk systems are also subject to data governance obligations for the training, validation and testing of systems, which include considerations regarding the relevant design choices of the model, the formulation of assumptions with respect to the information the data are supposed to represent, an assessment of the data availability and suitability and potential gaps, as well as the examination and mitigation of possible biases.Footnote 119
Besides obligations that pertain to their accuracy, robustness and cybersecurity,Footnote 120 high-risk systems must also technically allow for the automatic recording of events for recordkeeping purposesFootnote 121 and set up a technical documentation of their compliance with those requirements, which national supervisory authorities can inspect if need be.Footnote 122 They must additionally be designed in a way that enables them to be overseen by natural persons. Such human oversight is meant to act as a supplementary safeguard to prevent or minimize risks (all the while taking into account the risk of so-called automation bias)Footnote 123 and to enable the system’s user to decide not to use the system or to reverse its output.Footnote 124 In the context of public administrations, civil servants should hence always have the possibility to deviate from the system’s suggested decision – though, as discussed earlier, this not only depends on a legal provision, but also requires an organizational environment that enables them to do so in practice.
As to the systems’ transparency, providers of high-risk systems must present deployers of their systems with the necessary information to “interpret the system’s output and use it appropriately.”Footnote 125 This means that civil servants who procure AI systems should in principle receive information about the system’s “characteristics, capabilities and limitations of performance.”Footnote 126 Note, however, that this information need not be shared with those who are subjected to (and potentially negatively affected by) the system, but only to the system’s users. The only information about high-risk systems that must be made publicly available is enumerated in Annex VIII of the AI Act and must be registered in the new “EU database for high-risk systems listed in Annex III,” which the European Commission must set up as per Article 71 of the AI Act. The most useful information that AI providers must register is “a description of the intended purpose of the AI system and of the components and functions supported through this AI system,” as well as “a basic and concise description of the information used by the system (data, inputs) and its operating logic.” Whenever a high-risk system is used by a public sector deployer, the system’s use must also be registered in the database, including a summary of “the findings of the fundamental rights impact assessment” which such deployers must conduct pursuant to Article 27 of the AI Act, and a summary of the data protection impact assessment they must carry out pursuant to Article 35 of the GDPR or Article 27 LED. The new EU database might hence become a valuable source for individuals seeking more information about public administrations’ use of algorithmic regulation, especially with a view of challenging it in case there are concerns about breaches of their rights.
At the same time, there are many shortcomings in the protection the AI Act intends to afford, which are discussed in more detail in Chapter 12 of this book.Footnote 127 Particularly in the context of algorithmic regulation, many concerns remain unaddressed. The AI Act barely mentions the rule of law and has nothing to say about the normative influence that private actors can have on the public sphere through the procurement of algorithmic regulation tools. It also does not ensure that citizens get a say about whether certain algorithmic regulation applications should be used by public administrations in the first place, and its overly restrictive scope means it does not cover many harmful applications of algorithmic regulation, especially when based on more traditional systems. The AI Act also has many carve-outs which undermine its protection: AI systems deployed for research or for national security fall outside its scope, which risks constituting a significant gap. In addition, the safeguards against the use of live facial recognition (or biometric identification more generally) in public places only apply in the context of law enforcement and do not include borders, which leaves migrants – who already find themselves in a very vulnerable position – even more vulnerable.Footnote 128
One could also argue that, by virtue of AI Act, the use of certain problematic applications is actually legitimized, since they can now be rubberstamped by claiming conformity with the AI Act’s rules. This also led some people to criticize the AI Act an instrument of “deregulation,” by potentially undermining safeguards drawn from other legal domains.Footnote 129 Finally, the AI Act’s list-based approach – which exhaustively lists the systems that fall within its different categories – also means that some important applications are not covered, as the lists are underinclusive.Footnote 130 Combined with the fact that providers of high-risk systems can largely self-assess their system’s conformity with the requirements, and the fact that they can even self-assess whether their system is truly high-risk,Footnote 131 the regulation leaves a lot of leeway to the very actors against which it allegedly seeks to protect individuals.Footnote 132
That said, the AI Act does provide a number of new safeguards that can be invoked to counter some risks posed by public administrations’ use of AI. Moreover, the fact that it establishes a novel public enforcement mechanism both at the national and the European level also provides a strong signal that the EU takes AI’s challenges seriously. The AI Act should hence be seen as part of a broader legal framework that also includes other protective provisions, and that is complementary to the legal domains set out above. Its relationship with existing legislation is also clarified in the AI Act itself, which for instance states that it “does not seek to affect the application of existing Union law governing the processing of personal data,”Footnote 133 and that “where an AI practice infringes other Union law” it can still be prohibited regardless of its inclusion in the exhaustive list of prohibitions of Article 5.Footnote 134 Accordingly, one should look beyond the AI Act’s provisions to hold public administrations to account when they choose to rely on algorithmic regulation. Rather, the AI Act should be invoked along with provisions of constitutional law, administrative law and data protection law (as well as other relevant legal domains) to provide stronger protection against the challenges discussed in this chapter.
