1. Introduction
$X\subset \mathbb{P}^{n+2}_{\mathbb{C}}$
be a smooth
-dimensional complete intersection of two quadrics, with
$n\geq 2$
, and let
be its cotangent bundle. The
is canonically isomorphic to the algebra of symmetric tensors
$H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^{\scriptscriptstyle \bullet }T_X )$
. Recall that
carries a canonical symplectic structure. Our main result is the following theorem:
Theorem 1.1.
(a) The vector space
$W:=H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^{2}T_X )$
has dimension
, and the natural map
$\mathsf{S}^{\scriptscriptstyle \bullet } W\rightarrow H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^{\scriptscriptstyle \bullet }T_X )$
is an isomorphism.
(b) The corresponding map,
$\Phi : T^*X\rightarrow W^*\cong \mathbb{C}^n$
, is a Lagrangian fibration.
(c) When
is general, the general fiber of
is of the form
$A\smallsetminus Z$
, where
is an abelian variety and
$\mathrm{codim}\ Z\geq 2$
We will give a precise geometric description of the map
and of the abelian variety
in Sections 4 and 5.
(1) For
, (a) follows from Theorem 5.1 in [Reference De Oliveira and LangdonDOL19], while (b) and (c) are proved in [Reference Kim and LeeKL22]. The proof is based on the isomorphism
$T_X\cong \Omega ^1_X(1)$
. The theorem also follows from the fact that
is a moduli space for parabolic rank 2 bundles on
[Reference CasagrandeCas15], so
$\Phi :T^*X\rightarrow \mathbb{C}^2$
is identified to the Hitchin fibration (see [Reference Biswas, Holla and KumarBHK10]).
is isomorphic to the moduli space of vector bundles of rank 2 and fixed determinant of odd degree [Reference NewsteadNew68]; again, the theorem follows from the properties of the Hitchin fibration (see Section 2). It would be interesting to have a modular interpretation of
$n \geq 4$
. Note that the Hitchin map for
-bundles is homogeneous quadratic only when
or a product of copies of
, so this limits the possibilities of using it.
(2) The map
is an example of an algebraically completely integrable system; see Remark 5.1. There is an abundant literature on such systems; see, for instance, [Reference AudinA96].
A classical example, the geodesic flow on an ellipsoid, is discussed in detail in [Reference KnörrerK80]. The corresponding Lagrangian fibration takes place on the cotangent bundle of one quadric; it is not related to our
. However, some of the tools we use in Sections 4 and 5, in particular the variety
and the family of planes
, appear already in [Reference KnörrerK80] (with a different purpose).
(3) Such a situation is rather exceptional: Most varieties do not admit nonzero symmetric tensors (for instance, hypersurfaces of degree
$\geq 3$
[Reference Liu and ShaoHLS22]); when they do, even for varieties as simple as quadrics, the algebra of symmetric tensors is fairly complicated (see, for instance, [Reference Beauville and LiuBLi24]). We do not have a conceptual explanation for the particularly simple behavior in our case.
(4) For
$n= 2$
, the generality assumption on
in (c) is unnecessary. It seems likely that this is the case for all
, but our method does not allow us to make that conclusion.
1.2 Strategy
We will first treat the case
, which is independent of the rest of this article (Section 2). For the general case, we will develop two different approaches. In the first one we exhibit a natural
-dimensional subspace
$W\subset H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^2T_X)$
, from which we deduce a map
$\Phi :T^*X\rightarrow W^*\cong \mathbb{C}^n$
(Section 3). We then show that
has the required properties, which implies (a), (b) and (c) for general
(5.1). In the second approach (Section 7), we directly prove (a) for all smooth X, by realizing
as a double covering of a quadric.
1.3 Notations
Throughout this article,
will be a smooth complete intersection of two quadrics in
, with
$n\geq 2$
. We denote by
its cotangent bundle and by
$\mathbb{P} T^*X$
its projectivisation in the geometric sense (not in the Grothendieck sense). If
is a vector space, we denote by
the associated projective space
$V\smallsetminus \{0\}/\mathbb{C}^*$
parametrising 1-dimensional subspaces of
2. The case
$\boldsymbol{{n}} \textbf{=} \textbf{3}$
In this section we show how our general results can be obtained in the case
by interpreting
as a moduli space.
As in Section 4.1 below, we associate to
a genus 2 curve
such that the variety of lines in
is isomorphic to
. Let us fix a line bundle
of degree
; then
is isomorphic to the moduli space
of rank 2 stable vector bundles on
with determinant
[Reference NewsteadNew68]. The cotangent bundle
is naturally identified with the moduli space of Higgs bundles; that is, pairs
$E\in \mathscr{M}$
$u:E \rightarrow E\otimes K_C$
a homomorphism with
. The Hitchin map
$\Phi : T^*\mathscr{M}\rightarrow H^0(K_C^2)$
associates to a pair
the section
${\det u}$
. It is a Lagrangian fibration [Reference HitchinHit87].
$\omega \in H^0(K_C^2)$
. We assume in what follows that
vanishes at
distinct points. Let
$C_{\omega }$
be the curve in the cotangent bundle
defined by
. The projection
$\pi :C_{\omega }\rightarrow C$
is a double covering branched along
$\mathrm{div}(\omega )$
, and
$C_{\omega }$
is a smooth curve of genus 5. Let
be the Prym variety associated to
, that is, the kernel of the norm map
$\mathrm{Nm}:JC_{\omega }\rightarrow JC$
; it is a 3-dimensional abelian variety.
Proposition 2.1.
The fibre
$\Phi ^{-1}(\omega )$
is isomorphic to the complement of a curve in
Proof. Recall that the map
$L\mapsto \pi _*L$
establishes a bijective correspondence between line bundles on
$C_{\omega }$
and rank 2 vector bundles
endowed with a homomorphism
$u:E\rightarrow E\otimes K_C$
such that
$u^2=\omega \cdot \mathrm{Id}_E$
or, equivalently,
$\det u=\omega$
(see, for instance, [Reference Beauville, Narasimhan and RamananBNR89]). To get
$\Phi ^{-1}(\omega )$
, we have to impose
$\det E= N$
stable. Since
$\det \pi _*L= \mathrm{Nm}(L)\otimes K_C^{-1}$
, the first condition means that
belongs to the translate
$P_N:=\mathrm{Nm}^{-1}(K_C\otimes N)$
Then the vector bundle
$\pi _*L$
is unstable if and only if it contains an invertible subsheaf
of degree 1; this is equivalent to saying that there is a nonzero map
$\pi ^*M\rightarrow L$
; that is,
$L=\pi ^*M(p)$
for some point
$p\in C_{\omega }$
. The condition
$L\in P_N$
means that
$M^{2}(\pi (p))=K_C\otimes N$
, so
is determined by
up to the 2-torsion of
. Thus the locus of line bundles
$L\in P_N$
such that
$\pi _*L$
is unstable is a curve.
$\rho :C\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$
be the canonical double covering, with
$B\subset \mathbb{P}^1$
its branch locus. Since the homomorphism
$\mathsf{S}^2H^0(K_C)\rightarrow H^0(K_C^{2})$
is surjective, the divisor of
is of the form
$\rho ^*(p+q)$
, for some
$p,q\in \mathbb{P}^1$
; by assumption, we have
$p\neq q$
$p,q\notin B$
Proposition 2.2.
be the double covering of
branched along
$B\cup \{p,q\}$
. There is an exact sequence

