- Cited by 9
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
2013. International Law. p. 266.
FOLLESDAL, ANDREAS 2016. Implications of contested multilateralism for global constitutionalism. Global Constitutionalism, Vol. 5, Issue. 3, p. 297.
Möller, Kolja 2017. Perspektiven sozialer Demokratie in der Postdemokratie. p. 179.
Shadikhodjaev, Sherzod 2018. Industrial Policy and the World Trade Organization.
Vanhonnaeker, Lukas 2020. Shareholders' Claims for Reflective Loss in International Investment Law.
Rutherford, Angelica 2020. Energy Security and Green Energy. p. 103.
Willemyns, Ines 2021. Digital Services in International Trade Law.
Gasbarri, Lorenzo 2023. More Equal than Others?. p. 85.
Fischer, Sara E. Vitale, Lucia Agutu, Akinyi Lisa and Kavanagh, Matthew M. 2024. Intellectual Property and the Politics of Public Good during COVID-19: Framing Law, Institutions, and Ideas during TRIPS Waiver Negotiations at the WTO. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Vol. 49, Issue. 1, p. 9.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- December 2011
- Print publication year:
- 2011
- Online ISBN:
- 9781139003346
- Series:
- Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law (7)