19.6 Conclusions
Algorithmic regulation has found its way to virtually all areas of the public sector. While the level of its uptake strongly varies from one country to another, and from one administration to another, it is being used for ever more impactful decisions – a trend that will undoubtedly continue. In the previous sections, along with setting out the reasons for this uptake, I also discussed some of the challenges that public administrations must consider when fully or partly delegating their tasks – and especially administrative acts – to algorithmic systems.
Drawing on existing practices from France, the UK, the Netherlands and the US, I showed that algorithmic regulation can raise legitimate concerns around the risk of biased decision-making, unwarranted privacy intrusions, and errors that can lead to wide-scaled harm given the essential role that public administrations fulfil in society. Whether through traditional techniques or advanced machine learning applications, the automated execution and implementation of laws and policies implies a transformation from natural language to code, which has normative implications that can also affect the rule of law. As the earlier illustrations have shown, these risks also exist in countries that are committed to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which makes it even more important for them to ensure they maintain sovereignty over the way in which (algorithmically driven) public decision-making occurs. Furthermore, we must stay vigilant that the delegation of administrative decision-making to algorithmic systems does not simultaneously lead to a delegation of responsibility and a neglect of citizens’ rights and interests, in the name of efficiency.
Public administrations are already bound by an array of legal norms that can contribute to countering those risks, including safeguards from constitutional law, administrative law, data protection law, or AI-specific law. Yet even when invoked in a strategic and complementary way, these legal protection mechanisms will never be perfect. And while it is sensible to strive for their improvement and to develop further guidance for practitioners on how existing legal norms should be applied to the algorithmic context, one should also be careful not to treat the law as a panacea for all the challenges raised by technology. Beyond legal compliance, it is essential that public administrations also invest in education and literacy efforts among their civil servants, that they provide them with the necessary conditions to exercise their critical judgment, and that they prevent the delegation of public power – especially when this happens without democratic deliberation and accountability. It is only by taking these considerations seriously and adopting adequate measures prior to the implementation of algorithmic regulation that public administrations can continue fulfilling their vital role in liberal democracies with the help of algorithmic systems.
20.1 Introduction
War has been an integral part of human history since the dawn of time. It evolved together with human society and influenced its development in a tremendous manner. Military historians and political scientists established numerous systems in an attempt to better classify and analyze military endeavors, taking into account global political trends, the evolution of the means and tactics of war, and local geographical and cultural specifics.Footnote 1 Nevertheless, armed conflicts of all kinds have been persistently disrupting human lives, leaving individuals with little to no remedy against various infringements of their human rights.Footnote 2 While rules such as the distinction between combatants and civilians have been around for centuries, their application was dependent on factors such as the personal honor of the individual soldier,Footnote 3 or whether the enemy was considered as belonging to a “civilized nation.”Footnote 4
The modern development of international humanitarian law (IHL), which started during the second half of the nineteenth century, initially did not change much vis-à-vis the means of response and remedy individuals had over violation of their rights during armed conflicts. A treaty-based framework was established, largely based on customary rules. Despite its wide scope, the framework was founded on the deep humanist ideals of just one man to relieve the unnecessary suffering of fellow human beings elevating their protection as a main consideration for all parties involved in an armed conflict. International humanitarian law evolved dramatically during the twentieth century in response to the numerous wars that caused huge casualties and unimaginable destruction all over the world, directly related to the rapid change of military strategies and the utilization of new weapons. This tendency of IHL “lagging behind”Footnote 5 the contemporary challenges of the day is often characterized as one of its biggest weaknesses. However, this “weakness” permeates the entire legal system, as it became particularly evident in the last decades with the booming development of new technologies, and especially disruptive onesFootnote 6 such as blockchain, the internet of things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI).