Proof. Let
$\chi :\mathbb{P}^1\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$
be the double covering branched along
. Since
$\mathrm{div}(\omega ) =\rho ^*(p+q)$
, there is a cartesian diagram of double coverings
which gives rise to two commuting involutions
$\sigma, \tau$
$C_{\omega }$
, exchanging the two sheets of
, respectively. The field of rational functions on
$C_{\omega }$

are polynomials with
$\mathrm{div} f=B$
$\mathrm{div} g=\{p,q\}$
. Then
change the sign of
, respectively.
The involution
$\sigma \tau$
is fixed-point free, so the quotient
$\Gamma :=C_{\omega } /\langle{\sigma \tau } \rangle$
has genus 3; its field of functions is
, with
. We have again a cartesian square
$\alpha \in J\Gamma$
. We have
$\mathrm{Nm}_{\pi }\varphi ^*\alpha =\rho ^*\mathrm{Nm}_{\psi }\alpha =0$
; hence,
$\varphi ^*$
$P\subset JC_{\omega }$
. Since
is étale, we have
$\mathrm{Ker} \varphi ^*=\mathbb{Z}/2$
; since
$\dim J\Gamma =\dim P=3$
$\varphi ^*$
is surjective.
3. Definition of
be a smooth degree
hypersurface in
, defined by an equation
. Recall that one associates to
a section
$\mathsf{S}^2\Omega ^1_Y(d)$
, the hessian or second fundamental form of
[Reference Griffiths and HarrisGH79]: at a point
, the intersection of
with the tangent hyperplane
is a hypersurface in
singular at
, and
is the degree 2 term in the Taylor expansion of
Now let
$X\subset \mathbb{P}^{n+r}$
be a smooth complete intersection of
hypersurfaces of degree
; let

be the
-dimensional subspace of degree
polynomials vanishing on
. By restricting
, for
$f\in V$
, to
, we get a linear map

which gives at each point
$x\in X$
a linear space of quadratic forms on the tangent space
. Note that when
, the corresponding quadrics in
$\mathbb{P} (T_x(X))$
can be viewed geometrically as follows: The projective space
$\mathbb{P}( T_x(X))$
can be identified with the space of lines in
passing through
and tangent to
; then for each
$q\in V$
, the quadric defined by
parameterises the lines passing through
and contained in the quadric
Now we want to consider the ‘inverse’ of the quadratic form
; that is, the form on
given in coordinates by the cofactor matrix. Intrinsically, each
$f\in V$
gives a twisted symmetric morphism

which induces a twisted symmetric morphism on
-th exterior powers, namely,

We now observe that
; hence

$\wedge ^{n-1}h_f$
induces a symmetric morphism from
$\Omega ^1_X(n+1-r(d-1))$
, hence provides a section

Being locally given by the cofactor matrix,
$\wedge ^{n-1}h_f$
is homogeneous of degree
. Hence, we have constructed a linear map

From now on, we restrict to the case
, so
is the complete intersection of two quadrics, and the previous construction gives a linear map

Using the canonical isomorphism
$H^0(T^*X,\mathscr{O}_{T^*X})= H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^{\scriptscriptstyle \bullet }T_X)$
, we deduce from
a morphism

We have
$\Phi (\lambda v)=\lambda ^2\Phi (v)$
$v\in T^*X$
$\lambda \in \mathbb{C}$
, so
induces a rational map

whose indeterminacy locus
is the image of
$\Phi ^{-1}(0)$
Proposition 3.1.
$(1)\ \alpha$
is injective.
$(2)\ \Phi$
is surjective.
The image of
by the structure map
$p:\mathbb{P} T^*X\rightarrow X$
is a proper subvariety of
Proof. Let
be a general point of
. We claim that the base locus in
$\mathbb{P} (T_x(X))$
of the pencil of quadratic forms
$\{h_q(x)\}_{q\in V}$
is smooth. Indeed, this locus can be viewed as the variety
of lines in
passing through
. Let
be the Fano variety of lines contained in
, and let

and therefore
are smooth [Reference ReidReid72, Theorem 2.6], hence
, which is the fibre above
of the projection
$G\rightarrow X$
, is smooth since
is general. It follows that in an appropriate system of coordinates
$(k_1,\ldots, k_n )$
, the forms
can be written as

$\wedge ^{n-1}h_q(x)$
is given by the diagonal matrix with entries
$\beta _i:=\displaystyle \prod _{j\neq i}(t+\alpha _j)\ (i=1,\ldots, n)$
. These polynomials in
are linearly independent; hence, they generate the space of quadratic forms on
, which are diagonal in the basis
. This linear system has dimension
, so
is injective; it has no base point, so
induces a finite, surjective morphism
$\mathbb{P} (T^*_x(X))\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^{n-1}$
. Thus,
is surjective, and
$Z\cap \mathbb{P} (T^*_x(X))=\varnothing$
, which gives (2) and (3).
We want to give a geometric construction of the rational map
$\varphi : \mathbb{P} T^*X\dashrightarrow \mathbb{P}^{n-1}$
. A point of
$\mathbb{P} T^*X$
is a pair
, where
$x\in X$
is a hyperplane in
. Restricting the pencil
$\{h_q(x)\}_{q\in V}$
gives a pencil of quadrics on
, which for general
singular quadrics
$q_1,\ldots, q_{n-1}$
. The subset
$\{q_1,\ldots, q_{n-1}\}$
$\mathbb{P} (V)$
corresponds to a point
$\varphi _{x,H}$
; namely, the hyperplane in
spanned by
$q_1^{n-1},\ldots, q_{n-1}^{n-1}$
Proposition 3.2.
$\varphi (x,H)=\varphi _{x,H}$
Proof. We can assume that
is general. We have seen that the restriction of
$\mathbb{P} (T^*_xX)$
is the morphism given by the linear system of quadratic forms
$W\cong \mathsf{S}^{n-1}V$
spanned by the forms
$\wedge ^{n-1}h_q(x)$
, for
$q\in V$
; in other words,
maps the point
$\mathbb{P} (T^*_x(X))$
to the hyperplane of forms in
vanishing at
On the other hand,
$\varphi _{x,H}$
is the hyperplane of
spanned by the
for those
$q\in V$
such that
is singular; this condition is equivalent to saying that the form
$\wedge ^{n-1}h_q(x)$
vanishes at
. Therefore,
$\varphi _{x,H}$
is spanned by quadratic forms vanishing at
, hence coincides with
$\varphi (x,H)$
Corollary 3.3.
$\mathrm{codim} Z\geq 2$
Proof. Suppose that
contains a component
of codimension 1; since
$p(Z)\neq X$
, we have
. We claim that this is impossible; in fact,
cannot contain a fibre
. Indeed, its doing this would mean that for
$q\in V$
, the form
is singular along all hyperplanes
$H\subset T_x(X)$
; that is,
has rank
$\leq n-2$
. But the rank of
is the rank of the restriction of
to the projective tangent subspace to
. Restricting a quadratic form to a hyperplane lowers its rank by up to two. Since a general
has rank
, its restriction to a codimension 2 subspace has rank
$\geq n-1$
4. Fibers of
In an appropriate system of coordinates
$(x_0,\ldots, x_{n+2})$
, our variety
is defined by the equations
, with

$\Pi =\mathbb{P}(V)\ (\cong \mathbb{P}^1)$
be the pencil of quadrics containing
. We choose a coordinate
so that the quadrics of
are given by
. Then the singular quadrics of
correspond to the points
$\mu _0,\ldots, \mu _{n+2}$
The goal of this section is to describe the general fibre of the rational map
$\varphi :\mathbb{P} T^*X\dashrightarrow \mathsf{S}^{n-1}\Pi$
$(\cong \mathbb{P}^{n-1})$
. For
$\lambda =(\lambda _1,\ldots, \lambda _{n-1})\in \mathsf{S}^{n-1}\Pi$
, let
$C_{\mu, \lambda }$
denote the hyperelliptic curve
$y^2= \prod (t-\mu _i)\prod (t-\lambda _j)$
, of genus
. We will then prove the following:
Proposition 4.1.
general in
, the fibre
$\varphi ^{-1}(\lambda )$
is birational to the quotient of the Jacobian
$JC_{\mu, \lambda }$
by the group
$\Gamma :=\{\pm 1_{JC}\}\times \Gamma ^+$
, where
$\Gamma ^+\cong (\mathbb{Z}/2Z)^{n-2}$
is a group of translations by
-torsion elements.
4.1 Odd-dimensional intersection of 2 quadrics
We briefly recall here the results of Reid’s thesis ([Reference ReidReid72]; see also [Reference Desale and RamananDR76]). Let
$Y\subset \mathbb{P}^{2g+1}$
be a smooth intersection of 2 quadrics, and let
$\Xi \ (\cong \mathbb{P}^1)$
be the pencil of quadrics containing
. Let
$\Sigma \subset \Xi$
be the subset of
points corresponding to singular quadrics, and let
be the double covering of
branched along
; this is a hyperelliptic curve of genus
. The intermediate Jacobian
is isomorphic to
(as principally polarized abelian varieties). The variety
-planes contained in
is also isomorphic to
, but this isomorphism is not canonical.
In an appropriate system of coordinates, the equations of
are of the form

$\Sigma =\{\alpha _1,\ldots, \alpha _{2g+2}\}$
. The group
$\Gamma :=(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^{2g+1}$
acts on
(hence also on
) by changing the signs of the coordinates. Let
$\Gamma ^+\subset \Gamma$
be the subgroup of elements that change an even number of coordinates. Choose an element
$\gamma \in \Gamma \smallsetminus \Gamma ^+$
; there is an isomorphism
$F\stackrel{\sim }{\longrightarrow } JC$
such that
corresponds to (-1JC). Then the image of
$\Gamma ^+$
is the group
of translations by
-torsion elements of
, and the image of
$T_2\times \{\pm 1_{JC}\}$
[Reference Desale and RamananDR76, Lemma 4.5].
4.2 An auxiliary construction
We consider the projective space
equipped with the system of homogeneous coordinates

and the affine space
equipped with the affine coordinates
$\lambda _1,\ldots, \lambda _{n-1}$
. Let

be the complete intersection of the two quadrics with equations

The second projection,
$\mathscr{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{n-1},$
gives a family of complete intersections of two quadrics
of dimension
parameterised by
$ \mathbb{A}^{n-1}$
. Note that
is the intersection of
with the subspace
$\mathbb{P}^{n+2}\subset \mathbb{P}^{2n+1}$
defined by
$y_1=\ldots =y_{n-1}=0$
$p: \mathscr{F}\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{n-1}$
be the family of
-planes contained in the
$\mathscr{X}_{\lambda }$
; that is

general, the fibre
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }$
is isomorphic to the Jacobian of the hyperelliptic curve
$C_{\mu, \lambda }$
$(P,\lambda )$
be a general point of
. Then
$P\,\cap \, \mathbb{P}^{n+2}$
is a point
. Let
$\pi :\mathbb{P}^{2n+1}\dashrightarrow \mathbb{P}^{n+2}$
be the projection
$(x_i,y_j)\mapsto (x_i)$
. Since the
differentials of
coincide at
, the differential
* maps
$T_x(P)\subset T_x(\mathscr{X})$
. Since
is general,
$\pi _*T_x(P)$
is a hyperplane in
; this will follow from the proof of Proposition 4.2, (1) below, where we explicitly construct pairs
$(P,\lambda )$
with this property.
Therefore, we have a rational map

The symmetric group
acts on
by permuting the
and acts on the group
by changing their signs; this gives an action of the semi-direct product
$G:=(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^{n-1}\rtimes \mathfrak{S}_{n-1}$
. We make
act on
through its quotient
, by permutation of the
$\lambda _i$
. This induces an action of
and therefore on
, which is compatible via
with the action on the base. The map
is invariant under this action; hence, it factors through the quotient
. By passing to the quotient, we get a map
$p^\sharp : \mathscr{F}/G\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{n-1} /\mathfrak{S}_{n-1}$
Proposition 4.2.
$(1)\ \psi$
induces a birational map
$\psi ^{\sharp }:\mathscr{F}/G\dashrightarrow \mathbb{P} T^*X$
There is a commutative diagram
$p^{\sharp }$
is deduced from
and where
is the isomorphism given by symmetric functions.
Proof. (1) Let
$(x,H)\in \mathbb{P} T^*X$
; we want to describe the pairs
$(P,\lambda )$
such that
$P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n+2}=\{x\}$
$\pi _*T_x(P)=H$
. The latter condition says that via the decomposition

identifies with the graph of a linear map

Using the basis
$(\frac{\partial }{\partial y_1},\ldots, \frac{\partial }{\partial y_{n-1}} )$
$\mathrm{Ker}\, \pi _*$
, we have
$\alpha =(\alpha _1,\ldots, \alpha _{n-1})$
, where the
$\alpha _i$
are linear forms on
. The condition
$P\subset \mathscr{X}_{\lambda }$
implies that the hessians
vanish on
, which gives

