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Political Work and Work of Claiming Rights - Kaveri Haritas, In Search of Home. Citizenship, Law and the Politics of the Poor (Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2021, 194 p.) - Emilia Schijman, À qui appartient le droit ? Ethnographier une économie de la pauvreté (Paris, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, LGDJ, coll. “Droit et Société”, 2019, 188 p.)
Review products
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2023

- Type
- Book Review
- Information
- European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie , Volume 63 , Issue 3 , December 2022 , pp. 441 - 447
- Copyright
- © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of European Journal of Sociology
1 Lourdes Benería, 1979. “Reproduction, Production and the Sexual Division of Labour,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 3 (3): 203-225; Tithi Bhattacharya, 2017. Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression (London, Pluto Press).
2 Lourdes Benería, Günseli Berik and Maria Floro, 2015. Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics as If All People Mattered (London, Routledge).
3 Arlie Russell Hochschild, [1983] 2012. The Managed Heart. Commercialization of Human Feeling (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, University of California press).
4 Viviana A. Zelizer, 2005. The Purchase of Intimacy (Princeton, Princeton University Press).
5 Maxine Molyneux, 2007. “Conditional Cash Transfers: A Pathway to Women’s Empowerment?” Pathways to Women’s Empowerment, Working Paper 5 (Sussex, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex); Blandine Destremau and Isabel Georges, eds, 2017. Le “Care”, Face Morale Du Capitalisme: Assistance et Police Des Familles En Amérique Latine (Bruxelles, Peter Lang).
6 Antonio Maria Pusceddu, Giacomo Loperfido and Susana Narotzky, 2021. “The Everyday States of Austerity: Politics and Livelihoods in Europe,” Antropologia, 8 (3): 7-23.
7 Vincent Dubois, 2021. Contrôler Les Assistés. Genèses et Usages d’un Mot d’ordre (Paris, Raisons d’Agir).
8 Marine Al Dahdah and Mathieu Quet, 2020. “Between Tech and Trade, the Digital Turn in Development Policies,” Development, 63 (2): 219-225 [].
9 Rachel Knaebel, 2022. “Face à des Caf devenues des monstres numériques sans humanité, un collectif s’organise,” Basta! [].
10 Barbara Laslett and Johanna Brenner, 1989. “Gender and Social Reproduction: Historical Perspectives,” Annual Review of Sociology, 15 (1): 381-404.
11 Jan Breman and Marcel Van der Linden, 2014. “Informalizing the Economy: The Return of the Social Question at a Global Level,” Development and Change, 45 (5): 920-940.
12 Rina Agarwala, 2013. Informal Labor, Formal Politics, and Dignified Discontent in India (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press); Destremau and Georges, eds, 2017, cf. infra.
13 Pusceddu, Loperfido and Narotzky, 2021, cf. infra.