1. Introduction
In 1965, Erdős and Pósa [Reference Erdős and Pósa6] showed that every graph
either contains
vertex-disjoint cycles or contains a set
$\mathcal{O}(k \log k)$
vertices such that
has no cycles. The
$\mathcal{O}(k \log k)$
bound on the size of
is best possible up to a constant factor. Using their Grid Minor Theorem, Robertson and Seymour [Reference Robertson and Seymour9] proved the following generalisation: for every planar graph
, there exists a function
such that every graph
contains either
vertex-disjoint subgraphs each having an
minor, or a set
of at most
vertices such that
has no
minor. For
, this corresponds to the setting of the Erdős–Pósa theorem.
The theorem of Robertson and Seymour is best possible in the sense that no such result holds when
is not planar. The original upper bound of
on the size of
depends on bounds from the Grid Minor Theorem and is large as a result (though it is polynomial in
if we use the polynomial version of the Grid Minor Theorem, see [Reference Chekuri and Chuzhoy4]). Chekuri and Chuzhoy [Reference Chekuri and Chuzhoy3] subsequently showed an improved upper bound of
$\mathcal{O}_H(k \log ^c k)$
for a fixed planar graph
, where
is some large but absolute constant. This was in turn improved to
$\mathcal{O}_H(k \log k)$
by Cames van Batenburg, Huynh, Joret, and Raymond [Reference Cames van Batenburg, Huynh, Joret and Raymond2], thus matching the original bound of Erdős and Pósa for cycles.
$\mathcal{O}_H(k \log k)$
bound is best possible when
contains a cycle. However, when
is a forest, it turns out that one can obtain a linear in
bound on the size of
, as proved by Fiorini, Joret, and Wood [Reference Fiorini, Joret and Wood7]. Their proof gives an
bound with a non-explicit constant factor that grows very fast as a function of
. This is due to the use of MSO-based tools in the proof, among others. In this short note, we give a simple proof of their result with an optimal dependence on
is a tree.
Theorem 1.
be a tree on
vertices. For every positive integer
and every graph
, either
pairwise vertex-disjoint subgraphs each having a
minor, or there exists a set
of at most
vertices of
such that
has no
Observe that the bound on the size of
in Theorem1 is tight: if
is a complete graph on
vertices, then
does not contain
pairwise vertex-disjoint subgraphs each having a
minor, and every set
of vertices such that
has no
minor has size at least
$|V(G)| - (t-1) = t(k-1)$
Theorem1 follows immediately from the following more general result for forests.
Theorem 2.
be a forest on
vertices and let
be the maximum number of vertices in a component of
. For every positive integer
and every graph
, either
pairwise vertex-disjoint subgraphs each having an
minor, or there exists a set
of at most
vertices of
such that
has no
Let us also point out the following corollary of Theorem1 (proved in the next section).
Corollary 3.
For all positive integers
, and for every graph
, either
vertex-disjoint subgraphs each of pathwidth at least
, or
contains a set
of at most
$2\cdot 3^{p+1}k$
vertices such that
has pathwidth strictly less than
2. Proof
For a positive integer
, we use the notation
$[k]\,:\!=\, \{1,\ldots, k\}$
, and when
$[k] \,:\!=\, \varnothing$
be a graph. We denote by
, the vertex set and edge set of
, respectively. Let
$X\subseteq V(G)$
. Then
denotes the subgraph of
induced by the vertices in
$G-X=G[V(G)- X]$
. We define the boundary of
to be
$\partial _G X \,:\!=\, \left\{v \in X \mid vw\in E(G),\, w\in V(G-X)\right\}$
. We omit the subscript
when the graph
is clear from the context.
A path decomposition of
is a sequence
$(B_1, B_2, \dots, B_q)$
of vertex subsets of
called bags satisfying the following properties: (1) every vertex of
appears in a non-empty set of consecutive bags, and (2) for every edge
, there is a bag containing both
. The width of the path decomposition is the maximum size of a bag minus
. The pathwidth
is the minimum width of a path decomposition of
A graph
is a minor of a graph
can be obtained from a subgraph of
by contracting edges. Robertson and Seymour [Reference Robertson and Seymour8] proved that there exists a function
$f\,:\,\mathbb{N}\to \mathbb{N}$
such that for every graph
and every forest
vertices, if
$\textit{pw}(G)\geqslant f(t)$
as a minor. Bienstock, Robertson, Seymour, and Thomas [Reference Bienstock, Robertson, Seymour and Thomas1] later showed that one can take
, which is best possible. Diestel [Reference Diestel5] subsequently gave a short proof of this result. Our proof of Theorem2 builds on the following slightly stronger result, which appears implicitly in Diestel’s proof [Reference Diestel5].
Lemma 4 ([Reference Diestel5]). Let
be a graph, let
be a positive integer, and let
be a forest on
vertices. If
$\textit{pw}(G)\geqslant t-1$
, then there exists
$Y\subseteq V(G)$
such that
$G[Y]$ has a path decomposition
$(B_1,\ldots, B_q)$ of width at most
$t-1$ such that
$\partial Y\subseteq B_q$ , and
$G[Y]$ contains
$F$ as a minor.
We now turn to the proof of Theorem2.
Proof of
Theorem 2
. We prove the following strengthening of Theorem2: Let
be a graph, let
be a positive integer, let
$t_1\leqslant \cdots \leqslant t_c$
be non-negative integers, let
$T_1,\ldots, T_c$
be trees with
for every
$i\in [c]$
, let
$x_1,\ldots, x_c$
be non-negative integers, at least one of which is non-zero, and let
$I\,:\!=\, \{i\in [c]\mid x_i \geqslant 1\}$
. Then either
$G$ contains pairwise vertex-disjoint subgraphs
$\{M_{i, j}\mid i\in [c],\, j\in [x_i]\}$ such that, for each
$i\in [c]$ and
$j\in [x_i]$ ,
$M_{i,j}$ contains a
$T_i$ minor, or
2. there exists
$X\subseteq V(G)$ with
$|X|\leqslant \sum _{i\in I}x_it_i - t_{\max (I)}$ and
$G-X$ does not contain
$T_i$ as a minor for some
$i\in I$ .
We call the tuple
$(G,c,T_1,\ldots, T_c,x_1,\ldots, x_c)$
an instance. Theorem2 follows by letting
$T_1,\ldots, T_c$
be the components of the forest
and letting
$x_1=x_2=\cdots =x_c=k$
Roughly, the proof describes an inductive procedure that attempts to find a pairwise disjoint collection of models, where the number of models of each tree
. Induction is on the number
$\sum _{i\in [c]} x_i$
of models still missing from the collection. Failing to find one of the missing models at some step will establish (2).
$(G,c,T_1,\ldots, T_c,x_1\ldots, x_c)$
be an instance, and let
$m\,:\!=\,\min (I)$
. Then
is a smallest tree among
$T_1,\ldots, T_c$
such that
$x_m \geqslant 1$
, that is, such that we are still missing a model of
. In the base case,
$\sum _{i\in [c]} x_i=x_{m}=1$
, and either
has a
minor and the first outcome of the statement holds, or
has no such minor and the second outcome holds with
, since
$\sum _{i\in I} x_it_i -t_{\max (I)}= t_m - t_m = 0$
For the inductive case, assume that
$\sum _{i\in [c]} x_i \geqslant 2$
and that the statement holds for instances with smaller values of the sum. If, for every
$i\in I$
has no
minor, then the second outcome of the statement holds with
again. Thus, we may assume that
has a
minor for some
$i\in I$
has pathwidth at least
, apply Lemma4 with
, and let
be the resulting subset of vertices of
. If
has pathwidth less than
, simply let
. In either case,
has pathwidth at most
and has a path decomposition
$(B_1, B_2, \dots, B_q)$
$|B_\ell |\leqslant t_{m}$
for all
$\ell \in [q]$
, and such that
$\partial _G Y \subseteq B_q$
. See Figure 1. Furthermore, observe that in both cases
has a
minor for some
$i\in I$
, by our assumption on

