Mark Wilson called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Twenty-four members of the Society were present.
Minutes from the 2011 Business Meeting that were published in the March, 2011 issue of Psychometrika were approved without modification.
Luz Bay presented the report of the Membership Committee. She nominated 76 individuals for regular membership into the Society. A motion to accept these individuals for regular membership was passed.
New Regular Members | |||
Russell Almond | Xinming An | Bill Auty | Wicher Bergsma |
Gavin T.L. Brown | Linda Callenholm | Christine Chan | Fang-Chung Chang |
Po-Hsi Chen | Chia-cheng Chen | Ying-yao Cheng | Shyh-ching Chi |
Michelle Cowley | Marcel Croon | Tukur Dahiru | Clemens Draxler |
Amanda Fairchild | Xiaoling Fan | Edward Freeman | Tze-ho Fung |
Dorinda J. Gallant | Christelle Garrouste | Tiziano Gomiero | Matthew Grady |
Bonnie A. Green | Luo Guanzhong | Brent Dale Hill | Yaling Hou |
Pei-Jung Hsieh | Tsai-Wei Huang | Yan Huo | Stephanie Isbell |
Ning Jianhui | Wagner Kamakura | Michael Kane | Ahmad Z. Khairani |
Vincent Kieftenbeld | Iain Kusel | Man Kwok | Luc Le |
Jennifer Leal | Yen Lee | Taehun Lee | Wei-Chun Li |
Jooseop Lim | Jingchen Liu | Su-fen Liu | Wei-ming Luh |
Phillip Mangos | Jamie Marincic | Leah W. McGuire | Rob Meijer |
Andrej Mentel | Stefan H. Meyer | Michelle Mychajlowskyj | Shigekazu Nakagawa |
Markus Nussbaum | Taichi Okumura | Mohan Dev Pant | Joshua Priddy |
Zhang Quan | John Zhang Quan | Gomez Rapson | Annemarie Scholten |
Jan Serroyen | Shu Chuan Shih | Ziv Shkedy | Dan Simovici |
Emily Smalter | Marlon Sukal | Christopher M. Swoboda | Hak Ping Tam |
Frans E.S. Tan | Jian Tao | Anne Thissen-Roe | Catherine Trapani |
Zhenlin Wang | Richard White | John H. Whitehouse | Joseph Wu |
Pei-Chen Wu | Ruilin Wu | Zhong’en Xi | Yen-Wen Yang |
Yongwei Yang | Zhiming Yang | Han-Dau Yau | Myeongsun Yoon |
Haifeng Zhang | Lijin Zhang | Shumei Zhang | Yiping Zhang |
Jiarong Zhao | Jinxin Zhu |

New Student Members | |||
Stephen Aichele | David L. Albright | Ann Arthur | Grayson Baird |
Kirstie L. Bash | Pascal Bessonneau | Jianshen Chen | Lai Hok Chio |
In-Hee Choi | Jiwon Choi | Youn-Jeng Choi | Richard S. Clements |
James Clifton | Frank Cowie | Jacob Doss | Jon Ferguson |
Phyllis S. Fowlkes | Yin Fu | Mark P. Fusco | Joshua C. Gandi |
Joe Grochowalski | Krisitn Hall | Ian Hembry | Michaela Hoffman |
Robert Hoy | Jiangang Huang | Tyler Hunt | Kristin Javaras |
Christy Jenkins | Zijun Ke | Justin Kern | Michelle LaMar |
Jonathan Lehrfeld | Houston F. Lester | Lisa Lim | Cristina Mauro |
Thomas McCoy | Scott Monroe | Margo R. Moore | Alex Mutebi |
Twanette Nel | Tomohiro Ohtani | Oscar L. Olvera | Pieter R. Oosterwijk |
Charlotte Pashley | Carel F.W. Peeters | Raylene Potter | Emilie Rausch |
Robin Rostorfer | Jonathan Rubright | John Short | Svetlin Spasov |
Jessica Stacey | Leeza A. Struwe | Robin Havens Tate | Adela Timmons |
Anna Topczewski | Zijian Gerald Wang | Sue Wiggins | Frank Williams |
Warren E. Wyrostek | Jing-Ru Xu | Naoto Yamashita | Brandon Young |
Chunmei Zheng |

Emeritus Members
Elizabeth Betemps Elliot Cramer
Luz gave the Treasurer’s report. She noted that the Society’s finances have significantly improved over the last couple of years. She noted that the starting cash on hand as of January 1, 2010 was $428,757.82. As of June 30, 2011 we had $88,961.00 in total income and $74,241.81 in total disbursements and thus our current cash on hand is $462,429.05.
Roger Millsap gave the Editorial Council report. A total of 146 new manuscripts were submitted to Psychometrika so far in 2011–2012. This figure compares to 135 during 2009–2010 and 144 for 2010–2011. Our ARCS submission rate was up this year, with 64 manuscripts this year compared to 27 last year. Considering the entire decision pool to date for 2011–2012 (both new and revised), decisions were made on 223 manuscripts. Of the 223 manuscripts, 44 were accepted, 36 were conditionally accepted, 65 were given a revise and resubmit decision, and 78 were rejected. During the 2010–2011 year, the median total processing time for accepted manuscripts was around five months. The impact factor for Psychometrika has remained relatively constant at 1.772 and the five-year impact factor was 1.769.
Roger also noted that the contract with Springer is expiring in 2014 and that a committee should be appointed to begin negotiations with Springer.
Two new initiatives were also described by Roger. One is to solicit papers from IMPS 2012 to create a Proceedings volume. Papers would be reviewed by a committee of four editors, headed by Roger. A second new initiative is to look into the possibility of a Psychometric Society Book series. At this stage members will be solicited to determine the level of interest in such a series.
Mark talked about the Board of Trustees meeting. At this meeting the main discussion focused on going with a management group to help set up our annual meetings as well as monitor our website and handle membership. The proposals from three management companies were reviewed. After some discussion the BoT agreed to have a two-year trial period with The Rees Group. Initially TRG would help us with membership, mailings and website monitoring. Eventually the goal would be to have TRG help the Society in setting up annual meetings including registration at those meetings.
Terry reported on the spring election results. Our new president-elect is Albert Maydeu Olivares. Jee Seon Kim was elected to the Editorial Council and the two newly elected Trustees are Marieke Timmerman and Sophia Rabe Hesketh. Note that Editorial Council members serve a six-year term and Board of Trustees members serve a three-year term.
Ralph de Ayala reported on the IMPS 2012 Lincoln Meeting. Participants came from 15 countries. In all there were 149 papers and 50 posters presented, including three workshops, two key-note speakers, six state-of-the-art speakers, five invited presentations and seven invited symposia.
The 2013 meeting is slated to be held in Arnhem, The Netherlands, with Anton Beguin of CITO being the local host. The meeting dates are in the process of being determined.
It was also approved by the Board to have IMPS 2014 at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin. Local hosts for this meeting would be David Kaplan and Dan Bolt. It should be noted that a change in the Bylaws will be put before the membership so that future meeting sites can be approved by the BoT more than one year out. Members will be encouraged to submit bids to host the annual meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:47 PM.