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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 September 2020

- Type
- Roman Britain in 2019
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- Copyright © The Authors, 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
71 Work by M. Luke, J. Barker, W. Kier and I. Turner of Albion Archaeology. M. Luke sent information.
72 Martin Henig (pers. comm.).
73 Excavation by Diana Chard of Oxford Archaeology for Grand Union Housing. K. Smith sent information.
74 Excavation by Ben Attfield; report by Cynthia Poole of Oxford Archaeology for RPS Group. K. Smith sent information.
75 Work by T. Revell and S. Carlyle of Pre-Construct Archaeology for RPS on behalf of Matthew Homes Ltd. K. Anderson sent information.
76 Work undertaken by the Cambridge Archaeology Field group. Colin Coates sent information.
77 Betts, I.M., Black, E.W. and Gower, J., ‘A corpus of relief-patterned tiles in Roman Britain’, Journal of Roman Pottery Studies 7 (1994), 1–167Google Scholar.
78 Marcus Brittain (pers. comm.).
79 The evaluation was a partnership project involving the Nene Valley Archaeological Trust (NVAT), Cardiff University (CU) and Albion Archaeology (AA), as well as The British Museum and Barbican Research Associates. The fieldwork was directed by Stephen Upex (NVAT), Peter Guest (CU) and Mike Luke (AA). Mike Luke sent information.
80 P. Guest, M. Luke and S. Upex, Archaeological Evaluation of the Roman ‘Small Town’ of Durobrivae (Water Newton): Assessment Report, unpublished report, OASIS ID: barbican1-376750 (2019).
81 Adele Lord of Oxford Archaeology East for The Design Partnership; Oxford Archaeology East Reports 2319 and 2360. Complied by Katherine Hamilton and Tom Phillips.
82 David Browne of Oxford Archaeology East for Grafton Ventures Ltd; Oxford Archaeology East Report 2350. Complied by Katherine Hamilton and Tom Phillips.
83 Work by A. Pullen of Pre-Construct Archaeology for RPS and ENGIE Services Ltd. K. Anderson sent information.
84 Work undertaken by Albion Archaeology. M. Luke sent information.
85 Bedfordshire County Archaeology Service, Land to the North of Home Farm, Lathbury, Bucks: Archaeological Field Evaluation (2000).
86 Lodwick, L., ‘Arable farming, plant foods and resources’, in Allen, M., Lodwick, L., Brindle, T., Fulford, M. and Smith, A., The Rural Economy of Roman Britain, Britannia Monograph 30 (2017), 11–84Google Scholar.
87 Led by Jen Browning of University of Leicester Archaeological Services, Y.A25.2019. Compiled and submitted by Gavin Speed on behalf of University of Leicester Archaeological Services.
88 Work by M. Luke, E. Rizzo and V. Guy of Albion Archaeology. M. Luke sent information.
89 Luke, M. and Barker, B., ‘A small early–middle Iron Age enclosure at land off Seagrave Road, Sileby, Leicestershire’, The Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society Transactions 88 (2014), 33–4Google Scholar, fig. 10.
90 Led by Adam Clapton of University of Leicester Archaeological Services, X.A126.2018. Compiled and submitted by Gavin Speed on behalf of University of Leicester Archaeological Services.
91 Excavation by Mark Dodd, report by Andrew Simmonds and Steven Teague of Oxford Archaeology for Bloor Homes and Martin Grant Homes. K. Smith sent information.
92 Compiled by Tom Rose-Jones with contributions from John Moore and Jane Timby for John Moore Heritage Services. OASIS ID: johnmoor1-317342.
93 Thomas, N., ‘Excavations at Callow Hill, Glympton and Stonesfield’, Oxoniensia 22 (1957), 11–54Google Scholar; Fine, D., ‘An excavation of the north Oxfordshire Grim's Ditch at North Leigh’, Oxoniensia 41 (1976), 12–16Google Scholar; Copeland, T., ‘The north Oxfordshire Grim's Ditch: a fieldwork survey’, Oxoniensia 53 (1988), 277–92Google Scholar.
94 S. Leech, An Archaeological Evaluation at Land North of Witney Road, Long Hanborough, Oxfordshire, unpublished John Moore Heritage Services Report, OASIS ID: johnmoor1-310740 (2018).
95 Post-excavation work is nearing completion and publication is expected in 2020. Compiled by David Sánchez of Thames Valley Archaeological Services. Steve Ford sent information.
96 W.T. Watkin, Roman Cheshire (1886, reprinted 1974), 73.
97 Compiled and submitted by David Ratledge.
98 C.J. Evans and D. Hurst, Mancetter Hartshill Roman Pottery Kilns Excavation Archive (1960–84), Worcestershire Archaeology Report 2653 (2019). Submitted by Jane Brewer.
99 Work undertaken by R. Bradley, J. Brewer, L. Griffin and E. Pearson (Worcestershire Archaeology), M. Holmes (Archaeozoology), S. Richer (Richer Environmental) and G. Western (Ossafreelance). Jane Brewer sent information.