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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2011
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The admission of a state to membership is an important decision for an international organisation. In making this determination, organisations are increasingly promoting the observance of human rights and democratic governance as relevant principles. They have also applied the same criteria in resolving the question of whether existing members should be excluded from an organisation's processes. Through a systematic examination of the records, proceedings and practice of international organisations, in this book Alison Duxbury examines the role and legitimacy of human rights and democracy as membership criteria. A diverse range of examples is discussed, including the membership policies and practice of the League of Nations and the United Nations; the admission of the Central and Eastern European states to the European Union; developments in regional organisations in Africa, Asia and the Americas; and the exclusion of members from the UN specialised agencies.


'… Duxbury’s book represents a valuable contribution not only to the field of the history of international organisations but noticeably also to the literature on the law of international organisations. A clear structure and language, a solid methodology and a straightforward argumentation make the book an informative and stimulating read for a broad audience in the field of international law.'

Sylvia Maus Source: Netherlands International Law Review

'… this study is a fine piece of work in which Duxbury has demonstrated her academic crafts(wo)manship. … it is also a pleasure to read it, and I have enjoyed it from the very beginning to the very end.'

Niels Blokker Source: International Organizations Law Review

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