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Greek Archaeology in Western Asia Minor
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 October 2012

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- Brief Report
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- Copyright © Authors, the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and the British School at Athens 1967
1 Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte xiv (1964) 77 f.Google Scholar
2 Preliminary report: AJA lxv (1961) 267–76Google Scholar; Archaeology xiv (1961) 78–87.Google Scholar
3 Preliminary report: AA 1962, 537–565;Google Scholar cf. Antiquity xxxvi (1962) 252–261.Google Scholar
4 Cf. Expedition vii.2 (1965) 19–30;Google ScholarArchaeology xviii (1965) 7–14.Google Scholar
5 Troy and the Trojans (1963).Google Scholar
6 Der Athenatempel von Ilion (1962).Google Scholar
7 Jahrb. für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte ix (1959–1960) 91–164.Google Scholar
8 For an account with illustrations see Anatolia v 9 ff.Google Scholar
9 AS xiv (1964) 37.Google Scholar
10 L. Budde and R. V. Nicholls, Catalogue of Greek and Roman Sculpture nos. 91 and 94.
11 Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi xi–2 (1962) 19 f.Google Scholar
12 Akurgal, E., Die Kunst Anatoliens, 231–3, figs. 195–7Google Scholar; Yenim, Muhsin, Ankara Üniv. Dil, Tarih Fakültesi Dergisi xvii (1959) 135 ff.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
13 Mellink, in AJA lxvii (1963) 189 (from information supplied by Nezih Firath).Google Scholar
14 Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi ix–2 (1959) 55 ff.Google Scholar
15 AA 1962, 40 ff.Google Scholar
16 Antike Hafenanlagen, 50 ff.
17 AA 1962, 777 ff.Google Scholar
18 Ist. Mitt, xi (1961) 1Google Scholar ff; Berl. Winckelmannsprogramm no. 116–7.Google Scholar
19 Jahrbuch Berl. Museen v (1963) 1 ff.Google Scholar
20 McShane, R. B., Foreign Policy of the Attalids of Pergamum (1964).Google Scholar
21 Abh. Mainz 1960 no. 6, 499 ff.Google Scholar
22 Ath. Mitt, lxxvi (1961) 155–196.Google Scholar
23 Ath. Mitt, lxxvi (1961) 197–208.
24 AS xi (1961) 99 ff.Google Scholar
25 Cf. the progress reports: 1961 campaign AJA lxvi (1962) 153–168Google Scholar; 1962 campaign Expedition v.3 (1963) 42–48Google Scholar; 1963 campaign AJA lxviii (1964) 279–292.Google Scholar
26 Illustrated in AJA lxvi (1962) pl. 43, fig. 15Google Scholar; Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. cvii.4 (1963) 355, fig. 9.Google Scholar
27 Expedition ii.2 (1960) 2–9.Google Scholar
28 Expedition vi.2 (1964) 28–32.Google Scholar
29 Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club xlvi (1962) 5–16.Google Scholar
30 AS xi (1961) 185–195.Google Scholar
31 Anatolia vi (1961) 179–189.Google Scholar
32 Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. cvii.4 (1963) 348–364.Google Scholar
33 AS xiv (1964) 29–33.Google Scholar
34 TAPA xcii (1961) 495 ff.Google Scholar
35 Cf. Desborough, , The Last Mycenaeans (1964) 158 ff., with references to all but the most recent finds.Google Scholar
36 Doro Levi has illustrated some ‘sub-Mycenaean’ sherds (Ann. xxxix–xl(1961–1962) 537, fig. 50) but Desborough (op.cit. 279) feels that none of these seem necessarily to be earlier than Protogeometric.Google Scholar
37 AJA lxiii (1959) 295.Google Scholar
38 Ist. Mitt. xi (1961) 5 ff., xii (1962) 59 ff.Google Scholar
39 Ath. Mitt. lxxi (1956) 202 ff.Google Scholar
40 AJA lxvii (1963) 257 ff.Google Scholar
41 Hellenica xi–xii 214 ff.Google Scholar
42 BSA lix (1964) 39 ff.Google Scholar
43 Budde-Nicholls no. 64.
44 Anatolia v (1960) 1 ff.Google Scholar
45 SB Berlin 1960, 1.Google Scholar
46 Bas-relief de Téos (1962).Google Scholar
47 Hellenica xi–xii 204 ff.Google Scholar
48 Revue suisse de Numismatique xlii (1962–1963) 5 ff.Google Scholar
49 See Anzeiger Akad. Wien 1963, 49 fig. 2.Google Scholar
50 ÖJh xliv Beibl. 265, 343 ff.
