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Arising from courses taught by the authors, this largely self-contained treatment is ideal for mathematicians who are interested in applications or for students from applied fields who want to understand the mathematics behind their subject. Early chapters cover Fourier analysis, functional analysis, probability and linear algebra, all of which have been chosen to prepare the reader for the applications to come. The book includes rigorous proofs of core results in compressive sensing and wavelet convergence. Fundamental is the treatment of the linear system y=Φx in both finite and infinite dimensions. There are three possibilities: the system is determined, overdetermined or underdetermined, each with different aspects. The authors assume only basic familiarity with advanced calculus, linear algebra and matrix theory and modest familiarity with signal processing, so the book is accessible to students from the advanced undergraduate level. Many exercises are also included.


'Damelin and Miller provide a very detailed and thorough treatment of all the important mathematics related to signal processing. This includes the required background information found in elementary mathematics courses, so their book is really self-contained. The style of writing is suitable not only for mathematicians, but also for practitioners from other areas. Indeed, Damelin and Miller managed to write their text in a form that is accessible to nonspecialists, without giving up mathematical rigor.'

Kai Diethelm Source: Computing Reviews

‘In the last 20 years or so, many books on wavelets have been published; most of them deal with wavelets from either the engineering or the mathematics perspective, but few try to connect the two viewpoints. The book under review falls under the last category … Overall, the book is a good addition to the literature on engineering mathematics.’

Ahmed I. Zayed Source: Mathematical Reviews

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