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Donat Pharand (1922–2018)
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 August 2018

- Type
- Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaries
- Information
- Canadian Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international , Volume 55 , October 2018 , pp. 330 - 334
- Copyright
- Copyright © The Canadian Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international 2018
Editors’ Note: The Board of Editors was deeply saddened to learn of the passing, in April 2018, of Professor Donat Pharand, a founding member of the Board and past Associate Editor of the Yearbook (1974–82, vols 12–20). Le Comité est très reconnaissant à la professeure Suzanne Lalonde, qui avait collaboré étroitement avec le professeur Pharand, d’avoir rédigé ce court hommage à sa vie et son œuvre.
1 Pharand, Donat, “La théorie des secteurs dans l’Arctique à l’égard du Droit international” (Doctorat d’Université, Université de droit, d’économie et de sciences sociales de Paris, 1955) at 145 [unpublished].Google Scholar
2 Certificate, 26 December 1955, Donat Pharand’s personal files [on file with the author].
3 Pharand’s first article on the law of the sea of the Arctic was published in 1968 in the American Journal of International Law. Pharand, Donat, “Soviet Union Warns United States against Use of Northeast Passage” (1968) 62 AJIL 927.Google Scholar His last article, an exhaustive summary of the issues and principles involved in the debate over the Northwest Passage, was published in March 2007. Pharand, Donat, “The Arctic Waters and the Northwest Passage: A Final Revisit” (2007) 38:3 ODIL 3.Google Scholar
4 Pharand, Donat, The Law of the Sea of the Arctic with Special Reference to Canada (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1973).Google Scholar
5 Pharand, Donat, Northwest Passage: Arctic Straits (Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1984).Google Scholar
6 Pharand, Donat, Canada’s Arctic Waters in International Law (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1988).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
7 McRae, Donald M, “Book Review of Canada’s Arctic Waters in International Law by D Pharand” (1987) 25 CYIL 535 at 537.Google Scholar Ted McDorman has also referred to Donat Pharand as “[t]he foremost world authority on the international law of the sea in the Arctic.” McDorman, Ted L, “Book Review of The Northwest Passage: Arctic Straits by D Pharand” (1985) 9 Dal LJ 827 at 833.Google Scholar
8 Lowe, Vaughan, “Book Review of Canada’s Arctic Waters in International Law by D Pharand” (1989) 38 ICLQ 703 at 703.Google Scholar
9 Rousseau, Charles, “Recension de Canada’s Arctic Waters in International Law de D Pharand” (1989) 93 RGDIP 464 at 464.Google Scholar
10 Flemming, B, “Book Review of The Law of the Sea of the Arctic by D Pharand” (1974) 12 CYIL 369 at 370.Google Scholar
11 Prescott, Victor, “Book Review of Canada’s Arctic Waters in International Law by D Pharand” (1989) 5 National Geographic Research 271 at 271.Google Scholar
12 Rutter, Michael F, “Book Review of The Law of the Sea of the Arctic by D Pharand” (1975) 13 Alta L Rev 371 at 371.Google Scholar
13 Hutchinson, DN, “Book Review of The Northwest Passage: Arctic Straits by D Pharand” (1987) 36 ICLQ 172 at 172.Google Scholar
14 Jacquemart, Claude, “Book Review of The Law of the Sea of the Arctic by D Pharand” (1974) 20 AFDI 1125 at 1126.Google Scholar
15 Pharand was very proud, and rightly so, of a map of the Canadian Arctic archipelago that he devised in the late 1980s with engineering students at the University of Ottawa. Using small lights, Pharand could highlight the main route through the Northwest Passage (including red and green lights at the entrances to the passage). Pharand could also light up the Canadian Arctic baselines and the outer limit of Canada’s exclusive economic zone on his map.
16 Lalonde, Suzanne & Macdonald, Ronald St J, “Donat Pharand: The Arctic Scholar” (2006) 44 CYIL 3.Google Scholar