This is a simultaneous diagonalisation of the quadratic forms
$h_{q_1}(x)_{\mid H}$
$h_{q_2}(x)_{\mid H}$
; when they are in general position, this determines the
$\lambda _i$
up to permutation and the
$\alpha _i$
up to sign and permutation, which proves (1).
(2) Let
$(P,\lambda )\in \mathscr{F}$
, and let
$(x,H):=\psi (P,\lambda )$
. According to Proposition 3.2,
$\varphi (x,H)$
is given by the
-uple of quadrics
$ q\in \Pi$
such that the form
$h_{q}(x)_{\mid H}$
is singular. Using
$(\alpha _1,\ldots, \alpha _{n-1})$
as coordinates on
, we see from (1) that this
-uple is given by
$(\lambda _1,\ldots, \lambda _{n-1})$
, which proves (2).
4.3 Proof of Proposition 4.1.
be a general element of
. Let us denote by
the subgroup
. From Proposition 4.2 and the cartesian diagram
we see that the fibre
$\varphi ^{-1}(\lambda )$
is birational to the quotient
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }/\Gamma$
. By (4.1) there is an isomorphism
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda } \stackrel{\sim }{\longrightarrow } JC_{\mu, \lambda }$
such that
acts on
$JC_{\mu, \lambda }$
$\{\pm 1_{J}\} \times \Gamma ^+$
, where
$\Gamma ^+$
is a group of translations by
-torsion elements. This proves the proposition.
5. Fibres of
5.1 Results
We keep the settings of the previous section. Recall that our parameter
lives in
$\mathbb{A}^{n-1}\subset \mathsf{S}^{n-1}\Pi \cong \mathbb{P}^{n-1}$
. For
, we denote by
$\tilde{\lambda }$
a lift of
for the quotient map
$\mathbb{C}^n\smallsetminus \{0\}\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^{n-1}$
Theorem 5.1.
Assume that
is general. For
$\lambda \in \mathbb{A}^{n-1}$
general, the fibre
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
is isomorphic to
$A\smallsetminus Z$
, where:
$\bullet \ A$
is the abelian variety quotient of
$JC_{\mu, \lambda }$
by a
-torsion subgroup, isomorphic to
$\bullet \ Z$
is a closed subvariety of codimension
$\geq 2$
Corollary 5.2.
For every smooth complete intersection of two quadrics
$X\subset \mathbb{P}^{n+2}$
, the fibration
$\Phi :T^*X\rightarrow \mathbb{C}^n$
is Lagrangian.
Proof. Assume first that
is general. The symplectic form on
, where
is the Liouville form. By Theorem 5.1 and Hartogs’ principle, the pull-back of
to a general fibre of
is the restriction of a 1-form on an abelian variety, hence is closed. This implies the result.
$p:\mathscr{X}\rightarrow B$
be a complete family of smooth intersection of two quadrics in
. The constructions of §3 can be globalised over
: we have a rank 2 vector bundle
whose fibre at a point
$b\in B$
is the space of quadratic forms vanishing on
. We get a homomorphism
$\mathsf{S}^{n-1}\mathscr{V}\rightarrow p_*T_{\mathscr{X}/B}$
, which thus gives rise to a morphism
$\boldsymbol{\Phi }:T^*(\mathscr{X}/B)\rightarrow \mathsf{S}^{n-1}\mathscr{V}^*$
which induces over each point
$b\in B$
our map
. There is a natural Liouville form
$\boldsymbol{\eta }$
: Since
$d\boldsymbol{\eta }$
vanishes on a general fibre of
$\boldsymbol{\Phi }$
, it vanishes on all fibres.
Corollary 5.3.
Assume that
is general. The multiplication map
$\mathsf{S}^{\scriptscriptstyle \bullet } H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^2T_X)\rightarrow H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^{\scriptscriptstyle \bullet }T_X)$
is an isomorphism.
(We will give in Section 7 a proof that is valid with no generality assumption.)
Proof. Theorem 5.1 implies that every function on a general fibre of
is constant; hence, the pull-back
$\Phi ^*:H^0(\mathbb{C}^n,\mathscr{O}_{\mathbb{C}^n})\rightarrow H^0(T^*X,\mathscr{O}_{T^*X})$
is an isomorphism. The right-hand space is canonically isomorphic to
$H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^{\scriptscriptstyle \bullet }T_X)$
; hence, we get an algebra isomorphism
$\mathbb{C}[t_1,\ldots, t_n]\stackrel{\sim }{\longrightarrow } H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^{\scriptscriptstyle \bullet }T_X)$
. By construction, the
are mapped to elements of
, so the Corollary follows.
Remark 5.4. Let
$V_1,\ldots, V_n$
be the Hamiltonian vector fields on
that are associated to the components of
. For
general in
, let us identify
$\Phi ^{-1}(\lambda )$
$A\smallsetminus Z$
as in the theorem. Then by Hartogs’ principle the
linearise on
; that is, they extend to a basis of
. In principle, this allows to write explicit solutions of the Hamilton equations for
$\Phi _i$
in terms of theta functions.
5.2 Proof of the theorem: lemmas
We fix a general point
$\lambda \in \mathbb{A}^{n-1}$
. We denote by
the open subset of
where the rational map
is well-defined and denote by
$\mathscr{F}^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }$
its intersection with the fibre
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }$
. Since
is general, the complement of
$\mathscr{F}^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }$
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }$
has codimension
$\geq 2$
. The rational map
induces a morphism
$\psi ^{\mathrm{o}}: \mathscr{F}^{\mathrm{o}}\rightarrow \mathbb{P} T^*X$
; we denote by
$\psi ^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }$
its restriction to
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{o}}$
. Let
$Z\subset \mathbb{P} T^*X$
be the indeterminacy locus of
(§ 3), and let
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{bad} }:= (\psi ^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda })^{-1}(Z)\subset \mathscr{F}^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }$
Proposition 5.5.
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{bad} }$
has codimension
$\geq 2$
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }$
We postpone the proof of Proposition 5.5 to the next section; here we show how it implies Theorem 5.1.
$0_X\subset T^*X$
be the zero section, and let
$q:T^*X\smallsetminus 0_X\rightarrow \mathbb{P} T^*X$
be the quotient map. Let
$\varphi ^{\mathrm{o}}: \mathbb{P} T^*X\smallsetminus Z\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^{n-1}$
be the morphism induced by
. We thus have
$\ q(\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } ))= (\varphi ^{\mathrm{o}})^{-1}(\lambda )$
, and the restriction

is an étale double cover, with Galois involution
induced by
We put
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}:= \mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{o}}\smallsetminus \mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{bad} }$
and consider the restriction