51 Anzeiger Akad. Wien 1962, 50 ff.Google Scholar
52 AS xii (1962) 119 ff.Google Scholar
53 Die stadt des siebenten Weltwunders (1962).Google Scholar
54 Gnomon 1960, 724 f.Google Scholar
55 ÖJh xlvi (1961–1963) 105 ff.Google Scholar
56 SB Frankfurt i (1962) 80 ff.Google Scholar
57 AJA lxvi (1962) 1–4, pls. 1–4.Google Scholar
58 AA 1962, 337 and fig. 83.Google Scholar
59 Cf. Müller-Wiener, W., Ist. Mitt. xi (1961) 24 ff., 122.Google Scholar
60 Of interest also, though completed before the new discoveries were made, is G. Gruben's close study of the archaic temple in JdI lxxviii (1963) 78Google Scholar ff. Mention may also be made of an article, Ist. Mitt. xi (1961) 123 ff., in which F. Krauss explores the mathematics governing the column height of the naiskos of the Hellenistic temple.Google Scholar
61 Antike Plastik ii 23 ff.Google Scholar
62 Ist. Mitt. xii (1962) 18 ff.Google Scholar
63 Hellenica xi–xii 490 ff.Google Scholar
64 Hellenica xi–xii 440 ff.; Gnomon 1959, 657Google Scholar ff.; cf. RÉG lxxiv (1961) 223 ff.Google Scholar
65 C. Blümel, Die archaisch-griechische Skulpturen der staatlichen Museen zu Berlin.
66 Ann. xxxix–xl (1961–1962) 573 ff.Google Scholar; cf. L. Robert's critique in RÉA lxv (1963) 298 ff.Google Scholar, and RÉG lxxvii (1964) 221 ff.Google Scholar
67 AJA lxvii (1963) 353–7.Google Scholar
68 The material is published in Archaeology xvii 4 (1964) 244–9.Google Scholar
69 Now published by Bass, G. F., AJA lxvii (1963) 357–61.Google Scholar
70 Belleten 1964, 361–371.Google Scholar
71 ILN Aug. 22, 1964, 261.Google Scholar
72 Pres. ht. 35cm., pres. width 28 cm., thickness 16 cm.; letter ht. 15 mm.
73 Ist. Mitt. xiii–xiv (1963–1964) 73 ff.Google Scholar
74 I.1 Jeppesen, K.The Propylaea (1955)Google Scholar; I.2 Westholm, A.The Architecture of the Hieron (1963)Google Scholar; II. 1 Hellstöm, P.The pottery of Classical and later date, Terracotta Lamps and Glass (1965)Google Scholar; (for a preliminary survey of the inscriptions vide Crampa, J.Opuscula Atheniensia iii (1960) 99–104).Google Scholar
75 P. Devambez, Sanctuaire de Sinuri ii.
76 For Erine, see JHS lxxxi (1961) 62 ff.Google Scholar
77 AS xiv (1964) 33–35.Google Scholar
78 Now published by Giuliano, A. in Ann. xxxvii–xxxviii (1959–1960) 389–401.Google Scholar
79 Palladia, Rivista di Storia dell' Architectura n.s. x (1960) 1–20.
80 First report in AJA lxviii (1964) 269–78Google Scholar. The incised drawings are discussed in more detail in Kadmos iii.I (1964) 1–7.Google Scholar
81 AS xiv (1964) 10Google Scholar; AS xiii (1963) 117–151.Google Scholar
82 Anzeiger Akad. Wien 1962, 4–9.Google Scholar
83 BSA li (1956) no. 59.Google Scholar
84 AS x (1960) 75 n. 68.Google Scholar
85 Demargne reports an important addition to the reconstruction of the Inscribed Pillar in accordance with a suggestion of Marcadé, J. (RÉA lxii (1960) 41 ff.).Google Scholar
86 RÉA lxiv (1962) 35 ff.Google Scholar
87 Spratt, and Forbes, , Travels in Lycia, I, 16Google Scholar ff. and Demargne, , Fouilles de Xanthos, I, 18.Google Scholar
88 Fellows, , Travels and Researches, 436Google Scholar; Spratt, and Forbes, , op.cit. 298 f.Google Scholar; Benndorf, and Niemann, , Reisen, I, 118 f.Google Scholar
89 TAM ii, 2181 f.Google Scholar
90 JHS lxviii (1948) 45, fig. 10.Google Scholar
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