Figure 1. The set
and the graph
whose boundary in
is contained in
$\ell \in [q]$
be the smallest index such that
$G_\ell \,:\!=\,G[B_1 \cup \cdots \cup B_\ell ]$
contains a
minor for some
$i\in I$
, and let
be an index in
such that

Observe that

We claim that

To see this, suppose for a contradiction that
is such an edge, with
$u\in V(G_\ell )-B_\ell$
$v\in V(G)-V(G_\ell )$
. First, note that
$u\in B_1 \cup \cdots \cup B_{\ell -1}$
. If
$v\in Y$
, then
appear together in some bag
of the path decomposition
$(B_1, B_2, \dots, B_q)$
, and
$j \gt \ell$
$v \notin B_1 \cup \cdots \cup B_\ell$
. However, since
$u\in B_1 \cup \cdots \cup B_{\ell -1}$
$u\in B_j$
, we conclude that
belongs also to
, a contradiction. If
$v\notin Y$
, then
$u\in \partial Y$
, and thus
$u\in B_q$
. Again, we deduce similarly that
$u \in B_\ell$
, a contradiction. This completes the proof of (⋆⋆⋆).
$G^{\prime}\,:\!=\,G - V(G_\ell )$
. Let
$x^{\prime}_i \,:\!=\, x_i$
for each
$i\in [c]-\{i^{\prime}\}$
and let
$x^{\prime}_{i^{\prime}} \,:\!=\, x_{i^{\prime}}-1$
. Let
$I^{\prime}=\{i\in [c]\mid x^{\prime}_i\geqslant 1\}$
. Apply induction to the instance
$(G^{\prime},c,T_1,\ldots, T_c,x^{\prime}_1,\ldots, x^{\prime}_c)$
. If it results in a set of vertex-disjoint subgraphs
$\{M^{\prime}_{i,j}\mid i\in [c],\, j\in [x^{\prime}_i]\}$
, with
containing a
minor for each
$i\in [c]$
$j \in [x^{\prime}_i]$
, then we let
for each
$i\in [c]$
$j \in [x^{\prime}_i]$
, and
$M_{i^{\prime},x_{i^{\prime}}} \,:\!=\, G_\ell$
, which using (⋆) results in the desired collection of vertex-disjoint subgraphs. Otherwise, we obtain a set
of at most
$\sum _{i\in I^{\prime}}x^{\prime}_it_i -t_{\max (I^{\prime})}$
vertices such that
does not contain
as a minor for some
$a\in I^{\prime}$
$X\,:\!=\,X^{\prime}\cup B_\ell$
. Observe that