Examples such as the drastic changes in the regulation of technologies used in the financial sector after the Financial Crisis of 2008 and the general abandonment of the laissez-faire approach toward them come to show that law in general struggles to adapt to technological progress and that the traditional reactive approachFootnote 7 is not always sufficient to ensure legal certainty and fairness in society. In the context of IHL, this problem becomes even more pressing due to its focus on the preservation of human life and the prevention of unnecessary suffering.
AI is largely recognized as a disruptive technology with the biggest current and potential future impact on armed conflicts. In this context, the media often uses AI and lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) as synonyms, but in reality, LAWS is just one application in which AI is utilized for military and paramilitary purposes.
The purpose of the present chapter is to provide the reader with a brief overview of the main uses of AI in armed conflicts with a specific focus on LAWS, and the main societal concerns this raises. For this purpose, the chapter will first provide an overview of IHL, so as to supply the reader with general knowledge about its principles and development. This, in turn, will hopefully allow for a better understanding of the legal and ethical challenges that society currently faces regarding the use of AI in armed conflicts. Finally, the chapter also attempts to pose some provocative questions on AI’s use in this context, in light of contemporary events and global policy development in this area.
20.2 International Humanitarian Law
20.2.1 Brief Introduction to the History of IHL
The term armed conflict, which stands central to IHL, has a distinctive meaning in international law. The most commonly referred definitionFootnote 8 is the one provided by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia which describes it as existing “whenever there is a resort to armed force between States or protracted armed violence between governmental authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups within a state.”Footnote 9 The definition itself shows the armed conflicts are typically divided into those having an international and a non-international dimension.Footnote 10 For the sake of simplifying the scope of the present chapter, it will focus on the usage of AI solely in international armed conflicts. As a matter of fact, international armed conflicts were the only subject of regulation before the Second World WarFootnote 11 which once again demonstrates the reactive nature of IHL.
IHL is considered to be born in the second half of the nineteenth century after the infamous battle of Solferino on June 24, 1859.Footnote 12 The battle resulted in the victory of the allied French Army of Napoleon III and the Piedmont-Sardinian Army commanded by Victor Emmanuel II over the Austrian Army under Emperor Franz Joseph I. It was documented that over 300,000 soldiers participated in the fifteen-hour massacre from which 6,000 died and more than 35,000 were wounded or went missing.Footnote 13 A detailed testimonial regarding the fallout of the battle and the suffering of both combatants and civilians was given by the Swiss national Henry Dunant, who happened to be in the area and witnessed the gruesome picture of the battlefield, later described in his book named A Memory of Solferino.Footnote 14 Henry Dunant dedicated his life and work to the creation of an impartial organization tasked with caring for the wounded in armed conflicts and providing humanitarian relief. It became a reality on February 17, 1863, when the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was established in Geneva. This event, while significant, was just the beginning of the rapid development of modern IHL. In 1864, the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field was adopted, becoming the first international treaty regulating armed conflicts in a universal manner, opened for all States to join.Footnote 15 That instrument, and the following Geneva conventions, established three key obligations for the parties: (1) providing medical assistance to the wounded regardless of their nationality, (2) respecting the neutrality of the medical personnel and establishments, and (3) recognizing and respecting the sign of the Red Cross on white background.
These first steps predefine the characteristics of modern IHL as part of the body of international law that governs the relations between states. Its subsequent development also broadens its scope to protecting “persons who are not or are no longer taking part in hostilities, the sick and wounded, prisoners and civilians, and to define the rights and obligations of the parties to a conflict in the conduct of hostilities.”Footnote 16 In addition, IHL evolved to serve as a guarantee for preserving humanity even on the battlefield by attempting to ease the suffering of the combatants. This development in the role of IHL occurred early on due to the rapid uptake of new weapons. In particular, the invention of the dum-dum bulletFootnote 17 in 1863 inspired the adoption of the first international treaty concerning weaponry (namely the St. Petersburg Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles under 400 gm weight, in 1868).Footnote 18 It is a pivotal instrument for IHL not only because it was the first of its kind but also because it recognized the customary character of the rule according to which using arms, projectiles, and materials that cause unnecessary suffering is prohibited.Footnote 19 This line of work was continued through the Hague Conventions from 1899 and 1907, governing the “laws of war” as opposed to the Geneva Conventions that focus on the right to receive relief.
The First World War indicated the end of this period of development of IHL, bringing forward the concept of total war, new weapons (including weapons of mass destruction such as poison gas), and the anonymization of combat.Footnote 20 These novel technologies and the effects they had on people, as well as the outcome of the campaigns and individual battles, naturally resulted in the adoption of further legal instruments in response of the new treats to the already established law of war.Footnote 21 In addition, the Geneva Convention was overhauled by the 1929 Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field which further reflected the influence of the new technologies establishing, for example, protection of medical aircraft.
The Second World War brought another set of challenges for IHL besides the tremendously high percentage of civil causalities compared to the First World War.Footnote 22 The concept of total war which transforms the economies of the states into war economies fogged the distinction between civilians and combatants and also between civilian and military objects, which is one of the key principles of IHL. Other contributing factors were the civilian groups targeted by the Nazi ideology and the coercive warfare used by the Allied powers.Footnote 23
The immediate response to the horrors of the biggest war in human history was the establishment of the United Nations and the International Military Tribunals of Nuremberg and Tokyo. In addition, four new conventions amended and reinforced the IHL framework. The 1949 Geneva Conventions on the sick and wounded on land; on the wounded, sick, and shipwrecked members of the armed forces at sea; on prisoners of war; and on civilian victims (complemented by the Additional Protocols from 1977) codified and cemented the core principles of the modern-day IHL, the way we know it at present days.
The second half of the twentieth century, and in particular the Cold War period and the Decolonization, contributed mostly to the development of the IHL rules regarding non-international armed conflicts. Nevertheless, the tendency of adopting treaties in response to technological advancement continued. Certain core legal instruments on arms control were adopted during that time, such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons from 1968,Footnote 24 the Biological Weapons Convention from 1972,Footnote 25 and the Chemical Weapons Convention from 1993.Footnote 26 Another important legal treaty, directly connected to the regulation of new technologies used as weapons, concerns the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) from 1980.Footnote 27 This Convention will be further discussed in Section 20.3.
The global tendencies of the twenty-first century signaled the decreasing political will of nation-states to enter into binding multilateral agreements beyond trade and finance due to their lack of effectiveness.Footnote 28 This is extremely worrisome not only because of its effect on the international legal order, but also due to the consequences it has on the ambition of making law anticipatory rather than reactionary, especially in the context of new weapons such as LAWS. Therefore, the principles of IHL which have already been established during the last century and a half, need to be taken into account when interpreting the existing body of law applicable vis-à-vis technologies such as AI, regardless of the capacity it is used for in military context. The next section offers an exposition of these principles which should provide the reader with a better understanding of the IHL challenges created by AI.
20.2.2 Principles of IHL
To understand the effect of AI on IHL, six core principles of IHL need to be unpacked, as they serve both as an interpretative and guiding tool for the technology’s use in this area. This section will briefly discuss each principle in turn. Distinction between Civilians and Combatants
The principle that a distinction should be made between civilians and combatants is extremely important in armed conflicts, as it could mean the difference between life and death for an individual. In essence, the principle requires belligerents to distinguish at all times between people who can be attacked lawfully and people who cannot be attacked and should instead be protected.Footnote 29 This principle reflects the idea that armed conflicts represent limited conflicts between the armed forces of certain States and not between their populations. The only legitimate goal is hence to weaken the military forces of the opposing State.Footnote 30 The importance of the principle of distinction as a cornerstone of IHL was reaffirmed by the International Law CommissionFootnote 31 which argued it should be considered as a rule of jus cogens. This term is used to describe peremptory norms of international law from which no derogation is allowed. While the scope of jus cogens norms is subject to a continuing debate,Footnote 32 the fact that the principle of distinction is regarded as such a norm has a lot of merit.Footnote 33
While the principle of distinction between civilians and combatants sounds very clear and easy to follow, in reality, it is not always easy to apply. On the one hand, the changing nature of armed conflicts blurs the differences between the two categories and shifts the traditional battlefield into urban areas. On the other hand, many functions previously carried out by military personnel are currently being outsourced to private contractors and to government personnel sometimes located in different locations. Involving technologies such as AI either in attacking (e.g., LAWS) or defensive (e.g., in cybersecurity) capability further complicates the distinction between civilians and combatantsFootnote 34 and brings uncertainty, potentially increasing the risk of civilians being targeted erroneously or arbitrarily. Prohibition to Attack Those Hors De Combat
