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Paul W. Schroeder, Austria, Great Britain, and the Crimean War: The Destruction of the European Concert. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. xxiii, 544. $19.50.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 February 2009

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- Book Reviews
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- Copyright © Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota 1975
1 Schroeder, Paul W., “Bruck versus Buol. The Dispute over Austrian Eastern Policy,” The Journal of Modern History, Vol. XL (1968), pp. 193–217CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Schroeder, Paul W., “A Turning Point in Austrian Policy in the Crimean War. The Conference of March, 1854,” Austrian History Yearbook, Vol. 1V–V (1968–1969), pp. 159–202CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Schroeder, Paul W., “Austria and the Danubian Principalities, 1853–56,” Central European History, Vol. II (1969), pp. 216–236.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
2 Among other works, see especially Baumgart, Winfried, “Probleme der Krimkriegforschung. Eine Studie über die Literatur des letzten Jahrzehnts (1961–1970),” Jahrbiicherfiir die Geschichte Osleuropas, new ser., Vol. XIX (1971), pp. 49–109, 243–264, and 371–400Google Scholar; and Baumgart, Winfried, “Der Krimkrieg in der angelsachsischen und russischen militargeschictlichen Literatur der sechziger Jahre,” Militärgeschichtliche Mitieilungen, Vol. II (1970), pp. 181–194CrossRefGoogle Scholar. For older works, see Gooch, Brison D., “A Century of Historiography on the Origins of the Crimean War,” The American Historical Review, Vol. LXII (1956–1957), pp. 33–58.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
3 For a recent revision of previous evaluations of Austrian policies, see especially Baumgart, , “Probleme der Krimkriegforschung,” pp. 243–248.Google Scholar
4 Unckel, Bernhard, Österreich und der Krimkrieg. Studien zur Polilik der Donaumonarchie in den Jahren 1852–56. In Historische Studien, No. 410 (Lübeck: Matthiesen Verlag, 1969), pp. 125–130 and 146–149.Google Scholar
5 Baumgart, Winfried, Der Friede von Paris. Stuclien zum Verhältnis von Kriegsführung, Polilik und Friedensbewahrung (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1972), p. 258.Google Scholar
6 von Rochau, Ludwig August, Grundzüge der Realpolitik. Angewendet auf die staatlichen Zusiände Deulschiands, edited and with an Introduction by Wehler, Hans-Ulrich (Frankfurt, 1972).Google Scholar