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David Hooson, The Soviet Union: People and Regions. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1966. Pages 376. $7.95.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 January 2017

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- Copyright © Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. 1967
1 Tsentral&nyi statisticheskii komitet Ministerstva vnutrennikh del, Naselenie gorodov po perepisi 28-go ianvaria 1897 goda(St. Petersburg, 1897; “Pervaia vseobshchaia perepis& naseleniia rossiiskoi imperii 1897 g.”, Vypusk 2). Vypusk 5 of this series, entitled Okonchatel&no ustanovlennoe nalichnoe naselenie gorodov (1905) compares the preliminary results of the 1897 census with the final tabulation. This volume, however, includes only the larger cities in each guberniia. For a more complete listing of cities and settlements, see Tsentral&nyi statisticheskii komitet, Naselennye mesta rossiiskoi imperii v $00 i bolee zhitelei (St. Petersburg, 1905; “Pervaia vseobshchaia perepis’ naseleniia rossiiskoi imperii 1897 g.”).
2 The 1926 population of urban centers for each census region is presented in Otdel I, Volumes I-XVI, of the 1926 census.