The principle of prohibition to attack those hors de combat shows some similarities with the principle of distinction between civilians and combatants, mainly because one needs to be able to properly identify those hors de combat. The term originates from the French language and literally means “out of combat.” Article 41 from Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions from 1949 stipulates that a person “who is recognized or who, in the circumstances, should be recognized to be hors de combat shall not be made the object of attack.” Paragraph 2 provides additional defining criteria, including the person to be in the power of an adverse Party, in case that person clearly expresses an intention to surrender. This also covers persons who have been rendered unconscious or who are otherwise incapacitated by wounds or sickness, and, therefore, are incapable of defending themselves, as long as they do not conduct any hostile acts or try to escape. These additional criteria are important because they expand the scope of the protection of the principle not only to individuals who are explicitly recognized as hors de combat in all situations but also to those who should be recognized as hors de combat in a given moment of time based on the specific circumstances.Footnote 35
While the principle was historically easy to apply nowadays, it raises several issues. First and foremost, the changing nature of the various armed conflicts makes determining the status of hors de combat dependent on the context. Steven Umbrello and Nathan Gabriel Wood provide an interesting example involving poorly armed adversary soldiers who do not have any means to meaningfully engage a tank but do not surrender or fall under another condition described in Additional Protocol I. The authors, however, argue that the customary understanding of the principle involves “powerless” as well as “defenseless” as characteristics that define an individual as being hors de combat.Footnote 36
Another possible issue stems from the utilization of autonomous and semi-autonomous weapons. The contextual dependency mentioned earlier makes the application of the principle complicated from a technical point of view. For example, the dominating approach to machine learning e.g., in language modeling, relies on calculating statistical probabilities.Footnote 37 State-of-the-art models have no contextual or semantic understanding, and this makes them susceptible to so-called “hallucinations.”Footnote 38 Reliance on such models to assess whether a person is conducting any hostile acts or is trying to escape is therefore a risk, and an unreliable undertaking. In addition, despite the advances in mitigating the risks of adversarial attacks, computer vision applications remain vulnerable to evasion attacks with adversarial examples that do not require sophisticated skills on the part of the attacker.Footnote 39 In addition, any kind of identification is susceptible to unfair bias that could be extremely hard to overcome in military context due to the lack of availability of datasets that are domain specific and reflecting physical traits of combatants (e.g., skin color and uniforms).Footnote 40 Prohibition to Inflict Unnecessary Suffering
The principle of prohibition to inflict unnecessary suffering was one of the cornerstones of IHL, as demonstrated by the fact that it was implemented in one of the first IHL legal instruments adopted internationally, namely the St. Petersburg Declaration.Footnote 41 This principle is also the key rationale behind important treaties such as the CCW that bans and limits a number of weapons inflicting unnecessary suffering, such as laser weapons and incendiary weapons.Footnote 42
The principle has a customary character,Footnote 43 but it is nevertheless codified in written law, primarily in Article 35, paragraph 2 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions. This article contains a general prohibition for States to employ “weapons, projectiles, and material and methods of warfare of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering.” This formulation of the rule is derived from the principle of humanity which is explained in Section 44 While States agree that the only legitimate military goal is weakening the military of the adversary state, this goal needs to be achieved without unnecessary suffering. In other words, combatants are not prohibited of being killed during an armed conflict, but if it is to be done, it needs to be done “humanely.” This notion, however, could be subject to discussion, due to the questionable coexistence of killing and humanely in one sentence in military context. The meaning of the terms “unnecessary” and “superfluous” is also problematic from the standpoint of employing LAWS which need to be designed, created, and used in accordance with this principle, as well as the rest of the rules of IHL. This is so because concepts such as “unnecessary” and “superfluous” suffering are not susceptible to mathematical formalization. Military Necessity
The principle of military necessityFootnote 45 was already briefly touched upon in the previous sections due to its relation to the other principles of IHL. The Hague Regulations from 1899 and 1907Footnote 46 refer to the principle by proclaiming that “[t]he right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited.”Footnote 47 This rule shows the collision between military necessity and humanitarian considerations, which results in limiting the former, sometimes even through the creation of new norms, for example the prohibition of destruction of cultural property.Footnote 48 As a result of this collision, the principle covers the range of justified and thus allowed use of armed force and violence by a State in order to achieve specific legitimate military objectives, as long as it stays within the limits of the principle of proportionality.