Lemma 5.6.
The fibre
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda })$
is Lagrangian, and has a trivial tangent bundle.
Proof. The étale double cover
$q_{\lambda }$
induces by fibred product an étale double cover

such that
$\psi ^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }$
lifts to a morphism
$\tilde{\psi }^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }: \widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}\rightarrow \Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
By Proposition 5.5, the complement of
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}$
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }$
has codimension
$\geq 2$
, so
extends to an étale double cover
$\widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }\rightarrow \mathscr{F}_{\lambda }$
, where
$\widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }$
is an abelian variety or the disjoint union of two abelian varieties. The morphism
$\tilde{\psi }^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }: \widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}\rightarrow \Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
is generically of maximal rank. Again by Proposition 5.5, the holomorphic 1-forms on
$\widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}$
are closed; hence by pull-back, the same holds for the holomorphic 1-forms on
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
. As in the proof of Corollary 5.2, this implies that
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
is Lagrangian. The second assertion is a basic property of Lagrangian fibres.
Lemma 5.7
The morphism
$\psi ^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }$
lifts to a morphism
$\tilde{\psi }^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }:\mathscr{F}^{\mathrm{oo}}_{\lambda }\rightarrow \Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
Proof. It suffices to show that the double covering
$\pi :\widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}\rightarrow \mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}$
Assuming the contrary,
$\widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }$
is an abelian variety. By Lemma 5.6
$H^0(\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda }), \Omega ^1)$
has dimension
. It follows that the pull-back
$(\tilde{\psi }^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda })^*: H^0(\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda }), \Omega ^1) \rightarrow H^0(\widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}},\Omega ^1)$
is bijective. Since the Galois involution of the double covering
acts trivially on holomorphic 1-forms, the same holds for the Galois involution
of the double covering
$q_{\lambda }: \Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )\rightarrow (\varphi ^{\mathrm{o}})^{-1}(\lambda )$
Now we observe that the 1-forms on
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda })$
are ‘pure’; that is, they extend to any smooth projective compactification of
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
. This follows from the fact that this holds after pull-back to
$\widetilde{\mathscr{F}}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}$
. But the quotient
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )/\iota$
is isomorphic to a Zariski open subset of
$\varphi ^{-1}(\lambda )$
, which, by Proposition 4.1, has no nonzero holomorphic 1-forms, so any Zariski open subset has no nonzero closed pure holomorphic 1-forms. This contradiction proves the lemma.
5.3 Proof of Theorem 5.1
Lemma 5.7 gives a factorisation,

By Proposition 4.1,
$\psi ^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda }$
induces a birational morphism,

it follows that for some subgroup
$\Gamma '\subset \Gamma$
of index
, the morphism
$\tilde{\psi _{\lambda }^{\mathrm{o}}}:\mathscr{F}_\lambda ^{\mathrm{oo}}\rightarrow \Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
factors through a birational morphism,

By Lemma 5.6, the cotangent bundle of
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
is trivial. Therefore, the cotangent bundle of
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }^{\mathrm{oo}}/\Gamma '$
is generically generated by its global sections. This implies that
$\Gamma '$
acts trivially on holomorphic 1-forms and, hence, is the subgroup
$\Gamma ^{+}$
generated by translations, isomorphic to
; thus
$\mathscr{F}_{\lambda }/\Gamma '$
is an abelian variety
To simplify notation, we write
$A^{\mathrm{o}}:=\mathscr{F}^{\mathrm{oo}}_{\lambda }/\Gamma '$
$u:=\tilde{\psi }^{\mathrm{o}}_{\lambda, \Gamma '}$
. The rational map
$u^{-1}: \Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )\dashrightarrow A$
is everywhere defined (e.g. [Reference Birkenhake and LangeBL92, Theorem 4.9.4]), so we have two morphisms

whose composition is the inclusion
$A^{\mathrm{o}}\hookrightarrow A$
. Since the tangent bundles of
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
are trivial, the determinant of
$Tu: T_{A^{\mathrm{o}}}\rightarrow u^*T _{\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )}$
is a function on
, hence constant by Proposition 5.5. Therefore,
is étale and birational, hence an open embedding. This implies that every function on
$\Phi ^{-1}(\widetilde{\lambda })$
is constant (because its restriction to
is constant). Then the previous argument shows that
is also an open embedding, hence
$\Phi ^{-1}(\tilde{\lambda } )$
is isomorphic to an open subset of
. This proves the theorem.
6. Proof of Proposition 5.5
We keep the notations of Section 4.2. Recall that we have coordinates
$(x_0,\ldots, x_{n+2};y_1,\ldots, y_{n-1})$
and subspaces
defined by
be the equations defining
, and let
be the vector space of quadratic forms in
$y=(y_1,\ldots, y_{n-1})$
. We define an extended family
$\mathscr{X}^{e}\subset \mathbb{P}^{2n+1}\times R^2$

The fibre
at a point
is the intersection in
of the two quadrics
$q_1(x)+r_1(y)= q_2(x)+r_2(y)=0$
. Let
be the Grassmannian of
-planes in
; we define as before

and the extended rational map
$\psi ^{e}:\mathscr{F}^{e}\dashrightarrow \mathbb{P} T^*X$
, which maps a general
$P\subset \mathscr{X}^{e}_r$
to the pair
, with
$\{x\}=P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n+2}$
$H=\pi _*T_x(P)$
We observe that a general pair
is simultaneously diagonalisable, so the restriction of
$\psi ^{e}$
coincides, for an appropriate choice of the coordinates
, with the map
$\psi _{\lambda }$
that we want to study.
Proposition 6.1.
Assume that
is general.
$\Gamma \subset \mathscr{F}^{e}$
be the locus of points
such that either
$\dim P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n+2}\gt 0$
, or
$P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n-2}\neq \varnothing$
. Then
has codimension
$\geq 2$
There exists no divisor in
$\mathscr{F}^{e}\smallsetminus \Gamma$
that dominates
and that is mapped to the base locus
$Z\subset \mathbb{P} T^*X$
$\psi _e$
We claim that this implies Proposition 5.5. Indeed, as just explained above, it suffices to prove the analogue of Proposition 5.5 for
$\psi ^e$
. Next, it is clear that the indeterminacy locus of
$\psi ^e$
is contained in
, so
$\psi ^e$
is well-defined on
$\mathcal{F}^e\smallsetminus \Gamma$
. By Proposition 6.1, (1), it now suffices to prove the analogue of Proposition 5.5 for the restriction of
$\psi ^e$
$\mathcal{F}^e\smallsetminus \Gamma$
. This is exactly the statement of Proposition 6.1, (2).
Proof of Proposition 6.1
: (1) Let
be the vector space of quadratic forms on
of the form
for some quadratic forms
. For each pair of integers
$k\geq 0$
$l\geq -1$
, let
be the locally closed subvariety of
$P\in \mathbb{G}$
such that

(We put, by convention,
$P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n-2}=\varnothing$
.) Let


