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Bolivia Rejoins Narcotics Convention with Reservation Protecting Coca Leaf over U.S. and Others’ Objections
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017

- Type
- Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law
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- Copyright
- Copyright © American Society of International Law 2013
1 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, Mar. 30, 1961, 18 UST 1407, TIAS No. 6298, 520 UNTS 204, as amended Mar. 25, 1972, 26 UST 1439, TIAS No. 8118, 976 UNTS 3, available at [hereinafter Single Convention].
2 Bolivia Achieves Coca-Chewing Victory at United Nations, BBC NEWS, Jan. 11, 2013, at
3 William Neuman, Bolivia: Morales Wins Victory as U.N. Agrees to Define Some Coca Use as Legal, N.Y. Times, Jan. 12, 2013, at A7; Jamie Doward, Bolivians Demand the Right to Chew Coca Leaves, GUARDIAN (London), Jan. 12, 2013, at
4 Juan Forero, Bolivia’s Cerro Rico: The Mountain That Eats Men, NPR, Sept. 25, 2012, at
5 Patrick J. McDonnell, Bolivia Orders U.S. Envoy’s Expulsion, L.A. Times, Sept. 11, 2008, at; Chris Kraul, DEA Presence Ends in Bolivia, L.A. Times, Jan. 30, 2009, at
6 Depositary Notification, UN Doc. C.N.194.2009.TREATIES-2 (Apr. 6, 2009), at
7 Under Article 50(3) of the Single Convention, supra note 1, a reservation is deemed to be permitted unless it is objected to by one-third of the parties within twelve months.
8 Depositary Notification, UN Doc. C.N.829.2011.TREATIES-28 (June 29, 2011), at
9 Bolivia Achieves, supra note 2.
10 Depositary Notification, UN Doc. C.N.361.2012.TREATIES-VI.18 (July 10, 2012), at
11 Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
12 UN Treaty Collection Databases, Single Convention, supra note 1 (updated listing of participants and state treaty status), at