The authors apologise to the readers for having to update some of the values for the labor earnings in the paper, due to a minor error in the code of the data preparation. Corrected results are rather similar to the original results presented and the paper's conclusions remain unchanged.
The correction led to a slight increase in the descriptive mean values of monthly labor earnings for all groups in the raw sample after 33 months in section B of Table 1 (please see below the corrected values in red). Moreover, the correction led to larger estimates of effects on real monthy labor income (see Figure 2), especially for in-firm training (IFT) and further vocational training (FVT). The new effect estimates on real monthly income for all programs are shown in Figure 2 below. After 33 months the effects for IFT participants amounted to 480 Euros per month (old: 360 Euros). After 33 months the effects for FVT participants amounted to 830 Euros per month (old: 710 Euros). For participants in Schemes by providers monthly earnings also increased, albeit with a smaller magnitude: after 33 months the participation effect in the program amounted to 68 Euros (old: 65 Euros). The effects for participation in One-Euro-Jobs (OEJs) did not change after the correction.
Table 1. Selected descriptive statistics

Note: Statistically significant differences at the 10/5/1% level between participants and non-participants are indicated by */**/*** on the respective value among the non-participants.

Figure 2. Effects on real monthy labor income in Euro.