This principle is probably technically the hardest one to abide by when deploying autonomous technologies in military context. This could be explained by the fact that the military necessity is a justification for disregarding the principle of distinction under the circumstances provided in Articles 51 and 52 from Additional Protocol I. Both articles concern defining and protecting civilians in armed conflicts except in the cases when they take direct part in the hostilities. Article 52 also prohibits attacking objectives that are not military objectives, although it acknowledges that civilian objects could become military “when, ‘by their nature, location, purpose or use,’ such objects ‘make an effective contribution to military action’ and their total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.”Footnote 49 Evidently, performing such assessments is of paramount importance and in the author’s opinion requires meaningful human oversight in order to avoid fatal mistakes. Proportionality
The principle of proportionality in IHL prohibits attacks that may lead to “incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.”Footnote 50 The main issues that doctrine and practice have been facing regarding this principle are related to defining military advantage,Footnote 51 incidental harm,Footnote 52 and excessivenessFootnote 53 – all three of these terms being heavily context reliant.
Furthermore, the comparison between the “military advantage” on the one hand and the “excessiveness” on the other hand when performed by a machine learning algorithm (for example by an autonomous military drone such as the STM Kargu-2)Footnote 54, requires weighting exercise represented in a computational format. This means that certain values are to be assigned to the categories, which is extremely difficult not only from a technical but also from a legal and ethical perspective.Footnote 55 For instance, using autonomous drones designed to destroy military equipment is considered a military advantage. However, doing so in densely populated areas could lead to significant collateral damage, including loss of human life. In this scenario, it is extremely hard if not impossible to assign numerical value and assess whether destroying one piece of military equipment constitutes such a military advantage that it is proportionate to killing two civilians in the blast. The Principle of Humanity
Finally, the principle of humanity underlies every other principle of IHL. It could be defined as a prohibition of inflicting “all suffering, injury or destruction not necessary for achieving the legitimate purpose of a conflict”Footnote 56 that aims to protect combatants from unnecessary suffering. It also protects those hors de combat.Footnote 57 Customary by nature, the principle was first codified in the St. Petersburg Declaration, pointing out that “laws of humanity” are the reason behind the prohibition of arms which “uselessly aggravate the sufferings of disabled men, or render their death inevitable.”Footnote 58 The principle of humanity also further balances military necessity, which is reflected in most IHL instruments. This balancing function is best described by the so-called Martens Clause in the Preamble to the Hague Conventions on the Laws and Customs of War on Land from 1899. The idea of the clause named after the diplomat Friedrich Martens is very simple. In essence, it attempts to fill a possible gap in the legislation by providing that, in the situation of an armed conflict in the absence of a legal norm, belligerents are still bound by the laws of humanity and the requirements of public conscience.
This principle is rather vague and open to interpretation, evident by the attempts to apply it in numerous contexts, from the deployment of LAWS to nuclear weapons.Footnote 59 Furthermore, it is one of the most challenging principles from an ethical and philosophical point of view. The principle of humanity requires an almost Schrödinger-like state of mind in which the enemy on the battlefield which is to be killed is also regarded as a fellow human being. This paradox makes the practical application of the principle a very hard task not only by humans but even more so by autonomous systems used in a military context, which more often than not reflect human bias.
20.3 Using AI in Armed Conflicts
The present chapter already sporadically touched upon several legal, ethical, and technical problems raised by applying the principles of IHL to AI systems used for military purposes. This next section is going to concentrate on the different applications for which AI systems are used, which includes LAWS or so-called “killer-robots” without being limited thereto. It also discusses the possible regulatory framework and challenges before the full-scale adoption of such systems.
20.3.1 Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems
LAWS have been in the spotlight for several years already due to the blooming of the tech industry and in particular the huge investments and reliance on AI systems. Naturally, realizing the capabilities of AI in everyday life poses the question of how it can be used in military setting. Combining technological development with justified ethical concerns and the catchy phrase “killer robots” served as a great source of inspiration for media and entertainment, with the unfortunate result of shifting the focus of the discussion from people and their behavior to the regulation of inanimate objects.
