- Cited by 15
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Wurth, Kiene Brillenburg Espi, Sara Rosa and van de Ven, Inge 2013. Visual Text and Media Divergence. European Journal of English Studies, Vol. 17, Issue. 1, p. 92.
Cook, Daniel 2015. The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction. p. 20.
Rumbold, Kate 2016. Shakespeare Survey. p. 92.
Barr, Rebecca Anne 2018. Men, Women, and Not Quite Non-Persons: Derivatization in Roxana. XVII-XVIII, Vol. 75, Issue. ,
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 55.
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 20.
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 212.
Havens, Hilary 2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel.
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 124.
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 90.
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 226.
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 180.
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 1.
2019. Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel. p. 154.
Jung, Sandro 2023. Eighteenth-Century Illustration and Literary Material Culture.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- June 2022
- Print publication year:
- 2011
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511975424
- Collection:
- The Works of Samuel Richardson
- Subjects:
- Literature, Literary Texts, English Literature 1700-1830