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Reviewing the Classics - Colin Renfrew. The Emergence of Civilisation: The Cyclades and The Aegean in The Third Millennium bc. (Oxford: Oakville, CT: Oxbow Books; David Brown Book Co. 2011, Reprint of 1972 edition with foreword by John F. Cherry, 634 pp., 34 b/w illustr., maps, pbk, ISBN 0977409465)
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Colin Renfrew. The Emergence of Civilisation: The Cyclades and The Aegean in The Third Millennium bc. (Oxford: Oakville, CT: Oxbow Books; David Brown Book Co. 2011, Reprint of 1972 edition with foreword by John F. Cherry, 634 pp., 34 b/w illustr., maps, pbk, ISBN 0977409465)
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 08 April 2022
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