The general fibre of the projection
$\mathscr{F}^{\mathcal{Q}}\rightarrow \mathcal{Q}^2$
is an abelian variety, and we recover
by restricting
to pairs of quadratic forms of the form
$(q_{1}(x)+r_{1}(y), q_{2}(x)+r_{2}(y))$
, with
fixed. Because we assume
general, the pair
is general in
. It thus suffices to prove the result for the larger family
; that is, to show that
has codimension
$\geq 2$
This is done by a dimension count. For
$P\in \mathbb{G}$
, let
$\varphi _P$
be the restriction map
$\mathcal{Q}\rightarrow H^0(P,\mathscr{O}_{P}(2))$
. The fibre of the projection
$\mathscr{F}^{\mathcal{Q}}\rightarrow \mathbb{G}$
is the vector space
$(\mathrm{Ker} \varphi _P)^{\oplus 2}$
. For
$\varphi _P$
is surjective: This is the case, for instance, if
is contained in the
-plane in
defined by
$y_i=x_i\ (i=1,\ldots, n-1)$
. However,
$\varphi _P$
is not surjective for
$P\in \mathbb{G}_{k,l}$
because the forms
are singular along
$P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n+2}$
and the forms
are singular along
$P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n-2}$
; this implies that the subspaces
$P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n+2}$
$P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n-2}$
are apolar for all forms in
$\mathrm{Im} \varphi _P$
. Therefore, the corank of
$\varphi _P$
$\geq (k+1)(l+1)$
, and there is equality when
is contained in the subspace defined by
$x_0=\ldots =x_{n+1-k}=y_1=\ldots =y_{n-2-l}=0$
, hence for
general in
. Thus our assertion follows from:

(2) The base locus
$Z\subset \mathbb{P} T^*X$
has codimension
$\geq 2$
(Corollary 3.3). Note that
$\psi ^{e}$
is well-defined in
$\mathscr{F}^{e}\smallsetminus \Gamma$
. If
is a codimension
subvariety in
$\mathscr{F}^{e}\smallsetminus \Gamma$
, with
$\psi ^{e}(\mathscr{D})\subset Z$
, the map
$\psi ^{e}$
does not have maximal rank along
. This contradicts the following lemma:
Lemma 6.2.
$\psi ^{e}$
has maximal rank on
$\mathscr{F}^{e}\smallsetminus \Gamma$
Proof. Let
be a point of
$\mathbb{P} T^*X$
; we view
as a hyperplane in the projective tangent space to
. The fibre of
$\psi ^{e}: \mathscr{F}^{e}\smallsetminus \Gamma \rightarrow \mathbb{P} T^*X$
is the locus

The equations (2) define a smooth, locally closed subvariety
. Let
$P\in \mathbb{G}_{x,H}$
, and let
$\chi _P: R\rightarrow H^0(P,\mathscr{O}_P(2))$
be the restriction map. We will show below that the image of
$\chi _P$
is the space of quadratic forms on
that are singular at
. Since the forms
are singular at
, this implies that the solutions of (3) form an affine space over
$(\mathrm{Ker} \chi _P)^{\oplus 2}$
. Therefore,
$(\psi ^{e})^{-1}(x,H)$
admits an affine fibration over
, hence is smooth.
Clearly the quadrics in
$\mathrm{Im} \chi _P$
are singular at
. To prove the opposite inclusion, choose the coordinates
so that
$x=(1,0,\ldots, 0)$
. Since
$P\cap \mathbb{P}^{n+2}=\{x\}$
, there exist linear forms
$\ell _1,\ldots, \ell _{n+2}$
in the
so that
is defined by
$x_i=\ell _{i}(y)$
$i=1,\ldots, n+2$
. Then a quadratic form on
singular at
can be written as a form in
$x_1,\ldots, x_{n+2} ;y_1,\ldots, y_{n-1}$
; hence, its restriction to
is in
$\mathrm{Im} \chi _P$
. This proves the lemma and, hence, also the proposition.
7. Symmetric tensors: second approach
7.1 The cotangent bundle of a smooth quadric
We consider a smooth quadric
$Q\subset \mathbb{P}^{n+1}$
defined by an equation
. Its cotangent bundle
$\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
parameterises pairs
$x\in Q$
-plane tangent to
. Thus, we get a morphism
$\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
to the Grassmannian
-planes in
, which is the morphism defined by the linear system
$\lvert{\mathscr{O}_{\mathbb{P} T^*Q}(1)}\rvert$
. It is birational onto its image, but contracts the subvariety
$\mathscr{C}\subset \mathbb{P} T^*Q$
that consists of pairs
, such that
is tangent to
along a line
$\ell \subset Q$
$x\in \ell$
; then
$\gamma ^{-1}(P)$
consists of the pairs
$x\in \ell$
$h_q\in H^0(Q,\mathsf{S}^2 \Omega ^1 _Q(2))$
be the hessian form of
(§3). Choosing coordinates
such that
$q(x)=\sum x_i^2$
, we have
$h_q=\sum (dx_i)^2$
(note that this is, up to a scalar, the unique element of
$H^0(Q,\mathsf{S}^2 \Omega ^1 _Q(2))$
invariant under
). Then
is non-degenerate at each point
, so
induces an isomorphism
$\Omega ^1 _Q(1)\stackrel{\sim }{\longrightarrow } T_Q(-1)$
, hence also
$\mathsf{S}^2 \Omega ^1 _Q(2)\stackrel{\sim }{\longrightarrow } \mathsf{S}^2 T_Q(-2)$
. The image in
$H^0(Q,\mathsf{S}^2 T_Q(-2))$
by this isomorphism is
$h'_q=\sum \partial _j^2$
. We will view
as an element of
$H^0(\mathbb{P} T^*Q,\mathscr{O}_{\mathbb{P} T^*Q}(2)\otimes p^*\mathscr{O}_Q(-2))$
, where
$p: \mathbb{P} T^*Q\rightarrow Q$
is the projection.
Proposition 7.1.
The divisor of
. The projection
$p_{|\mathscr{C}}:\mathscr{C}\rightarrow Q$
is a smooth quadric fibration, and
is a prime divisor for
$n\geq 3$
Proof. Let
$x\in Q$
; the hyperplane tangent to
cuts out a cone over the smooth quadric
$Q_x\subset \mathbb{P}(T_x(Q))$
defined by
(Section 3). The isomorphism
$T_x(Q)\stackrel{\sim }{\longrightarrow } T^*_x(Q)$
given by
into the dual quadric
. On the other hand, a point
$y\in p^{-1}(x)$
corresponds to a hyperplane
$H_y\subset \mathbb{P}(T_x(Q))$
, and
belongs to
if and only if
is tangent to
; that is, if
$y\in Q_x^*$
. This proves the equality
$\mathscr{C}=\mathrm{div} (h'_q)$
and thus, that the fiber of
$p_{|\mathscr{C}}:\mathscr{C}\rightarrow Q$
, which is smooth and connected if
$n\geq 3$
Remark 7.2 The variety
is an example of a total dual VMRT [Reference Liu and ShaoHLS22]. For the proof of the theorem, we will combine this tool with the birational transformation of
$\mathbb{P} T^* X$
defined by a double cover. (Compare with [Reference Anella and HöringAH23]).
We will have to consider the following situation: Let
be another quadric in
, such that the intersection
$B:=Q\cap Q'$
is a smooth hypersurface in
. The surjection
$T_{Q}\rightarrow N_{B/Q}$
gives a section of
$\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
, hence an embedding
$s:B\hookrightarrow \mathbb{P} T^*Q$
Lemma 7.3.
The image
is not contained in
Proof. Let
$x\in B$
. The point
corresponds to the hyperplane image of
; we must therefore show that this hyperplane is not tangent to the quadric
. In terms of projective space, this means that the projective tangent space to
is not tangent, at a smooth point
, to the cone cut out on
by the projective tangent space to
Suppose that this is the case, with
$y=(y_0,\ldots, y_{n+1})$
. We can assume that
is defined by
$\sum \alpha _i x_i^2=0$
, with
$\alpha _i\in \mathbb{C}$
distinct. Then the (projective) tangent space to
, given by
$\sum (\alpha _ix_i)\xi _i=0$
, must coincide with the tangent space to
, given by
$\sum y_i\xi _i=0$
. This implies
$y=(\alpha _0x_0,\ldots, \alpha _{n+1}x_{n+1})$
. Thus the point
must satisfy

