Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Johnston, Jason Scott
Tradable Pollution Permits and the Regulatory Game.
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Stephan, Andreas
Did Lloyds/HBOS Mark the Failure of an Enduring Economics Based System of Merger Regulation?.
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Choice of Law and Foreign Currency Debts: A Comparative Study.
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Levitt, Rachelle
Evidence Matters Spring/Summer 2014.
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Elbalti, Béligh
Foreign Judgments Recognition and Enforcement in Civil and Commercial Matters in Japan.
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Micheler, Eva
Intermediated Securities from the Perspective of Investors - Quick Fixes and Long-term Solutions.
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Maman, Yaakov
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Alinikula, Jukka
Seth, Rashu B.
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Omer, Arina D.
Rao, Suhas S. P.
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Casellas, Rafael
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Topologically Associated Domains Delineate Susceptibility to Somatic Hypermutation.
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