The authors wish to apologise for errors within this article. The following is a list of the errors and corrections required.
2 Cajamar Experimental Station
Page 2, text line 47: ‘direst’ should be replaced by ‘direct’
Material and methods
Site description
Page 2, text line 2: “Experimental Station ‘Las Palmerillas’” should be replaced by “Cajamar Experimental Station”
Identifying perennial plants harbouring pests
Page 4, text line 3: Dodonaea replaced by Dittrichia
Page 4, text line 19: Grimpoteuthis replaced by Genista
Page 4, text line 27: Rubus occidentalis replaced by Romero officinalis
Page 4, text line 32:Phanera replaced by Phlomis
Page 5, text line 1: Prunus replaced by Phillyrea
Page 5, text line 2: Marsdenia replaced by Macrochloa
Page 5, text line 3: Macrozamia replaced by Mirtus
Table 2: The following row should have contained some data in bold, as follows:

Table 3: The following two rows should have contained some data in bold, as follows: