The publishers apologise that the images for figure 7 and 8 were mistakenly merged together into one figure and published as figure 7 as shown below.

The correct images should have been individually presented with their own captions as below:

Figure 7. Presidential approval dynamics in contemporary Chile.
Source: Own construction on the basis of CEP Survey 1990-2023

Figure 8. Sample WhatsApp messages sent to “my representative” in the Convention.
Source: Plataforma Telar (2021).
Presented correctly the reference third paragraph on page 87 should be for Figure 8.
In this sense, for example, the election of a Mapuche woman as president of the constituent body was seen as a positive sign as it distinguished the Convention from traditional politics. One participant in these focus groups stated, for example: “If they elected a Mapuche woman as president, it gives me hope that it will be something different from the usual politicians.” Accordingly, when participants were asked in the same study to send a message to “their” representative, the messages collected underscored the need for differentiation from traditional politics. Figure 8 lists a series of such messages, dominated by the expression “No:::”, which directly states the demand for a different relationship than the one assigned to the traditional political system. Other responses convey a similar sentiment with different phrasing.