To see why the last inequality holds, there are two cases to consider: (i) if
$\max (I^{\prime})=\max (I)$
, then the inequality follows immediately since
$t_{i^{\prime}}\geqslant t_m$
. (ii) If
$\max (I^{\prime})\lt \max (I)$
, then
$i^{\prime}=\max (I)$
$\max (I^{\prime})\geqslant \min (I^{\prime})=m$
, so
$t_{\max (I^{\prime})}+t_{i^{\prime}}-t_m \geqslant t_{i^{\prime}}=t_{\max (I)}$
Now, let us show that
does not contain
as a minor, for some
$i\in I$
. Let
$a\in I^{\prime}$
be such that
does not contain
as minor. We will show that we can take
. To do so, it is enough to show that
meets every inclusion-wise minimal subgraph of
containing a
minor. Let
be such a subgraph of
. Note that
is connected, since
is connected. Now, observe that by (⋆⋆⋆), either
is contained in
, or
is contained in
$G_\ell -B_\ell$
, or
contains a vertex of
. In the first case,
contains a vertex of
$X^{\prime}\subseteq X$
, by the choice of
. The second case is ruled out by (⋆⋆). In the third case,
contains a vertex of
$B_\ell \subseteq X$
. Thus, we conclude that
contains a vertex of
. This concludes the proof.
We may now turn to the proof of Corollary3. We will use the following lemma, which is a special case of a more general result of Robertson and Seymour [Statement (8.7) in [Reference Robertson and Seymour9]].
Lemma 5.
For every graph
, for every path decomposition
$(B_1, B_2, \dots, B_q)$
, for every family
of connected subgraphs of
, for every positive integer
, either:
1. there are
$d$ pairwise vertex-disjoint subgraphs in
$\mathcal{F}$ , or
2. there is a set
$X$ that is the union of at most
$d-1$ bags of
$(B_1, B_2, \dots, B_q)$ such that
$V(F) \cap X \neq \varnothing$ for every
$F \in \mathcal{F}$ .
Proof of
Corollary 3
. It is known (and an easy exercise to show) that, for every positive integer
, the complete ternary tree
of height
has pathwidth
. First, apply Theorem1 on
with the tree
. If
vertex-disjoint subgraphs each containing a
minor, we are done. So we may assume that the theorem produces a set
of at most
$|V(T_p)|(k-1) \leqslant 3^{p+1}(k-1)$
vertices such that
has no
By Lemma4,
has a path decomposition
$(B_1, B_2, \dots, B_q)$
of width strictly less than
. It is easily checked that every inclusion-wise minimal subgraph of
with pathwidth at least
is connected. Apply Lemma5 on
with the path decomposition
$(B_1, B_2, \dots, B_q)$
, with
, and with the family
of connected subgraphs of
with pathwidth at least
. If
pairwise vertex-disjoint members, we are done. So we may assume that the lemma produces a set
of at most
vertices such that
hits every member of
. It follows that
has pathwidth strictly less than
. Let
$X\,:\!=\, X_1 \cup X_2$
. Since
$|X| \leqslant 3^{p+1}(k-1) + 3^{p+1}(k-1) \leqslant 2\cdot 3^{p+1}k$
, the set
has the desired properties.
This work was done during a visit of Gwenaël Joret and Piotr Micek to the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. The research stay was partially funded by a grant from the University of Ottawa.
Funding statement
G. Joret is supported by a PDR grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). V. Dujmović is supported by NSERC and a University of Ottawa Research Chair. P. Micek is supported by the National Science Center of Poland under grant UMO-2023/05/Y/ST6/00079 within the WEAVE-UNISONO program. P. Morin is supported by NSERC.