- Cited by 5
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Mellard, James M. 1999. Reading Saint Flannery: Modernism, Sexuality, and the Culture of Psychoanalysis. Prospects, Vol. 24, Issue. , p. 625.
McEntee, Jason T. 2000. The novel‐to‐film translatability of satire in thethe day of the locustandwise blood. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Vol. 17, Issue. 3, p. 229.
Bernstein, Matthew 2007. Twentieth-Century American Fiction on Screen. p. 144.
2011. The Twentieth‐Century American Fiction Handbook. p. 261.
McGuire, Olivia 2013. “Incarnational Art”: Thing Theory and Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood. Religion and the Arts, Vol. 17, Issue. 5, p. 507.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- January 2010
- Print publication year:
- 1995
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511624469
- Subjects:
- Literature, Area Studies, American Literature, American Studies
- Series:
- The American Novel