If these relations hold for all
, the quadric
$\sum \alpha _i^2 x_i^2=0$
must belong to the pencil spanned by
. This means that there exist scalars
$\lambda, \mu, \nu$
such that

which is impossible since the
$\alpha _i$
are distinct. Therefore, there exists
$x\in B$
such that
$s(x)\notin \mathscr{C}$
7.2 Explicit description of symmetric tensors
We keep the notation of the previous sections:
$X\subset \mathbb{P}=\mathbb{P}^{n+2}$
is defined by
, and with

We put
$\partial _i:=\dfrac{\partial }{\partial x_i} \,\cdot$
We have an exact sequence

maps the restriction of a vector field
$V\cdot q_i$
. This gives the exact sequence of symmetric tensors

$dq_i(V_1V_2)=(V_1\cdot q_i)V_2+(V_2\cdot q_i)V_1$
$H^0(X, T_{\mathbb{P}|X})$
Proposition 7.4.
The quadratic vector fields
$\displaystyle s_i:=\sum _{j\neq i} \dfrac{(x_i\partial _j-x_j\partial _i)^2}{\mu _j-\mu _i}$
$H^0(X, \mathsf{S}^2 T_{\mathbb{P}|X})$
belong to the image of
$H^0(X, \mathsf{S}^2 T_{X})$
Proof. According to the exact sequence (4), we have to prove
We have
$(x_i\partial _j-x_j\partial _i)\cdot q_1=0$
; hence,
$dq_2(x_i\partial _j-x_j\partial _i,x_i\partial _j-x_j\partial _i)= 4(\mu _j-\mu _i)x_ix_j(x_i\partial _j-x_j\partial _i)$
. Hence, using
$\sum x_j\partial _j=0$

In the rest of this article, we will consider the
to be elements of
$H^0(X, \mathsf{S}^2 T_{X})$
7.3 The double cover
$p_0: \mathbb{P}^{n+2}\dashrightarrow \mathbb{P}^{n+1}$
be the projection
$(x_0,\ldots, x_{n+2})\mapsto (x_1,\ldots, x_{n+2})$
. The image
is the smooth quadric
defined by

The restriction
$\pi : X\rightarrow Q$
is a double covering that is branched along the subvariety
$B\subset Q$
defined by

It is a smooth complete intersection of 2 quadrics in
. The ramification locus
$R\subset X$
(isomorphic to
) is the hyperplane section
The tangent map of
$\pi :X\rightarrow Q$
gives a morphism,

which is an isomorphism outside of
. Consider the normal exact sequence

The involution
$\iota :(x_0,\ldots, x_{n+2})\mapsto (-x_0,x_1,\ldots, x_{n+2})$
acts on
; this splits the exact sequence, giving a decomposition

into eigenspaces for the eigenvalues
. Let
$\rho : T_{X|R}\rightarrow T_R$
be the projection on the first summand. We deduce from
a sequence of homomorphisms

$\iota _*\partial _0=-\partial _0$
$\iota _*\partial _j=\partial _j$
$j\gt 0$
, we have

in other words,
$s_1,\ldots, s_{n+2}$
to the elements
$\hat{s}_1,\ldots, \hat{s}_{n+2}$
$H^0(R, \mathsf{S}^2T_R)$
constructed in Proposition 7.2.1 applied to
$\pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
be the pull-back under
of the projective bundle
$\mathbb{P} T^*Q\rightarrow Q$
. The homomorphism
$\tau :T_X\rightarrow \pi ^*T_Q$
gives rise to the birational map
$g: \pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q\dashrightarrow \mathbb{P} T^*X$
. Following the geometric description of the tangent map as an elementary transformation of vector bundles in the sense of Maruyama in [Reference MaruyamaMar72] and [Reference MaruyamaMar73, Corollary 1.1.1], one has a commutative diagram

are the canonical projections;
$\nu : \Gamma \rightarrow \mathbb{P} T^* X$
is the blow-up along the subspace
$\mathbb{P} T^* R \subset \mathbb{P} T^* X$
defined by the projection
; and
$\mu :\Gamma \rightarrow \pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
is the blow-up of the image
of the embedding
$B\hookrightarrow \pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
deduced from the surjective homomorphism
$\pi ^*T_Q\rightarrow \pi ^*N_{B/X}$
$E_{\mu }$
be the exceptional divisor of
. By [Reference MaruyamaMar73, Theorem 1.1], there is an isomorphism

as well as the equality

7.4 The divisor of
We now consider the divisor
$\mathscr{C}\subset \mathbb{P} T^*Q$
defined in (7.1) and the cartesian diagram
$\mathscr{C}^{\,\prime}:= \pi '^{-1}(\mathscr{C})$
. The projection
$\mathscr{C}^{\,\prime}\rightarrow X$
is again a smooth quadric fibration, so
is smooth and connected for
$n\geq 3$
Recall that we have defined the element
$\displaystyle s_0:=\sum _{j=1}^{n+2} \dfrac{(x_0\partial _j-x_j\partial _0)^2}{\mu _j-\mu _0} \in H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^2T_X)$
(7.2). We will now view
as an element of
$H^0(\mathbb{P} T^*X,\mathscr{O}(2))$
Proposition 7.5
$n\geq 3$
. We have
Proof. We first show that
$g_*\mathscr{C}^{\,\prime}\in \lvert{\mathscr{O}_{\mathbb{P} T^*X}(2)}\rvert$
. By Proposition 7.1 we have
$\mathscr{C}^{\,\prime}\in \lvert{\mathscr{O}_{\pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q}(2)\otimes p^*\mathscr{O}_X(-2)}\rvert$
. Using (7), (8) and the projection formula, we get the linear equivalences

