The authors apologise for an error in the above paper which led to Figure 2 being published in black and white; it should have been in colour, as follows:

Fig. 2. Comparison of Oxyspirura petrowi recovered from experimentally infected northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus): A) male O. petrowi 30 days post infection (dpi). Short spicule green arrow and long spicule black arrow; B) male O. petrowi 70 dpi. Short spicule green arrow and long spicule black arrow; C) female O. petrowi 30 dpi, note absence of eggs in reproductive tract; D) female O. petrowi 45 dpi, note morulated eggs (arrows) in the reproductive tract; E) female O. petrowi 70 dpi, note first stage larvae in eggs (arrows) in the reproductive tract; F) O. petrowi egg marked with an arrow next to unidentified strongylid species egg. Scale bars for A,B,E,F are 100 μm and 50 μm for C and D.