There are a number of problematic points related to the discussion about LAWS that prevent policymakers and other relevant stakeholders to move away from speculation and concentrate instead on the real dangers and immediate issues caused by using AI in armed conflicts.
First, despite the concept of LAWS being around for quite a while, we still lack a universal definition of what constitutes a lethal autonomous weapon.Footnote 60 A definition is extremely important because “autonomy” is a scaled feature. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a system is truly autonomous depends on where on the curve the definition positions LAWS. A similar issue appeared during the ongoing process of creating legislation on AI in several jurisdictions,Footnote 61 such as the AI Act in the EU, discussed in Chapter 12 of this Book.
Defining LAWS has been a key task for the High Contracting Parties and Signatories of the CCW, through the Group of Governmental Experts on emerging technologies in the area of LAWS (GGE on LAWS). However, their efforts to adopt a universal definition currently remain fruitless.Footnote 62 Hence, the lack of a universal definition is filled by a plethora of more regional definitions serving various purposes. For example, the United States Department of Defense characterizes fully autonomous weapons systems as systems that “once activated, can select and engage targets without further intervention by a human operator.”Footnote 63
The European Parliament, by comparison, adopted another definition through a resolution referring to LAWS as “weapon systems without meaningful human control over the critical functions of selecting and attacking individual targets.”Footnote 64 The two definitions, although similar, reveal some important differences. The definition provided by the European Parliament is based on the absence of meaningful human oversight, while the US definition only speaks about control. Additionally, Directive 3000.09Footnote 65 also defines semi-autonomous systems, highlighting the scale-based nature of autonomy, while the resolution of the European Parliament does not mention them at all. The discrepancy between just these two examples of LAWS definitions demonstrates that a number of weapons systems might fall in or out of the scope of norms that should regulate LAWS based on the criteria applied by a certain State, which leads to uncertainty.
A second problematic point in the LAWS discussion is the speculative nature of their capabilities and deployment. While the general consensus is that the deployment of killer robots is a highly undesirable prospect for both ethical and legal reasons, such as the alleged breach of the principle of humanityFootnote 66 and compromised human dignity,Footnote 67 those arguments are based on what we imagine LAWS to be. Military technology has always been surrounded by a very high level of confidentiality, and this is also the case when it comes to LAWS. Until recently, their nature could only be speculated on based on more general knowledge about AI advances and robotic applications outside their military application. The first officially recognized use of LAWS was established by the UN Security Council’s Panel of Experts on Libya regarding an incident from March 2020. During that incident, a Turkish STM Kargu-2 drone, referred to as a lethal autonomous weapon, “hunted down and remotely engaged” logistic convoys and retreating forces in Libya.Footnote 68 The drone was described as being “programmed to attack targets without requiring data connectivity between the operator and the munition: in effect, a true ‘fire, forget and find’ capability.”Footnote 69 There is little to no information, however, regarding the measure taken to ensure compatibility of the drone with the norms and principles of international law.
The UN’s recognition of the use of autonomous drones in Libya reignited the public debate on the international rules applicable to LAWS. It also strengthened the calls for a total ban on killer robots, unfortunately without the participation of countries like the USA, Russia, Turkey, and others having the necessary resources for the research and development of autonomous weapons.
Nevertheless, relevant stakeholders such as states, NGOs, companies, and even individuals with high standing in societyFootnote 70 did take some significant steps in two directions. First, they launched campaigns promoting a total ban on LAWSFootnote 71 and second, they started developing and applying rules that govern the existing LAWS in accordance with IHL.Footnote 72
The first initiative, even though remaining popular in civil society, does not currently show any significant development on a global scale.Footnote 73 The second one has a better success rate, being built around the application of the CCW, which was deemed to be the most suitable instrument to attempt to regulate LAWS. It is so because of its purpose to ban or restrict the use of specific types of weapons that are considered to cause unnecessary or unjustifiable suffering to combatants or to affect civilians indiscriminately. In addition, the structure of the Convention allows flexibility in dealing with new types of weapons, such as for example blinding laser weapons.Footnote 74
Therefore, this particular forum was considered as best placed to discuss the technological development of LAWS and the legal and customary rules applicable to them,Footnote 75 as well as to codify the results of this discussion. The GGE on LAWS adopted the eleven guiding principles in the 2019 Meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the CCW.Footnote 76 The eleven guiding principles first and foremost address the need for LAWS to comply with IHL (guiding principle 1), as well as the human responsibility for the use of LAWS (guiding principle 2). This was important not only because of the ongoing trend of personification of machinesFootnote 77 but also because of the existing debate regarding the so-called “responsibility gap” created by LAWS.Footnote 78 This is further supported by guiding principle 7, which forbids anthropomorphizing LAWS. The guiding principles also elaborate on the need for human–machine interaction, accountability mechanisms, and a sound balance between military necessity and humanitarian considerations.