Thus, it is enough to prove that
$\nu _*\mu ^*\mathscr{C}^{\,\prime}$
is irreducible. Since
is irreducible and
is the blow-up along
$B'\subset \pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
, it suffices to show that
is not contained in
. If this is the case, then we have
$\pi '(B')\subset \pi ' (\mathscr{C}^{\,\prime})=\mathscr{C}$
. But
$\pi '(B')=s(B)$
, where
$s: B\hookrightarrow \mathbb{P} T^*Q$
is the embedding defined by the surjective homomorphism
$T_Q\rightarrow N_{B/Q}$
. Then the result follows from Lemma 7.3.
are linearly equivalent effective divisors and
is irreducible, it suffices to show that their restrictions to
$\mathbb{P} T_x^*(X)$
coincide at a general point
$x\in X$
Fix a point
$x=(x_0,\dots, x_{n+2})\in X\smallsetminus R$
so that
$x_0\not =0$
. Then the tangent map
$T\pi (x): T_x(X)\rightarrow T_{\pi (x)}(Q)$
is an isomorphism; in diagram (6), the maps
$\mu, \nu$
restricted over the fibres at
are all isomorphisms. Let us show that
$T\pi (\mathrm{div}(s_0))$
define the same quadric in
$\mathbb{P} (T_{\pi (x)}(Q))$
Note that
$\mathscr{C}^{\,\prime}\cap \mathbb{P} (T^*_{x}(X))=\mathscr{C}\cap \mathbb{P} (T^*_{\pi (x)}(Q))$
is the quadric defined by the element
of (7.1). In the coordinates
defined by
$z_i= (\mu _i-\mu _0)^{1/2}x_i$
, the equation of
$\displaystyle \sum _{j=1}^{n+2}z_j^2=0$
, so

On the other hand, since
$\pi (x_0,\ldots, x_{n+2})=(x_1,\ldots, x_{n+2})$
, we have
$T\pi (\partial _0)=0$
$T\pi (\partial _j)=\partial _j$
$j\gt 0$
; hence,

$x_0\neq 0$
, this proves the proposition.
7.5 Proof of part (a) of the theorem
Suppose now that
$n \geq 3$
. Consider the double cover
$ \pi : X \rightarrow Q$
and the ramification divisor
$R \subset X$
. The restriction maps
defined in Section 7.3 yield a homomorphism of graded

Proposition 7.6
The kernel
is the ideal generated by
Proof. Since
is a homogeneous ideal, it suffices to prove that every homogeneous element
$s\in \mathscr{I}$
can be written as
$s=s' s_0$
for some element
$s'\in S(X)$
Choose an element
$s \in \mathscr{I}$
of degree
. This element corresponds to an effective Cartier divisor
in the linear system
$|\mathscr{O}_{\mathbb{P} T^* X}(k)|$
. Recall the commutative diagram (6):
$ \hat{G} :=\mu _* \nu ^* G\subset \pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
. By (7),
belongs to the linear system
$\lvert{\mathscr{O}_{\pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q}(k)}\rvert$
Here is the key observation: Since
$s \in \mathscr{I}$
, the divisor
$ \hat{G} \subset \pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
$p^* R$
. Indeed, since
$(\pi ^*T_Q)_{|R}$
is invariant under
, the homomorphism
$\tau ^{} _{|R}$
factors as

Therefore, we have a commutative diagram,
$\mathsf{S}^k\tau (s)$
vanishes on
. But
is the divisor of
$\mathsf{S}^k\tau (s)$
, viewed as a section of
$\mathscr{O}_{\pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q}(k)$
; hence,
Now we want to show that the divisor
$\mathscr{C}^{\,\prime}\subset \pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q$
is a component of
. Recall from (7.1) that
is the union of the lines
that are contracted by the morphism
$\gamma : \mathbb{P} T^*Q\rightarrow \mathbb{G}$
and that
$c_1(\mathscr{O}_{\mathbb{P} T^*Q}(1))\cdot \ell =0$
. Thus the curves
$\ell ':=\pi '^*\ell$
and satisfy
$c_1(\mathscr{O}_{\pi ^*\mathbb{P} T^*Q}(1))\cdot \ell '=0$
. On the other hand, the divisor
$R\subset X$
is a hyperplane section, so
$p^*R\cdot \ell '=R\cdot p_*\ell '\gt 0$
. Therefore,

is a component of
. Thus,
is a component of
. Since
by Proposition 7.5, this proves the proposition.
The following proposition implies part (a) of our main theorem:
Proposition 7.7.
$n\geq 2$
. For any choice of indices
$0\leq i_1\lt \ldots \lt i_n\leq n+2$
, the homomorphism
$\mathbb{C}[t_1,\ldots, t_{n}]\rightarrow S(X)$
, which maps
, with
$\deg (t_i)=2$
, is an isomorphism of graded
Proof. We argue by induction on
. The statement for
follows from [Reference De Oliveira and LangdonDOL19, Theorem 5.1], except for the fact that any two of the
. Up to the permuting of the coordinates, it suffices to prove that
are linearly independent. But
$h^2:H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^2T_X)\rightarrow H^0(R,\mathsf{S}^2T_R)$
to zero and maps
$i\gt 0$
) to the corresponding elements
; this implies our assertion.
$n\geq 3$
. By the induction hypothesis, the homomorphism
$\mathbb{C}[t_1,\ldots, t_{n-1}]\rightarrow S(R)$
, which maps
, is an isomorphism of graded
-algebras (with
$\deg (t_i)=2$
). It follows that
is surjective and that
$(s_0,\ldots, s_{n-1})$
form a basis of
$H^0(X,\mathsf{S}^2 T_X)$
and generate the
. Thus we have a surjective homomorphism
$u:\mathbb{C}[t_0,\ldots, t_{n-1}]\rightarrow S(X)$
, with
In particular, the Krull dimension of
is at most
. On the other hand, the ring
is a domain, and
is neither zero nor a unit. Thus, by Krull’s Hauptidealsatz, the Krull dimension of
is equal to
; hence,
is an isomorphism. By permutation of the coordinates, we get the same result for any choice of
elements in
$\{s_0,\ldots, s_{n+2}\}$
. This proves the proposition.
Conflicts of Interest
Financial Support
J. Liu is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2021YFA1002300), the NSFC grants (No. 12001521 and No. 12288201) and the CAS Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research (No. YSBR-033).
Journal Information
Moduli is published as a joint venture of the Foundation Compositio Mathematica and the London Mathematical Society. As not-for-profit organisations, the Foundation and Society reinvest
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