Key words: terrestrial chelonian, tick-vector, herpetological haematozoan taxonomy, reptile apicomplexan phylogeny, Amblyomma, erratum.
In the above published article by Cook et al. Fig. 4 has been reproduced to a low resolution making it difficult to read. A higher quality illustration is published on the next page.

Fig. 4. Phylogenetic analysis, implemented in MEGA5, for Haemogregarina fitzsimonsi Dias, 1953 (highlighted) against species of Hepatozoon, Haemogregarina and Hemolivia, with Adelina bambarooniae and Klossia helicina as an outgroup. Nodal support is provided by bootstrap values with only those >50 shown. (A) Maximum likelihood analysis under the conditions of the Tamura 3-parameter model. The tree with the highest log likelihood (− 1984·703) is shown. (B) Maximum parsimony analysis inferred from 11 648 most parsimonious trees.