Despite the guiding principles showing some progress and common ground among States Parties to the CCW on the subject of LAWS, they are not a binding legal instrument and are not a lot to show after eight years of work on the side of the GGE. Indeed, the formulated principles could become useful by demonstrating convergence on elements of customary international law such as opinion jurisFootnote 79 or serving as a starting point for a new protocol to the CCW. Currently, however, neither of those appear to be on the agenda.
20.3.2 Other Applications of Autonomous Systems in Armed Conflicts
As discussed previously, the precise extent of the use and development of LAWS remain mostly confined to speculations. While weapons with a certain degree of autonomy such as unmanned aerial vehicles are currently used in many armed conflicts, truly autonomous weapons remain a rarity. However, outside the context of LAWS, the more general use of AI systems in armed conflicts and for military purposes is becoming the new normal.
AI remains a great tool for supporting decision-making in the military, assisting personnel with going through large quantities of data and analyzing it, and making the “right” judgment regarding transport, logistics, communications, and others.
Furthermore, AI has many applications in data gathering, including as a surveillance tool, although such AI products may fall under the category of dual-use items.Footnote 80 Other possible utilizations of AI systems are applications for predictive maintenance of military equipment,Footnote 81 unarmed vehicles such as ambulances, supply trucks or drones,Footnote 82 and medical aid.Footnote 83 While for some of these purposes of IHL might still be a consideration, such as for example the special regime of medical vehicles, other uses might raise more fundamental concerns when aspiring conformity with human rights law. A typical example is dual-use technologies used for surveillance of individuals, which violate their right to privacy and often other rights too, without a plausible justification based on military necessity.Footnote 84
Finally, AI is increasingly used in cyberwarfare, both for its attack and defense capabilities.Footnote 85 Typically, this involves the spreading of viruses and malware, data theft, distributed denial-of-service attacks, but also disinformation campaigns.Footnote 86 AI systems can enhance these activities, as well as help to circumvent defenses on the way. AI is, however, not only used for defense purposes beyond military infrastructure but also to protect civilian objects and infrastructure that is more susceptible to cyberattacks due to being part of IoT.Footnote 87
While cyberwarfare has not been explicitly mentioned by IHL instruments, this does not mean that it falls outside its scope. On the contrary, the potential (and often the intent) of cyberattacks to be indiscriminate is a considerable reason for applying IHL to cyberwarfare in full force, especially when AI systems are involved given their ability to further increase the scale of the attack.
20.4 Conclusion
All around the world, regulators are thinking about the changing power of AI in every aspect of our lives. Although some are calling for the adoption of stricter rules that would not allow something to be done just because we have the technology to do it, others support a more innovation-friendly, liberal approach to AI regulation, which would assist the industry and allow a more rapid development of AI in the tech sector. While both positions have their merit, when it comes to using AI in the military context, the stakes change dramatically.
The potential of AI in armed conflicts goes in two directions. It can save resources and lives more efficiently by supporting humans to make the “right” decisions or avoid unnecessary causalities or it could assist in killing people more efficiently. During a war, those might be the two sides of the same coin. Therefore, we need to ensure that IHL is embedded in the design, development, and use of AI systems to the best extent possible.
Even if killer robots would be successfully banned, that is not a guarantee that they would not be used anyway. Furthermore, as demonstrated, AI has many more applications on the battlefield, all of which need to be in accordance with the basic considerations of humanity during an armed conflict. Bringing military AI systems under the scope of IHL would give us at least some hope that, while we cannot stop AI from being used in wars, maybe we can change the ratio of its use as a weapon for killing, toward its use as a shield for protection.